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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,考前第十八天,full ,adj,.满的,充满的;完全的,fun ,n,. &,v,.有趣的事;娱乐;玩笑,function ,n,. 功能;社交聚会;典礼;函数funny ,adj,.有趣的,滑稽可笑的,furniture ,n,. (总称)家具,future ,n,.将来,gain ,vt,. 赢得;挣得,game ,n,.游戏;运动;比赛,1,gather ,v,.聚集;采集,general ,adj,.大体的;普遍的,generation ,n,. 代,一代,generous ,adj,. 慷慨的,大方的,gentle ,adj,.温柔的,轻轻的,gift ,n,.赠品;礼物;天赋,才,能,gifted ,adj,.有天赋的;有才华的goal ,n,. (足球)球门;目标,government ,n,.政府,gradual ,adj,. 逐渐的,逐步的,2,gradually ,adv,.逐渐地,graduate ,v,.毕业,graduation ,n,. 毕业,毕业典礼,great ,adj,. &,adv,. 伟大的;重要的;好极,了,greedy ,adj,.贪吃的;贪婪的;渴望,的,greet ,vt,.问候;向致敬,grow ,v,.生长,发育;种植;变,成,growth ,n,.生长,增长,3,guarantee ,v,. &,n,. 保证,担保;保证书;,抵押品,guess ,v,. &,n,.猜测,推测,guide ,n,. &,v,.向导,导游,guidance ,n,.引导,指导,guilty ,adj,.有罪的,犯法的,做错,事的(of),habit ,n,.习惯,习性,hand ,n,. &,v,.手;指针;递;给;交,付;交上,handful ,n,. (一)把;少数,少量,4,happen ,vi,. (偶然)发生,happily ,adv,.幸福地,快乐地,happiness ,n,. 幸福,愉快,happy ,adj,.幸福的;快乐的,高兴,的,hard ,adv,. &,adj,. 努力地;猛烈地;硬,的;困难的,hardly ,adv,.几乎不,in general总的来说,have a gift for对有天赋,5,be hard on sb. 对某人很严厉,in response to回应,回答,in reference to关于,queue up排队,broadcast live on TV进行电视直播,be divided into sections被分成几部分,be made up of由组成,occur at one time曾经发生,6,the other day前几天,behave in the same way行为举止一样,be totally burnt out完全筋疲力尽了,with reference to关于某人(某物),decades of数十年的,urge sb.to do sth. 迫切请求某人做某事,7,搭配活跃的介词、副词,1. at,【高频搭配】 (1)与名词搭配:at heart内心里;,本质上 at will随意;任意 at sight一见,at present目前 at a distance隔一段距离,at a loss不知所措 not at all一点也不,at any cost不惜一切代价 at sea不知所措,8,(2)与动词搭配:come at向袭击 run at冲,向, 向攻击 stare at凝视 glance at匆匆,一瞥 knock at敲门、窗等 smile at冲笑,aim at向瞄准 shout at冲大嚷 look,at看,注视 glare at怒视 laugh at嘲笑,point at指着 shoot at向射击 call at拜访,某地,2. beyond,【高频搭配】beyond repair无法修理 beyond,belief不可相信 beyond understanding无法,理解 beyond control无法控制 beyond,9,doubt毫无疑问 beyond imagination难以想像,beyond description难以描述 beyond,words (description)难以形容 beyond sb.使人,无法想像 (无法理解),3. down,【高频搭配】 burn down烧毁 cut down削,减;砍倒 pass down传下来 calm down平静,下来 settle down安家 tear down拆毁,拆除,slow down慢下来 lie down躺下 die down,平息;消失,10,4. for,【高频搭配】 (1)与动词搭配:run for竞选 ask,for要求得到 long for渴望 care for关心;喜欢,search for查找 apply for申请 stand for代表,hunt for寻找 charge for收费,要价 answer,for对负责 fight for为而战 blame for,责备 prepare for为做准备 reach for伸手,去拿 pay for花钱买,11,(2)与形容词搭配:be anxious for急于做,be eager for渴望 be bad for有害于,be good for有利于 be famous for以出名,be fit for适合于 be grateful for对心存感激,be late for迟到 be ready for做好准备,be sorry for为而后悔 be responsible,for对负责 be suitable for适合于,be useful for对有用 be convenient,for便于,(3)与名词搭配:for fear以免 for fun为了好玩,for pleasure为了消遣 for sale供出售 for life,终身,12,5. in,【高频搭配 】 (1)与名词搭配:in spite of尽管 in,nature本质上 in return作为回报 in turn轮,流;转而;反过来 in fact事实上 in search of,寻找 in other words换句话说 in memory of为,了纪念 in exchange for交换 in terms of就,而论 in place of代替 in short简而言之 in,doubt怀疑 in favour of支持 in honour of为了,纪念;为了表示敬意 in face of面临 in need of,需要 in store (for sb.)即将发生(在某人身上);,等待着(某人) in advance提前 in brief简明扼要,in charge主管 in general一般说来 in love恋爱,in vain白白地,13,(2)与动词搭配:result in导致 join in参加 fill in,填写 cut in插入 drop in拜访 succeed in,在方面获得成功 involve in涉及 be,active in活跃于 be absorbed in专心致志 be,concerned in牵涉;使担心 be experienced in,在有经验,6. on,【高频搭配】(1)与动词的搭配:live on以为,生 look on旁观 depend on依靠 wait on侍,候 insist on坚持 impress on留下印象 move,on继续移动,往前走 rely on依靠 try on试穿,carry on执行 count on依赖 congratulation,on恭贺 fix on固定 have mercy on对怜悯,be keen on渴望,14,(2)与名词的搭配:on duty值班 on foot步行 on,fire燃烧 on show展览 on strike罢工 on purpose,故意 on watch监视,观察 on the contrary相反,on earth到底,究竟 on sale出售 on business因,公;因事 on board乘(车,飞机) on shore在岸,上 on guard在岗 on the move在行动,在发展,7. out,【高频搭配 】 (1)与名词搭配:out of sight看不见,out of reach够不着 out of order出故障 out,of place不适当,15,(2)与动词搭配:point out指出 pick out选出,burst out迸发 figure out算出;弄明白 cross,out划掉 find out查出,查明 try out试用,试,验 let out泄露;发出声音 leave out省略;删,掉 work out算出;解决,8. off,【高频搭配】cut off切断 tear off撕开 see off,送行 shut off关掉,关上 show off炫耀,knock off把撞落 pay off还清,16,ring off挂断电话 fall off跌落,掉下,9. up,【高频搭配】grow up成长,长大 build up建立,do up整理;包装;打扮 stay up挺住;熬夜,sit up熬夜 use up用完 cut up切碎 end up,总结 speed up加快速度 clear up整理,收拾;,放晴 burn up烧毁 hurry up赶快 pick up拾,起;学会;用车来接;收听到,17,如果你爱他,你很快就会知道他的一切;如果你恨他,他的生活将不得安宁网络人肉搜索就是这样一个让人爱恨交织的东西,有正义的揭露,有极端的骚扰,有理智的分析、调查、追认,也有一拥而上的愤怒、宣泄、甚至辱骂。请就此现象写一篇英语短文发表你的看法。词数不少于120。,18,We are becoming familiar with human flesh search engine which is used to gather a persons personal information in a short time.It is more and more widely used by a growing number of netizens to disclose some ugly phenomena,while some use it to disturb others private life,which results in a kind of Internet violence to some degree.,19,There is no denying that human flesh search engine is just a tool,whether it is used to fight for justice or become violent just depends on ourselves.Therefore,it is not the fault of human flesh search engine but the users who use it to do something illegal.,What is the most important is that we humans should use it positively and dont turn it into a tool of violence.,20,.语法填空,The people of China are proud of Zhai,Zhigang,man who has realized the dream of all the Chinese of flying in,space.,A.the;/B.a;theC.the;aD.a;/,答案,D,解析,考查冠词的用法。,man,是同位语结构,用不定冠词,a;,第二空是固定用法,在,space,society,nature,等词前面不用冠词。句意为:中国人都以翟志刚为荣,他实现了所有中国人遨游太空的梦想。所以这里选,D,项。,21,2. John thought he was,when the manager,asked him for the advice on the new product. A.somethingB.anything,C.somebodyD.anybody,解析,考查代词的用法。句意为:当经理问John,有关新产品的意见的时候,John觉得自己是一个,重要人物了。这里的somebody表示“大人物,重,要人物”的含义。,C,22,3.My consideration is,the financial crisis,(危机) in the USA will heavily influence China.A.whichB.if,C.whatD.why,解析,考查名词性从句。句意为:我考虑的是,,为什么美国的金融危机将会这么严重地影响中国。,why这里引导表语从句,表“原因”,所以这里选,D项。,D,23,4. Can you see what is written on that board?,Yes.It,“CAUTION:WET FLOOR”.,A.readsB.is read,C.writesD.is written,解析,句意为:你能看清那块板上写着什么,吗?嗯,上面写着“小心:地板潮湿”。这里,的read表示“写到,写着”,所以选A项。,A,24,5. What a wonder!Theyve finished,half of,the project in such a short time.,A.no more thanB.no less than,C.not more thanD.much less than,解析,考查词组辨析。句意为:真神奇!这么短,的时间内他们已经完成了不少于一半的项目了。,no more than仅仅;no less than不少于,多,达;not more than不多于,最多;much less,than远少于。根据语意,所以这里选B项。,B,25,6.Sorry for what I have said to you.,.,A.Lets forget itB.No,of course not,C.No,nothing muchD.I do beg your pardon,解析,考查情景对话。句意为:很抱歉对你,说了那些话。别去想它了。这里的Lets,forget it表示“别去想它了,忘记吧”的含义,所,以选A项。,A,26,7. How do you think I should receive the,visitor?,you feel about him,try to be polite.,A.No matterB.How,C.WhateverD.However,解析,句意为:你觉得我该如何招待来访,者?不管你对他感觉怎么样,都要礼貌。这,里however引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter,how,所以选D项。,D,27,8. It will,no difference whether our pay will,be raised,5% this year.,A.take;byB.make;to,C.make;byD.give;to,答案,C,解析,句意为:我们今年的收入是否将提高5%,,这差别不大。这里的make no difference是固定,词组,表示“没什么区别,差别不大”,而第二空,则表示“纯增长量”,用介词by,介词to表示“增长,到”。所以这里选C项。,28,9.Can we meet tomorrow morning?,Not in the morning,Im afraid.I,.,A.will be workingB.will work,C.am about to workD.am going to work,解析,考查时态语态。句意为:我们明天早,上见好吗?早上恐怕不行,那时候我正在工,作呢。这里的时间是“明天早上”,所以用将来进,行时态。,A,29,10.Was that problem as easy as you thought? ,.We didnt solve it on time.,A.No problemB.Indeed,C.Not nearlyD.Exactly,解析,考查情景对话。句意为:那个问题有,你想得那么简单吗?完全不是,我们没有按,时解决它。Not nearly表示“完全不,远不及”,,所以这里选C项。,C,30,11. Could it be in the restaurant,you had,dinner with me yesterday,you lost your,handbag?,A.that;whichB.which;that,C.where;thatD.that;where,答案,C,解析,考查强调句型和定语从句。句意为:你是,不是有可能把你的手提包丢在昨天和我吃饭的饭,馆里呢?这里第二空是强调in the restaurant,,而第一空则是由where引导的定语从句,来修饰先行,词restaurant,所以这里选C项。,31,12. Anyone who wants to go rafting this,weekend,raise your hands please,? A.doesnt heB.will you,C.do youD.dont they,解析,考查反意疑问句。句意为:本周末想要去,划艇的人,请举手,好不好?这里考查反意疑问,句,祈使句的反意疑问句用will you,所以这里,选B项。,B,32,13. I really,thank you enough.Its been an,amazing day.,A.needntB.should,C.mustD.cannot,解析,考查情态动词。句意为:我非常感谢你,,这真是令人吃惊的一天。根据语意,这里用,cannot。,D,33,around the Water Cube and the,Birds Nest,the tourists from Taiwan and I,wished there,a joint team for the,London Olympics.,A.Having shown;to be,B.To be shown;is,C.To show;were,D.Having been shown;to be,答案,D,解析,考查非谓语动词。从句意可以看出,句子,的逻辑主语是,the tourists from Taiwan and I,,与,show,之间构成被动关系,同时动作发生在谓语动词,wish,之前,所以第一空用,Having been shown,而第二空是,there be,的变体结构形式。,34,15. A conductor was invited to keep us,in,the singing at the School Art Festival.,A.in commonB.in advance,C.in timeD.in return,解析,考查词组辨析。in common有共同之处;,in advance提前,预先;in time及时,守时;,in return作为回报。,C,35,.完形填空一,Two years ago,I donated my kidney (肾) to my brother.I considered it a complete life-changing experience,not only for the two of us,1,for the entire family.We ended up,2,from surgery (外科手术) at a friends home in Baton Rouge,LA.His kindness to us was unforgettable.,We had received so many,3,.We had gotten food donation from so many people who gave us something beyond physical comfort.,36,Now my brother is,4,on his feet.Last April he,5,to give back to the community by raising money for the Medical Association through cycling 180 miles from Houston to Austin.I felt greatly moved,tears in eyes,6,that my kidney gave him a second chance in life and that he is now living beyond what he imagined life to be.Recently,our mother suffered from breast cancer.,7,she was the one who took care of me and my brother,we wanted to do something in her honor. My brother,my sister and I are,going to run next year for the Cancer Society,8,my brother and I will be joining in the half,37,marathon in honor of our mother and this will be our good,9,to be kidney donation advocates as well.,We found out during the surgery that several thousands of people die from kidney diseases every year.Patients would be on the,10,list for kidney donation and end up in death because of the lack of kidney donors.If my brother and I can,11,others to do the same thing I did,maybe more lives will be saved.,12,only I,had more kidneys,I would do it again for other people.,38,1.A.andB.but,C.soD.or,答案,B,解析,这里考查not only.but (also).结构。,不仅仅是为了我们,而且是为了我们整个家庭。,2. A.rebuildingB.reusing,C.recoveringD.reserving,答案,C,解析,我们住在一个朋友家里,身体恢复了(recover)。其他选项都不符合语意。,39,3. A.friendsB.people,C.patientsD.doctors,答案,B,解析,从上下文可知,我们接待了很多人,(people),这其中有认识的和不认识的,所以不,能选friends,也不一定是patients和doctors,,而是指不同的人,所以用people。,4. A.pastB.down,C.backD.up,答案,C,解析,从上下文可知,此处表示“我兄弟身体已经,恢复”。,40,5. A.decidedB.urged,C.demandedD.insisted,答案,A,解析,从下文可知,“我”兄弟决定(decide)通过,骑车180英里(从休斯敦到奥斯汀)来为医学联合会,筹款(money),从而回报社会。,41,6.A.knowing B.expecting,C.hoping D.reporting,答案,A,解析,“我”被兄弟的这种行为深深感动,饱含泪,水,“我”知道(know) “我”的肾给了他第二次生,命,他现在过着的生活(life)远远超出他的想像。,expect期待;hope希望;report报道,都不符合,语意。,42,7. A.IfB.Though,C.BecauseD.Before,答案,C,解析,从上下文可知,此处表示原因,所以用,because。因为“我”的母亲是照顾“我”和“我”兄弟,的唯一亲人,所以我们想做些事情以表示对她的,敬意(in ones honor)。,8. A.asB.when,C.whileD.however,答案,C,解析,while在这里表示对比和参照关系,可解释,为“与此同时”。,43,9. A.signalB.pleasure,C.decisionD.chance,答案,D,解析,“我”和“我”兄弟要参加半程马拉松比赛,,这也是一次宣传捐肾活动的好机会(chance)。,10. A.workingB.waiting,C.sendingD.growing,答案,B,解析,从上下文可知,很多病人都排队等着(wait),有人来捐献肾脏,但是由于捐献者的缺乏,(lack),很多人不得不面对死亡。,44,11. A.encourageB.support,C.orderD.affect,答案,A,解析,如果“我”和“我”兄弟能够鼓励(encourage),别人像“我”一样(捐献肾脏的话),也许会有更多,的人获救。,12. A.ButB.NotC.JustD.If,答案,D,解析,if only表示“要是就好了”,语意表,示“要是我有更多的肾脏,我将会再一次捐献给,别人”。,45,.完形填空二,When you are in England you must be very careful in the streets 1.,the traffic drives on the left.Before you cross a street you must look to the right first 2.,then the left.In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from 3.,the streets are very busy.Traffic is most dangerous then. When you go by bus in England,you have to be,because,and,work,46,careful, 4.,.Always remember the traffic,moves on the left.So you must be careful.Have a look first,or you will go 5.,wrong way. In many English cities,there are big buses 6.,two floors.You can sit on the 7.,floor,8.,you can see the city very well.Its very interesting.,the,with,second,where,too,返回,47,


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