The RoaringTwenties咆哮的20世纪

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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,The Roaring Twenties,No.25 唐冰华,What,are,“,T,he Roaring,T,wenties,”?,Riotous,(放荡的),living? Flappers,(轻佻女子),? Jazz?,The 1920s were,an age of dramatic social and political change.,For the first time, more Americans lived in cities than on farms. The nations total wealth more than doubled between 1920 and 1929, and this economic growth swept many Americans into an affluent but unfamiliar “,consumer society,.”,People from coast to coast bought the same goods (thanks to nationwide advertising and the spread of chain stores), listened to the same music, did the same dances and even used the same slang! Many Americans were uncomfortable with this new, urban, sometimes racy “,mass culture,”; in fact, for manyeven mostpeople in the United States, the 1920s brought more conflict than celebration. However, for a small handful of young people in the nations big cities, the 1920s were roaring indeed.,The Roaring Twenties,The Roaring Twenties emphasizes the periods,social,artistic, and,cultural,dynamism in America.,Jazz music,blossomed, the,flapper,redefined modern womanhood,Art Deco,(装饰艺术),peaked, and finally the,Wall Street Crash,of 1929,ended the era, as the,Great Depression,set in worldwide.,The Roaring Twenties,咆哮的20年代,咆哮的二十年代始于北美,又受一战结束影响传至欧洲。后者自1919年一战结束以来饱受经济衰退困扰,因此一直致力于战后重建并恢复因战争而造成的劳动力消减。与二战后不同,美国没有试图支援欧洲的战后复兴,反而是进一步倾向于,孤立主义政策,。在加拿大,美国取代英国成为主要经济伙伴导致了该国历史上一次极为重要的经济转型。总体上,自20年代中期开始,北美经济规模开始凌驾于欧洲之上,而几乎与此同时,咆哮的二十年代也开始在英法德等几个主要欧洲国家显现。20年代后半的欧洲经济高速发展,被称作“黄金20年代”,在法国和加拿大亦称做“疯狂年月”,咆哮的二十年代的精髓可以被描述为现代主义与反传统精神的某种不协调结合。此间,现代科学似乎能够化一切为可能,经济与技术的发展潜力似乎无限巨大,所有人都感到一个全新的截然不同的时代即将到来。诸如火车,小汽车,电话以及无线电等面向受众的通信手段使得现代主义思潮在民众间扩散,实用主义原则使得一切不必要的冗馀装饰统统被去除,无论是建筑领域还是在日常生活中。,The 1920s era went by such names as the,Jazz Age,the Age of Intolerance,and,the Roaring Twenties,.,The popular images of the 1920s are unforgettable memory for the Americans, such as a decade of prosperity and riotous living, bootleggers,(走私贩),and gangsters,(黑帮), flappers and hot jazz.,The 1920s was also a decade of deep cultural conflict.,The decade witnessed a titanic struggle between an old and a new America.,Immigration,race,alcohol,gender politics, and,sexual morality,- all became major cultural battlefields during the 1920s.,The Roaring Twenties,Social Changes in 1920s,The 1920s were a decade of profound social changes. The most obvious signs of change were the rise of a consumer-oriented economy and of mass entertainment, which helped to bring about a “,revolution in morals and manners,.”,Sexual mores,(风俗,道德观念), gender roles, hairstyles, and dress all changed profoundly during the 1920s.,Many Americans regarded these changes as liberation from the countrys past. But for others, morals seemed to be decaying, and the United States seemed to be changing in undesirable ways.,The lost generation,Art Deco,Dance & Radio& Jazz,Womens roles,Fashion,Prohibition,inflation,Economy,The United States in 1920s was a consumer society, with booming markets for,radios,home appliances,synthetic textiles,and,plastics,.,One of the most admired men of the decade was,Henry Ford, who had introduced the,assembly line,(生产流水线),into automobile factories.,Culture,The Lost Generation,A young generation in America leading by some writers, who were,disillusioned,(因梦想破灭而幡然醒悟),and,cynical,(愤世嫉俗),after the First World War, became “lost”.,They were discontent with existing social reality, but they did not know what to do about it.,Some of them accepted cynical hedonism and nihilism, saying “,eat, drink, and be happy for tomorrow we shall die,.”,They were generally known as the “Lost Generation ” in the history of American. Some of the writers of the “Lost Generation ” went to live in France because, in their mind, America was not a land suitable for literary creation.,The Lost Generation,The three best known members of the “Lost Generation” included,Ernest Hemingway,F.Scott Fitzgerald, and,John Dos Passos,.,These authors wrote novels and short stories expressing their resentment towards the,materialism,and,individualism,that permeated,(,弥漫,散布,),during this era.,The Lost Generation,Materialism which,ran,rampant,(猖狂;泛滥成灾),during this period stimulated Americans to buy the same clothing, the same cars, the same fads, and enjoy the same entertainment facilities.,This helped to strengthen Americans more closely as a nation, but it also caused problems.,The Beat Generation,a United States youth subculture of the 1950s,rejected possessions or regular work or traditional dress,for communal living,(公共生活),and psychedelic drugs,(迷幻药),and anarchism,(无政府主义),favored modern forms of jazz,.,Art Deco,Climax of the new architectural style: the,Chrysler Building,in New York City was built after the European wave of,Art Deco,reached the United States.,Art Deco,(装饰艺术),was the style of design and architecture that marked the era. Originating in Europe, it spread to the rest of western Europe and North America towards the mid-1920s.,In the U.S., one of the most remarkable buildings featuring this style was constructed as the,tallest building,of the time:,the,Chrysler Building,(当时最高的大厦),.,T,he forms of art deco were pure and geometric. In the beginning, lines were curved, though rectilinear,(直线的),designs would later become more and more popular.,Dance,Dance clubs became enormously popular in the 1920s. Their popularity peaked in the late 1920s and reached into the early 1930s.,Dance music came to dominate all forms of popular music by the late 1920s. The,disco,phenomenon would later do in the late 1970s. For example, many of the songs from the 1929 were rearranged and released as dance music and became popular club hits in 1929.,The most popular dances throughout the decade were the,foxtrot,(狐步舞),waltz,and,American tango,.,Radio,Of all the new appliances to enter the nations homes during the 1920s, none had a more revolutionary impact than the radio.,Sales of radios soared from $60 million in 1922 to $426 million in 1929. The first commercial radio station began broadcasting in 1919, and during the 1920s, the nations airwaves were filled with musical variety shows and comedies.,Radio drew the nation together by bringing news, entertainment, and advertisements to more than 10 million households by 1929. Radio weakened the regional differences and imposed similar tastes and lifestyles.,Radio became a media that had the power to create heroes and celebrities.,Jazz,The Jazz Age was a movement that took place during,Roaring Twenties,. Jazz,music,and dance emerged with the introduction of mainstream radio and the end of the war.,This era ended in the 1930s with the beginning of,The Great Depression,but has lived on in American,pop culture,for decades.,Jazz,With the introduction of jazz came an entirely new cultural movement in places like the United States, France and England. The birth of jazz music is often accredited to African Americans, but expanded and modified to become socially acceptable to middle-class white Americans.,Cities like,New York,and,Chicago,were cultural centers for jazz, and especially for African American artists.,1920s youth used the influence of jazz to,rebel against the traditional culture of previous generations,. This youth rebellion of the 1920s went hand-in-hand with fads like bold fashion statements -,flappers,.,Fashion,Flapper,: In movies and magazine covers, young womens fashion of the 1920s was both a trend and a social statement,a breaking-off from the rigid,(死板),Victorian,way of life.,These young, rebellious, middle-class women, labeled flappers by older generations, did away with,(废除,去掉),the corset,(,紧身衣),and slinky knee-length dresses,(,紧身及膝长裙), which exposed their legs and arms.,The hairstyle of the decade was a chin-length bob(,短发),.,Cosmetics, which until the 1920s was not typically accepted in American society because of its association with,prostitution, became, for the first time, extremely popular.,The Changing of Women,With the passage of the,19th Amendment,(第19次修正案),in 1920 that,gave women the right to vote,women finally attained the political equality that they had so long been fighting for.,This amendment together with new household appliances, made it possible for women to seek paid jobs.,Womens financial independence,made them prefer,late marriage,. This was quite different from the traditional life when large families were desirable and,divorce rates were very low,. For the first time women began to,design their own image,in America.,They loved,bobbed hair,short shirts,l,avish cosmetics,(奢华的化妆品),smoking,and,beauty,contests,.,The traditional concept of womanhood forced on women by men was confronted with new challenges.,Life,Prohibition,American values concept was heavily influenced by Puritanism which stressed temperance, hard work and accumulation of wealth.,In 1919, the Congress passed the Prohibition law banning the making and sale of any alcohol drinks, turning America into a “dry land”,.,The Prohibition was to make life more puritanical by eliminating alcohol abuse, but the result was discouraging.,Numerous illicit drinking places known as “speakeasies” speakeasy,(,地下酒吧),and bootleggers appeared. Many of them made a big profit as illegal wine dealers. With the gangland money, they bribed politicians and policemen, causing corruption.,Prohibition,Prohibition has been a disaster, massively increasing the organized crime and development of Gangsters. Through the illegal deal, gangsters has become rich at Americas expense. It cost the government billions in lost tax revenue.,More than ever, the government needs cash. The stock-market crash in 1929 has brought the economy to its knees. The government is broke and a levy on,(征税),alcohol is a solution. On Dec. 5,1933, Prohibition is abolished, killed by the need for cold hard cash.,Its an extraordinary U-turn in American history and the only time in history, an amendment to the Constitution is repealed(,废止).,Inflation,The 1920s was a period of deep social tensions, aggravated by high wartime inflation. Food prices more than doubled between 1915 and 1920; clothing costs more than tripled.,A steel strike that began in Chicago in 1919 became much more than a simple dispute between labor and management. Many unions won recognition, and the 12-hour workday was abolished. An 8-hour day was instituted, and by 1919, half the countrys workers had a 48-hour workweek.,With profits soaring and interest rate low, plenty of money was available for investment. Much went into the stock market. The bubble in the stock market burst in 1929, triggering a worldwide depression.,The Great Depression was the most devastating economic blow the nation had ever suffered, lasting ten years and dominating every aspect of American life during the 1930s.,At the end of 1920s,The decades of economic boom, fueled by oil, cars, the rapid growth of mega cities and significant changes in lifestyle and culture are now over.,The country had,a,hard time ahead after the,r,oaring twenties.,The Great Depression was on the way.,


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