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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,2010,高考英语第一轮总复习,考点一,According to the literary review,Shakespeare,_,his characters live,through,their language in his plays.,A. will make,B. had made,C. was making D. makes,一般现在时,(The present tense),考点一,According to the literary review,Shakespeare,_,his characters live,through,their language in his plays.,A. will make,B. had made,C. was making,D. makes,D,一般现在时,(The present tense),考点一,According to the literary review,Shakespeare,_,his characters live,through,their language in his plays.,A. will make,B. had made,C. was making,D. makes,动作虽然发生在过去,但是事实已被,人们普遍接受,用一般现在时态。,D,一般现在时,(The present tense),Months ago we sailed ten thousand,miles across this open sea, which,_ the Pacific, and we met no,storms.,A. was called,B. is called,C. had been called,D. has been called,Months ago we sailed ten thousand,miles across this open sea, which,_ the Pacific, and we met no,storms.,A. was called,B. is called,C. had been called,D. has been called,B,考点,二, Do you have any problems if you,_ this job?, Well, Im thinking about the,salary.,A. offer B. will offer,C. are offered D. will be offered,考点,二, Do you have any problems if you,_ this job?, Well, Im thinking about the,salary.,A. offer B. will offer,C. are offered,D. will be offered,C,考点,二, Do you have any problems if you,_ this job?, Well, Im thinking about the,salary.,A. offer B. will offer,C. are offered,D. will be offered,时间、条件状语从句应该用一般,(,现在,/,过去,),时态,而不用将来时态。,C,考点,二, Do you have any problems if you,_ this job?, Well, Im thinking about the,salary.,A. offer B. will offer,C. are offered,D. will be offered,时间、条件状语从句应该用一般,(,现在,/,过去,),时态,而不用将来时态。,C,Well go picnicking this weekend, unless,it _. A. will rain B. rains,考点,二, Do you have any problems if you,_ this job?, Well, Im thinking about the,salary.,A. offer B. will offer,C. are offered,D. will be offered,时间、条件状语从句应该用一般,(,现在,/,过去,),时态,而不用将来时态。,C,Well go picnicking this weekend, unless,it _. A. will rain,B. rains,B,考点,三, What are you going to do this afternoon?, I am going to the cinema with some,friends. The film _ at 4 oclock, so we,_ to the bookstore after that.,A. has finished; are going B. finishes; go,C. finishes; are going,D. has finished; go,考点,三, What are you going to do this afternoon?, I am going to the cinema with some,friends. The film _ at 4 oclock, so we,_ to the bookstore after that.,A. has finished; are going B. finishes; go,C. finishes; are going,D. has finished; go,C,考点,三, What are you going to do this afternoon?, I am going to the cinema with some,friends. The film _ at 4 oclock, so we,_ to the bookstore after that.,A. has finished; are going B. finishes; go,C. finishes; are going,D. has finished; go,表示将来确定会发生的动作,(,如己安排好或,计划好的动作或按时刻表将来一定会发生,的动作,),可以这样使用的动词有,: go,come, leave, start,finish, arrive,等。,C, Can I meet you at 3 oclock?, Ill afraid I can only see you,after 4, because I am going to,see my friend off at the railway,station and his train _ at 3:30.,A. will leave B. leaves, Can I meet you at 3 oclock?, Ill afraid I can only see you,after 4, because I am going to,see my friend off at the railway,station and his train _ at 3:30.,A. will leave,B. leaves,B,考点,四,Lets hurry up! Look, here _.,A. the bus is coming,B. is coming the bus,C. the bus comes,D. comes the bus,考点,四,Lets hurry up! Look, here _.,A. the bus is coming,B. is coming the bus,C. the bus comes,D. comes the bus,D,考点,四,Lets hurry up! Look, here _.,A. the bus is coming,B. is coming the bus,C. the bus comes,D. comes the bus,在表示方向、方位的状语位于句首的,倒装句型中,要用一般,(,现在,/,过去,),时态,而不用进行时态。,D,考点一,In recent years many football clubs _,as business to make a profit.,A. have run B. have been run,C. had been run D. will run,现在完成时,(The present perfect tense),考点一,In recent years many football clubs _,as business to make a profit.,A. have run,B. have been run,C. had been run D. will run,B,现在完成时,(The present perfect tense),考点一,In recent years many football clubs _,as business to make a profit.,A. have run,B. have been run,C. had been run D. will run,句中如果有,recent years (months),recently, lately, of late, so far,等,状语,句子应用现在完成时态。,B,现在完成时,(The present perfect tense),I _ in a newspaper of late that,a lot of measures _ to ensure,the safety of miners.,A. have read, are being taken,B. read, are being taken,C. have read, have taken,D. read, are taken,I _ in a newspaper of late that,a lot of measures _ to ensure,the safety of miners.,A. have read, are being taken,B. read, are being taken,C. have read, have taken,D. read, are taken,A,考点,二,His sister left home in 1998, and _,since.,A. had not been heard of,B. has not been heard of,C. had not heard of,D. has not heard of,考点,二,His sister left home in 1998, and _,since.,A. had not been heard of,B. has not been heard of,C. had not heard of,D. has not heard of,B,考点,二,His sister left home in 1998, and _,since.,A. had not been heard of,B. has not been heard of,C. had not heard of,D. has not heard of,since用作副词在句中作状语或since用,作介词、连词引导状语时,,主句,要用现在,完成时态。,B, Have you known Dr. Jackson for a,long time?,Yes, since she _ the Chinese,Society.,A. has joined B. joins,C. had joined D. joined, Have you known Dr. Jackson for a,long time?,Yes, since she _ the Chinese,Society.,A. has joined B. joins,C. had joined,D. joined,D, Have you known Dr. Jackson for a,long time?,Yes, since she _ the Chinese,Society.,A. has joined B. joins,C. had joined,D. joined,since,用作连词时,,所在从句,中应该用,一般过去时态。,D,考点三,By the time Jane gets home, her aunt,_ for London to attend a meeting.,A. will leaveB. leaves,C. will have leftD. left,考点三,By the time Jane gets home, her aunt,_ for London to attend a meeting.,A. will leaveB. leaves,C. will have left,D. left,C,考点三,By the time Jane gets home, her aunt,_ for London to attend a meeting.,A. will leaveB. leaves,C. will have left,D. left,by+现在时间,主句:have,done,by+将来时间,主句:will,have done,by+过去时间,主句:had,done,C,考点,四,This is the first time we _ a film in,the cinema together as a family.,A. see B. had seen,C. saw D. have seen,考点,四,This is the first time we _ a film in,the cinema together as a family.,A. see B. had seen,C. saw,D. have seen,D,考点,四,This is the first time we _ a film in,the cinema together as a family.,A. see B. had seen,C. saw,D. have seen,表示“某人第,次做某事”的句型:,this is the first/secondtime,that,sb,. has done,D,Linda 1ost her passport again. It,was the second time that _ .,A. had occurred,B. has occurred,C. occurred,D. was occurring,Linda 1ost her passport again. It,was the second time that _ .,A. had occurred,B. has occurred,C. occurred,D. was occurring,A,考点,五, Where _ the recorder? I cant,see it anywhere, I _ it right here. But now its gone.,A. did you put,;,have put,B. have you put; put,C. did,;,put,D. have you put; have put,考点,五, Where _ the recorder? I cant,see it anywhere, I _ it right here. But now its gone.,A. did you put,;,have put,B. have you put; put,C. did,;,put,D. have you put; have put,B,考点,五, Where _ the recorder? I cant,see it anywhere, I _ it right here. But now its gone.,A. did you put,;,have put,B. have you put; put,C. did,;,put,D. have you put; have put,现在完成时态的两个用法:表示动作从,过去持续到现在;表示过去动作对现在,的影响,表达,侧重于,在于现在的影响。,B,考点一,I called,Hnnah,many times yesterday,evening, but I couldnt get through. Her,brother _ on the phone all the time!,A. was talking B. has been talking,C. has talked D. talked,现在,/,过去进行时,(The present / past continuous tense),考点一,I called,Hnnah,many times yesterday,evening, but I couldnt get through. Her,brother _ on the phone all the time!,A. was talking,B. has been talking,C. has talked D. talked,现在,/,过去进行时,(The present / past continuous tense),A,考点一,I called,Hnnah,many times yesterday,evening, but I couldnt get through. Her,brother _ on the phone all the time!,A. was talking,B. has been talking,C. has talked D. talked,现在/过去进行时态除了表示现在/过去正在进行,的动作或现在/过去的暂时状况之外,进行时态,还可以表示一种,强烈的感情,。,现在,/,过去进行时,(The present / past continuous tense),A,Teenagers _ their health,because they play computer games,too much.,A. have damaged,B. are damaging,C. damaged,D. will damage,Teenagers _ their health,because they play computer games,too much.,A. have damaged,B. are damaging,C. damaged,D. will damage,B,考点一,Daniels family _ their holiday in,Huangshan,this time next week.,A. are enjoying B. are to enjoy,C. will enjoy D. will be enjoying,将来进行时,(The future continuous tense),考点一,Daniels family _ their holiday in,Huangshan,this time next week.,A. are enjoying B. are to enjoy,C. will enjoy,D. will be enjoying,将来进行时,(The future continuous tense),D,考点一,Daniels family _ their holiday in,Huangshan,this time next week.,A. are enjoying B. are to enjoy,C. will enjoy,D. will be enjoying,将来进行时态,(will be doing),往往表示对将来情况的一种预计。,将来进行时,(The future continuous tense),D,考点一, Im sure Andrew will win the first,prize in the final., I think so. He _ for it for months.,A. is preparing B. was preparing,C. had been preparing,D. has been preparing,一般过去时,(The past tense),考点一, Im sure Andrew will win the first,prize in the final., I think so. He _ for it for months.,A. is preparing B. was preparing,C. had been preparing,D. has been preparing,D,一般过去时,(The past tense),考点一, Im sure Andrew will win the first,prize in the final., I think so. He _ for it for months.,A. is preparing B. was preparing,C. had been preparing,D. has been preparing,如果句中的状语为,for,+,一段时间,,一般要用现在完成时态。,D,一般过去时,(The past tense),He _ football regularly for many,years when he was young.,A. was playing B. played,C. has played D. had played,He _ football regularly for many,years when he was young.,A. was playing,B. played,C. has played D. had played,B,He _ football regularly for many,years when he was young.,A. was playing,B. played,C. has played D. had played,但是,如果动作,终止在过去,,即使有表示,一段时间的状语,还是要用一般过去时态。,B,考点,二,I was out of town at the time, so I dont,know exactly how it _.,A. was happening B. happened,C. happens D. has happened,考点,二,I was out of town at the time, so I dont,know exactly how it _.,A. was happening,B. happened,C. happens D. has happened,B,考点,二,I was out of town at the time, so I dont,know exactly how it _.,A. was happening,B. happened,C. happens D. has happened,如果事情发生在过去,且有,表示时间、,地点、方式的状语,( how,,,when,,,where,等,),,句子一般用一般过去时态。,B, Where do you think _ he,_ the computer?, Sorry. I have no idea.,A. has; bought,B.,; bought,C. did; buy,D. had; bought, Where do you think _ he,_ the computer?, Sorry. I have no idea.,A. has; bought,B.,; bought,C. did; buy,D. had; bought,B,考点,三,Edward, you play so well. But I _,you played the piano.,A. didnt know B. hadnt known,C. dont know D. havent known,考点,三,Edward, you play so well. But I _,you played the piano.,A. didnt know,B. hadnt known,C. dont know D. havent known,A,考点,三,Edward, you play so well. But I _,you played the piano.,A. didnt know,B. hadnt known,C. dont know D. havent known,表示“原以为”、“才知道”、“才注意到”,等意思时,要用一般过去时态或过去,进行时态。,A, Hey, look where you are going!, Oh, Im terribly sorry. _.,A. Im not noticing,B. I wasnt noticing,C. I havent noticed D. I dont notice, Ivegottogonow., Mustyou? I _ youcouldstayfor,dinnerwithus.,A. thinkB. thought,C. havethought D. amthinking, Hey, look where you are going!, Oh, Im terribly sorry. _.,A. Im not noticing,B. I wasnt noticing,C. I havent noticed D. I dont notice, Ivegottogonow., Mustyou? I _ youcouldstayfor,dinnerwithus.,A. thinkB. thought,C. havethought D. amthinking,B, Hey, look where you are going!, Oh, Im terribly sorry. _.,A. Im not noticing,B. I wasnt noticing,C. I havent noticed D. I dont notice, Ivegottogonow., Mustyou? I _ youcouldstayfor,dinnerwithus.,A. think,B. thought,C. havethought D. amthinking,B,B,考点一,He _ to the lab than he set out to do,the experiment.,A. has no sooner got B. no sooner got,C. will no sooner get,D. had no sooner got,过去完成时,(The past perfect tense),考点一,He _ to the lab than he set out to do,the experiment.,A. has no sooner got B. no sooner got,C. will no sooner get,D. had no sooner got,D,过去完成时,(The past perfect tense),考点一,He _ to the lab than he set out to do,the experiment.,A. has no sooner got B. no sooner got,C. will no sooner get,D. had no sooner got,表示“某人刚,就,”,的句型:,sb,. had,h,ardly/scarcely,done ,when,sb,. did,sb,. had,no sooner,done ,than,sb,. did ,该句型时态只有以上一种形式。,D,过去完成时,(The past perfect tense),考点,二, We _ that you would fix the TV set this,week., Im sorry. I _ to, but Ive been too busy.,A. had expected,;,had intended,B. are expecting,;,had intended,C. expect,;,intend,D. expected,;,intend,考点,二, We _ that you would fix the TV set this,week., Im sorry. I _ to, but Ive been too busy.,A. had expected,;,had intended,B. are expecting,;,had intended,C. expect,;,intend,D. expected,;,intend,A,考点,二, We _ that you would fix the TV set this,week., Im sorry. I _ to, but Ive been too busy.,A. had expected,;,had intended,B. are expecting,;,had intended,C. expect,;,intend,D. expected,;,intend,expect, plan, intend, mean(,打算,),动作,具有“预先”的含义,所以使用时要时态前移。,had planned/intended/meant,可以用来,表示“原本,(,实际上没有,)”,的含义。,A,考点一, Do you like the material?, Yes,,,it _ very soft.,A,is feeling B,felt,C,feels D,is felt,考点一, Do you like the material?, Yes,,,it _ very soft.,A,is feeling B,felt,C,feels,D,is felt,C,考点一, Do you like the material?, Yes,,,it _ very soft.,A,is feeling B,felt,C,feels,D,is felt,所有的系动词都是“,be”,动词的具体化,,都不用被动语态。常见的有:,look,seem, sound, feel, taste, smell,prove, remain, measure, weigh,stay,等。,C,考点,二, Do you think we should accept that offer?, Yes, we should, for we _ such bad luck,up till now, and time _ out.,A. have had; is running,B. had; is running,C. have had; has been run,D. had; has been run,考点,二, Do you think we should accept that offer?, Yes, we should, for we _ such bad luck,up till now, and time _ out.,A. have had; is running,B. had; is running,C. have had; has been run,D. had; has been run,A,考点,二, Do you think we should accept that offer?, Yes, we should, for we _ such bad luck,up till now, and time _ out.,A. have had; is running,B. had; is running,C. have had; has been run,D. had; has been run,run out,(,耗光),go,out,(,熄灭,),,give out,(,用尽)这些表达不能用于,被动语态,。,A,考点,三,The vase should be packed carefully for,delivery, for it _ easily.,A. is broken B. breaks,C. will break C. will be broken,考点,三,The vase should be packed carefully for,delivery, for it _ easily.,A. is broken,B. breaks,C. will break C. will be broken,B,考点,三,The vase should be packed carefully for,delivery, for it _ easily.,A. is broken,B. breaks,C. will break C. will be broken,某些动词和,well, easily/smoothly,wont,等连用表明本身的一种属性,不用,被动语态。,This kind of books,sells well,.,That knife,cuts smoothly,.,The machine,wont start,.,B,


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