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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Logo,Investor Presentation,Shanghai AAA Information Technology Co. Ltd.,2005/10,Logo,AAAs Vision,To be the dominant platform enabling universal B2C e-commerce consumers and merchants around the globe trading with each other through,Access to more products on international markets,Buy smoothly and safely online, no worry about currency exchange,Convenient delivery,Timely customer services,Overseas Merchants needs,Maximize revenue by selling more products to more customers around the world,Minimize costs on marketing, logistics and customer services,Secure transaction,The Problem With Cross-Border e-commerce: Process Gaps,International Payments,Logistics,language,customer services,cultural differences,Although the Internet has long enabled information to flow freely around the globe, e-commerce has not spread as widely, because of various barriers.,Domestic Customers needs,Process Gaps,AAA Bridges the Gaps in Cross-Border e-commerce,International,Payments,Language,Difference,Customer,service,Logistics,Product,Information,Domestic Consumers,Overseas Merchants,Clear the hurdles to consumer overseas e-commerce,Limited merchandise/service choices,Language difference,International payment & currency conversion,International shipping, tariffs & logistics,Customer services & culture differences,Give overseas merchants simple access to overseas consumers,Low cost and low risk,Plug and play,AAA provides an online e-commerce platform that bridges ALL 5 major gaps which prevent global B2C transactions from happening,Starting With Chinese Consumers,Near-Term Mission of :,Capture the untapped market of high-end Chinese e-consumers shopping around the globe,Develop a strong brand name and deep customer loyalty,Build a base of American online merchants to capture higher margins and provide differentiated offerings,To Whom We Provide an Unparalleled Customer Experience,Brand new shopping concept and experience,No limit on choices, time and locations,Only pay one price in local currency, all taxes, shipping costs, tariffs etc. included,6-14 working day guaranteed delivery on goods around the world,Accessible customer services with return and exchange guarantees,Highly efficient back office procedures and logistic systems,Unique and proprietary flow design and order systems,Highly efficient logistic systems,Superior customer service and relationship management,Always view customers as the core resource of,Always be Friendly, timely, thorough and considerate to customers,AAA is Successfully Attacking the Most Profitable Segment of the B2C Market,Level of merchandise choices,Order Size,Specialized brand,name websites,Online portal,shopping malls,Logo,And Is The Only Chinese e-commerce Player in Global B2C,Launch,Biz. Type,Key Business,Business Size,Notes,AAA,2004/11,Global B2C,Facilitates buying overseas goods/services,Over 700k registered users,Very positive feedbacks; fast growth; seeking 1st round funding,Alibaba,1999,B2B,Merchants in Asia,5 million merchants members,Dominance in B2B,Eachnet,1999,C2C,Auction platform,10million users, $250 million transaction volume in 2004,Bought out by eBay in 2003 for over $100 million.,Dangdang,1999,Domestic B2C,Low end books, DVDs and small items,6 million users; $20million sales in 2004,Rejected Amazons $100 mil bid for over 70% shares,Joyo,2000,Domestic B2C,Low end books, DVDs and small items,5.4 million users; $38 million sales in 2004,Bought out by Amazon in 2004 for $75 mil,Taobao,2003,C2C,Auction platform,4.3 million users; $80 million transaction volume in 2004 (est.),Directly competing against eBay China; free and no revenue source yet,1pai,2004,C2C,Auction platform,Far behind eBay China and Taobao,Formed by Yahoo and Sina. Very limited growth,AAAs Target Markets,Chinese high-end (middle class) consumers,More than 8 million online users have over $5,000 annual income (CNNIC Survey 2004), 100 Million by 2010,This number is growing quickly, and is actually higher than reported because many Chinese shield their true incomes,Disposable income ratio is higher than in other countries because of lower cost of living and extremely high consumer confidence,MasterCard /Visa estimates more than 100 million Chinese with annual income $5,000 by 2010,Overseas merchants,Merchants who are interested in China consumer market,Limited resources and capital,Do not want exposure to high business and/or financial risks,Products/services fit Chinese consumers demand,Highly Desired Consumers,$3K-,2nd tier market,$3-4K annual income,Core market,$5-49k annual Incomes,2nd tier,$50-100K,$,100K+,10.7% of Internet users (10,000,000),Age 20-30, new graduates,junior professionals and ordinary staff,0.5% of Internet users (500,000),Age 40+, senior professionals,middle+ managers and executives,8.7% of Internet users (8,000,000),Age 25-40, college education; Young,professionals, technicians and Sr. staff,- Data from CNNIC 2005.1,Internet Users in China Increasing Dramatically,According to CNNIC, China internet users will reach 120 million in 2005,Only 7.3% of internet users shop often online as of 2004,However, this number is expected to grow over 60% by 2008 and online retail transaction volume is expect to reach $9 billion by 2008,Direct online shopping for overseas goods/services is well underserved,Market Size, Contd,A hassle free channel to reach global consumers highly desired, esp. by mid-small size ones,US small e-tailers alone - over 200,000 (Cahners In-Stat, July 2002),An estimated $130.3 billion US online retail sales in 2006,Size could be doubled with expansion into Japan, Europe and Korea,$30 million revenue,By grabbing 20,000 merchants (5%) with a $1,500 annual fee per merchant,Additional commission revenue from sold products via AAA,obtaining Chinese distribution is a big deal because of the size of its market. Everybody wants to sell to virgin territory. - Mike Goodman, Yankee Group senior analyst,Company Overview,Founded by 4 partners in 200x, and headquartered in Shanghai in 200x,Has a sister company BBB International in Los Angeles to handle logistics and Sino-US trading,Partners have already invested over $350K in AAA,Operational Milestones,July 200X: Beta version introduced,November 1st 200X: Official site launched Market promotion started,Current annual run rate sales of $1.5 mil with 18% gross profit margin,Order grow 20% month over month with limited marketing budget, and, Ultimately, Revenues,Pent-up Customer Demand is Driving Our Growth,We are just giving customers what they need,Survey shows over 80% respondents need AAAs services,90+% satisfaction level in post-sale survey,Over 35% repeat order volumes,This Is a Highly Profitable Business,With Multiple Revenue Streams,Revenue from consumers,service fees,Revenue from foreign merchants,Initial set-up fees,Commissions on sold products/services,Revenue from Logistic efficiency,Revenue from advertisement and/or other value added services,Website advertisement sales/Special promotional position sales,Value added services on registered users,Alliance and affiliate programs,Building Barriers To Entry,Key barriers for competitor to enter in near term,High brand awareness in top 20 cities,recognized by key Chinese medias as the pioneer and absolute leader in universal B2C e-commerce,over 700,000 users with high loyalty within 10 months operation,Highly efficient back office procedures and logistic systems,No branded players can build a platform like this in short term due to their existing large business scales,AAAs Management Team Is Already Deep,A1, Co-Founder & CEO,Based in US, responsible for overseas merchant market development,2001-2003 Business Development Manager, xx Media, US,2000-2001 Sr. E-commerce Market Analyst, xx Group, US,MBA from the George Washington University, BA in accounting from xx Finance College,A2, Co-founder & President,Designer and founder of AAA business model, based in Shanghai China, and responsible for AAA China operations and financing,2001-2005 XX Bank, N.A. Assistance Vice President in Strategic and International Planning, with focus on formulating Asia/China entry strategies, set-up and co-managed XX China Office in Shanghai,MBA degree in finance and investment from the George Washington University,B.S. degree in MIS from xx University,AAA Financial Projections,Plan to break even in early 2007,Key Investment Themes,Huge and growing market size,Massive potential for China in e-imports - $25 billion (assuming a 5% of $500 billion current annual imports),Global opportunity even larger,First-mover advantage,Desirable customer base,High income, high level of education and high demand for overseas goods/services,Average order size so far is over $150, about 10 times the industry average,Low business and financial risks,Customized orders - low business risk,No inventory, low accounts receivable - low financial risk,Profitable business model,20% gross margin on sales,Deep management team,


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