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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,考研作文,-,社会热点类,真题回顾,年份,题目,题材,出题类型,1991,Where to Live-in the City or the Country,社会热点,提纲作文,1993,Advertisements on TV,社会热点,提纲作文,2006,Idol Worship,社会热点,图画作文,2009,The Internet: Near or Far,社会热点,图画作文,年份,提纲,1991,1.Conveniences of the city;2.Attractions of the country;3.Disadvantages of both,4.My,preference,1993,1.Present state,;,2. Reasons,;,3. My,comments,2006,1. Describe the photos briefly; 2. Interpret the social phenomenon reflected by them, and3. Give your point of,view,.,2009,1. Describe the drawing briefly,2. Explain its intended meaning, and then3. Give your,comment.,共性:,均属于社会热门话题;, 均需要说明个人观点,都属于议论文体裁,分别:,从出题类型上,,1991,和,1993,为提纲作文,且提纲详细具体,甚至还给出了首段首句;而,2006,和,2009,为图画,+,提纲的形式,提纲趋向抽象。,从出题内容上,,1991,和,2009,为观点对比型作文,而,1993,和,2006,属于现象解析类作文,。(与,2,3,连接),观点对比型,1991,年真题,Direction:,Title: WHERE TO LIVE-IN THE CITY OR THE COUNTRY? Your composition should be based on the OUTLINE below and should start with the given opening sentence.,Word limit: 120-150 words (not including the given opening sentence),Outline:,1.,Conveniences,of the city,2.,Attractions,of the country,3.,Disadvantages,of both,4. My,preference,WHERE TO LIVE-IN THE CITY OR THE COUNTRY?,问 题,两种观点,对比,以提纲为中心,进行构思,1.Conveniences,of the city,=,首段:引出话题,主要说明城市的便利之处;,2.,Attractions,of the country +,Disadvantages,of both,=,中间段:另一种观点,-,乡村的吸引人之处;转折到缺点,并进行说明;,3.,My,preference,=,末段:“你”的角度作出选择,并说出理由。,万能句型:,When it comes to the issue of where to live-in the city or country, some people thinkother people, however, contend,(对比法),本文已给出:,Many people appreciate conveniences of the city.,(观点陈述法),如何引出话题?,如何论证观点?,如何论证“城市的便利”?举例论证,机会 环境,交通,10.,经济,信息,休闲,生活,科技,交流,健康,万能句型:,1.It is clear/obvious/,apparent,without doubt that,翻译:显而易见且毫无疑问的是,城市为成人和小孩儿提供了很多就业和就学的机会。,It is obvious without doubt that,there are a wide choice of jobs and schools for adults and children.,如何将,“,例子,”,用句型串联起来?,2. There is sufficient evidence showing that,翻译:有足够的证据显示,城市为成人和小孩儿提供了很多就业和就学的机会。,There is,sufficient,evidence showing that,there are,a wide choice of,jobs and schools for adults and children.,例子与例子之间的衔接,:,and, also, as well as,(并列),翻译:它还提供了很多文化,娱乐和休闲设施,包括饭店,公寓,商场和电影院。,It,also,provides plenty of culture,entertainment,and,recreation,facilities, which includes restaurants, departments, stores and cinema.,递进关系:,besides, in addition, moreover, furthermore,翻译:另外,像公交车,火车,地铁这些生活必需的交通工具使住在城里的每个人都能享受到便利的出行。,Besides,the,desirable,traffic tools,such as,buses, trains, and subways,enable,everyone a very easy transportation in,urban,areas.,Many people appreciate conveniences of city.,It is obvious without doubt that,there are indeed a wide choice of jobs for adults and schools for children in the city.,It also provides,plenty of facilities for culture, entertainment and recreation ,which includes restaurants, department, stores and cinemas.,Besides, the desirable traffic tools such as buses, trains and subways enable a very easy transportation for everybody in urban areas.,引出另一种观点:乡村也有许多吸引人之处,表示对比的连接词:,However, whereas, nonetheless, on the other hand,翻译:另一方面,有人也很享受乡村生活的吸引人之处。,some people, on the other hand, enjoy,the attractions in country life.,论证方法:说明原因,吸引人之处,&,缺点:,机会 环境,交通,10.,经济,信息,休闲,生活,科技,交流,健康,说明原因的句型:,The main/direct/most/chief reason is that,翻译:主要的原因是,乡村的如画美景不仅装点了我们的居住环境,而且还使我们有心情做其他事。,The main reason is that,the,picturesque,scenery of village not only,decorates,our living environment, but also,brighten,our moods for doing other things.,递进关系:,besides, in addition, moreover, furthermore,翻译:再者,在这儿享受到的未被污染的空气,食物和水对我们保持健康意义重大。,In addition,the accessible unpolluted air, food, and water mean a lot in maintaining our health.,如何转化话题,-,转折,表示转折的衔接词:,but, however, whereas,翻译: 然而,城市和乡村都有它各自的缺点,However, both the city and country has their own disadvantages.,在一个句子里,表示对比的句型,:,while, whereas,翻译:居住在城市的话,人们有可能遭遇繁忙的交通,拥挤的住房,空气污染和噪音,而乡村生活不会像城市生活那样丰富多彩,充满刺激。,Living in the city, people are likely to suffer heavy traffic, poor housing, air pollution and noises,while,in the country, life will not be as colorful and stimulating as in the city.,s,ome people,on the other hand, enjoy the attractions of country life.,The most reason is that,the picturesque scenery of village not only decorates our living environment, but also brighten our moods for doing other things.,In addition, the accessible unpolluted air, food, and water mean a lot in maintaining our health.,However, both the city and country has their own disadvantages. Living in the city, people are likely to suffer heavy traffic, poor housing, air pollution and noises,while,in the country, life will not be as colorful and stimulating as in the city.,末段:你的选择,如何提出你的观点?,1.,几个万能句型:,As far as I am concerned, I prefer and the reason is that/because,就我而言,我选择,In my point of view/In my opinion is best, for,在我看来,,是最好的,因为,Personally, I am agree with the opinion that,because,从我个人来说,我同意,的观点,因为,翻译:就我而言,我选择住在乡村,因为我已在城市住了很多年,而且也受够了在城市生活和工作所带给我的压力。,As far as I am concerned, I prefer,living in the country,because,I have been living in a big city for many years, and,fed up with,the pressure from city life and work.,As far as I am concerned,I prefer,living in the country,because,I have been living in a big city for many years, and fed up with the pressure from city life and work. It is necessary for me to live a peaceful, healthy and relaxed life for a while in the country.,作业:,2009,年真题,Direction:,Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:,1. Describe the drawing briefly,2. Explain its intended meaning, and then,3. Give your comment,现象分析类,


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