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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Public opinion and Mass media,1,PART 1:,Conception,of public opinion,PART 2:,Relationship,between mass media and public opinion, how does mass media measure public opinion, how does mass media influence public opinion,PART 3:,Problems,of the supervision of public opinion,PART 4:,Ways,of managing public opinion,2,Conception,Public opinion,the ideas or attitudes most people hold about an issue or a person,Characteristics,Direction,:,Positive or Negative,Intensity,:,Strong or Indifferent,Stability,:,Firm or Hesitating,3,Relationship,How is public opinion measured?,Polls,Elections,Interest groups,Mass media,4,mass media,Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, recordings, movies, and books are called,mass media,because they communicate broadly to masses of people,5,How does mass media measure public opinion ?,Mass media are considered as an important tool to measure public opinion.,6,In case of the entertainment channels, public voting for reality shows like super voice girl explains the importance given for public opinion .,7,In case of movies ,the views of the audience which is instrumental in the success / failure of a movie.,8,In case of the World Wide Web or the Internet, the websites were already using the public polls,9,The rise of blogging and public forums has paved way to increased exposure to public opinions.,10,Mass media influence Public Opinion,Guiding,public opinion,Shaping,public opinion,11,12,The candidates pay more TV and media exposure have more influence on public opinion and thus can receive more votes,.,13,14,After the 911,the media exposed Osama guilty for the attack as they were told by the authorities.,This shaped the public opinion to support the war on terrorism, the same happened with the war on Iraq.,15,Problems,of the supervision of public opinion,Misleading public opinions,Obstructing judicial justice,Ignoring things essence,16,Misleading public opinions,17,Obstructing the judicial justice,18,19,Ignoring things essence,20,In short, there still exist many deficiencies,in mass medias function of guiding and supervising the public opinion .,What should we do to solve those problems?,21,Ways of managing public opinion,Mass media,should be independent from governments, advertisers and public to make real and impartial journalism,22,The public,Contact with different media to understand,the different types of media content .,Learn to use the media in a critical way:,we should be a master, instead of a slave.,23,24,


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