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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,*,Revision,Units 1-2,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,重要词汇,1.曾经 _ 2.一次 _,3.两次 _ 4. 不健康的_,5. 节目 _ 6. 结果 _,7.垃圾 _ 8. 采访者_,9. 习惯_ 10. 不同(n.)_,11. 分数_ 12. 虽然_,ever,once,twice,unhealthy,program,result,junk,interviewer,habit,difference,grade,although,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,重要词组,在周末_ 2. 去踩滑板_ 3. 去看电影_,4. 网上冲浪,_ 5. 至于_,6. 做作业_,7.帮某人做某事_,8. 对-有好处_9. 饮食习惯_,10. 相当好_11.努力做某事_12.注意我的健康_,13. 取得好成绩_ 14. 有点_ 15. 保持身体健康_,16. 去购物_,17. 和相同_,18当然. _,on weekends,go skateboarding,go to the movies,surf the Internet,as for,do (ones) homework,help sb (to) do sth,be good for,eating habits,pretty good,look after my health,try to do sth.,get good grades,kind of,keep in good health,go shopping,the same as,of course,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,翻译句子,1. 周末你/他们经常作什么?_,你最喜爱的节目是什么?_,你多久做一次运动? _,我几乎没有踢过足球. _,大多数学生每星期看电视两次. _,What do you they usually do on weekends?,Whats your favorite program?,How often do you exercise?,I hardly ever play soccer.,Most students watch TV twice a week.,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,6.你每晚睡几小时? _,7.她从不喝咖啡. _,8.我认为他有点不健康. _,9.每个人都应该每天尽量吃多点蔬菜. _10.健康的生活方式有助我取得好成绩. _,How many hours do you sleep every night?,She never drinks coffee.,I think he is kind of unhealthy.,Everybody should try to eat a lot of vegetables every day.,Healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades.,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,写作 根据表格内容写一篇50字的短文。,Name exercise vegetables fruit milk junk food sleep,Peter,every day,7 times a week,every day,every day,once a week,ninehours,John,hardly,sometimes,never,3 and 4 times a week,ninehours,Peter is pretty healthy. He exercises every day._John is unhealthy . He hardly ever exercises._,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,重要词汇,事情,_ 2.,耳朵,_ 3.,脖子,_ 4.,胃,_5.,牙齿,_6.,肚子痛,_7.,疼痛的,_8.,喉咙,_,9.,牙痛,_10.,发烧,_11.,躺,_,12.,蜂蜜,_ 13.,牙医,_,14.,疾病,_15.,劝告,_,16.,口渴的,_17.,平衡的,_,18.,牛肉,_19.,精力,_20.,饮食,_,21.,改善,_22.,头痛,_,23.,重要的,_24.,脚,_,matter,ear,neck,stomach,tooth,stomachache,sore,throat,toothache,fever,lie,honey,dentist,illness,advice,thirsty,balanced,beef,energy,diet,improve,headache,important,foot,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,重要词组,紧张的,_,2.,感觉疲惫,_,3.,保持健康,_,4.,此刻,_,5.,看牙医,_,6.,去参加聚会,_,7.,嗓子痛,_,8.,发烧,_,9.,患感冒,_,10.,头痛,_,11.,牙痛,_,12.,躺下休息,_,stressed out,get tired,stay healthy,at the moment,see a dentist,go to the party,have a sore throat,have a fever,get a cold,have a headache,have a toothache,lie down and rest,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,翻译句子,1.你怎么了?. _,2. 你应该多喝些水。_,3. 他不应该吃东西。_,4. 我感觉身体不舒服。_,5. 我希望你快点好起来。_,6. 饮食平衡很重要。_,Whats wrong/the matter (with you)?,You should drink a lot of water.,He shouldnt eat anything.,I dont feel very well. / Im not feeling well.,I hope you feel better soon.,Its important to eat a balanced diet,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,7. 那听起来像是一个好主意。_,8. 你像这样有多久了?_,9. 这些药每天服两次. _,10. 中药现在在许多西方国家很受欢迎._,11. 当你累的时候,你应该早早睡觉. _,12. 不要吃太多垃圾食品,那会对你的身体不好. _,That sounds like a good idea.,How long have you been like this?,Take the medicine twice a day.,Chinese medicine is now popular in many western countries.,When you are tired, you should go to bed early.,Dont eat too much junk food. Its bad for your health.,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,作文,Tom每天都不能按时上交老师留的作业,请你至少给他写5条建议,建议要合情合理。Tom cant finish his homework on time. I think he should take the advice like: He should _,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,Units 3-4,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,重要词汇,照顾,(,婴儿,)_ 2.,观光,_,3.,租用,_ 4.,计划,_,5.,最后地,_ 6.,决定,_,7.,湖泊,_ 8.,忘记,_,9.,归去,_ 10.,游客,_,11.,自行车,_12.,著名的,_,13.,大自然,_14.,结束,_,15.,搭乘,_ 13.,送,_,babysit,sightseeing,rent,plan,finally,decide,lake,forget,return,tourist,bicycle,famous,nature,finish,ride,send,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,重要词组,去观光旅行,_ 2.,去散步,_,3.,去钓鱼,_4.,去度假,_,5.,在农村,_ 6.,考虑,_,7.,决定,_ 8.,回来,_,9.,不同的事,_,10.,离开去某地,_,11.,迫不及待做,_,12.,过得愉快,_ 13.,去远足,_,14.,骑自行车旅行,_,15.,去野营,_,go sightseeing,take walks,go fishing,take a vacation,in the country,think about,decide on,get back,something different,leave for,cant wait to do,have a good time,go hiking,go bike riding,go camping,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,翻译句子,1.你假期准备干什么?_,2.我准备去看我的奶奶。_,3.她打算去野营。_,4.他们打算在家里放松一下。_,5.我准备去山里远足。_,What are you doing for vacation?,Im visiting my grandmother.,She is going camping.,They are relaxing at home.,Im going hiking in the mountains.,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,6.下个星期天我准备待在家里做作业。_,7.听起来不错。_,8.他们打算下周离开武汉去上海。_,9.他要在那里呆多久?_,10.他在那里一直到九月份。,_,Im staying home to do my homework next Sunday.,That sounds nice.,Theyre leaving Wuhan for Shanghai next week.,How long is he staying ?,Hes staying until September .,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,十一国庆节期间你准备去海南度假。请你写一个旅游计划。 所给的提示词语必须都用上。 During the National Day vacation leave for on 29th by plane with stay beach fishing shopping sightseeing helpforget.,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,重要词汇,地铁,_2.,火车,_,3.,分钟,_4.,公里,_,5.,运输,_ 6.,北方,_,7.,依靠,_8.,生病的,_,9.,担心,_10.,一百,_,11.,迅速的,_12.,早的,_,13.,地区,_14.,另外的,_,15.,车站,_,subway,train,minute,kilometer,transportation,north,depend,ill,worry,hundred,quick,early,part,other,bus station,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,重要词组,长大,_ 2.,共有,_,3.,乘坐地铁,_,4.,乘汽车之行程,_,5.,步行去上学,_,6.,依赖,_,7.,和,.,不同,_,8.,不得不,_,9.,多远,_,10.,花费某人某些时间去做某事,_,11.,到校,_12.,乘坐小船,_,13.,校车,_,14.,汽车站,_,grow up,in common,take the subway,bus ride,walk to school,depend on,be different from,have to,how far,It takes sb. some time to do sth.,get to school,by boat,school bus,bus station,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,翻译句子,1. 每天早晨我步行到学校要花费二十分钟。_,2. Mary怎样到学校?_,3. 她乘火车。_,4. 花多长时间? _,5. 走路大约要用10分钟,乘公共汽车要用15分钟。,_,6. 从他家到学校有多远?_,It takes me twenty minutes to get to school on foot every morning.,How does Mary get to school ?,She takes the train .,How long does it take ?,It takes about 10 minutes to walk and 15 minutes by bus .,How far is it from his home to school ?,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,7. 你住的地方离学校有多远?_,8. 孩子们必须依赖他们的父母. _,9. 下雨时,我乘坐出租车。_,10.在北美, 大多数学生是乘坐校巴上学的. _11.那些老人经常骑车出游。那肯定比老待在家里有乐趣。,_,12.中国东西部相当不一样。_,How far do you live from school ?,Children must depend on their parents.,When it rains, I take the taxi.,In North America, most students go to school on the school bus.,Those old men often go bike riding. That must be more fun than staying at home.,West China is very different from East China.,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,写作,上周六,你的朋友举办生日Party. 你先到人民商场买了一份礼物(a present), 然后才去朋友家。请简要介绍你去商场和朋友家的交通方式,买礼物所花的钱, 朋友家离你家的路程,去朋友等家所花时间。要求:前因后果表达清楚,单词语法正确,字数不限。,_,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,Units 5-6,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,重要词汇,1课程_ 2日历_ 3邀请_ 4比赛_,5全部的_ 6训练_ 7明天_ 8化学_,9又一的_10.项目 _,lesson,calendar,invitation,match,whole,training,tomorrow,chemistry,another,project,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,重要词组,后天,_,2.,上钢琴课,_,3.,下一次,_,4.,准备考试,_,5.,顺便来访,_,6.,去看病,_,7.,去聚会,_,8.,去音乐会,_,9.,尽快回信,_,10.,那另找时间,_,11.,谢谢邀请,_,the day after tomorrow,have a piano lesson,next time,study for a test,come over,see a doctor,go to the party,go to the concert,write soon,Maybe another time,Thanks for asking.,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,翻译句子,1.我将同校队打网球。_,2. 她不得不照顾她的妹妹。_,3. 我这周真的很忙。_,4. 非常感谢你的邀请(用a lot)_,5. 你周三能来我的生日会吗?_,6. 当然我很愿意。_,7.我星期四不得不复习考物理. _,8. 我不能加入你们因为我得帮助父母. _,I am playing tennis with the school team.,She has to babysit her sister.,Im really busy this week.,Thanks a lot for your invitation.,Can you come to my birthday party on Wednesday?,Sure, Id love to.,I have to study for my physics test on Thursday.,I cant join you because I have to help my parents.,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,写作,根据提示写一封6080字的信。,Tom 邀请Li Ping 参加他这周日的生日宴会,但Li Ping的父母出差要到下个月回来,奶奶又卧病在床,需要人照顾。再说英语考试即将来临,因此,无法前去参加生日宴会。Li Ping感到很抱歉,只好写信辞谢。,Dear Tom,Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party. Id love to go but I cant. My parents,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,重要词汇,1.镇静的_ 2. 卤莽的_ 3. 体格强健的_ 4. 两者都_ 5. 受欢迎的_6. 学业_7. 笑_ 8. 相反的_ 9. 观点_ 10. 兴趣_ 11. 虽然_ 12. 严肃的_ 13. 物理_ 14.然而 _ 15. 必须的_ 16. 信息_ 17. 友谊_18. 打败_,calm,wild,athletic,both,popular,schoolwork,laugh,opposite,view,interest,though,serious,physics,however,necessary,information,friendship,beat,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,重要词组,1.擅长_,2. 在某些方面_,3. 看上去一样_,4. 看上去不同_,5. 喜欢做某事 _,6. 使某人做某事_,7. 超过_,8. 在.和.之间_,9.小学 _,10. 停止说话_,be good at,in some ways,look the same,look different,enjoy doing sth.,Make sb do sth,more than,between and,primary school,stop talking,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,翻译句子,你看上去和你的妹妹长得一样,_,2.,小明擅长游泳,_,3.,我姐姐和我一样。我们都很外向。,_,4.,他真的很滑稽,能使我大笑,. _,5.,格林先生和布朗先生年龄一样大。,_,He is really funny, and he can make me laugh.,You look the same as your sister.,Xiaoming is good at swimming.,My sister and I are both outgoing.,Mr. Green is as old as Mr. Brown.,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,6. 上海的天气比北京的天气热。_,7. 吉米比李华跑得快。_,8. 我比她内向得多。_,9. 这两本书都很贵。_,10.我认为友谊里的差异并不重要。_,It is hotter in Shanghai than in Beijing.,Jim runs faster than Li Hua.,I am much quieter than her.,The two books are both expensive.,I dont think differences are important in a friendship.,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,写作,有的朋友在性格上很相似,而有的朋友在性格和兴趣爱好上却有很大差异,你喜欢什么样的朋友呢?请仿照课文SECTIONB中3a部分那些同学的看法,写一写你自己的看法和原因;再介绍一下你最好的朋友,谈谈你们的相同点和不同点。(80词左右),_,英语上册Units1-6单元复习课件人教新目标,


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