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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,大学英语六级写作,2004,年,6,月,CET-6,Directions:,For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write,a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about the poor service of a bookstore,. You should write at least,150,words according to the guideline given below in Chinese:,设想你买了一本英文词典,发现有这样那样的质量问题,书店的服务态度又不好,因此给报社编辑写信。信中必须包括一下内容:,1.,事情的起因,2.,与书店交涉的经过,3.,呼吁服务行业必须提高服务质量,A Letter to the Editor of s Newspaper,一、近年,CET-6,作文题目,2005,年,1,月,CET-6,Directions:,For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write,an open letter on behalf of the Student Union asking people to give help to a student who is seriously ill,. You should write at least,150,words according to the guideline given below:,1.,对病人的简单介绍:目前的病情和家庭情况,2.,目前的困难:无法承担医疗费用,需要护理,3.,希望捐助:联系方式,Your Help Needed,2005,年,6,月,CET-6,Directions:,For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a,short essay entitled,Say No to Pirated Products,. You should write at least,150,words following the guideline given below:,1,目前盗版现象比较严重,2,造成这种现象的原因及其危害,3,我们应该怎么做,Useful words and expressions:,盗版:,piracy (n.),盗版产品:,pirated products,只是产权:,intellectual property rights,侵犯产权:,infringe,sbs,copyright; copyright infringement,Say No to Pirated Products,2005,年,12,月,CET-6,Directions:,For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a company declining a job offer. You should write at least,150,words following the outline given below:,1,、 对公司提供职位表示感谢,2,、 解释为何不能接受所提供的职位,3,、 希望给予谅解,并表达对公司的良好祝愿,A Letter Declining a Job Offer,2006,年,6,月,CET-6,Directions:,For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a,short essay entitled,Traveling Abroad,. You should write at least,150,words based on the chart given below:,1.,近十年来,X,市有越来越多的人选择出境旅游,2.,出现这种现象的原因,3.,这种现象可能产生的影响,Traveling Abroad,2006,年,12,月,CET-6,(老题型),Directions:,For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a,short essay entitled,The Celebration of Western Festivals,. You should write at least,150,words following the outline given below:,1.,现在国内有不少人喜欢过西方的某些节日,2.,产生这种现象的原因,3.,这种现象可能带来的影响,The Celebration of Western Festivals,2006,年,12,月,CET-6,(新题型),Directions:,For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a,short essay entitled,The Importance of Reading Classics,. You should write at least,150,words following the outline given below:,1,阅读经典书籍对人生的成长至关重要,2,现在愿意阅读经典的人却越来越少,原因是,3,我们大学生应该怎么做,The Importance of Reading Classics,2007,年,6,月,CET-6,Directions:,For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a,short essay entitled,Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?,You should write at least,150,words following the outline given below:,1,、有人做好事期望得到回报,2,、有人认为应该像雷锋那样做好事不图回报,3,、我的观点,Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?,2007,年,12,月,CET-6,Directions:,For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a,short essay entitled,The Digital Age.,You should write at least,150,words following the outline given below:,1.,如今数字化产品得到越来越广泛的使用,例如,2.,数字化产品的使用对人们工作、学习和生活产生的影响,The Digital Age,2008,年,6,月,CET-6,Directions:,For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a,short essay entitled,Will E-book Replace Traditional Books?,You should write at least,150,words following the outline given below:,1,、随着信息技术的发展,电子图书越来越多,2,、有人认为电子图书将会取代传统图书,理由是,3,、我的看法,Will E-book Replace Traditional Books?,2008,年,12,月,CET-6,四大写作题型,1,、观点表述型:要求对一个常见社会问题进行描述,分析之,并提供解决方法。,考题举例:,The Celebration of Western Festivals,The Digital Age,The Importance of Reading Classics,Traveling Abroad,Say No to Pirated Products,2,、对立观点型:一般分为三点提纲,即“有人认为,”“,另外一些人认为,”“,我认为,”,这种题型要求考生陈述某一个有争议的话题的正面观点、反面观点和作者观点。,考题举例:,Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?,Will E-book Replace Traditional Books?,3,、图表图画型:根据给定的图表或者图画写出一篇“先描述后议论”的文章。,考题举例:“,Traveling Abroad,”(,柱状图,),4,、应用文:此类题型实用性较强,紧跟社会形势,出题形式灵活。这一类作文,格式要求严格,其中书信写作的格式必须包括:称呼、正文、结尾礼词和署名。,考题举例:,A letter to the editor of newspaper,A Letter Declining a Job Offer,Your Help Needed,3.,图表图画型,出现几率小,但是练习一下事半功倍,而且可以为考验作文打下一定基础。,图表作文一般写作模式:,1.,说明图表;,2.,说明引起变化的原因;,3.,说明影响或提出解决办法。,注意:描写图表内容时,首先要观察图表,抓住规律性的变化,不能简单逐一翻译图表中数据,难点:正确表达出数据或趋势的变化,其它部分按照观点表述型或者对立观点型作文进行写作即可。,引出数据出处部分,1) From the chart (/graph/table/diagram), we can see,从图(表)中,我们可以看到,2) The chart (/graph/table/diagram) shows (/displays/reflects/reveals) that,如图所示,3) As can be seen from the chart (/graph/table/diagram), ,如图所示,4) It is clear (/apparent) from the chart (/graph/table/diagram) that,从图表中可以清楚地看到,静态数据或数据比较,1) accounts for (/takes up) 20% of all.,占总数的,20%,。,2) On the top of the list is, which accounts for 70%.,比例最高的是,,占,70%,。,3) At the bottom of the list is , which takes up 20% only.,比例最低的是,,仅占,20%,。,4) A is ranked first, followed by B at 20% and C at 15%.,A,占最高比例,其次是占,20%,的,B,及,15%,的,C,。,5) The figure reached the highest (/lowest) point in,数据在,时候达到最高点。,动态数据的比较,1) The number increased (/rose) suddenly (/dramatically/rapidly/ substantially/considerably/sharply) from to,数量从,激增到,2) During 1990-2000, there was a sudden (/rapid/dramatic/substantial /sharp/considerable) rise (/boom) in the number of private cars from to,1990,年到,2000,年间,私人汽车数量从,急剧增长到,3) The ten years from 1990-2000 witnessed (/saw) a steady growth of private cars from to,1990,年到,2000,年,10,年间,私人汽车从,稳步增长到,4) The number of private cars increased (/rose) or: fell/ dropped/ declined/decreased by 20%.,私人汽车数量增长了(或:降低了),20%,。,5,),The number of private cars in 2000 was 5 times more than that in 1990,2000,年私人汽车数量是,1990,年的,5,倍。,6) The number of private cars was roughly (/about/approximately) doubled (/tripled) between 1990 and 2000.,1990,年,-2000,年间,私人汽车数量大约是原来的,2,倍(,3,倍)。,2006,年,6,月,CET-6,Directions:,For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a,short essay entitled,Traveling Abroad,. You should write at least,150,words based on the chart given below:,1.,近十年来,X,市有越来越多的人选择出境旅游,2.,出现这种现象的原因,3.,这种现象可能产生的影响,Traveling Abroad,试书写开头一段,对图表中数据进行描述:,Traveling Abroad,It can be seen from the chart that there have been sharp increases in the number of people traveling abroad in City X in the past decade. As the chart shows, the year 1995 witnessed only about 10,000 people from this city touring abroad. In 2000, the number soared to nearly 40,000. Last year, more than 120,000 people in the city chose to spend their vacations outside China.,A number of factors account for the change in the chart, but the following are the most critical ones. First, thanks to the policy of reform and opening-up, the nations economy has been developing at a considerably high speed in the past decades. Therefore, the people have more extra money for traveling. Secondly, other relevant state policies and the boom of touring industry provide citizens with more opportunities to go out and see the world. Last but not least, people have attached greater importance to the quality of life, thus they spend more money and time traveling and sight-seeing.,In a word, this chart is a perfect indicator of Chinas fast expanding economy and peoples rising standard of life. The trend of traveling abroad will further stimulate the development of our economy and broaden peoples horizons.,4.,应用文,应用文的考查以书信为主,一般是对某一事件进行描述,以期根据所描述的事件达到题干所给的目的。文体属于,描写文或记叙文,的范畴。,一般写作顺序是:,1.,事情起因,2.,事情的详细经过,3.,所希望的解决方式,难点:,1.,因为平时写表述观点的文章居多,在写这类文章是往往会有比较大的心里压力。其实只要把事情的经过描述清楚了,就没什么问题了。,2.,对应用文的格式比较担心,怕因为格式不正确而扣分。其实现在的大卷上已经把题目、称呼、落款都印刷在作文纸上面了,只要把文章写上去即可。,步骤描写常用句型,1) The first thing to do is,首先要做的事情是,2) Having been through with this step, you may,完成这一步后,你可以做,3) Whats next is,下一步骤是,4,),As long as you follow these steps strictly, you will certainly,只要你严格遵循以下步骤,你肯定能,5) The last thing you have to do is,最后需要做的是,6) Do not panic in case the step did not work well enough.,倘若这步不太顺利,不必惊慌。,信件中常用句型,1,),I am writing to you to,给你写信的目的是(是为了),2,),I am responding to,给你回信是为了,3,),Im writing to lodge the complaint about,写信是为了投诉,4,),I am writing to invite you to participate in an international convention that is to be held in Beijing from 22th to 25th, July, 2007.,写信是为了邀请你参加于,举行的国际会议。,5,),Im writing to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the nurses and doctors in your hospital.,写信的目的是为了衷心感谢贵医院所有的医护人员。,6,),I strongly suggest that a repairman or a service engineer should be sent to my home without delay.,我强烈建议立即派修理员上门维修。,7,),If you cant, I am afraid that I will request for full amount of refund or a new air conditioner.,如果不能维修,我恐怕得要求全额退款或者换一个新的,2004,年,6,月,CET-6,Directions:,For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write,a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about the poor service of a bookstore,. You should write at least 150,words according to the guideline given below in Chinese:,设想你买了一本英文词典,发现有这样那样的质量问题,书店的服务态度又不好,因此给报社编辑写信。信中必须包括一下内容:,1.,事情的起因,2.,与书店交涉的经过,3.,呼吁服务行业必须提高服务质量,A Letter to the Editor of s Newspaper,2005,年,1,月,CET-6,Directions:,For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write,an open letter on behalf of the Student Union asking people to give help to a student who is seriously ill,. You should write at least,150,words according to the guideline given below:,1.,对病人的简单介绍:目前的病情和家庭情况,2.,目前的困难:无法承担医疗费用,需要护理,3.,希望捐助:联系方式,Your Help Needed,2005,年,12,月,CET-6,Directions:,For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a company declining a job offer. You should write at least,150,words following the outline given below:,1,、 对公司提供职位表示感谢,2,、 解释为何不能接受所提供的职位,3,、 希望给予谅解,并表达对公司的良好祝愿,A Letter Declining a Job Offer,Your Help Needed,Dear friends,I am writing to you, on behalf of the Student Union, to ask for your help for Li Ming, a schoolmate of ours from the Department of Computer Science. He is seriously ill now and has to have a heart transplant at once. To make things worse, he comes from the west of our country and his family is quite poor.,Li Ming is now confronted with the following difficulties. To begin with, he cant afford the medical expenses. His family doesnt have a good financial background. Moreover, his parents have already been deep in debt in order to send him to university. In addition, his family is far away and he needs someone to take care of him day and night. Only with intense care can our friend recover from his disease.,On no account can we see our friend suffer or die. He is in desperate need of your help, especially financial donations to help him pay for his expenses. Lets all give him our hands. Anyone who wants to offer help can contact us at 88588858 or you can email us by,love,. Please act without delay.,Yours sincerely,Zhang,Hua,Chairman of the Student Union,A Letter Declining a Job Offer,December 24, 2005,Dear Sir or Madam:,I am responding to your job offer on December 20, 2005. I was informed that I would be offered the position as an interpreter for your company. I cordially appreciate your trust and I am much obliged to you for providing me with this valuable opportunity.,However, I have to tell you that I cannot accept it. The major reason is that I dont think I am the most appropriate candidate for this post. As a non-English major, though my written and spoken English are outstanding than most of my peers, I am not well trained in translation, not to mention interpretation, which, I believe is highly demanding. Maybe my performance in the oral examination has misled you. Actually, I am more interested and more competent in my own major, that is, program designing. Last but not least, I happened to have been offered such a position with another company.,Nonetheless, I, again, want to express my sincere gratefulness and I earnestly apologize for any inconvenience hereby caused. Finally, I hope you can find the ideal candidate as soon as possible.,Best regards.,Yours sincerely,Li Ming,Assignment,Directions:,For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic:,The Post-graduate Craze,. You should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the chart below:,1,、目前很多人报考研究生。,2,、我认为形成这股热潮的看法是,(单位:万人),46,62.4,79.9,94.5,117.2,127.5,128.2,121,应试作文写作步骤,1.,审题(,1,分钟),1,)抓住文章的中心和范围,确定文章主题,2,)确定文章的体裁(议论文,/,描写文,/,记叙文,/,混合),3,)记住文章的字数要求,,CET-6,要求不少于,150,字。,2.,构思(,mind-mapping,,,2,分钟),在草稿上写如下方面的内容:,1,)想到的与主题有关的词汇或句型;,2,)与主题可能相关的观点,3.,提纲(,outlining,,,3,分钟),考虑并确定以下内容:,1,)分几段;,2,)每段的主题,考虑几段的主题是否有重合,每段主题如何过渡?,3,)每段的主题发展方式(列举、例证、定义、说理、分类等),应试作文写作步骤,4.,开始写作(,20,分钟),写作中注意以下几点:,1,)如果能记住模板,尽量用现成的;,2,)表达以清楚、明晰、直接为第一要素,尽量避免语法和拼写错误;,3,)按提纲构思写作,除非确有必要,不能更改提纲,否则慌乱之中,容易将自己的作文写得不连贯;,4,)不会表达的地方,要么改换一种说法,要么将需要表达的东西换成自己能表达的内容,不能勉强;,5,)注意在可能的情况下使用倒装句、复合句、强调句以增加句式的变化。,5.,检查修改(,5,分钟),1,)内容是否围绕了主题?,2,)列举的事实或例子是否说明主题?,3,)每一段是否有主题句?句与句间过渡是否使用了过渡词汇或其他过渡手段?,4,)是否有语言基础错误,包括:,主谓语形式是否一致?,动词时态是否正确?,代词有没有混乱的情况?,有没有流水句?,有没有缺少主语或谓语的破碎句?,有没有单词拼写、大小写、标点方面的错误等?,Good Luck!,


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