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Click to Edit Master Title Style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Improve,Purchased Parts Pull System Case Study,Background of Case Study,Presentation of Case Study Results,Class Discussion of Case Study,RD011402,采购零件拉系统案例分析,案例分析的背景,案例分析结果的发表,案例分析的课堂讨论,RD011402,Lean Six Sigma Improvement Process Road Map,Analyze,Control,Improve,Define,Identify Problem,Develop List of Customers,Develop List of CTQs from Voice of the Customer,Finalize Project Focus and Key Metrics,Complete PDF,Measure,Map Business Process,Map Value Stream,Develop DataCollection Plan,Conduct MeasurementSystem Analysis,Collect Data,Conduct Process Capability Analysis,Analyze,Propose Critical Xs,Prioritize Critical Xs,Verify Critical Xs,Estimate the Impact of Each X on Y,Quantify the Opportunity,Prioritize Root Causes,Conduct Root Cause Analysis on Critical Xs,Improve,Critical Xs Confirmed,Develop Potential Solutions,Select Solution,Optimize Solution,Pilot Solution,Control,Implement Process Changes and Controls,Write Control Plan,Calculate Final Financial/,Process Metrics,Transition Project to Future Owners,Identify Project,Translation Opportunities,Measure,Define,Project ID Tools,Project Definition Form,Net Present Value Analysis,Internal Rate of Return Analysis,Discounted Cash Flow Analysis,PIP Management Process,RACI,Quad Charts,Process Mapping,Value Analysis,Brainstorming,Multi-Voting Techniques,Pareto Charts,C&E/Fishbone Diagrams,FMEA,Check Sheets,Run Charts,Control Charts,Gage R&R,C,p,&,C,pk,SupplyChainAccelerator,Analysis,Multi-,Vari,Box Plots,Interaction Plots,Regression,ANOVA,C&E Matrices,FMEA,Brainstorming,Pull Systems,Setup Reduction,TPM,Process Flow,Benchmarking,Affinity,DOE,Hypothesis Testing,Force Field,Tree Diagrams,Gantt Charts,Check Sheets,Run Charts,Histograms,Scatter Diagrams,Control Charts,Pareto Charts,Interactive Reviews,Poka,-Yoke,Revised 1-12-02,3,Learning Objectives,Learn how to review a case study with basic data and make improvement suggestions,Learn the basic steps and calculations to present a Lean solution,Understand all the possible Pull Platforms and how they would apply in this case study,Determine the required measures for performance growth,Practice presentation skills,4,课程目的,学习如何评价案例中的基本数据及提出改进建议,学习发表精益解决方案的基本步骤和计算方法,理解所有可能的拉动平台以及如何应用在该案例分析中,确定绩效提高的评价指标,练习发表的技巧,5,Whats in It for Me?,Practice Replinishment Pull implementation,Discuss with the class all the possible barriers and solutions for the case study,Gain understanding to apply in your environment,6,我学到了什么?,练习补充拉系统的实施,课堂讨论案例中可能的实施障碍及解决方法,理解在自己工作中应用的知识技能,7,Replenishment Pull Case Study,Replenishment Pull at Windows-R-Us,In order to minimize the impact of shortages and to reduce inventory, I want to implement a replenishment pull system for my glass raw material. My goal is to reduce the amount of labor required to manage the raw material while reducing inventory. By reducing labor required to manage the raw glass, we should be able to concentrate on getting the other troublesome parts into the facility. I want to reveal the details of my plan to my staff next week.,John Smith,Manager of Tactical Procurement,8,补充拉系统案例,Windows-R-Us,公司的补充拉系统,为了将零件短缺的影响最小化及减少库存,我希望在玻璃原材料方面实施补充拉系统。我的目标是降低库存的同时减少材料管理的工作量。通过减少管理原材料的劳动量,我们可以集中精力处理其他棘手的零件。我希望在下周向我们的员工展示详细的计划。,John Smith,采购战略经理,9,Replenishment Pull Case Study (Cont.),John sat in his Dallas, TX office one afternoon thinking about several issues facing him in his new role as Tactical Procurement Manager. Since the recent reduction in force, his group has been struggling to manage the material needed for production. The result has been an increase in part shortages and inventory. Although excited about solving this problem, he was concerned about his ability to design and implement a pull system. Luckily, he had just attended a training course on replenishment pull systems.,Bill Glass founded Windows-R-Us in 1988. The company produces windows for the new home segment of the window industry. The company manufactures ten different families of windows resulting in 100 different end items. The total sales in 1997 were $180 million. The growth rate from 1993-1997 was 15% (CAGR) and ahead of industry average. The products are produced in one facility located in Dallas (TX).,The facility in Dallas consists of two manufacturing areas. The first produces the insulated glass subassembly and the second assembles the final product. Distributors are the primary customer and are responsible for final delivery to the home-sites. In general, this industry is subject to seasonality following the construction season.,10,补充拉系统案例,一天下午,约翰坐在位于德州达拉斯市的办公室内,思考着他自成为采购战略经理以来所面临的几个问题。因为最近的人员精简,他的部门正在为保证生产需要的材料而努力着,但结果往往是零件供应短缺或库存过多,尽管最近解决了一些问题,但是他还是担心自己是否有设计和实施拉系统的能力,幸运的是,他刚刚参加了一次补充拉系统的培训课程。,Bill Glass,于1988年创建了,Windows-R-Us,公司。公司生产家装窗户。公司生产10种不同的门窗系列共100种最终产品,1997年销售额$180百万。从19931997年,增长速度达15%(,CAGR),高于行业平均增长速度,产品在位于达拉斯市的一个小工厂生产。,达拉斯的制造厂包括两个制造部门,第一个部门生产绝缘玻璃分装配,第二个部门组装最终的产品,经销商是第一位的客户并负责最终将产品交付到用户手中,一般情况下,该产业受建筑业季节性变化影响。,11,Replenishment Pull Case Study (Cont.),During Johns assessment of the raw glass procurement process, he conducted,interviews and uncovered the following information.,From the Master Scheduler:,MRP generates all orders and action messages for raw material once per week,Schedule changes are common and probably drives excessive messages,Safety stock is not used but excess inventory exists due to the large number of schedule changes.,From the Raw Material Commodity Buyer:,Only 15 unique raw glass part numbers,Lead time for the glass is 1 week (regardless of mix) and the supplier is very dependable,Glass supplier runs the glass for the window company about once per quarter,Glass supplier has minimum shipment requirement of one truckload (20 containers 300 per container),Containers are 4 x 2.5 and can be stacked 3 high,Various order frequency used to order raw glass (no real strategy),12,补充拉系统案例,约翰在评价玻璃原材料的采购过程时,访问了一些部门并得到以下信息:,从主计划:,MRP,每周一次生成有关原材料的所有订货和行动信息,计划变更很平常,可能产生额外的信息,安全库存未使用,但过剩的在制存货由于大量的计划变更而存在。,从原材料采购处:,只有15种特定的原材料种类,玻璃的交货期为1周(不考虑混型),供应商可信度较高,玻璃供应商为,WINDOWS,公司,每季度生产一次,玻璃供应商最小发货量为一卡车(20箱每箱300块),料箱尺寸是,4 x 2.5 ,,最多可以码放3层料箱,玻璃原材料订货频次多变(没有固定的策略),13,Replenishment Pull Case Study (Cont.),From the Insulated Glass Production Manager:,Production consists of 5 steps (cut, sort, wash, assemble, bake),Run 3 shifts per day,Steps are connected via conveyors and therefore run synchronous,Cycle time from glass cut to finished insulated unit is about 1 hour,Changeover from 1 family to the next is about 2 hours,Can cycle through the 15 families about once per week,From the Warehouse Manager,Is currently about 40% efficient with floor space (based on the haphazard ordering),Employs 4 full time material handlers and 2 temporary cycle counters,John first gathered some information on the raw material parts (Exhibit 1). He,then performed some high level analysis on the parts (Exhibit 2). This analysis,should help him in identifying which parts make good candidates.,14,补充拉系统案例,从绝缘玻璃生产经理:,生产包含5个步骤,(,裁切,分选,清洗,组装,烘烤,),每天分3班,工序是通过传输带运行,因此是同步运行,周转时间从裁切到成品产出为1小时,产品更换的换模时间为2个小时,15,个系列产品可以每周循环生产一次,从仓库经理:,目前空置率为40%(由于摆放顺序随意),4,个专职的搬运工人和2个临时统计员,约翰首先收集到有关原材料的一些信息(表1),然后他又对原材料做了进一步的分析(表2),这些分析能帮助他识别最佳选择的零件。,15,Exhibit 1,ADU=Average Daily Usage,16,表 1,ADU=,平均日用量,17,Exhibit 2,18,表 2,19,Assumptions,AssumptionValue,1 truckload is the minimum requirement,1 case is the multiple requirement,Warehouse Space Efficiency60%,Service factor for safety stock2,Beta for safety stock0.70,A order frequency5 days,B order frequency10 days,C order frequency40 days,20,假设,假设价值,最小需求量至少为1卡车,需求量必须是1 整箱数量的倍数,仓库空间效率,60%,安全库存的服务水平2,安全库存的,Beta,值0.70,“A”,类订货频次,5,天,“B”,类订货频次,10,天,“C”,类订货频次,40,天,21,Presentation to the Staff,John continued to develop his proposal on the new pull system. Should all the parts go on pull? What risks are there with pull? What impact will this have on inventory? What impact will this have on transactions? What measures should we use?,Develop a 10 minute presentation to the staff on the process and impact of implementing a raw material pull system. The presentation must contain the following:,The best part candidates to place on the new replenishment pull system,The number of transactions for the new system versus the old system,Calculate impact to # of transactions (% increase or decrease),The size ($s) of the glass inventory using replenishment pull,Calculate the maximum, minimum and average quantity of glass on-hand,Calculate inventory $ impact (% increase or decrease),Determine square footage of floor space needed for the glass on pull,Recommend platform for generating the replenishment signal,Identify key measures for the process,Be prepared to respond to the following questions:,Did you make any assumptions?,What logic did you use to exclude parts?,22,向员工介绍,约翰继续进行关于新拉系统的设想,是不是全部零件都要拉动?拉动的风险有哪些?对库存的影响有哪些?对定单的处理有哪些影响?应该用哪些指标衡量?,用10分钟时间向你的员工介绍实施拉系统的过程和影响,发表应包括以下内容:,在新系统中所包含的最合适应用拉动系统的零件,新系统对比旧系统的定单处理量,计算对定单处理量的影响,(%,增加或减少,),用于拉系统中玻璃库存的规模,($s),计算现有玻璃数量的最大、最小值、平均值,计算库存价值的变化(,%,增加或减少),决定拉系统中库存玻璃的占用面积,建议的补充信号的可用平台(条件),确定过程中的主要量测指标,准备回答下列问题:,你是否使用了假设条件,?,用了何种逻辑清除多余零件,?,23,Answer Sheet,Bad Pull Part Candidates,24,答案表,不利于拉动系统的零件,25,Answer Sheet:,Transactional Sizing Detail,26,答案表:,事务处理详细,27,Answer Sheet:,Inventory Sizing Calculations,28,答案表:,库存规模计算,29,Answer Sheet:,Inventory Space Calculations,30,答案表:,库存面积计算,31,Answer Sheet:,Inventory Space Calculations (Pull Parts),32,答案表:,库存空间计算 (拉动零件,),33,Answer Sheet:,Inventory Space Calculations (Non-Pull Parts),34,答案表:,库存空间降低 (非拉动零件),35,Answer Sheet:,Platform and Measures,Suggested Pull Platform? _,Key Measures:,36,答案表:,平台和量测,建议的拉动平台?,_,关键的量测:,37,Takeaways,Understand the impact of Replenishment Pull,Understand the steps and calculations for Replenishment Pull,Gain better knowledge in what performance measures are important,38,总结,练习补充拉系统的实施,课堂讨论案例中可能的实施障碍及解决方法,获得在自己工作中应用的知识技能,39,Instructor Notesand Revision History,Hidden,Slide,Case Answers,Bad Pull Part Candidates,Hidden,Slide,41,Case Answers,Hidden,Slide,42,Case Answers,Hidden,Slide,43,Case Answers,Hidden,Slide,44,Chapter Revision History,Hidden,Slide,45,


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