a pioneer for all people说课课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,New Senior English for China Book 4,Unit 2 Working the land,Reading,A Pioneer for All People,ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST,Analysis of teaching material,Analysis of the students,Teaching and learning approaches,Teaching procedures,Unit 2 Working the land,Blackboard design,1.,Analysis of teaching material,(1),Status and function of the text,The topic of this unit is mainly about agriculture. This period plays a very important role in the learning of this unit. If the Ss can master it well, it will be helpful for them to learn the rest of this unit.,(2).,Teaching aims,To get the Ss to know more about,Dr Yuans life experience and his achievements.,Knowledge aim,:,Ability aim,:,To develop the Ss reading ability and reading skills,。,Emotional aim,:,To learn from Dr Yuan by analyzing his life experience and his attitude to life .,1.,Analysis of teaching material,(3).,Important and difficult points,Important points:,Get the Ss to know more about,Dr Yuans life experience and his achievements,.,Difficult points:,Enable the Ss to retell the passage by using some key words and phrases.,1.,Analysis of teaching material,As Senior High School students, most of the students have got a good way of learning and a strong desire of seeking knowledge.,However, they are not familiar with this topic, so the lesson is both easy and a challenge to Ss.,2.,Analysis of the students,3.Teaching and learning approaches,Teaching approach:,Task-based teaching method,Communicative approach,Students-centered teaching approach,Learning approach,:,Cooperative learning method,4.Teaching procedures,Step 1 Lead-in (3mins),Step 2,Fast reading(10mins),Step 3,Careful reading(15mins),Step 5 Discussion (7mins),Step 4,Practice and summary,(8mins,),Step 6 Homework(2mins),Lead-in,导入,(3mins),Step 1:,4.Teaching procedures,Q1:What,is,the main food,in North China?,Q2:What,is,the main food,in South China,?,Read the text,silently,in,5 minutes, and,finish the multiple choices.,Unit 2 Working the land,Step2 Fast reading,快速阅读,(10mins),Task 1,4.Teaching procedures,Task 2,Para,1,A. Dr Yuans,dreams,.,Para,2,B. Dr Yuans,attitude,towards life,.,Para,3,C. Dr Yuans,life experience,.,Para,4,D. Dr Yuans,appearance,and,his,achievement,.,Read and match,.,Unit 2 Working the land,Step3 Careful reading(,精读,)15mins,Read the text,carefully,and finish,4 tasks,.,4.Teaching procedures,Q1:,What,does Dr Yuan look like?,Q2:,How much,of the rice,produced in China each year,is from Yuan,Longpings,hybrid strain,?,Task 1,Paragraph 1,Time,Event(s),1930,1953,Since 1953,1974,now,Task 2,Paragraph 2,Dr. Yuan is quite satisfied with his life and,he cares about being famous,.,2.,He enjoys listening to violin music, playing basketball, swimming and reading.,3.,Spending money on himself or leading a,comfortable life also means very little to him.,4.,Indeed, he believes that a person with too much money has fewer rather than more troubles.,True (T) or False (F):,Paragraph 3,Task 3,Task 4,Paragraph 4,Long ago Dr Yuan had a dream,about,rice plants as,tall as _. Each ear of rice was as big as an,ear of_, and each grain of rice was as huge as a,_.,Fill in the blanks in,5 minutes, and,write down the answers on your paper.,Unit 2 Working the land,Step4 Practice and Consolidation(8mins),4.Teaching procedures,Yuan,Longping,is one of,Chinas most famous,_.,Born,in 1930, Dr. Yuan _,from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953.,At that time, _ was a disturbing problem in,many parts of the countryside.,Since then, finding,ways to grow more rice,has been,his life _.,In 1974,he invented _ and became the first,agricultural _ in the world.,_ his research, the UN has more tools in,the battle to _ the world,of,hunger.,Dr Yuan is,now,_ his knowledge in many _ developed,countries.,Dr Yuan and His Achievements,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1. most famous scientists,2. Born, in 1953,3. At that time,4. Since then,5. In 1974, ,6.Thanks to,7. Now,Retell the text according to the key words.,Step5 Discussion(7mins),4.Teaching procedures,What,can we learn,from Dr Yuan,Longping,?,Hard-working, care little about fame and money, go after dreams, serve the people, love life, optimistic, active, positive, persistent,?,Step6 Homework,作业,(2mins),4.Teaching procedures,Write a passage to introduce Yuan,Longping,according,the following information within 100 words.,隆平生于,1930,年,是中国最著名的科学家之一。,1953,年,袁隆平毕业于西南农学院。当时,在许多农村地区,饥饿是令人烦恼的问题。从那时起,找到水稻高产的方法一直是他终生的目标。,1974,年,他发明了超级杂交水稻,成为世界上第一位农业先锋。由于他的研究,联合国在消除世界饥饿的战斗中有了更多的方法。袁隆平现在在很多欠发达国家传播他的水稻知识。,Reference Words,(参考词汇),:,disturbing, invent, agricultural pioneer,thanks to, ridof, circulate,5.Blackboard design,A Pioneer for All People,Step1. Lead-in,Step2. Fast reading,Step3. Careful reading,Step4. Practice and summary,Step5. Discussion and writing,Step6. Homework,Key words,:,Struggle, equip, rid of,Thank you!,


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