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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,*,Section ,Learning about Language & Using Language,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,重点难点探究,速效提能演练,预习多维感知,Section ,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,预习多维感知,.Read the passage and choose the best answer.,1,What is the final result of the competition of the two restaurants?,A,Yong Huis restaurant wins.,B,Wang Pengs restaurant wins.,C,They combine their menus and created a new one.,D,They are looking for more delicious foods separately.,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,2,Why was Yong Hui so angry when she came to Wang Pengs restaurant?,A,Because she thought Wang Peng had spied on her menu.,B,Wang Peng offered the same food in his restaurant as hers.,C,She disliked the food offered in Wang Pengs restaurant.,D,The customers all went to Wang Pengs restaurant.,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,3,How did Yong Hui find the food in Wang Pengs restaurant?,A,She thought the food was delicious.,B,She felt ill about the heavy food.,C,She thought the food was good for health.,D,She thought the food was the same.,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,4,Why was their cooperation a successful one?,A,Because of their happy marriage.,B,Because of good management skills.,C,Because of their balanced diet.,D,Because their restaurant is beautiful.,答案:,1,4.CABC,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,.Read the text(P,14,15,)carefully and fill in the blanks.,Wang Pengs restaurant became successful again.He felt happy until he saw Yong Hui entering.She looked 1._.She wanted to know why Wang Peng was in her 2._ the other day.Wang Peng explained he lost his 3._,,,but felt better when he realized how few choices Yong Hui offered on her 4._.,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,He wanted her to try his food.Yong Hui 5._ and soon they were eating a big 6._.But Yong Hui felt sick with all the 7._ and heavy food and said she missed her 8._.On the contrary,,,Wang Peng said he would miss his food too and asked Yong Hui if she 9._ quickly,?,Yong Hui said she did need to 10._ a lot,,,but 11._ him that he would be healthier if he lost some weight.,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,They talked about menus and 12._ realizing neither of their restaurants really provided healthy foods.They decided to 13._ their ideas to provide a balanced menu.In this way they became very 14._ and both became healthier too. Finally they 15._ and lived happily ever after.,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,答案:,1.unhappy/angry,2.restaurant,3.customers,4,menu,5.agreed,6.meal,7.fat,8.vegetables and fruit,9.got tired,10.rest,11.reminded,12.balanced diets,bine,14.successful,15.got married,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,1However,,,as she was so afraid of being laughed at by her friends,,,she did not,consult,a doctor but lived on a diet of rice,,,.,然而她很怕被朋友们取笑,就没咨询医生而是自己吃一些米饭来节食,词汇精研,重点难点探究,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,品味经典,He went to the town to consult his doctor.,他进城去看医生。,I have to consult the manager about the matter.,关于这件事我得请教一下经理。,I consulted the telephone book for his number.,我查阅了电话簿找他的电话号码。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,自我探究,consult,vt,.,咨询,;,请教,;商量;查阅。,vi,.,交换意见;商议。,归纳拓展,consult with sb.,与某人商量,consult on/about.,就,向某人请教,询问,协商,consult a dictionary,查阅字典,consultant,n,顾问,Ill consult with my partners about this agreement.,我要同我的合伙人商量这一协议。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,牛刀小试,完成句子,(1)(2011,年郑州高一检测改编,)If you are not sure _ your strengths and weaknesses _,,,you may _ (,咨询专家,) so that you can develop yourself to the full.,答案:,where,;,lie,;,consult a professional expert,(2)The two lawyers _(,就这个案件进行了协商,) immediately.,答案:,consulted on the case,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,2Perhaps he would be able to,earn his living,after all and not have to close his restaurant.,或许他仍然能够谋生,而不至于关闭他的餐馆。,品味经典,His parents died early,,,so he had to earn his living by selling newspapers.,由于他父母去世早,他不得不靠卖报纸为生。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,自我探究,earn ones/a living (,make,ones/a living),谋生,。,归纳拓展,His honesty earned him great respect.,他的诚实博得了人们的尊敬。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,牛刀小试,Tom put his heart into the wildlife research,,,and finally,,,his efforts,_ (,为他赢得了成功和名誉,),答案:,earned him a great success and fame,(2)Last year he must _(,挣了一大笔钱,),答案:,have earned a fortune/a lot of money,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,3He did not look forward to being,in debt,because his restaurant was no longer popular.,他可不希望由于餐馆不受欢迎而负债。,品味经典,She was still $600 in debt.,她还欠,600,美元。,Im heavily/deeply in debt at the moment,,,but hope to be out of debt when I get paid.,我现在负债累累,但希望拿到工资后就能把债务还清。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,自我探究,in debt,欠债,,负债。,归纳拓展,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,I must pay a debt of $200 to him.,我必须还他,200,美元的借款。,He worked hard day and night to pay off his debts.,他日夜工作来还清他的债务。,注意:,in,n,.,表示“在,(,情况、状况,状态,),中”。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,牛刀小试,完成句子,(1),去年的这个时候我们还欠着债。,This time last year we were still _.,(2),经过十年的艰辛劳作,他们终于还清了债务。,After ten years of hard work,,,they at last _.,答案:,(1)in debt,(2)got out of debt/paid off all their debts,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,4She did not look happy but,glared,at him.,雍慧瞪眼看着他,看起来不高兴。,品味经典,They stood there,,,glaring at each other.,他们站在那里,怒视着对方。,The sun glared on the sea.,太阳在海上发出令人目眩的光芒。,The glare of the headlights almost blinded us.,汽车前灯耀眼的光使我们睁不开眼。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,自我探究,glare,vi,.,怒目而视,;闪耀,n,怒视;眩目的光。,易混辨析,glare at,,,stare at,,,look at,,,glance at,(1)glare at,怒目而视,(2)stare at,盯着看;凝视,(3)look at,看看,(,看的动作,),(4)glance at,一瞥,迅速看一眼,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,牛刀小试,用,glare at,,,stare at,,,look at,,,glance at,的适当形式填空,(1)She _ shyly _him and then lowered her eyes.,(2)I _ her because she made me angry.,(3)Dont _ me.It will make me uneasy.,(4)What are you _,?,答案:,(1)glanced,;,at,(2)glared at,(3)stare at,(4)looking at,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,翻译句子,(5),长时间盯着别人是不礼貌的。,_,(6),他快速环视了一下,看看是否有他认识的人。,_,_,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,(7),她女儿眼睛盯着商店橱窗里的玩具。,_,答案:,(5)It is not polite to stare at other people for a long time.,(6)He glanced round to see if there was anyone that he knew.,(7)Her daughter gazed at the toys in the shop window.,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,5I dont want to upset you,,,but I find your menu so,limited,that I stopped worrying and started advertising the,benefits,of my food.,我并不想让你心烦,不过我发现你菜谱上的菜太少了,所以我也不着急了,我也开始宣传我餐馆里食物的好处。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,(1)limit,品味经典,Her time is more limited now that she has a baby.,由于有了孩子,她现在的时间就更有限了。,I have only a limited understanding of French.,我只懂得一点儿法语。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,自我探究,limited,adj,.,有限的,。,归纳拓展,be limited to,局限于,limit.to.,把,限制在,set a limit to/on,put a limit on,限制,to the limit of,到,的极限,within limits,在一定程度上;有一定限制地,go beyond/over the limit,超过限度,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,牛刀小试,用上述单词或短语完成句子,(1)I think we should _ the discussion _ these two questions because time is _.,(2)The government decided to _ on the levels of pollution.,(3)She knew the _ of her power.,答案:,(1)limit,;,to,;,limited,(2)set a limit,(3)limit,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,(2)benefit,品味经典,Never forget the benefits we received from our friends.,绝不要忘记朋友给我们的恩惠。,I get no personal benefit from the business.,我从这桩生意中没得到任何私人利益。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,自我探究,benefit,n,U,,,C,利益,;好处,vt,.&,vi,.,有益于,;有助于;受益。,归纳拓展,be of (great) benefit to.,对,(,大,),有益处,for the benefit of sb.,for sb.s benefit,为了,的利益,benefit from/by.,从,中受益,beneficial,adj,.,有益的;受益的,be beneficial to sb.,对某人有益,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,The book isnt of much benefit to me.,这本书对我没多大益处。,I want you to live and learn for the benefit of mankind.,我想让你为了全人类的利益而生活和学习。,He always benefits from his fathers advice.,他总能从父亲的建议中受益。,He considered that the change would be beneficial to her health.,他认为这个改变会对她的健康有益。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,牛刀小试,在划线处填入合适的词,(4)He did a lot of work that was _ to us.,(5)We benefit _ daily exercises.,(6)It is said that Yoga is _ great benefit to human health.,答案:,(4)beneficial,(5)by/from,(6)of,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,完成句子,(7),新鲜空气对我们的健康有好处,我们受益于新鲜空气。,The fresh air _ our health and we _ it.,答案:,benefits,;,benefit from,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,一句多译,我们受益于她的发现。,(8)_,(9)_,(10)_,(11)_,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,答案:,(8)We benefit from her discovery.,(9)Her discovery benefits us.,(10)Her discovery is of benefit to us.,(11)Her discovery is beneficial to us.,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,6Perhaps we ought to,combine,our ideas and provide a balanced menu with food full of energy and fibre.,也许我们两家的食谱应该综合起来,做出一份富有热量和纤维的平衡饮食。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,品味经典,They combined their efforts to finish the work.,他们联合彼此的力量完成工作。,Theory should be combined with practice.,理论应与实践相结合。,Can iron combine with water and oxygen to form rust?,铁与水及氧气结合会生成锈吗?,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,自我探究,combine,vt,.&,vi,.(,使,),联合,;,(,使,),结合。,归纳拓展,combine.with.,把,与,结合,combination,n,.,结合,Some films combine education with recreation.,有些电影把教育与娱乐结合起来。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,牛刀小试,完成句子,(1),要想成为一位成功的艺术家,就必须把天赋和训练结合起来。,To succeed as an artist one must _.,答案:,combine talent and discipline,(2),他们把两个小店合成一个大的。,They _ the two small shops _ a big one.,答案:,combined,;,into,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,(3),他试着把理论和实际相结合。,He tried to _ theory _ practice.,答案:,combine,;,with,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,7In this way they,cut down,the fat and increased the fibre in the meal.,这样,他们减少了饭菜中的脂肪含量,增加了纤维素。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,品味经典,The doctor advised the patient to cut down smoking.,医生建议病人少吸烟。,You should cut down what you wrote in your paper.,你应该把你的论文内容删减一下。,He cut the tree down.,他砍倒了这棵树。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,cut down,削减,;删节;,把,砍倒,。,自我探究,归纳拓展,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,May I cut in?,我可以插句话吗?,You must cut out the unnecessary details.,你必须删掉不必要的细节。,He cut through the crowd.,他硬挤进人群中去。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,牛刀小试,用短语完成句子,(1)To protect the nature,,,we should not _ trees in the forest.,(2)If you dont pay your gas bill,,,soon you may be _.,(3)I wish Marie would stop _ on our conversation all the time.,(4)Come on,,,if we _ the field well get there before Frank.,答案:,(1)cut down,(2)cut off,(3)cutting in,(4)cut across,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,8Their balanced diets became such a success that,before long,Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight.,他们的平衡膳食非常有效,王鹏很快就瘦了,而雍慧却胖了。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,品味经典,I hope to see you again before long.,我希望不久后能再见到你。,We were tired of waiting and hoped the bus would come before long.,我们已经等得不耐烦了,希望公共汽车马上来。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,自我探究,before long,不久以后,。,归纳拓展,long before,很久以前,It was/will be long before.,过很久后才,It was not/will not be long before.,不久就,He had taken a doctors degree long before.,他很久以前就获得了博士学位。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,She died long before the war.,早在战前很久她就去世了。,It was not long before he came home.,不久他就回家了。,【,助记,】,Before long he had to return to the village where he once lived long before.,不久以后,他只得回到他很久以前住过的那个村子去了。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,牛刀小试,完成句子,(1)(2011,年长春高一检测改编,)Dont be so upset._(,不久之后,) your children can return to school again.,答案:,It wont be long before,(2)_(,很久以前,) he stayed in Germany for half a year and he will go to Germany _(,不久以后,) again.,答案:,Long before,;,before long,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,9But,dont you think,it would be better if you were a bit thinner?,不过,难道你不认为瘦一点更好吗?,句型巧析,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,品味经典,Cant you see that your work is below standard?,难道你不知道你的工作不符合标准吗?,Isnt this a wonderful concert?,这场音乐会不是很美妙吗?,Wouldnt it be better to find out what has happened first?,先查明发生了什么事不是更好吗?,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,自我探究,本句为否定疑问句,表示惊讶、提出建议、说服、批评或赞叹别人。以否定句方式提问的作用是,加强语气,。,牛刀小试,完成句子,你不认为我们应该离开吗?,_ we should leave?,答案:,Dont you think,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,译文助读,COME AND EAT HERE(2),A week later,,,Wang Pengs restaurant was nearly full and he felt happier.Perhaps he would be able to earn his living after all and not have to close his restaurant.He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular.,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,He smiled as he welcomed some customers warmly at the door but the smile left his face when he saw Yong Hui walking in.She did not look happy but glared at him.,“,May I ask what you were doing in my restaurant the other day? I thought you were a new customer and now I know that you only came to spy on me and my menu,,”,she shouted.,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,“Please excuse me,,”,he calmly explained,,“,I wanted to know where all my customers had gone last week.I followed one of them and found them in your restaurant.I dont want to upset you,,,but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food.Why dont you sit down and try a meal,?”,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,Yong Hui agreed to stay and soon they were both enjoying dumplings and breast of chicken cooked with garlic.When they were served the ice cream,,,Yong Hui began to look ill.“I feel sick with all this fat and heavy food,,”,she said,,“,I miss my vegetables and fruit.” Wang Peng was enjoying a second plate of dumplings so he sighed.“Yes,,”,he added,,“,and I would miss my dumplings and fatty pork.,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,Dont you get tired quickly,?” “,Well,,,I do have to rest a lot,,”,admitted Yong Hui.“But dont you think it would be better if you were a bit thinner,?,Im sure youd feel much healthier.” They began to talk about menus and balanced diets.“According to my research,,,neither your restaurant nor mine offers a balanced diet,,”,explained Wang Peng.“I dont offer enough fibre and you dont offer enough bodybuilding and energygiving food.,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,Perhaps we ought to combine our ideas and provide a balanced menu with food full of energy and fibre.” So that is what they did.They served raw vegetables with the hamburgers and boiled the potatoes rather than fried them.They served fresh fruit with the ice cream.In this way,,,they cut down the fat and increased the fibre in the meal.,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,Their balanced diets became such a success that before long Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight.After some time the two found that their business cooperation had turned into a personal one.Finally they got married and lived happily ever after.,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,这里来用餐吧,(2),一周后,王鹏的餐馆几乎坐满了人,他感到高兴些了。也许他仍然能够谋生,而不至于关门了。他不希望由于餐馆不受欢迎而负债。他微笑着站在门口热情地迎接他的客人。但他一见到雍慧走进来,脸上的笑容马上就消失了。雍慧瞪着他,看上去不高兴。,“,请问你那天到我餐馆里来干什么?,”,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,她大声地问道,,“,我本来以为你是一位新顾客,现在我才发现你只是过来打探我和我的菜谱的。,”,王鹏心平气和地解释说:,“,很对不起,上周我想知道我的顾客是上哪儿吃饭去了。我跟着一位顾客走,发现他们在你的餐馆里。我并不想让你心烦,不过我发现你菜谱上的菜太少了,所以我也就不着急了,我也开始宣传我餐馆的食物的好处。你为什么不坐下来吃顿饭呢?,”,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,雍慧同意留下来。没过一会,他们两人就津津有味地吃起饺子和蒜蓉鸡胸。当吃到冰激凌时,雍慧开始感到不舒服了。她说:“吃了这么多油腻的、难消化的食物,我都觉得恶心了。我想吃我的蔬菜和水果。”这时候,王鹏正在吃第二盘饺子,他叹了一口气,说道:“同样地,,(,如果在你的餐馆,),我还想吃我的饺子和肥肉呢。你不觉得自己很容易疲乏么?”“是的,我的确经常需要休息。”,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,雍慧承认了,“不过,难道你不认为你瘦一点更好么?我相信,那样你会觉得更健康些。”,他们开始谈论菜谱和平衡膳食的问题。王鹏解释道:“我的研究表明,你我两家所提供的都不是平衡膳食。我没有提供足够的纤维食物,而你提供的食物没有足够的营养和热量。也许我们两家餐馆的食谱应该综合起来,做出一份富有热量和纤维的平衡食谱。”于是,他们就照此做了。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,他们用生蔬菜配汉堡包,煮土豆不是油炸土豆,还拿新鲜水果配上冰激凌。这样,他们减少了饭菜中的脂肪含量,增加了纤维素。他们的平衡食谱非常有效,王鹏很快就瘦了,而雍慧却胖了。过了不久,这两个人发现,他们生意上的合作变成了私人的合作了。最后,他们结了婚,过上了幸福美满的生活。,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,速效提能演练,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,本部分内容讲解结束,点此进入课件目录,按,ESC,键退出全屏播放,谢谢使用,英语课件:人教版必修三Unit2Section,


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