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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,国际商务英语口语实训Module 3 Business Meetings,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,Module 3.2 Making Business Appointments,Module 3.3 Market Research,Module 3 Business Meetings,Module 3 Business Meetings,He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask is a fool for ever.,Traditional Chinese proverb,If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples, then you and I still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.,George Bernard Shaw,Learning Objectives,Module 3 Business Meetings,Learn how to make arrangements for business meetings,Learn how to make business appointments in appropriate ways and appropriate language and manners,Learn how to conduct market researches and analyze market figures,Background Information,Module 3 Business Meetings,Meetings are an inseparable part of business activities. To know how to arrange a meeting and make a personal appointment is one of the important abilities for business people. However, business meetings may come in all shapes and sizes. There are the everyday meetings, board meetings, workshops, seminarsall the way up to major international conferences. And meetings can now be face-to-face, teleconference, videoconference or online via the internet.,Background Information,Module 3 Business Meetings,If communication is compared to the lifeblood of an organization, then meetings are the heart and mind. Modern workplaces are built on teams. And meetings are more important than ever. They are the places where ideas are exchanged, issues are discussed, problems are solved, and plans and strategies are made. In the following parts, Lee Chen and his colleagues in Wenzhou Thunderseal Container Fittings Co., complete the task of arranging meetings and making appointments. Examples of market research and analysis are also illustrated.,Warming up,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,Pair work,A,As a secretary in a company, you are going to organize an annual sales conference for next year. Discuss with your partner and decide which five are the most important arrangements you should make. Give your reasons.,Warming up,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,Pair work,A,fix a time prepare materials,decide the theme make the budget,choose the venue draw up a seating plans,invite the delegates work out an agenda prepare a buffet lunch set up the conference room prepare some audio-visual facilities,Warming up,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,Pair work,B,Work in pairs. Have a free conversation with your partner about a meeting you have attended before. Your conversation should cover the theme of the meeting, the delegates who attended it, the conclusion reached, and your comments on the meeting.,Reading in,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,A. Rearrange the following sentences to arrange a meeting,Ill do it right away.,We are trying to arrange a meeting for next Tuesday. Please notify every member.,Remember to prepare materials for everyone and put all the papers to be discussed into this folder.,I see. Anything else?,Put it into the folder, too.,What about the drafts of resolutions?,You need draw up a seating plan and give each person a number.,Ill try my best to carry out the detailed preparation.,bacfedgh,Reading in,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,B. Sentences for arranging a meeting,Im trying to arrange a meeting for next week.,Mary, is everything going well for tomorrows meeting?,Tom is going to attend on my behalf.,I have got that presentation put together.,I need a computer, a display monitor, a whiteboard, pens and an eraser. Please get prepared in advance.,What issues should be discussed on the agenda?,Reading in,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,B. Sentences for arranging a meeting,Please write the agenda on the notice board.,The meeting agenda has not yet been drawn up.,In addition, there are some other matters I wish to include into the agenda.,We must keep each item within 15 minutes. The topics should be short and simple.,Speaking out,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,Task 1 Read the model dialogue. Pay attention to the highlighted sentences and then role-play it with your partner.,Lee Chen from Wenzhou Thunderseal Container Fittings Co. is discussing about organizing a sales meeting with his colleague, Zhang Hua.,Zhang Hua= Z; Lee Chen= L,L: Could we have a quick word about the sales conference?,Z: Yes, of course. The venue is booked.,L: Good. And Ive got some definite numbers now. There are 50 delegates.,Speaking out,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,Task 1 Read the model dialogue. Pay attention to the highlighted sentences and then role-play it with your partner.,Z: Ok, the conference room holds 70.,L: We also need to know what special equipment the speakers need. What have we got, then?,Z: There are simultaneous translation facilities and a video projector in the conference room.,L: What about microphones and slide projectors?,Z: If the speaker does need these things, wed probably have to borrow them from the hotel. What time would you like to start?,Speaking out,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,Task 1 Read the model dialogue. Pay attention to the highlighted sentences and then role-play it with your partner.,L: Nine, I think.,Then we can fit two sessions in before lunch,. What are we doing for lunch?,Z: Theres a bar for drinks and I thought wed have a buffet.,L: Do they make sit-down meals?,Z: Yes. Would you prefer a sit-down meal, then?,L: I think so.,Z: Ok. Ill arrange it.,Speaking out,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,【Words and phrases】,1. delegate,n.,代表,2. venue,n.,会议场所,3. simultaneous,a,.,同步的,同声的,4. facility,n.,设备,5. a video projector,视频放映仪,6. a slide projector,幻灯片放映机,7. microphone,n.,麦克风,话筒,8. session,n.,专题会,9. buffet,n.,自助餐,10. a sit-down meal,由侍者送上餐桌的,坐在桌前吃的一餐饭;坐式晚宴,Speaking out,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,Task 2 Short conversations,Complete the short conversations according to the Chinese versions given to you. Then practice the conversations with your partner.,1. A: What time is the sales meeting going to begin?,B: At ten oclock. _,(会议室你已布置好了吗,?,),2. A: How many people are going to attend the meeting?,B: There are about twelve. And _,(便笺簿没有了。),Did you set up the conference room?,there arent any memo pads,Speaking out,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,Task 2 Short conversations,3. A: Mr. Johnson. I came to remind you _,(今天上午,9,点有个会议。),B: Oh, thats right. And the general manager has asked me to report the companys sales for last year at the meeting.,4. A: Maybe we should begin with a preparatory meeting this afternoon.,B: Im afraid _,(今天下午没空。),that a meeting is scheduled for 9 oclock this morning,I will be fully occupied this afternoon,Speaking out,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,Task 2 Short conversations,5. A: Mr. Chen, shall we change the time to 2 oclock tomorrow afternoon?,B: Ok, Ill tell Miss Liu _,(去通知部门里的其他人。),to inform other members of the department,Speaking out,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,Task 3 Presentation,Your company is going to hold a meeting about promoting your products in Wenzhou market. Work in groups and discuss what preparations you should make before the meeting and why. Give a presentation on your discussion in the front of the class.,Speaking out,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,Task 4 Read the model dialogue. Pay attention to the highlighted sentences and then role-play it with your teammates.,Lee Chens company has met the problem of sales declining. So he and his colleague, Yang Jian, are discussing the problem at the meeting.,L: Good morning, everyone.,Im glad you could all make it,. Um, as we all know, there are some signs that perhaps things are slipping a little bit. So the main thing,I want to discuss with you this morning is how to reverse this situation and put our company back to the right track.,Speaking out,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,Task 4 Read the model dialogue. Pay attention to the highlighted sentences and then role-play it with your teammates.,A: In my opinion, we should find ways to upgrade our distribution network besides developing our products.,L: Whats your view, Yang Jian?,B: I agree. But I think the main point is that our prices are too high. Most of our prices are not competitive in the present market. Were losing customers, even though we have a great product line.,L: You mean well have to reduce our price?,Speaking out,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,Task 4 Read the model dialogue. Pay attention to the highlighted sentences and then role-play it with your teammates.,B: Yes. Our competitors prices are quite lower than ours.,Were being undersold by them!,C: Im afraid I can not agree with you. You know, due to the rising prices of raw materials, we can only make a small profit at this price. Im more worried about our after-sales service. Customer satisfaction is more important than low prices, isnt it?,D: Yes, thats indeed. Recently we have received many complaints about customer service.,Speaking out,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,Task 4 Read the model dialogue. Pay attention to the highlighted sentences and then role-play it with your teammates.,I wonder whether the recent layoffs are affecting the quality of our customer service.,L: Yes, I really think we should ensure enough personnel in customer service.,A:,Thats what is in my mind,. The present situation is unacceptable. If we lose the trust of our customers, our sales volume will drop.,L: Ok. Thanks for all your suggestions. Ill present them to the board of directors.,Speaking out,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,【Words and phrases】,1. slip,n.,/,v,.,下滑,2. reverse,v.,扭转,3. upgrade,v.,提升,4. distribution network,经销网络,5. competitor,n.,竞争对手,6. complaint,n.,投诉,抱怨,7. undersell,v.,低价竞争,8. personnel,n.,人员,9. layoff,n.,裁员,Speaking out,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,Task 5 Interpretation,Interpret the following sentences to your partner.,既然人都到齐了,何不早一点开始,这样大家就可以早一点走了?,(right now),2.,这次会议的主要目的是和大家讨论一下新产品的广告事宜。,(advertising campaign),Since all of you are here, why dont we get started right now so that we can leave sooner.,The purpose of this meeting is to discuss with you the advertising campaign for our new products.,Speaking out,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,Task 5 Interpretation,3.,在目前的形势下,我认为提高售后服务质量比开发新产品更重要。,(after-sales service),4.,这是一类很重要的议题,所以我不希望它直到会议最后才讨论。,(tackle),5.,如果诸位没有其他要补充的,会议就到此结束。,(add, draw to a close),Under the present situation, I believe improving the quality of after-sales service is more important than developing new products.,This is kind of an important issue, and I dont want it tackled at the end of the agenda.,If nobody wants to add anything, we can draw the meeting to a close.,Speaking out,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,Task 6 Role play,Student A: You are a sales person of a camera company. Your cameras have poor sales in Canadian market. After a research, you find the problem existing with the advertising agency and advertising media. Now you are reporting the problem to your marketing manager and discussing the ways to improve advertising effectiveness.,Student B: You are the marketing manager. In your discussion, you decide to use a Canadian advertising agency and choose new media like internet home pages instead of just newspapers for your advertisements.,Practical Training,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,1. Put the following sentences into correct order and act it out with your partner.,Manager,( ) a.Is everything going well for tomorrows meeting?,( ) b.What about the microphone and speakers?,( ) c.All the audio-visual aids ready?,( ) d.You dont have to write down every word.,You just make a note of the topics that are discussed,and the result of the discussion.,( ) e.Now Id like you to type the chairmans special,agenda which Ive written out for you.,1,5,3,8,7,Practical Training,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,1. Put the following sentences into correct order and act it out with your partner.,( ) f.Well, just have a try, and I believe you can do it well.,Secretary,( ) g.Yes, everyone has been told by external memo.,( ) h.Yes, they are ready, too.,( ) i.You dont want me to take the minutes, do you?,Im not exactly a verbatim reporter.,( ) j.Yes, Ive got them ready for the meeting.,( ) k.All right. Ill do my best.,( ) l.Well, I still think its difficult.,11,2,6,9,4,12,10,Practical Training,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,2. Play your role according to the clues given in the brackets.,Manager: Mary, have you finished preparing the agenda?,Mary:Not yet, sir. (1) _,(还有几项需要确认。),Manager: Let me have a look.,Mary:(2) _,(给您。),Manager: Ok. First weve got a little time for general introductions. (3)_,(接着是总经理作报告。),Mary:Will our Chairman of the Board of Directors come?,There are still several items that need to be confirmed.,Here you are.,then follows the General Managers report,.,Practical Training,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,2. Play your role according to the clues given in the brackets.,Manager: No, I dont think so. Well, (4)_,(议程的下一项是萨姆作大约,15,分钟的展示。),Mary:Should I ask him to control the time?,Manager: Yes, and (5) _,(别忘了提醒他打出公司的标志。),Mary:Fine.,the next item on the agenda is the demo by Sam for about fifteen minutes,dont forget to remind him to present the logo of our company,Practical Training,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,2. Play your role according to the clues given in the brackets.,Manager: And cross out the item of the Financial Managers report. He will not attend the meeting.,Mary:Anything else?,Manager: No, the other items will follow as scheduled.,Mary:Ok. I understand.,Practical Training,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,3. Acting out,(1) Role play,You are one of the administrative staff of Wenzhou New Century Shoes Co., Ltd. Your company experienced a decline of sales in recent months and you are organizing a meeting to address this problem. The meeting will be participated by all the top executives in your company. Discuss with your colleagues about how to organize the meeting. Your conversation should cover the main important preparations to be made.,Practical Training,Module 3.1 Meeting Arrangement,3. Acting out,(2) Game: An interesting meeting,Work in pairs. Each pair conducts the game by throwing a coin. If one side of the coin is facing upward, student A should describe one aspect of a meeting he/she has attended. Your description should not get away from the venue, participants, topic, accommodation and comments of the meeting. Student B is expected to do the same if the other side of the coin is facing upward. Throw the coin by turns until one student fails to offer more description of meetings.,Warming up,Module 3.2,Making Business Appointments,Pair work A,You are a student of Business English at Zhejiang Industry & Trade Vocational College. There are some questions you wish to discuss with your teacher, Prof. Zhang. How would you make the appointment with him? If Prof. Zhang is busy all day. How would you suggest another time for your appointment? Please simulate a telephone conversation to make the appointment.,Warming up,Module 3.2,Making Business Appointments,Pair work B,Work with your partner and try to figure out the answers to the following questions.,1. Have you ever made an appointment with someone? If yes, what was the occasion?,2. How would you say if you want to invite somebody to a dinner party?,3. If you cant make the time for an appointment, how would you say?,Reading in,Module 3.2,Making Business Appointments,A. Rearrange the following sentences to make it into a logical conversation.,I want to set up a time to meet with you.,I found something serious in our contract. I need to discuss it with you.,Im sorry Im not in Beijing. Im in Guangzhou city to attend an important meeting.,Does Yahoo Messenger have the function of voice or webcam?,Im afraid that its too late for me.,Reading in,Module 3.2,Making Business Appointments,A. Rearrange the following sentences to make it into a logical conversation.,En. Let me think. Would you like have a visual net meeting? I think the Internet may be the best way to solve it now.,Lets talk about it in five days, shall we?,So thats set. At 9 pm tonight.,What about at 9 pm?,Of course. When is available?,a-c-b-g-e-f-d-j-i-h,Reading in,Module 3.2,Making Business Appointments,B. Functional expressions used for making appointments.,Id like to make an appointment with you.,Will you be free this afternoon?,Would it be possible for me to talk to you in person next week?,There are some complications in the company.,Please suggest a date of your convenience.,Reading in,Module 3.2,Making Business Appointments,B. Functional expressions used for making appointments.,Sorry, I wont be in this afternoon. But any time after that would be fine with me.,Monday is a bit of problem for me. Can you put it off until Wednesday?,Im awfully sorry but I wont be able to come over Monday morning.,I have an appointment with Sam at 2 oclock this afternoon, but something urgent has come up, I would like to cancel it.,I hate to do this, but I have to break our appointment.,Speaking out,Module 3.2,Making Business Appointments,Task 1 Read the model dialogue. Pay attention to the highlighted sentences and then role-play it with your partner.,Lee Chen talks to Miss Zhang to make an appointment with Mr. Wilson.,Lee Chen= L; Miss Zhang= Z,L: Hello, Miss Zhang.,Id like to make an appointment with Mr. Wilson,regarding our sales plan for the second half of the year. Is he free on Monday morning?,Z:No, he is visiting our warehouse. What about the afternoon?,Speaking out,Module 3.2,Making Business Appointments,Task 1 Read the model dialogue. Pay attention to the highlighted sentences and then role-play it with your partner.,L:,Im afraid I cant make that,. I am meeting Mr. Harper at the bank. How about Tuesday?,Z: He is busy all day Tuesday. In the morning he is picking up Mr. Smith at the airport. And in the afternoon he is showing a big client around the factory.,Would Wednesday morning suit you?,L: No, Im tied up then. Im attending the sales conference, but I am free in the afternoon.,Speaking out,Module 3.2,Making Business Appointments,Task 1 Read the model dialogue. Pay attention to the highlighted sentences and then role-play it with your partner.,Z:,But Mr. Wilson cant make Wednesday afternoon,. He is seeing someone at the American Embassy. Are you busy on Thursday?,L: Yes. In the morning, Im interviewing sales representatives and in the afternoon I am having a talk.,Is he doing anything on Friday morning,?,Z: He is free then. Will you see him at, say, 9:30?,L: That would be fine. Thanks for your help.,Z: Its my pleasure. Im glad we finally made it.,Speaking out,Module 3.2,Making Business Appointments,【Words and phrases】,1. warehouse,n,.,仓库,2. pick up,(用车、船等)搭载客人;驾车去迎接,3. show sb. around,领某人参观,4. client,n.,客户,5. sales conference,销售会议,6. Im tied up.,我非常忙。,7. American Embassy,美国大使馆,8. interview,v,.,会见,面谈,9. representative,n,.,代表,Speaking out,Module 3.2,Making Business Appointments,Task 2 Short conversations,Complete the short conversations according to the Chinese versions given to you. Then practice the conversations with your partner.,1. A: Its best to have a meeting as soon as possible.,B: Ok. Let me check the schedule. _,(我明天下午与您面谈如何,?,),2. A: I want to set up


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