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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,英语必修二unit1Usinglanguag,*,Using Language,Facts or Opinions,A VW Passat can go faster than 100kms an hour.,I think its the best car for a family.,I think driving a car is wrong because it causes damage to the environment.,I dont like public transport because its so crowded.,I know that driving a car spoils the air in Beijing.,The Beijing Olympic games is the best ever.,It will be very hot when the Olympic games are being held.,More countries than ever before will be coming to take part in the Olympic games.,Reading and listening,Reading this passage and think about the difference between a fact and an opinion.,1,What is a fact?,What is an opinion?,What is evidence?,The facts given by the eyewitness is called evidence.,A fact is anything that can be proved.,An opinion is what someone believes is true but has not been proved.,2,Now read a mans story about what happened to the Amber Room quickly. Do you think it is a act or an opinion? Give your reasons.,I think it is,it is an opinion that what id in the boxes is gold or the Amber Room because Jan Hasek did not see what was in the boxes. He listened to other peoples ideas of what might have been inside. So his evidence is an opinion.,Read the story again and fill in the table.,Name,Job,Place,Time,What he heard,What he saw,What he believes,Jan Hasek,A miner,April, 1945,Czech,Republic,1 Some German soldiers put wooden,boxes in the mine.,2 The entrance to the mine was closed.,Something exploded at midnight.,The Amber Room and some gold were buried in the mine.,3,Listen to Part A and write down where the Amber Room was lost.,Listen to Part B and write down how the Amber Room was lost.,At sea.,In a fire.,Now you are going to hear another two people talk about what happened to the Amber Room.,4,Part A,NAME,Hans Braun,Job,a sailor,Place,Konigsberg,One night during the war,He was told to _ put some _ onto the ship.,The soldiers said that the heavy boxes _.,The ship _. On the voyage, the ship _ and sank. Almost _.,He had to swim three kilometres before _.,help German soldiers,big wooden boxes,were full of treasure,went out to sea,was attacked,everyone died,he was saved by a German ship,Listen to the tape again. Stop after each part and fill in the blanks.,5,Part B,NAME,Anna Petrov,Job,a maid,Place,Konigsberg,One night in 1941,_ came to the castle with _. _ took the boxes into the castle.,She heard that a special _in the castle was shown to_.,At the end of August, 1944,She heard _, and she saw _. She found some melted pieces of something that looked like _,The soldiers told her that the melted pieces could have come from _.,Many trucks,The German soldiers,large boxes,art treasure,the castle was on fire,honey,the Amber Room,important visitors,something explode,Hello, Im Hans Braun, an old German sailor. During the war my ship was at Konigsberg. One night I was told to help our soldiers put some big wooden boxes onto my ship. They were very heavy and the soldiers said they were full of treasure. The ship went out to sea. On our voyage, our ship was attacked and sank. Almost everyone died. I had to swim three kilometers before I was saved by a German ship. Nobody had time to save the boxes. They must still be buried in the sand. Now a group of people who are searching for the Amber Room have asked me to help them find the ship.,Part A: Hans Brauns story,Part B: Anna Petorvs story,Hello, my name is Anna Petrov. I was a maid at the castle in Konigsberg between 1940 and 1945. One night in 1941 many trucks came to the castle with large boxes. The German soldiers took the boxes into the castle. Later we heard that a special art treasure in the castle was shown to important visitors. Perhaps it was the Amber Room but I never saw it. Then at the end of August. 1944. I heard something explode. When I looked outside I saw that the castle was on fire. The next morning I found some melted pieces of something that looked like honey. Russian soldiers later told me it was amber and it could have come from the Amber Room.,Language points,trial n.,审判;审讯;试验,Trial,by jury(,陪审团),is a fundamental right.,The new aircraft has performed very well in its,initial(,最初的),trials.,trial and error,反复试验 (得出最佳效果),We established our present working methods,by a process of trial and error.,2. evidence n. 根据;证据,one or more reasons for believing that sth. is or is not true:,1 The police have found no,evidence,of a terrorist link with the murder.,2 There is growing / mounting / increasing,evidence,that people whose diets are rich in vitamins are less likely to develop some types of cancer.,3. explode vi.,爆炸,to (cause to) burst violently:,1 A bomb,exploded,at one of Londons,busiest railway stations this morning.2 He was driving so fast that his car tyre,exploded,.,英语必修二unit1Usinglanguag,6. entrance n. 入口,a door, gate, etc. by which you can enter a building or place:,There are two,entrances, one at the front and one round the back.,the key/ answer/ response/ reaction /access/ approach to (介词),5. to ones surprise/ amazement / joy/ delight /sorrow/ excitement / disappointment,使 某人惊讶/高兴/难过/兴奋 / 失望的是,4. by,the light of the moon,借助月光,exit,英语必修二unit1Usinglanguag,Speaking,Discuss in pairs which person gave the best evidence, using the information in the former section. The following expressions may help you.,Do / Dont you think that?,Would you consider?,Why / Why not?,Do you have any idea about?,How do you know that?,Are you sure that he / she was telling the truth?,1,What do you think?,What do you think of.?,Whats your idea / opinion of?,What would you say?,How do you feel about?,Who do you think was?,What are your reasons for saying that?,I think / dont think that,Sorry, I agree / dont agree with you.,In my opinion,It can be proved.,That cant be true.,I dont believebecause,I thinkis telling the truth because,Write down the reasons for your choice.,It can be proved that _,gave the best evidence because _,_,_,_.,Anna Petrov,she saw,something that could have come from the Amber Room and she has nothing to gain from her story,2,3,Share your ideas with another group and choose the one with the best reasons. Present your discussion to the class.,1. Lead-in,We have talked about what we should do to protect the cultural relics; now well learn a letter from a German newspaper. The writer gives his opinion about what should be done with the cultural relic that has been found.,Reading and writing,英语必修二unit1Usinglanguag,2. Fast reading for general ideas and then fill in the table.,Whats being,talked about?,What is Johanns,opinion?,What are Johanns reasons for not returning it to Russia?,Some people are searching for the Amber Room.,He doesnt agree that it should be returned to Russia, or to any government.,The search has cost them a lot of time and money.,英语必修二unit1Usinglanguag,3. Discuss the following questions in turn and think of some reasons for your ideas.,Questions for the discussion,1) Who do you think the Amber Room belongs to?,2) What should you do with things you have found even if the search cost you time and money?,3) Do you agree with Johanns idea?,英语必修二unit1Usinglanguag,4. An informal class debate,Tips for an informal class debate,There must be a question with two,possible answers.,There must be a chairperson.,There must be two sides in the class “for”,or “against” the question.,Each side take turns to debate and gives,reasons for their opinion.,At the end there should be a class vote.,The chairperson says which side wins and why.,英语必修二unit1Usinglanguag,Do you think it is right for whoever finds valuable cultural relics to keep them?,Debate,for,against,Chairperson: Lets look at this question: Who do you think that the Amber Room belongs to? Do you agree with Johann Weber?,S1: No, I dont. Ill return it to,S2: Im not sure. I think Id keep it for myself.,S1: No, you wouldnt. Cultural relics belong to the whole worldnot yours,S2: You are right. ,Paragraph 1,: State the question.,Paragraph 2,: Give the ideas that agree with the question and the reasons.,Paragraph 3,: Give the ideas that disagree with the question and the reasons.,Paragraph 4,: Give your opinion and the result of the class vote.,Write a report on your debate, using the following guidance.,The class had a debate and discussed whether it is right for whoever finds valuable cultural relics to keep them.,Those who agreed that if you find cultural relics you can keep them had three reasons. First, Second,Third,The question of the debate,The ideas that support the question with reason,Those who disagree also had three reasons. First, .Second,Third, ,We had a class vote. Those who . with the question won. The debate changed the minds of some people who had originally Johann Webers ideas.,The ideas that disagree,with the question with reasons,The result of the class vote,Those who agree that if you find cultural relics you can keep them had three reasons. First, they said that time and money had been spent looking for them so the finders deserved them. Second, they said nobody would look for lost relics if they could no keep them. Third, they said that there are so many old relics that it does not matter if one or two belong to those who find them.,The class had a debate and discussed whether it is right for whoever finds valuable cultural relics to keep them.,Those who disagreed also had three reasons. First, they said all cultural relics are valuable for finding out about the past. Second, they said that it is dishonest to take things that do not belong to you. Third, they said that every cultural relic belongs to the country and not any one person.,We had a class vote. Those who disagreed with the question won. The debate changed the minds of some people who had originally supported Johann webers ideas.,1. think highly / much / well of,=sing high praise for,看重;器重,think little / nothing of,The headmaster,thought highly of,me for my good performance.,The little boy was,well thought of,by them.,Language points,英语必修二unit1Usinglanguag,They,think highly of,him.,他们很敬重他。,No, not really! I think only the professor,really understands it. But I know the,government,thinks highly of,it.,不,并不真懂。我想只有教授本人才真,正懂得。但我知道政府对他的发明评价,很高。,英语必修二unit1Usinglanguag,2 informal adj.,(of situations) not formal or official, or (of clothing, behaviour, speech) suitable when you are with friends and family but not for official occasions:,非正式的,1.We had an,informal,meeting.,我们做了非正式的会晤。,2.These words are,informal,.,这些词是非正式用语。,英语必修二unit1Usinglanguag,3 debate,n. (a) serious discussion of a subject in which many people take part:,争论;辩论,vi. to discuss a subject in a formal way:,争论;辩论,After a long,debate,the bill was passed.,经长时间的辩论,议案获得通过。,英语必修二unit1Usinglanguag,4.,take turns to do sth =,take turns (at) doing sth=,do sth by turns,轮流做某事,in turn,依次,一个一个地,by turns,轮流,交替,The nurses took turns to watch the patient.,We kept watch by turns.,英语必修二unit1Usinglanguag,Homework,Finish off the Workbook exercises.,Learn all the useful new words and expressions in this part by heart.,


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