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The black gloves _ for Su Yang.,17. This pair of gloves _ for Yang Ling.,18. The two cups of milk _ for me.,19. Some tea _ in the glass.,20. Gao shans shirt _ over there.,21. My sisters name _Nancy.,22. This _ not Wang Fangs pencil.,23. _ David and Helen from England?,24. There _ a girl in the room.,25. There _ some apples on the tree.,26. _ there any kites in the classroom?,27. _ there any apple juice in the bottle?,28. There _ some bread on the plate.,29. There _ a boy, two girls, three men and ten women in the park.,30. You, he and I _ from China.,are,is,are,is,is,is,is,Are,is,are,Are,Is,is,is,are,( )1. Where _ they from? Theyre from China.,isB. am C. are,( )2. Is she Maria? No, she _.,A. is B. isnt C. arent,( )3. Are they from Canada? No, they _.,A. are B. arentC. isnt,( )4. Is he Li Ping? Yes, _.,A. ImB. hesC. he is,( )5. _ you Mingming? Yes, I _.,A. Are; areB. Am; am C. Are; am,( )6. Mary _ from C,anada,.,isB. am C. are,( )7. Her hair _ black and long.,A. hasB. am C. isD. are,( ),8,. What color _ her,hair,? Black.,amB. isC. are D. be,( ),9,. These are my pants. His _ yellow.,A. isB. amC. areD. /,( )1,0,. My family _ very big.,A. amB. isC. areD. does,( )1,1,. This pair of shoes _ mine.,His are over there.,A. will be B. isC. are D. be,( )1,2,. My name _ Jack. Liu Ying and,Sun Mei _ my friends.,A. is; areB. is; isC. are; isD. is; am,( )1,3,. James is an English boy. He _ from England.,A. comeB. isntC. comesD. arent,( )1,4,. What class _ your brother in?,He _ in Class Two.,A. does; isB. is; isC. are; /D. are; is,句型转换,1. They are doing housework .(分别改成一般疑问句和否定句),2The students are cleaning the classroom . ( 改一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答),3. Tom is under the tree.(变为否定句),Are they doing housework?,Yes, they are. / No, they arent.,They arent doing housework.,Are the students cleaning the classroom?,Yes, they are./ No, they arent.,Tom is not under the tree.,4. The skateboards are black.(改成否定句),5.Its branches are long.(意思不变,改否定句),6.She is always a good student.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答) .,The skateboards are not black.,Its branches are not short.,Is she always a good student?,No, she isnt.,助动词用法及练习,do does,do用于一二人称,does用于第三人称。,1),构成一般疑问句,,例如:,Do you,like playing football,?你,喜欢踢足球,吗?,Does he go to school on foot? 他步行去学校吗?,Did you,have lessons yestoday,?你,昨天上课了,吗?,2),do + not 构成否定句,,例如:,I do not want to,eat beef,. 我不想,吃牛肉,。,He doesnt like,watching TV,. 他不,喜欢看电视,。,3),构成否定祈使句,,例如:,Dont go there.不要去那里。,Dont be,loud,.不要,吵闹,。,练习:,一选词填空。,1. Do/Does_ he watch TV at night? Yes he does.,2. Do/Does_ you go to school everyday? No, I dont.,3. Do/Does_ Jack and Peter like apples?,4. Do/Does_ Tina go swimming on Sunday?,5. Do/Does_they play football? Yes, they _do/does.,6. Do/Does_ we have a good teacher? Yes, we _do/does.,Does,Do,Do,Does,Do,do,Do,do,7. Do/Does_ they jump rope ? No, they _do not/does not.,8. Do/Does_your dog walk in the zoo?,9. Do/Does_ I have a big nose? No, you _do not/does not.,10. Do/Does_ your cats eat fish? Yes, they _.do/does.,11. Do/Does_ their mothers go shopping?,No, they _do not/does not.,12. I _do not/ does not speak Japanese.,Do/Does _you speak Japanese?,Do,do not,Does,Do,do not,Do,do,Do,do not,do not,Do,二 单选题,1.She_to,watch TV,.,A、dowant B、 dontwant C、doesntwant D、notwant,2.Lookatthatpictureonthewall._youlikeit?,A、Do B、Can C、Could D、Are,3.He_likepears.,A、 do B、is C、doesnt D、not,4.Doyouoftengotothecinema_Sunday?,No,we_.A、on,dont B、on,arent C、in,do D、in,dont,5.Canyouseealightonthetable?,Yes,_.,A、Iam B、Imnot C、Ican D、Heisnt,C,A,C,A,C,6.Doestheboywanttobeanactor?_.,A,、,Yes,heis B,、,No,hedoes,C,、,Yes,hedoes D,、,No,heisnt,7._hehaveanyapples?,A,、,Do B,、,Does C,、,Is D,、,Are,8.She_wanttobeapolicewoman,becauseshethinksitskindofdangerous.,A,、,isnt B,、,arent C,、,dont D,、,doesnt,9.Why,he have brown hair?,A,、,do B,、,does C,、,is D,、,has,10.What time_ he get home every day?,A,、,is B,、,does C,、,do D,、,am,11.What_ you see in the picture?,A,、,is B,、,are C,、,can D,、,have,C,B,D,B,B,C,12.Jack_like flying kites_throwing a frisby.,A,、,dont, or B,、,doesnt, and C,、,dont, and D,、,doesnt, or,13.A,:,_Jim _a ball?B,:,No, he_.,A,、,Do, have, dont B,、,Does, has, doesnt C,、,Is, have, isnt D,、,Does, have, doesnt,14.I _ have a watch.,A,、,am not B,、,does C,、,dont D,、,doesnt,15.,you,a good time on your vacation?,A,、,Did; have B,、,Did; had C,、,Were; have D,、,Were; had,16.Simon likes _ football, but he doesnt _ it well.,A,、,play, plays B,、,to play, plays C,、,plays, playing D,、,playing, play,D,D,C,A,D,1,7,._,Mike,_Chinese history?,Yes, he does.,A、Do; like B、Does; likes C、Do; likes D、Does; like,1,8,.Li Lei _ lunch at home.,A、hasnt B、havent C、dont have D、doesnt have,19,._ you usually come to school by bike?,A、Dont B、Doesnt C、Arent D、Isnt,D,D,A,谢谢观赏,


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