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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,外研版九年级下册,*,Module 9 English for you and me,Unit 2 We all own English.,外研版九年级下册,任务,学习M9U2内容完成词汇专练,短语翻译和单项选择,8分钟完成,外研版九年级下册,学考精练 M9 U2 词汇专练,1.His father,owns,a chain of restaurants. He is the owner.,他父亲拥有餐馆连锁店,他是连锁店所有者。,2.This is a suit for,everyday,wear.,这套西服适合日常穿着。,3.The business of providing tours and services for tourists is,tourism,.,为旅行者提供旅行和服务的业务就是旅游业。,4.There were four of us, so we divided the orange into,quarters,and each ate a piece.,所以我们把桔子分成四份,每人吃一份。,5.His,recent,visit to Beijing is last week.,他最近访问北京是在上星期。,外研版九年级下册,学考精练 M9 U2短语翻译,1给予.很多帮助,give much help with .,2对.至关重要,be essential for / to .,3国际商务,international business,4英语角,English corner,5相当低,fairly low,6代替,in place of,7在二十世纪,in the 20th century,8越来越多,more and more,9属于,belong to,10更有甚者,whats more,外研版九年级下册,学考精练 M9 U2 单项选择,CBCBA,1.C 冠词的用法:一项国际赛事,2.B 用过去过:这事是怎么发生的,3.C could you tell me已经提问,从句不再用疑问形式,4.B 学英语的重要性,所以用名词:importance,5.A 固定句型:lets make it 9:30中间不用at,外研版九年级下册,任务,快速阅读短文,完成练习。,Skim and finish the exercise.,5分钟后检查答案,Check answers in three minutes.,外研版九年级下册,1. In a country like India, English is _.,a) not taught in school,b) spoken by everyone,c) the most important foreign language,d) not the language everyone speaks at home,2. English became more common because _.,a) of the growth of the UK,b) its an easy language to learn,c) it was used in television, films and the Internet,d) it was sold like an industrial product,外研版九年级下册,3. English has many words which _.,a) are difficult to remember,b) first came from other languages,c) look as if they come from another language,d) are important to remember,4. In the middle of the twenty-first century, Chinese _.,a) may replace English as an international language,b) will be taught in all schools as a foreign language,c) will be used as widely as English,d) wont be used as widely as English,外研版九年级下册,任务,学习课文中的语言知识点,10分钟完成,外研版九年级下册,because it,s,essential for,tourism, .,So English is now used by about 1.5 billion peopleor,a quarter of the worlds population,and,wherever you go,in the world,Whats more,Until English became important in the 20th century, people who had any education spoke French.,Its now the common language for international travel, science, industry and,in recent years, information technology and the Internet.,if China continues to,grow in importance, Chinese will become as common as English,by the middle of the 21st century,.,More and more schools,in Europe are teaching Chinese as a foreign language,in place of,other European languages.,So who,own,s English?,we all,belong to,the international English speaking world.,外研版九年级下册,because it,s,essential for,tourism, .,对.至关重要,So English is now used by about 1.5 billion peopleor,a quarter of the worlds population,全世界人口的四分之一,and,wherever you go,in the world,无论你去哪里=no matter where you go,Whats more,更为重要的是,更有甚者,Until English became important in the 20th century, people who had any education spoke French.,在20世纪英语变得很重要,而在此之前,受过教育的人都说法语。,Its now the common language for international travel, science, industry and,in recent years, information technology and the Internet.,近年来,英语现在是国际旅行,科学,工业的通用语言,近年来又成了信息技术和互联网的通用语言。,外研版九年级下册,if China continues to,grow in importance, Chinese will become as common as English,by the middle of the 21st century,.,强大,壮大,到21世纪中叶,More and more schools,in Europe are teaching Chinese as a foreign language,in place of,other European languages.,越来越多的学校,代替.,So who,own,s English?,拥有,自己的,we all,belong to,the international English speaking world.,属于,外研版九年级下册,Who owns English?,My uncle,owned,a large company abroad.,He studied French,on his own,.,It is her,own,problem not to study hard.,The man is very rich. He s the,owner,of two banks.,我叔叔在海外拥有一家大公司。,他自己学习法语。,不努力学习是她自己的问题。,这个男人非常富有,他是两家银行的所有者。,own的用法总结,1动词:表示拥有,2短语:on ones own表示独自,靠自己,3形容词:表示自己本人的,4名词:表示主人,所有者,外研版九年级下册,取得进步是你自己的决定。,Making progress is your _.,你必须自己算出这道题。,You must work out this problem _ .,The shoe factory belongs to Tom. He is _ .,A. own B. owner C. the owner,Leaders _ more power than common people.,A. own B. owns C. owner,own decision,on your own,外研版九年级下册,We can use paper bags in place of plastic ones.,Daming went to the party instead of Lingling.,He cant go to see the patient, so his wife will take his place.,The boy would read a novel rather than watch TV.,我们可以用纸袋代替塑料袋。,大明代玲玲去了那个聚会。,他不能去看望那们病人,所以他的妻子将会代他去。,这个男孩宁愿看小说也不愿看电视。,总结代替的说法:,in place of,instead of,take sbs place,rather than,外研版九年级下册,in place of instead of rather than,take ones place take the place of sb.,Alex _ because Joy was sick yesterday.,Alex _ Joy because he was sick yesterday.,We should respect others _ laugh at them.,We should respect others _ laughing at them.,You can use sugar _ honey in this dish.,took his place,took the place of,rather than,instead of,in place of,instead of,外研版九年级下册,任务,堂清,看看脑袋里装到了什么?,8分钟,外研版九年级下册,own,tourism,quarter,industrial,recent,importance,拥有,旅游业,四分之一,工业,近来的,重要性,代替,in place of,在二十世纪,in the 20th century,越来越多,more and more,属于,belong to,更有甚者,whats more,我们可以用纸袋代替塑料袋。,We can use paper bags,in place of plastic ones.,大明代玲玲去了那个聚会。,Daming went to the party instead of Lingling.,他不能去看望那们病人,所以他的妻子将会代他去。,He cant go to see the patient, so his wife will take his place.,这个男孩宁愿看小说也不愿看电视。,The boy would read a novel rather than watch TV.,堂清,查看我的脑细胞,外研版九年级下册,外研版九年级下册,外研版九年级下册,学考精练 M9 U2 完成句子,1.What is the second foreign language,which is taught,in your school?,2.The prices of houses would go crazy,by the middle of,this century.,3.The teacher chose two boys for this job,in place of,the girl.,4.Speaking exam seems necessary, as spoken English,grows in,importance.,5.Anyone,who respects others,can be respected in return.,外研版九年级下册,学考精练 M9 U2 综合填空,1.was,2.named,3.visit,4.allowed,5.however,6.meet,7.more,8.coffee,9.about,10.could,外研版九年级下册,学考精练 M9 U2 阅读理解,1.D,2.D,3.C,4.C,5.B,外研版九年级下册,be essential for .,a quarter of the worlds population,wherever you go,Whats more,in recent years,grow in importance,by the middle of the 21st century,More and more schools,in place of,own,belong to,对 . 至关重要,世界人口的1/4,无论你去哪里,更为重要的是,近些年来,强大,壮大,到21世纪中叶,越来越多的学校,代替.,拥有,属于,外研版九年级下册,外研版九年级下册,外研版九年级下册,own,tourism,quarter,industrial,recent,importance,拥有,旅游业,四分之一,工业,近来的,重要性,代替,in place of,在二十世纪,in the 20th century,越来越多,more and more,属于,belong to,更有甚者,whats more,我们可以用纸袋代替塑料袋。,We can use paper bags,in place of plastic ones.,大明代玲玲去了那个聚会。,Daming went to the party instead of Lingling.,他不能去看望那们病人,所以他的妻子将会代他去。,He cant go to see the patient, so his wife will take his place.,这个男孩宁愿看小说也不愿看电视。,The boy would read a novel rather than watch TV.,堂清,查看我的脑细胞,外研版九年级下册,M8 综合测试 二、单项选择,AAACB ABABB,1 A 时间距离价格用单数,2 A in the front of内部的前面,in front of外部的前面,3 A find sth difficult to do,4 C as+职业身份 to+范围群体 for+事物,5 B 就近原则,外研版九年级下册,6 A 短语in the open air,7 B all the time:总是一直,8 A cant help doing sth:忍不住做某事,9 B agree to do sth:同意做某事,agree with sb:同意某人,10 B tell sb not to do sth:告诉某人别做某事,外研版九年级下册,三、完成句子,1,All types of,music,can be listened to,here.,2 I dont know,how to do,.,3 We should,try our best to,achieve our goal in life.,4 She,decided not to travel,to Hawaii.,5 I,am proud of,my school.,外研版九年级下册,非谓语动词中考真题,BCDCA,CCACC,CBBCD,BCB,外研版九年级下册,1 B What about+doing sth:做某事怎么样? 表示提建议,2 C when to leave what to say how to do,when you are leaving才是对的,3 D 怎样做这道菜:how to do it,4 C make sb do sth,5 A something to drink nothing else,外研版九年级下册,6 C everything to keep,7 C If you want to know more about the weather, please call 121.,8 A forget to do sth:忘记去做某事,forget doing sth:忘记做过某事,9 C tell sb to do sth,10 C finish doing sth:做完某事,外研版九年级下册,11 C make sb do sth,12 B 伴随状语,心怀得到更多信息的希望,他发给我一封邮件,13 B avoid doing sth:避免做某事,14 C in order to keep healthy,15 D prefer to do sth rather than do sth,外研版九年级下册,16 B 伴随状语,紧接着突然的闪电是一阵可怕的雷声。,17 C have trouble doing sth,remember to do sth,18 B mind doing sth,外研版九年级下册,作文必用句型,1. there be .,2. It is adj. to do sth.,3. sb find it adj. to do sth,4. doing sth is good/bad for.,5. try ones best to do sth,6. I think. I dont think.,7. I am proud of .,8. be encouraged to do sth,9. 用一个被动句,10.not only. but also.,11. instead of.,12. one of the 最高级复数,外研版九年级下册,Books,Books are our great friends. Its importatn for us to study. Books talk about different countries histories and cultures. There are lots of interesting stories in books. We can read a book everywhere. It not only gives us much knowledge, but also gives us happiness. I decide to be a teacher when I grow up, so I like to read more books. And I will try my best to study well. We should study hard because knowledge is power. I remember a word, “There is no royal road to learning.” Reading is good for us. I believe you can make progress this term.,外研版九年级下册,There are different types of books.,There are books about different kinds of countries history and culture of all ages all over the world.,There is no secret in books, and they tell us everything.,There is not only knowledge but also happiness in books.,外研版九年级下册,It is very helpful to read books. They tell us the history and culture of countries in the whole world.,It is important to read more books and work for our country.,It is important to get knowledge from reading books.,外研版九年级下册,I find it useful to learn stories about history and culture of different countries.,I find it interesting to read books because they tell us everything.,I find it helpful to get knowledge by reading books.,I find it important to study hard if you want to work for your country in the future.,外研版九年级下册,Reading books is good for all of us.,Reading books is good for everyone.,Getting knowledge is good for students.,Reading is a good way to get knowledge.,Working for our country when I grow up is my dream.,外研版九年级下册,We should try our best to study hard and work for our motherland after we grow up.,We must try our best to get knowledge from books.,外研版九年级下册,I think books hides nothing and tell us everything.,I think books not only give us knowledge but also happiness.,I think we should study hard.,外研版九年级下册,Stories about history and culture can be told by books.,Everything can be found in books.,Nothing is hidden in books.,Knowledge and happiness can be given by books.,Not only knowledge but also happiness can be given by books.,外研版九年级下册,Books tells us not only history but also culture of different countries.,Books not only give us knowledge but also give us happiness.,We should not only study hard but also work for our country.,外研版九年级下册,Book is one of our best friends.,Reading books is one of the best ways to learn.,外研版九年级下册,


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