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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,外研版英语八年级下,*,英语(新标准),初中八年级下册,Module 4 New technology,嘉兴市秀洲区油车港中学 郑小春,外研版英语八年级下,一、 教材内容分析,二、 学情分析,三、 教学目标,四、 重点难点,五、 教材处理,六、 教学设计,外研版英语八年级下,本模块是以新的科技产品为话题,把焦点放在对科技产品的使用说明上,该话题比较贴近学生的生活,学生对科技产品的介绍比较感兴趣,容易开展教学活动。教学中应结合学生实际情况,灵活调整教学内容(增加了编辑故事、辩论赛和,to be a salesman,的讨论与写作,等,删除了,Unit 2,的,Activity 5,部分,前后调整了,Unit 1,的几个部分),合理设置课时。适当进行拓展,以丰富学生知识,拓展学生视野。,一、教材内容分析,外研版英语八年级下,七年级(下),Module 10,已经学习过对电脑使用情况的介绍,本单元可以在此基础上引进,科技产品的说明和使用,这个话题。在教师预设的任务中,引导学生在交际中动态生成,学生有话可说,乐于合作和分享,这样就有利于他们更好地运用课本知识,达到提高综合语言能力的目的。,二、学情分析,外研版英语八年级下,三、教学目标,1.语言知识目标:,词汇,:,choose, copy, connect, instruction, key, light, memory,symbol, basic, boring, especially, excellent, only, simple。,词组句型:,play back, turn on, worth it,If you want to turn on the recorder, press the blue sky.,If the red light doesnt come on, wait thirty seconds.,语法:,If,从句的构成和位置(,if,从句祈使句),话题:以学生为中心,以介绍手机、数码相机、电话等科技,产品为话题。,外研版英语八年级下,2技能目标,语言,技能目标,听,能够听懂有关使用说明的简短对话,提高学生的实际应用能力。,说,能利用,if,句型介绍产品的使用说明;流利说出本单模块的生词、短语。,读,能够阅读包含,if,句型的有关使用说明的简单文章。进行简单的阅读技能训练。,写,能够运用,if,句型写出简短的介绍科技产品的使用说明的句子;能用参考词造句。,语言运用,能向全班做有关,产品使用说明的,介绍,生活技能,目标,培养学生,具有妥善处理突发事件的能力,面对突发事件,学生应该保持冷静、沉着。要增加学生自我保护意识。因为第二课时涉及有关蛇咬人的事件,面对这种突发事件,我们要让学生学会怎么做。,外研版英语八年级下,3. 学习策略目标,不断提升学生的自主学习能力,加强交际、信息处理、英语思维的能力。,认知,策略:,联系,归纳,推测等技能。,调控,策略:,从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作文中的错误,进行修改。,交际,策略:,学习运用恰当词语介绍有关,产品使用说明,资源,策略:,通过其他资源获取更多,产品,介绍的信息。,自学策略: 借助词汇图掌握单词,形成话题联想的习惯。,合作学习策略: 关心身边的生活环境,能互相介绍有关,生活中的,用品,。,其他,:,培养联想能力,如场所与功能的联系。,外研版英语八年级下,4文化意识目标,在中外对比中,了解,Internet caf,情况,了解,Internet caf,在国际的使用情况。,5情感态度目标,培养学生热爱生活,细心观察生活的细节。参加各种英语活动,克服困难,在新环境中进一步树立正确的语言学习观。,外研版英语八年级下,1. 教学重点,1 重点句型:,If,从句的构成和位置(,if,从句祈使句),2 重点话题:,Introduce new technologies;,Learn to how to protect themselves when,they are in danger.,2. 教学难点,1 掌握,if,句型(,If,从句+祈使句,)。,2 能用英语介绍生活中的,科技,用品。,3. 突破途径,以话题为核心,通过个人思考、小组合作等不同途径,在听、说、读、写中使用单词和句型,使单词和句型以不同的形式反复出现,在足够的输入中,达成有效的语言输出。,四、重点和难点,外研版英语八年级下,1.,核心任务,:能够运用所学知识介绍生活中的,科技,用品。,三个环节如下:,pre-task:,学生联系生活实际,激活背景知识。,Task-cycle:,通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化“介绍,科技产品”的表达能力,为完成核心任务做好铺垫。,post-task:,达成任务,展示成果,自我评价,反馈学习情况,。,2. 课时安排,第一课时:,Unit 1: Vocabulary and listening,第二课时:,Unit 2: Vocabulary and reading,第三课时:,Unit 3: Language in use1-7,第四课时:,Writing,Speaking, Around the world, Module task,第五课时:,Self-assessment,analysis of,Ex.,五、教材处理,外研版英语八年级下,第一课时:,Vocabulary and listening (Unit 1,Activity 18),Teaching Aims and Demands:,1. Language Knowledge:,Key vocabulary,: take your video, save your video,play back, lend, record, press,connect to , send sb. sth.,Key structure,: If ,2. Listening skills:,To understand conversations,involving instructions of the CD,recorder in listening. Improve the,students listening ability.,Teaching Aids:,Multi-Media (or Tape recorder , OHP),外研版英语八年级下,technology,Step 1 Brainstorming,设计意图:,从本单元的题目,new technology,入手,利用学生已有的认知水平进行头脑风暴,并引入新单词,,主要为下一步,教学,做,好,准备工作。,外研版英语八年级下,If you want to listen to music,choose,If you want to write,If you want to turn on the recorder,If you want to keep the food cool,Step 2 Which suggestion do you give?,设计意图:,通过简单问答,开始介入,if,的从句,让学生有一个比较的直观的认识。引入,new words,和新的短语,通过,model,训练学生的发散性思维。,the tape recorder/.,.,choose the pen,.,press the blue button,.,put it in the fridge,.,外研版英语八年级下,What do you do if you want to ?,open a new document,write your homework on the computer,save the document,print the document,Step 3 Leadin: instructions of computer,设计意图:,computer,属于,new technology,,,电脑的使用,学生在七年级(上),Module 10,已经学过,温故知新,从复习,computer,的使用可以过渡到介绍录音机等,new technology,的使用。同时还可以解释,instruction,单词,。,外研版英语八年级下,Step 4 Presentation,Show the tape recorder to the students. Ask a student to use it and introduce in English.,设计意图:,实物的教具非常直观,它具有可操作性,可以在教里直接进行演示,可以引入相应的短语,,,使用实物教具可以取得事半功倍的效果。,Key words,: turn on the recorder, play back, record, red light,send recording by email, green light;,press the blue / green / red button, wait for thirty seconds, connect the recorder to your computer, choose the “copy” symbol.,外研版英语八年级下,Step 5 Listening,1. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions:,1),Why does Sally have the CD recorder?,2,),What do they do to find out how it works?,3,),How do they know if its working?,4,),Why isnt Sally playing on the recording?,5,),Why do they think Chen Huan wants to hear Sally, not Kylie?,6,),What do they decide to do?,设计意图:,在常规听力练习中提高学生听的能力,,,充足的输,入,,更有利于学生进行目标语言的输出,,让学生更好的理解课文。,外研版英语八年级下,Task,Instruction,Turn on the recorder,Press the blue button,Play back,Record,No red light,Send recording by email,No green light,设计意图:,仔细听,获取更多信息。,2.,Listen again and finish the form:,外研版英语八年级下,Task,Instruction,Turn on the recorder,Press the blue button,Play back,Record,No red light,Send recording by email,No green light,设计意图:,通过前面的铺垫,让学生说出本课时的重点句型。,Step 6 Speaking,If you want to turn on the recorder, press the blue button.,外研版英语八年级下,Step 7 Reading and speaking,设计意图:,让学生,跟着磁带读,,培养学生良好的语音、语调,增强他们的语感;享受朗读的过程;因为这是对话,体现交际功能。,Read after the tape, pay attention to the pronunciation.,Read freely,.,Read in roles.,外研版英语八年级下,Step 8 Talking,Topics: use mobile phones,use cameras,If you want to , ,设计意图:,创设情景,让学生熟练运用本课的重点句型。,外研版英语八年级下,Step 9 Homework,1.,Copy the new words.,2. Read the dialogue three times.,3. Talk about what you can use a mobile phone to do.,设计意图:,作业本布置体现分层要求。,外研版英语八年级下,Teaching Aims and Demands:,1. Language knowledge,:,Key vocabulary:,pick up, bite sb on,Key structure: Oh, and if the snake doesnt smile for its,photo, dont worry.,2.,Reading skill:,(1) Get information about activity.,(2) Improve the students reading ability.,Teaching Aids,:,Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP),第,二,课时:,Vocabulary and reading,外研版英语八年级下,Step 1 Check homework,Talk about what you can use a mobile phone to do,1.,We can use a mobile phone to call people.,2. We can use a mobile phone to play music.,3. We can use a mobile phone to take photo.,设计意图:,这部分既是,check homework,,,同时也是,Unit 2,第一部分的内容。如果学生在课前预习过该部分内容,那完全可以利用好这个环节,提高上课的效率,教与学双赢。,外研版英语八年级下,Step 2 Lead-in,If a dog bites you, what will you do ?,canine madness, keinain,狂犬病,设计意图:,利用学生生活身边可能发生的事情,比如狗咬人(该狗有狂犬病)是突发事件,,他们应该如何处理?这个情况跟第二单元的蛇咬人的事件很相似,通过学习,可以加强学生对突发事情的反应和处理的能力。,Ask for help from teachers / parents / friends.,wash the wound,call for help,take medicine,see the doctor,外研版英语八年级下,Make up a story with the pictures below, students can discuss in pairs or in groups.,设计意图:,可以充分地发挥学生的想象力,自主学习和合作学习相结合。这些图片跟课文有密切的联系,学生熟悉他们。对理解课文有很大的帮助。让学生对具体的文章内容不觉得陌生。,Step 3,Making up a story,外研版英语八年级下,Step,4,Reading,1. Henry Jackson meets the same things. Lets see what he does? Read the passage and answer the questions.,( 1 ),Who was in the story?,( 2 ) When did the story happen?,( 3 ) Where did he find the snake?,( 4 ) What did Henry Jackson do after the snake bit him?,( 5 ) Could doctors say what was wrong at first? Why?,( 6 ) How did doctors save him?,( 7 ) What was Henrys advice?,设计意图:,要培养学生良好的阅读技巧,学生能抓住故事的时间、人物、地点、起因、经过、结果等关键要素,就已经成功了一半。,外研版英语八年级下,2.,Read the passage again, choose the best answer.,When the snake bit,Mr,Jackson, it was _.,A. hiding in a box of bananas B. climbing out of a box of bananas.,C. lying under a dish D. climbing into the fridge,Mr,Jackson threw the snake across the room probably because _.,A. he was surprised B. he wanted to get a better photo,C. his chest began to hurt D. the fridge door was open,Mr,Jackson closed the fridge door so that _.,A. he could take a photo B. the snake became cool,C. the snake couldnt go back Jamaica D. he was safe from the snake,The doctor gave,Mr,Jackson the right medicine when _.,A. London Zoo told them what kind of snake it was,B.,Mr,Jackson sent the photo to the hospital,C. he left hospital the next day D. the snake bit him,设计意图:,加大问题的难度,进一步地理解课文,加强学生的推,理和归纳能力。,外研版英语八年级下,3.,Retell the story in English.,设计意图:,学生根据图片和,Key words,进行复述,可以降低难度,,故事的复述更具有流畅性、针对性和目的性。通过复述,学生能够熟悉课文,锻炼口语表达能力,考虑到学生的个别差异性比较大,水平参差不齐,适当的话可以参考课文,充分展示他们的成果,这是有效的语言输出。,in a restaurant kitchen,Henry,find a snake,land in the fridge,take photos,see a doctor,外研版英语八年级下,4.,Expand,Students discuss in pairs or in groups,If you are Henry Jackson, what will you do?,(2) If you are the doctor, what will you do?,(3) How do you protect yourself when you are bitten by the bees?,(4) What advice will you give when your friends get hurt in a PE class?,设计意图:,“,学以致用,”,是学生的学习目的。要对课本进行适当的拓展和延伸,学生要学会处理生活中的突发事件,具有应变的能力,并采取妥善的措施。学生要学会如何的保护自己和他人,遇事要保持冷静的头脑。,外研版英语八年级下,Step 5 Homework,1.,Read the text more fluently.,2. Do Ex 5 on P109.,3. Search and find out a story about how a mobile phone saved someones life.,设计意图:,要多阅读课文,培养学生的语感和节奏,,联系学生生活实际,引导学生关注生活环境,在,用中学,。,Search and find out a story about how a mobile phone saved someones life,将在第五课时让学生进行分享。,外研版英语八年级下,第三课时:,Language in use 1-7,Teaching Aims and Demands:,1. Speaking skill: To talk about instructions, improve the,students speaking ability.,2. Writing skill:To write with “,if” structure,.,To improve students writing ability.,3. To summarize and consolidate “if” structure.,Focus: Adverbial clause of condition used in,imperative sentences.,Teaching Aids:,Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP),外研版英语八年级下,Step 1 Investigate what your response is!,-,What do you do if you want to turn on the recorder?,- Press the blue button.,press the red button,use the mobile phone,read the instructions,turn on the TV,save them on the computer,设计意图:,创设情景,利用,if,的句型,,提高学生说的能力。,want to record,want to keep the photos,want to send text message,watch the news,find out how to use the camera,I,II,外研版英语八年级下,Step 2 Complete the sentences,1.,If you _ (want) to listen to music, _ (choose) a CD.,2. If you _ (buy) a new camera, _ (get) a good one .,3. If the light _ (not come) on, _ (wait) one minute.,4. If you _(not like) the programme, _ (turn) the TV off.,5. If you _(not work), _(wait ) a minute and then _,(try) again.,6.,If you _(want) to keep the picture, _ (save) it on,your computer.,7. If I want to keep the picture, I,will save,it on your computer,设计意图:,通过动词填空,让学生归纳和总结本模块的语法结构。,外研版英语八年级下,Step 3 Write instructions,1. Record / press / red button.,_,_,2.,Send / text message / use / mobile phone,3.,Like / pictures / save / on the computer.,4.,Find out / how it works / read / instructions,5.,See / photos / look on / website,6.,I / have time / tomorrow / I / go to the cinema,设计意图:,在学生归纳后,加大难度,,要学生多写,落实好“双基”。,If you want to record, press the red button.,外研版英语八年级下,Step 4,omplete the passage with the correct,form of the words in the box,button, choose, copy, connect, instruction, light, play back,memory, symbol, turn on,Getting to know your CD recorder,Follow these (1) _ for the best results. First,press the blue (2) _to (3) _ the recorder. When youre ready to record,press the red button. The (4)_ comes on to show you that its recording .If you want to (5)_ what youve recorded,press the green button. The recorder has only a small (6) _. To (7) _ your recording, (8) _ the recorder to your computer. (9) _,The “copy” (10) _ and save the recording on the computer.,外研版英语八年级下,Step 5 Read the advertisement and answer the questions,A new way to send a postcard,If you want to send a postcard and you have a mobile phone , send a “Mobycard”. When youre on holiday, friends and family like to receive a postcard. The picture on the front of the card shows them where you are, and the message on the back tells them what youre doing. Now you can use your mobile phone to send personal postcards. Take a photo, text a message and send it to Mobycard. We will print your picture on to a card, put your message on the back, and post the card to your friends! You dont have to leave the beach.,1.,How can you send a postcard from your mobile phone?,2. What will Mobycard do with your photo?,3. What will Mobycard do with your message?,4. What will your friend receive?,外研版英语八年级下,Step 6 Complete the passage with the correct,form of the phrases in the box.,come on kind of pick up save ones life take a photo turn on,I saw a beautiful plant in the countryside near my home. I didnt know what (1) _ plant it was. I decided to (2) _ of it and look it up when I got home. I (3) _ my camera and pressed the button . Nothing happened. The green light didnt (4) _. Oh dear! I thought my camera was broken. In fact, the camera was fine. I forgot turning it off not long ago . When I (5) _ it _, it worked.,When I got home, I found out that the plant was very dangerous and it could kill me. Im happy I didnt touch it. The photo (6) _ because now I know I mustnt touch that beautiful plant.,外研版英语八年级下,Step 7 Homework,1.,Do Exx 1-3 in P108.,2. List the advantages of new technology.,设计意图:,要学生知道新的技术给我们带来了什么好处,科学技术是第一生产力。,同时为第五课时的辩论赛作好准备。,学生的学习也要反馈,做到查漏补缺。,外研版英语八年级下,第四课时:,Writing, Speaking,Around the world, Module task,Teaching Aims and Demands:,1. Speaking skill: To talk about instructions.,2. Writing skill:To write about instructions, improve students,writing ability.,3. To summarize and consolidate “,if”,structure.,Teaching Aids:,Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP),外研版英语八年级下,Step 1 Check homework,Report the advantages of new technology.,设计意图:,通过复习,让学生进一步熟练,if,的句型。,外研版英语八年级下,Step 2 Pre-writing,1.,Topic:,2.,Strategies:,(1) What are the digital cameras for?,(2) Students discuss in pairs or in groups.,(3) Key words: on holiday, small and light, dont need film, see your photos instantly (,立刻),save photos.,(4) Students report it in class.,digital cameras,外研版英语八年级下,3.,One possible version:,If youre going on holiday, you need a camera. Our new digital cameras are small and light. Theyre perfect for travel and holidays. You dont need film, you can see your photos instantly. You can store up to 100 photos in the camera, and you can also save photos on your computer.,设计意图:,要培养学生良好的写作习惯。有些学生很怕写作,因为他们觉得太难,要消除学生对写作的恐惧感,应该由易到难,层层深入,循序渐进,培养他们的写作兴趣,能够取得事半功倍的效果。,外研版英语八年级下,Step 3 Writing,1.,Group 1&2 :,Making and sending an e-card,Group 3&4: Using a mobile phone,2. Discuss and share in groups or in pairs.,3. Write in class.,4. If possible, let them check with each other.,设计意图:,把学生分成四组,每两组的学生具有不同的任务, 让学生进行小组讨论,充分的交流与合作,让每位同学都知道如何去写。能够资源共享,在课堂上完成写作,单位时间里提高了教学和学习的效益。,外研版英语八年级下,Step 4,Around the world,An Internet caf,In an Internet caf, there are tables and chairs like a caf. There are also computers connected to the Internet like an office. Who use them? People traveling on business can go to the Internet caf if they need send a report or get information. People traveling on holiday can send e-postcards, get information about hotels and transport, or ask their parents to send them more money.,The first computer-and-coffee opened in London in 1994. Now, there are a lot of Internet caf around the world. Wherever you are, you can go to an Internet caf. You can have a cup of coffee and send a message home.,外研版英语八年级下,I can say,If you want to turn on the recorder, press the blue key.,If the red light doesnt come on, wait thirty seconds,.,I know these words,Choose, come on, copy, connect,instruction, key, light, play back, memory, symbol, turn on, basic, boring, especially, excellent, only simple, worth it,1. Self-assessment,Step 5 Homework,2. List,the disadvantages of the new technology.,外研版英语八年级下,第五课时:,Self-assessment, analysis of Ex.,Teaching Aims and Demands:,1. Self-assessment,2. To summarize and consolidate “,if”,structure.,3. Making a,debate,Teaching Aids:,Multi-Media,外研版英语八年级下,Step1 Sharing stories,Check their previous homework: Search and find out stories about how a mobile phone saved someones life.,设计意图,:,让学生充分分享他们自己在课外收集起来的信息,满足学生,的表现欲望和成就感,同时可以加强同学们之间的感情交流。学生是有,准备的,有话可说。,外研版英语八年级下,Step 2 Making a,debate,Support:,the advantages of the new technology,VS,Oppose:,the disadvantages of the new technology,设计意图,:,辩论赛的形式能激起学生的学习热情。因为在前面对这个话题有所准备,相信学生能够做的好。,外研版英语八年级下,Step 3 Additional exercises,Complete the passage with the correct form of the words.,I know about a really good website called Photo Box. If you _ (like) a photo, you _ (can, print) it on your computer. And if you _ (want, buy) the photo _ (choose) “Buy” on the website page. If you _ (not, like) the photos, or if they _ (be, not) good. _ (not, save) them. So, if you _ (want, save) money and get good photos, _ (write) down this website address!,外研版英语八年级下,Step 4 Self-assessment,1.,How much have you learned in this module?,I can say,If you want to turn on the recorder, press the blue key.,If the red light doesnt come on, wait thirty seconds,.,I know these words,Choose, come on, copy, connect,instruction, key, light, play back, memory, symbol, turn on, basic, boring, especially, excellent, only simple, worth it,2. I hope to do the following in order to improve my English:,_,外研版英语八年级下,Step 5 Homework,Writing (choose one of them):,(1) What are the advantages / disadvantages of,the,computer games?,(2) Write a short story about how a mobile phone,saved someones life.,外研版英语八年级下,联系方式: (,Tel),(Mobile),QQ: 489627670,E-mail:,A,郑小春,外研版英语八年级下,Thank you !,Goodbye!,外研版英语八年级下,海盐实验中学 许冬芸 6338511 6021795,Email:,桐乡河山中学 陆倩倩,Email:,lynn08042003.cn,嘉善魏塘中学 钱亚贤 4337519,海宁 许巷中学 郑树红,平湖新仓中学 张园芳,Email:,phdeli,唐雯娟,Email:dohruazum,郑小春,外研版英语八年级下,


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