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Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,English Logic + Practice,EQ,英语,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak Like A Native,EQEnglish IELTS Training English Logic,EQEnglish,英语逻辑使用说明,问题类型,EQ,英语雅思专家,分析雅思考试,将雅思考试的问题分成众多问题类型。并对问题类型进行分析,给出母语者的答题逻辑思路,相辅于考试中考官希望学生使用的正确的语法等,使用英语逻辑卡练习口语,事半功倍。,问题示例,根据问题类型,给出问题示例。帮助学生更好的理解问题类型。,英语逻辑,针对不同类型的考题,,EQ,给您相应的英语逻辑结构,帮助您练习答题思路。,测试语法,每个问题类型,考官都希望你用正确的并且准确的语法来表达。了解应该用什么样的语法,并认真的练习使用直到准确无误。,What do you,do_ ?,1.What do you normally do in a typical day?,2.What is your usual daily routine?,3.Do you do the same things at the same times every day?,Examples:,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak Like A Native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #1,usually,normally,Positive adverbs of frequency,I,usually,eat a light breakfastI,sometimes,take a walk before classI,often,drink a coffee to help me wake up,Most days,I have lunch with my friends in the canteen,-,Time markers,I get up,at 6am,I normally take a shower,around 6.30am,every morning,At lunch time,I enjoy eating off campus,In the evenings, my friends and I like to gossip in our dorm.,- Sequencing,Before, then, next, after that, while .,Before,going to bed I always brush my teeth ,“,then,I read for a while.“,After that, I often feel tired, so I turn out the light.“,I usually drink hot milk for breakfast,while,reading a fashion magazine.,“,Note:,after “before” and “while” we usually put the verb in the ing form. “while reading /before eating”,- Talk about your,daily routine in a logical order,- Say,what things,you do in a normal day- Say,when,you do these things- Add a little extra information about,how you feel,about some of these things,以,合乎逻辑的顺序,叙述你的,日常生活,叙述你平常都,做什么,什么时候,做这些事情,叙述你的,感受,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak like a native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #1,You should:,The examiner is expecting you to answer using the following structures correctly:,What do you like about _?,What do you like about your job?,What do you like about studying English?,What do you like about student life?,Examples:,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak Like A Native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #2,- Like / enjoy / get a lot out of + ing,I like,walking,in the park on Sundays .I enjoy,taking part in,team sports .”“I get a lot out of,doing,yoga and tai ji”,Positive feeling adjectives,. because I find it,refreshing and relaxing,. because I find it,fun and exciting,. because I feel very,comfortable,doing yoga”,Native speaker ways to say like“ or “enjoy”,Im,really into,music, so I like seeing live music on the weekendIm,a great fan of,basketball, football and pretty much all team sportsIm,very keen on,meeting new people and,I adore,romance, so student life is perfect for these things”.,- Identify,two aspects,of the topic that you like or enjoy-,Describe why,you like or enjoy them- Give anecdotes or examples to,give your answer life,明确对事物,喜好的两个方面,,喜欢的和不喜欢的,描述为什么,喜欢与不喜欢,用你独特的故事,给你的回答注入生命力,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak like a native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #2,You should:,The examiner is expecting you to answer using the following structures correctly:,What dont you like about _?,1. What do you dislike about parties?,2. What dont you like about your job?,3. What do you dislike about student life?,Examples:,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak Like A Native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #3,Use more than just I dont like X because Instead, use some native speaker phrases to express your dislikes,I am not keen on,parties because I dislike noise,I am not a fan of,eating in restaurants - the food is too oilyI dont like having to work in an office all day -,its not my thing,- Express the degree of dislike like a native,I dont really like,sweet foods much,I really dont like,sweet foods at all,I strongly dislike,sweet foods,I absolutely hate,sweet foods,Adjectives of negative feeling,dull; boring; tedious; disgusting; repetitive; demanding; overly competitive,I find university life,tedious and boring,- too much work and almost no free timeI find my job very,repetitive and demanding,- I am always doing the same thing every day and there is too much workI think that my company is,overly competitive,. It puts too much pressure on us and a lot of stress.,- Say,which aspects,of the topic you dont like; name just one or two things- Express,the degree of dislike,you have for them- Then say,why,you dont like them,说出你不喜欢的,哪些方面,,举一两个例子,叙述你,不喜欢的程度,解释,为什么,不喜欢,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak like a native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #3,You should:,The examiner is expecting you to answer using the following structures correctly:,Do you prefer _ or _ ?,Do you prefer talking on the phone or chatting online?,Do you prefer to travel by bike or on foot?,3. Do you prefer writing letters or sending emails?,Examples:,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak Like A Native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question -, Card #4,- Prefer + verb -ing / Prefer + to + verb,I,prefer talking,on the phone I,prefer to talk,on the phone ,- Prefer + noun,with names of activities:,I,prefer football,to badminton.,- Comparatives to describe convenience or greater pleasure,:,. because X is much,easier,to use than Y. because X is a lot,more exciting,than Y. because X is a lot,cheaper and more efficient,than Y. because X is a lot,more intimate and personal,than Y,The examiner is expecting you to answer using the following structures correctly:,-,Compare,the 2 things the examiner mentions- State which one is,more useful,or,meaningful,to you than the other- Give,reasons and examples,to explain why,比较,考官问题中的两个事物,陈述哪一个,对你而言更有意义或有用,解释,原因并举例,You should:,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak like a native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #4,How often do you do_?,1.How often do you read a novel?2. How often do visitors come to your house? 3. How often do you go out with friends?,Examples:,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak Like A Native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #5,Adverbs of frequency,sometimes, once a week, once a month, rarely, often, hardly ever, occasionally, every day, three times a day,Freedom and time constraints expressions,I only go shopping once a month because I,dont have a lot of money,.I rarely play badminton because I,dont have a lot of time,.I play a lot of sports during the holidays because I,have a lot of free time,.,More colloquial native speaker expressions for frequency,from time to time; once in a blue moon; once in a while (all mean occasionally),I go to a tea house,once in a blue moon,- not often at all,Once in a while,I read an English novel - but I dont usually have a enough time,From time to time,I drink coffee, but most days I prefer to drink green tea or just water,Talk about whether you do the activity the examiner asks you about,- Talk about,why,you do or do not do it,-If you,do,do it, say why you dont do it more often,-If you,dont,do it, say why not,说明你是否做考官问的活动,解释做与不做的原因,如果做,不经常做的原因,如果不做,解释原因,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak like a native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #5,You should:,The examiner is expecting you to answer using the following structures correctly:,What do you about _?,What is your favorite type of weather?,2. What do you like the most about your studies?,3. What do you enjoy most about traveling?,Examples:,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak Like A Native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #6,enjoy the most,like the best,-,Linking words,I like all kinds of weather,but,my favorite weather is .I enjoy nearly all parts of my life as a student.,However, the bit I enjoy most is .”I like many things about student life,though,my favourite thing is the social life I love meeting new people!,- Adverbs modifying verbs, I,especially,like X because . I,particularly,enjoy Y because . ,- Adverbs modifying adjectives, I find X,really interesting,because . The bit I like the most is Y because it is,very challenging,- Identify,which aspect,of something you,like the most,- Talk about,the other aspects,you like, and explain why you like one aspect, part, or element more than the others,明确,哪个方面,是你,最喜欢的,讨论你喜欢的,其他方面,,并解释哪个方面,因素是你喜欢的原因,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak like a native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #6,You should:,The examiner is expecting you to answer using the following structures correctly:,Is _ popular in your,country?,Are bikes popular in your country?,Is watching team sports popular where you live?,3. Is music popular in China?,Examples:,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak Like A Native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #7,town,city,- Present tense for habits,The most popular sport amongst young people,is,football.Most older people usually,enjoy,doing exercise.,Too many children today,play,on computers.,-,Generations / Age groups,Teenagers, young people, adolescents,the elderly, retired people, middle-aged,- Adverbs of habit,usually, normally, generally, in general .,- Words of quantity for amount of people,The,majority,of people in my country .,Most,people .,a large percentage,of people .,- Identify that the question is asking you about,people in general,and NOT your interest,- Explain what,types of people,do it - age groups, personalities, classes- Talk about what,the majority,like- Give,examples,why they like it,明确问题不是针对你的,而是,概括问所有人的,解释,什么样的人群,赞同,-,年龄,性格,社会阶级等,解释,主要人群,是怎么样的,举例,解释,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak like a native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #7,You should:,The examiner is expecting you to answer using the following structures correctly:,What time of the is best for doing _?,What time of year is best for outdoor sports where you live?,What time of day is best for studying?,What time of year is the best for traveling in your country?,Examples:,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak Like A Native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #8,day,month,year,Control of vocabulary for general times of day & seasons,The evening,is the best time for playing games,The end of summer,is a good time to go swimming outdoors,Good, native control of prepositions of time,The best time for skiing, of course, is,during,the winter monthsUsually, the evening is the best time,of,day for studying or: The best time for studying is,in,the evenings,Native ways to express ideal conditions,Spring mornings are,ideal,for studyingWinter nights are,perfect times,for romanceThe summer is,the most suitable time,of year for climbing,- Tell the examiner,which time,is best for X- Explain what,the conditions,at that time are (i.e. weather, social conditions)- Explain why thats the best time giving,reasons and examples,叙述具体,什么时间,最好,描述那个时间,具体情况,(,天气,社交状况,),解释,举例说明,具体原因,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak like a native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #8,You should:,The examiner is expecting you to answer using the following structures correctly:,Why do some people like _?,Why do some people like cooking?,2. Why do some people enjoy reading?,3. Why do some people like gardening?,Examples:,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak Like A Native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #9,- Show native ability to talk about types of people,Many retired people,enjoy gardening,People of all ages,enjoy reading,Many men today,enjoy cooking,- Then say a little about their personalities,I think gardening is suited to,calm,thoughtful,peopleI guess that cooking is a good pastime for,creative,peopleVery,energetic,people enjoy basketball,- Adjectives of benefit,Cooking is very,therapeutic,and good for relaxationGardening is a,fulfilling,hobbyReading is a,peaceful,and,educational,pastime,- Describe,why SOME people,enjoy doing something, not YOU- Say which,types of people,enjoy it- Say,types of personalities,generally like doing X- Give an,example,解释,一些人喜欢,做某项活动的原因,(,不是你,),说明,什么样的人,喜欢做,叙述一般情况下,,哪种性格,的人喜欢做,举例说明,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak like a native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #9,You should:,The examiner is expecting you to answer using the following structures correctly:,When was you did _?,When was the first time you used a computer?,2. When was the last time you went on holiday?,3. When was the last time visitors came to your house?,Examples:,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak Like A Native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #10,the first,the last time,- Control adverbs of time like a native,The last time I went fishing was,about 3 years ago,The first time I used a computer was,in high school in 1984,The last time I went on holiday was,during Spring Festival,- Control past simple for completed events in the past,I,went,on holiday last MayMy father,bought,me a computer when I was 10I,visited,a museum with my class last year“,- Use adjectives of experience,It was a really,exciting,experienceIt was an experience I will never forget! It was so,intriguing!,Well, to be honest it was a,very dull and boring,experience,- Talk about,a time in the past,like a native- Tell the examiner,when,- Tell the examiner,why,you did this- Tell the examiner,how you felt,像英语母语者一样讨论,发生在过去的一段时间,告诉考官,什么时候,为什么,你做了那件事,叙述当时,你的感受,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak like a native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #10,You should:,The examiner is expecting you to answer using the following structures correctly:,EQEnglish IELTS Training - - Speak like a native,EQEnglish IELTS Training - Understanding the Question - Part I, Card #10,登录,EQ,英语网站,获得,免费,雅思口语高分公式,完整版,让你的口语马上提高,1,分,


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