parents andcollege students当代大学生与父母之间的情感交流调查报告

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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Emotional communication of contemporary college students and their parents,What can you see from these pictures?,Introduction,Nowadays, with the development of society, more and more people have the chance to go to college . At this stage, our parents are the most closest persons that we can trust. As the growth of the age and the growth of awareness of self, there is a common phenomenon that college students and their parents dont agree on something or have conflict in something.,In order to meet the demands of life, we are far away from our warm home, loving parents, and go to college. But at the same time, the communication between our parents reduce a lot .,In that case, we wont timely solve the problems, this will lead to unharmonious family relationships, and isnt good for students mental health, for the students find that their learning and daily life have been affected.,Contents,Purpose,Present situation,Causes,Tips,Conclusion,Purpose,We can get an idea of college students basic situation of parent-child communication through this survey , after analyzing the causes and providing with good advice, I hope to help the relationship between parents and children.,Five things made children dont like their parents,Do you ever think that why parents restrict us from doing something, look into us secretly or always nag about some trivial affairs? It is because we seldom even never communicate with them about our college life and personal world. our unwilling to share ourselves contribute to the decrease of our contact with parents. Although college students s view and social scope become wider and become richer in knowledge, but in terms of emotional communication with parents, they seem immature and childish .,The present situation of the college students communication with their parents,(1),many students seldom contact with their parents,According to the survey shows that almost 30% of college students once a month or even longer to contact the parents Also a great number of university students contact parents on the weekend, but because of the party with friends, they often forget to contact parents.,(2) A large part of college students only contact their parents when lack of money,(3) a number of university students even dont want to contact the parents, when parents contact with them, they also find excuses,.,once on the phone of the son and mother, the son impatiently said I know, you dont have to say, I hung up , he wish mother s telephone hang up immediately .,The,causes,of College students s lack of emotional communication with parents,(1)College students are far away from parents .College life is rich and colorful, or learning pressure increases,(2)They think themselves grow up and dont need to report to the parents themselves, and have a generation gap between parents and communicate with parents. They consider conversing with parents as boring and the conversation lacks real affection.,(3)Application of online communication, though it is cheap and convenient, but most of the parents have difficulty in using the network to communicate,.,(4)Because of the parents nagging, worry about long-distance phone fees, having nothing to say, there is a generation gap with parents, the contact time is short,Tips to help to ease the relationship,1: we should actively take the initiative to contact with parents like our parents. And try to know something about parents life.,2: correct view of oneself and eliminate the rebellious psychology.,3: praise parents, show love to parents and accept parents advice humbly .,(4)The school,:,make full use of each Kind of festivals related to family, Some cultural activities, such as the Mid-Autumn festival, Mothers day, fathers day, womens day, Thanksgiving, etc.,Conclusion,Both parents and children can made efforts towards this problem. Communication is to promote understanding between parents and children s feelings, and through communication, parents can truly know childrens needs and feelings, as well as the encountered problems, help their children solve their problem. Therefore, communication brings very good emotional communication and let each other know more about each other.,Where there is love there is power,THANK YOU,谢谢观看!,


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