Lecture 6商务班

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Lecture 6 Jane Austen,Initiative reading of,Pride and Prejudice,Contents:,1. Austens life,2. Austens works,3. important female writers in the 19th century England,4. a feminist critical review of the text,5. discussions,1. Austens life,Jane Austen (1775-1817)-born in south of England, a clergymans family-spent all her life in the countryside, unmarried -educated at home with her fathers library-published her works anonymously-“a fine engraving made upon a little piece of ivory only two inches square” “,两寸象雕”,Jane Austen,2. Austens works,6 novels:- Sense and Sensibility 1811 -,Pride and Prejudice,1813 (finished in 1796)- Mansfield Park 1814 - Emma 1816 - Persuasion 1818 - Northanger Abbey 1818,3. important female writers in the 19th century England,Womens traditional place,Industrial revolution,- independence in economy,- political independence,- French revolution: liberty, equality, fraternity,Womens Liberation Movement,- womens voice to be heard,Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797-1851),-born in London to William Godwin-educated at home-met Shelley and married him at age of 17-had three children but all died successively-not understood or welcomed by people,-,Frankenstien,/ The Modern Prometheus 1818-,Valperga,1823,-The Last Man 1826-,Lodore,1835,Mary Shelley,Charlotte (1816-1855) Emily (1818-1848) Anne (1820-1849),The poor life of 5 girls and a boy after their mothers death,Education in charity school,-,Jane Eyre,1847 -,Wuthering Heights,1847 -Agnes Grey 1847,勃朗特姐妹生长在一个穷,牧师,家庭,她们的母亲在孩子们还很年幼时患肺癌去世,这使全家陷入了不幸。失去了母亲,孩子们的童年就象没有阳光的深冬,凄凉而没有欢乐。所幸的是,她们的父亲那位穷牧师学识渊博,他亲自教她们读书,指导她们看书读报,这些都给了她们很大的影响,这也算是不幸中的万幸。由于生活的凄苦,勃朗特姐妹不得不在慈善学校度过了一段童年。因为学校里的生活条件十分恶劣,夏洛蒂和艾米莉的两个姐姐先后患肺病死去,这给夏洛蒂极其沉重的打击。,Charlotte Bronte,Emily Bronte,Bronte sisters,Elizabeth C. Gaskell (1810-1865),-The Life of Charlotte Bronte-,Mary Barton,1848-Moorland Cottage 1850 -Cranford 1853 -Ruth 1853-North and South 1855-Wives and Daughters 1866,.,E. Gaskell,George Eliot (1819-1880),pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans,The living Jesus,trs,. From David Strauss,The Essence of Christianity,trs,.,From,Feuerbach,_,about philosophy,Clerical Life 1858,Adam,Bede,1859,The Mill on the Floss 1860,Silas,Marner,1861,Romola,1863,Felix holt, the Radical 1866,Middlemarch 1871-1872,Daniel,Deronda,1876,George Eliot,4. a feminist critical review of the text,4.1 Marry Wollstonecraft:,A Vindication of the Rights of Women,(1792).,Women must stand up for their rights and not allow their male-dominated society to define what it means to be a woman. Women themselves must take the lead and articulate who they are and what role they will play in society. Most importantly, they must reject the,patriarchal,assumption that women are inferior to men.,4.2 Virginia,Woolf,:,A Room of Ones Own,(1919),Women must reject the social construct that they are intellectually inferior to men and establish their own identity. Women must challenge the prevailing, false cultural notions concerning their gender identity and develop a female discourse that will accurately portray their relationship “to the world of reality and not the world of men.”,4.3 Simone de,Beavoir,:,The Second,Sex, (1949),A female becomes “the other”, an object whose existence is defined and interpreted by the male. As always subordinate to the male, the female finds herself a secondary or nonexistent player in the society.,4.4 Kate,Millett,:,Sexual Politics, 1969.,Ones sex is determined at birth. Ones gender is a social construct.,Conclusions:,1. Men have oppressed women, allowing them little or no voice in the political, social, or economic issues of their society.,2. By not giving voice and value to womens opinions, responses, and writings, men have therefore suppressed the female, defined what it means to be feminine, and thereby devalued and trivialized what it means to be a woman.,3. In effect, men have made women the “,nonsignificant,other.”,Feminist view observed from the text,1. traditional view about women:,1.1 “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. However little know the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.”,1.2 Mrs.,Bannet,: “But consider your daughters. Only think what an establishment it would be for one of them.”,1.3 Jane: “I was very much flattered by his asking me to dance a second time. I did not expect such a compliment.”,1.4 Charlotte: “I wish Jane success with all my heart; and if she were married to him tomorrow, I should think she had as good a chance of happiness.”,1.5 Mary: “Pride is a very common failing I believe. By all that I have ever read, I am convinced that it is very common indeed, that human nature is particularly prone to it.”,1.6 Mr.,Bingley,: “,Bingley,had never met with pleasanter people or prettier girls in his life; and as to Miss,Bennet, he could not conceive an angel more beautiful.”,1.7 Mr. Darcy: “Darcy, on the contrary, had seen a collection of people in whom there was little beauty and no fashion, from non received either attention or pleasure.”,2. Elizabeths challenge of the traditional image of a female,2.1 “Elizabeth remained with no very cordial feelings towards him. She told the story however with great spirit among her friends.”,2.2 “What could be more natural than his asking you again? He could not help seeing that No thanks to his gallantry for that. You have liked many a stupider person.”,2.3 “You could not have made me the offer of your hand in any possible way that would have tempted me to accept it.”,“From the very beginningyour manners impressing me with the fullest belief of your arrogance, your conceit, and your selfish disdain of the feelings of others, were such as to form that ground-work of disapprobation, on which succeeding events have built so immoveable a dislike; and I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry.,3. Moral effect in the text,People learn to recognize good in others, and therefore they themselves become better people. A kind of moral salvation depends on what heroines and heroes like Elizabeth and Darcy make of themselves while learning about one another.,5. discussions,Make a close scrutiny of the first two chapters and discuss the following questions with your partners. You should base your answers on the details from the text.,1. What is the characteristic of Mr.,Bennet,?,2. What is the characteristic of Mrs.,Bennet,?,3. Who is the invisible character depicted in the very beginning of the story? Is it intended to be the way Austen began her story? What is remarkable about this technique?,4. Compare the original draft of the beginning and the revised one in our text book and discuss the advantages of the revised one.,


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