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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,China classical music is the traditional art or court music of China. It has a long history stretching for more than three thousand years. It has its own unique systems of musical notation, as well as musical tuning and pitch, musical instruments and styles or musical genres.,Pentatonic scale,宫商角徵羽,Gong Shang Jue Zhi Yu,五声音阶,Chinese Music Instruments,Chinese music instruments can be categorized into,eight,classes by the materials they are made,from.There,are eight kinds of materials,:,metal, stone, clay, leather, silk, wood,bottle-gourd,and bamboo,.,金石革丝木匏竹,There is reed and gourd to make,Sheng, bamboo to make Panpipes, wood to make Chu, silk to make Zither, clay to make,Xun, metal to make Bell, stone to make Sonorous stone, and skin to make Drum,.,Representative musical instrument,古筝,Z,ither, Made by,silk,a,traditional Chinese musical instrument. It belongs to the zither family of string instruments,.,The,pipa,- is a plucked Chinese string,instrument.The,instrument has a pear-shaped wooden body. It has been played for nearly two thousand years of history in China.,琵琶,Sheng,:,made by reed and gourd,Panpipes,:,made by bamboo,Chu,-,made,bywood,贝壳,埙,黑陶,埙,Xun,-made by clay,Bell,-,made by metal,Sonorous stone,made by stone,Drum,made by skin,Chinese top ten classical songs,夕阳箫鼓,Flute And Drum At Sunset,十面埋伏,House of Flying Daggers,阳春白雪,White Snow In Sunny Spring,汉宫秋月,Autumn Moon Over Han Palace,平沙落雁,Wild Geese over the Clam Sands,梅花三弄,Three Stanzas of Plum-blossoms,渔樵问答,Dialog Between Fisherman And Woodcutter,高山流水,High,Mountains And Flowing Water,胡笳十八拍,The Eighteen Beat of Wu,Gier,广陵散,A Music From,Guangling,High Mountains And Flowing Streams,高山流水,High Mountains and Flowing Streams,It is a gem in the treasure trove of Chinese music. From this name ,you can imagine a harmonious picture with green mountains surrounding you and clear streams quietly passing by your feet. The music is played by Chinese zither. It is slow and quiet, sometimes with rhythm and beats like the flowing water. It is a song in praise of the life-long friendship between Yu,Boya, a zither master ,and,Zhong,Ziqi,a,woodcutter,. The message is that it is not easy for one to find a true friend who can share everything and understand every feeling of the other,.,Flute And Drum At Sunset,House of Flying Daggers,White Snow In Sunny Spring,Autumn Moon Over Han Palace,Wild Geese over the Clam Sands,平沙落雁,Three Stanzas of Plum-blossoms,Dialog Between Fisherman And Woodcutter,The Eighteen Beat of Wu,Gier,A Music From,Guangling,广陵散,谢谢观看,


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