Closed Loop Corrective Action

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Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,CLCA,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,Global BPI,304,Closed Loop Corrective Action,Module 14,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,Module Objectives,Differentiate between Issues, CLCA problems, and BPI projects,Describe a 5C/CLCA problem solving analysis in detail using Is-Is not, 5 Whys, and FMEA techniques to facilitate a 5C/CLCA problem solving analysis,Differentiate between containment, corrective, and preventative actions,Closed Loop,Corrective Action,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,Closed Loop Corrective Action,What is the “loop” in CLCA?,Why not “Closed Loop Containment Action?”,Why not “Closed Loop Preventive Action?,What is the trade-off between preventive and corrective actions?,How do you differentiate between an issue, a CLCA problem, or a BPI project?,Objective 1,CLCA,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,5C/CLCA,1. Characterize,2. Contain,3. Causal,Analysis,4. Corrective Action,5. Closure,CLCA / 5C Problem,Solving Model,Characterize,the problem,Contain,the problem,Causal,analysis,Corrective,actions,Closure,checklist,Objective 1,CLCA,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,Define,Measure,Analyze,Improve,Control,Report,BPI,Characterize,Containment,Causal Analysis,Corrective Action,Closure,CLCA,Common Cause Issue,BPI Candidate,Special Cause Issue,Objective 1,CLCA,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,Issue Tracking versus CLCA versus BPI,Incident,Occurrence,Customer Experience,Focus,Action Required,Timing,Resources involved,Issue Tracking,Special cause,First time,Threat,Contain,Immediate,Hours or Days,Low,CLCA,Special / common cause,Recurring,Immediate threat,Correct,Systemic,Weeks,Moderate,BPI Project,Common cause,Persistent,On-going threat,Prevent,Systemic,Months,High or Very High,Objective 1,CLCA,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,Characterize,Issue #,:,Issue Title,: Customer reports USB printer cable is missing from order.,Date:,7/18/2002,Description,: 374% increase in USB cable attach rate and corresponding increase in MWD. PTL scan history verify items were picked and scanned. However, an increasing percentage of customers are not recognizing the USB cable and reporting cable as missing.,Champion,:,Contain,Containment:,: Requested 911 / Livewire update to be sent to all Customer Care reps on 14-February-2002. Request included photos of cable and location in system box. Relabel 75,000 cables in the factory until supplier labeling cut in.,Cause,Root Cause,:,374% increase in USB cable attach rate and corresponding increase in MWD. PTL scan history verify items were picked and scanned.,CE/Usability audits have determined the USB cable is in the system box, but is not recognized by the customer.,Corrective,Corrective Action:,Add customer friendly labeling to USB cable.,Preventive Action:,Reviewed top 15 M&W boxing items for “labeling” opportunities. Review all new boxing items for “labeling” opportunities as introduced. No additional opportunities currently.,Closure,Verification:,MWD contribution dropped from 0.14% to 0.04% after start of labeling. 64% reduction in “Missing” USB cables when normalized by cable volume confirms effectiveness is not due to reduction in attach rate.,Reviewer,:,Review Results,:,CLCA Example,Objective 1,CLCA,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,1. CHARACTERIZE the Problem,1. CHARACTERIZE the Problem,Title:,Describe the problem (Platform, product, subsystem, component, software, or service),Date opened:,Date the corrective action was initiated,Location:,Where is the problem observed geographically?,Initiator:,Originator or owner of CA,Issue Description,WHO:,Characterize the individuals, operators, customers or business segment experiencing the problem,WHAT:,Describe the problem,/ object and,failure mode (form, fit, or function),WHERE:,Describe w,here the failure mode is on the object or in the process,WHEN:,Describe any method, mode of operation, or environmental conditions that are conditions for the failure. When in the life cycle, season, or .,EXTENT:,State either the amount defective (I.e., 100 HDDs) or defects per object (I.e., 20 solder joints per board),WHY:,If possible, identify obvious causes,Impact,Team Members,Describe the impact on the next operation, the downstream process, the customer, or regulatory agencies.,List team members,Objective 2,CLCA Methodology,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,Is / Is Not Analysis to Characterize CLCA,Is,Is Not,Location:,First found at UT, Austin,?,Who:,Any Corona / Churchill customer,Not rest of product line,What:,Inoperable keyboard keys,Not LCD, drives, or bays,Where:,8-I-k keys,Not other keys,When:,Random in life cycle,All modes of use,!,Objective 2,CLCA Methodology,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,Example: CHARACTERIZE the Problem,1. CHARACTERIZE the Problem,Title:,Corona / Churchill (8-I-k) Keyboard Keys Inoperable,Date:,10/10/2000,Location:,U Texas, Austin,Initiator:,Issue Description,WHO:,First observed in Higher Education Segment Any Corona / Churchill customer,WHAT:,Keyboard Keys Inoperable,WHERE:,8-I-k keys,WHEN:,Random in life cycle. All modes of use.,EXTENT:,Failure rate greater than 20% of installed base,WHY:,Interconnectivity of the keyboard and motherboard,Impact,Team Members,Creates a negative perception of Dell product quality in education segment and high mobile use customers. Some revenue impact reported to date.,Objective 2,CLCA Methodology,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,2. CONTAIN the Problem,2. CONTAIN the Problem,Eliminate Occurrence,Reduce Occurrence,Improve Control,Reduce Severity,2,nd,Tier Supplier:,Alternative source, controls, divert, quarantine,Is the problem eliminated?,Is the problem reduced in frequency?,Can we detect it if it happens again?,If it happens again will the result be less harmful?,OEM Supplier:,Alternative source, controls, divert, quarantine,Factory:,Stop ship, hold, upgrade order, ship partial quantities,Service:,Screen, audit, repair, rework, replace,Field:,Screen, audit, repair, rework, replace,Objective 2,CLCA Methodology,Possible Containment Actions,Find alternate source,Divert it quarantine,Rework, inspect and sort incoming material,Turn it off,Stop the line,Upgrade order,Ship partial quantities,Recall hardware,Issue a software fix,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,Example: CONTAIN the Problem,2. CONTAIN the Problem,Eliminate Occurrence,Reduce Occurrence,Improve Control,Reduce Severity,2,nd,Tier Supplier,Increase test sample size.,Review test & maintenance procedures,Bill,10/17,OEM Supplier,Increase incoming inspection sample size,Bob,10/17,Factory,Perform keyboard functional audit for early defect detection,Bill,10/17,Service,Field,Objective 2,CLCA Methodology,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,3. Define CAUSES of the Problem,3. Define CAUSES of the Problem,Technical or Systemic,Approximate % Contribution,Casual analysis:,Determine potential causes,Analyze data,Identify root causes,Identify whether the root cause is technical or systemic,If there are several root causes then approximate the percent contribution of each, otherwise, one root cause = 100%,Objective 2,CLCA Methodology,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,Example: Define CAUSES of the Problem,3. Define CAUSES of the Problem,Technical or Systemic,Approximate % Contribution,Keyboard connecter JAE on the M/B side does not have adequate spring tension to maintain pressure to the contact with keyboard connecter pins, 10/23,Technical,90%,Churchill design causes “blind” insertion of keyboard to MB connector interface. Factory workmanship increases probability of occurrence.,Technical,10%,Objective 2,CLCA Methodology,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,Identify Possible Root Causes,Casual analysis,Determine potential causes,Analyze data,Identify root causes,Tools for casual analysis,Statistical wrenches,Descriptive,Inferential,Relational,Tools to help approximate % contribution,Histogram,Pareto,Process,Capability,Cause & Effect,Flow chart,5,Whys,SOD RPN,FMEA or FTA,D,D,D,D,S,P,S,P,S,M,S,M,P,M,Defect,Diagramming,Objective 2,CLCA Methodology,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,Cause & Effect Worksheet from FMEA,Environment,People,Machine,Materials,Measurement,Method,Failure Mode,Next Step,Downstream,Customer,Regulatory,Causes,Effects,Objective 2,CLCA Methodology,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,5 Whys Root Cause Analysis,Ask,Why,five or more times to help discover the root cause,Hopefully leads to preventative or corrective actions,Why only 5?,Obviously it may take only one or several,Asking Why just once leads to only containment actions or at best corrective actions,Prevention requires more inquisition and persistence,Sometimes,How,What,When, and,Where,are used in place of Why at each step in order to drive to root cause,Objective 2,CLCA Methodology,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,5 Whys Example: Finger Cut Injuries,Where were the cuts occurring?,As parts were picked from the tote,What are the specific parts causing the cut?,The chassis filler panel,Why are the filler panels causing the cut?,There is a sharp sheet metal edge,Why is the edge delivered from the vendor sharp?,The vendor neglected to coin the edges during the stamping operation,Why did the vendor not coin the edges?,This was not a Dell designed part and we did not require coined edges as part of the original specification,Objective 2,CLCA Methodology,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,Exercise: Conduct a 5 Why Analysis,Suggestions:,Childs bad grades,Absenteeism,Out of box audit failures,Repeat dispatch,Missing, wrong, or damaged,Customer satisfaction decline,Water bill hike,Low gas mileage,HDD crash,Dying grass in front yard,Objective 2,CLCA Methodology,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,4. CORRECTIVE Actions,Enter corrective actions,Select type of action by entering the corrective action date and the implementers name into the appropriate column,4. CORRECTIVE Actions,Eliminate Occurrence,Reduce Occurrence,Improve Control,Reduce Severity,Supplier,/ 2,nd,Tier,Supplier,/ OEM,Factory,Service,Field,Objective 2,CLCA Methodology,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,4. Example: CORRECTIVE Actions,4. CORRECTIVE Actions,Eliminate Occurrence,Reduce Occurrence,Improve Control,Reduce Severity,Supplier,/ 2,nd,Tier,Remove the JAE connecter from approved supplier list,Sam,11/09,Supplier,/ OEM,MB OEM to use 100% Foxconn connecter,Sam,11/09,Factory,Implement keyboard insertion tool on the assembly line,Conduct Assembler awareness training,Bill,10/27,Service,Purge replacement inventory,James,11/17,Field,Evaluate need for proactive repair campaign,Rich,TBD,Objective 2,CLCA Methodology,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,5. CLOSURE Checklist,Enter a description into each section,5. CLOSURE Checklist,Verification,of corrective actions,:,Have the solutions been validated?,Preventive action,on systemic causes,:,Has the systemic root cause been identified? Have actions been taken to eliminate recurrence?,Review,Business implications:,Do any business processes (PRP) need revision?,BPI candidate:,3,rd,party verification:,Originator signature for closure:,Reference:,Lessons learned,Title,Description,LOB,Failed item group,Responsible discipline,Title of LL,Commodity,Functional area (mechanical, system, electrical, test ),Objective 2,CLCA Methodology,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,Verification and Preventive Action,Validation of solution,How do we know the solution continues to work?,Are metrics required as ongoing control?,Could control charts help with monitoring?,What is the contingency plan if the corrective action (solution) stops working?,Is there a link back to the containment plan?,Have actions been taken to eliminate recurrence?,Has the systematic root cause been identified?,Cause of the causes,Kill the problem forever,5. CLOSURE Checklist,Verification,of corrective actions,:,Have the solutions been validated?,Preventive action,on systemic causes,:,Has the systemic root cause been identified? Have actions been taken to eliminate recurrence?,Objective 2,CLCA Methodology,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,Review,Business Implications,Business documentation,Do any business processes need revision?,Existing product,Similar issues on this platform,Same problem on other platforms,Future product,New product designs in process,New product verification test and development,Supplier selection and validation,Systems integration,3,rd,party verification,Signature,Reference,Review,Business implications:,Do any business processes (PRP) need revision?,BPI candidate:,3,rd,party verification:,Originator signature for closure:,Reference:,Objective 2,CLCA Methodology,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,Example CLOSURE Checklist,5. CLOSURE Checklist,Verification,of corrective actions,:,Field failure incidence for root cause reduced by 4x after corrective action implemented,Preventive action,on systemic causes,:,Re-evaluate connector qualification process and reliability testing,Review,Business implications:,Reduced Churchill FIR by 25 % over life,BPI candidate:,No,3,rd,party verification:,No,Originator signature for closure:,AR 03/15/01,Reference:,ECR # 1219, TT issue # 0718, PSQN # 0811,Lessons learned,Title,Description,LOB,Failed item group,Objective 2,CLCA Methodology,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,Exercise: Containment, Corrective, or Preventive,Scenario:,Unacceptable fallout of hard drives due to a supplier defect in the assembly of the component,Instructions:,Identify as either,con,tainment,cor,rective, or,pre,ventive,_ Stop shipment of all models containing this type of hard drive,_ Procurement starts buying an alternative model with higher reliability,_ Screen all hard drives before shipment to customer,_ Work with the supplier to find the root cause of the failure in their production and fabrication processes,_ Rework the hard drive in-house or at a repair contractor,_ Set up a schedule with the Supplier to periodically review process improvement related to this particular hard drive,Objective 3,Differentiation,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,Exercise: Containment, Corrective, or Preventive,Scenario:,Auditors found systems with missing diskettes,Instructions:,Identify as either,con,tainment,cor,rective, or,pre,ventive,_ Stop the line and Distribution Center and check all boxes to make sure they have the correct diskettes,_ Automate the Parts Pending report to print out every hour on the hour with a audible or visual alert,_ Program the Completion Sheets to print out new parts in bold face or underlined type,_ Retrain all PTL Associates and Material Handlers on their respective work instructions,Objective 3,Differentiation,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,TeamTrack Workflow,CLCA,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,Summary,What tools or methods would be useful to characterize a CLCA problem?,What tools or methods would be useful to discover root cause?,What data base is used in your area to open, complete, track, and close CLCAs?,How do you differentiate between containment, corrective, and preventative actions?,How do you differentiate between Issues, CLCA problems, and BPI projects?,CLCA,Copyright, 2003 Dell Computer Corporation,Revision 042103,


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