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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1.What accident is happening in the,video,?,Answer the question about the video.,An earthquake.,2.,what will you,d,o when an earthquake happens?,Unit 2,Stay away from windows,and heavy furniture.,1.,掌握单词和短语:earthquake, warn, inside, keep, calm, brave,jump out of ,keep calm,be brave and helpful,stay away from,be careful of run away,2 .理解关于地震急救的文章。,3.理解简单的避震方法。,earthquake,warn,inside,keep,比一比,看谁能快速理解下面的单词。,brave,calm,短语翻译,1.jump out of,2.keep calm,3. be brave and be helpful,4.stay away from,5.be careful of,6. run away,从,跳出,保持冷静,勇敢并乐于助人,远离,小心,,当心,逃跑,Watch a movie,When the earthquake started ,1 I hid under a table.,2 Sam sat on his desk.,3 Alice ran out of the building.,4 Peter and Helen stayed in their car.,5 my family and I moved away from the,beach.,阅读文章判断他们做得对不对。,Complete the following advice:,What to do in an earth?,1,.Do not,_ _ _ high buildings.,2._under a table.,3 ._ _ from windows and heavy furniture.,4.,Do not,use the _.,5._ _ from the sea.,6.In the,mountains,be careful of,_ _,j,ump out of,Hide,lift,Run away,falling rocks,Stay away,这些句子都是,_,,表示建议和指导。,什么特点:,1.,都是,用,_,。,2.,没有显示主语但暗含主语,_,3.,否定句,往往由,_,开头,.,祈使句,动词原形,You,do not (dont),Inside,Advice,NO.1,X,jump out of ,Do not jump out of high buildings.,Inside,NO.2,Hide under,Keep clear of fires,stay away,X,X,Hide under a table.,Keep clear of,Stay away from windows,and heavy furniture,Inside,NO.3,when.stop shaking,X,Do not,Leave the building quickly,when the ground stops shaking,Do not use the lift,Inside,NO.4,calmwhen.,Be brave&helpful,X,Keep calm, especially when you are with other people,Be brave and be helpful,move awaybecause,outside,Move away from buildings, because parts of a building may fall on you.,outside,Dont stand,Stay away,bridge,X,If,stay,Do not stand near street,lights or under power lines.,Stay away from bridges,and trees.,If you are in a bus,Or a car, stay in it.,outside,Be careful of.,X,run away&move to,higher ground,In mountains, be,careful of falling rocks.,On a beach, run away,from the sea and move,quickly to higher ground,课堂检测:,一、从句中找出一个错误并改正。,1.Having a nice day!_.,2.Makes sure he wont get a cold._.,二、单项选择。,1.please _look outside,look at the blackboard.,A. dont B. not,C. arent D.didnt,Have,Make,A,.,2._ away from windows and heavy,furniture.,A. Stay B. to stay C. staying D.stays,3._ in the public place!,A. Not smoke,B. Dont smoke,C. Smoke D.Smoking,4.Please stop _,and listen to the teacher.,A. talk B. to talk,C. talking D.talks,A,B,C,Key points,:,jump out of keep calm,be brave and be helpful stay away from,be careful of run away,本课小结,Stay away from windows.,Dont stand near.,Be careful of falling rocks.,动词原形,构成祈使句,。表示建议和指导。,此类,祈使句暗含的主,语是,you,但通常,省略,。,否定句,往往由,do not (dont),开头。,What is in common?,共同点,Ending,Safety comes first,!,Therefore, we should learn the knowledge,(知识),to protect ourselves in the accidents.,You can be safe and you can also help save others.,Homework,完成,课堂作业,Unit2,A:,背诵课文前一半。,B:,抄写课文并翻译成汉语。,Thank you!,


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