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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,第一,PPT,模板网:,大家好,小复习:,韵母:,a,e,o,i,U ,声母:,y,b,p,m,f,w,第一,PPT,模板网:,第一,PPT,模板网:,b,p,m,f,a,ba,pa,ma,fa,第一,PPT,模板网:,d t n l,第一,PPT,模板网:,敲响队鼓,d d d,d,b,第一,PPT,模板网:,小鱼跳舞,t t t,t,第一,PPT,模板网:,一个门洞,n n n,n,m,第一,PPT,模板网:,一根木棍,l l l,l,. .,. .,.,PPT,课件下载:, d d,;,鱼儿跳舞,t t t,一个门洞,n n n,一根木棍,l l l,第一,PPT,模板网:,d,t,n,l,第一,PPT,模板网:,辩音,1,、他的衣服真好看!,de,2,、他特别爱玩。,t,3,、门外有人找你呢!,ne,4,、春天快来了!,le,第一,PPT,模板网:,d,第一,PPT,模板网:,d,第一,PPT,模板网:,t,第一,PPT,模板网:,t,第一,PPT,模板网:,d,第一,PPT,模板网:,第一,PPT,模板网:,m-m(,马),t-t(,兔),第一,PPT,模板网:,dd,mm,(大米),第一,PPT,模板网:,tt,dd(,土地),第一,PPT,模板网:,谢谢!祝生活愉快,I. Listen and number.(根据你听到的内容给下面的图片排列顺序),1. -Good morning!,-Good morning!,2. -Lets make a puppet.,- Great!,3. How are you, Chen Jie?,- Fine, thank you.,4. Lets go to school!,- OK!,5. How are you, John?,- Very well. Thanks.,6. Hello, hello! How are you?,II. Listen and tick.(根据听到的内容,判断与图片所表达的意思是否一致),1. Open your eyes.,2. Close your mouth.,3. Touch your nose.,4. Touch your mouth.,5. Touch your face.,6. Clap your hands.,7. Touch your eyes.,8. Wave your arms.,9. Shake your body.,10. Stamp your foot.,III. Listen and tick.(根据你听到的内容,选出恰当的图片),1. Look at my arm.,2. Look at me. This is my ear.,3. Look at my hand.,4. Look at my face.,5. This is my mouth.,6. This is my body.,7. Look at my eyes.,8. This is my foot.,IV. Listen and circle.(听录音,圈出你所听到的单词),1. Look at my head.,2. Look at me. This is my nose.,3. I have a red mouth.,4. Look at my eyes.,5. Shake your body.,6. This is my head.,7. Look at me. This is my mouth.,8. Look at my legs.,9. I have a head.,10. I have a ear .,V. Listen and circle.(听单词,圈出单词的首字母),1. gift 2. foot 3. elephant 4. ice-cream,5. hand 6. ant 7. dog 8. cat二、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,每小题念两遍。(1 0分),1、( )A.pen B.pencil C.bag,2、( )A.crayon B.mouth C.eye,3、( )A.arm B.ant C.apple,4、( )A.black B.brown C.blue,5、( )A.yes B.yellow C.your,6、( )A.touch B.take C.tall,7、( )A.mum B.morning C.nose,8、( )A.Hello! B.Look at me! C.How are you?,9、( )A.Good morning B.Thanks. C.Great.,10、( )A.B b B. C c C.D d,三、听录音,选出正确的答语,每小题念两遍。(5分),1、( )A.Good morning! B.Good afternoon! C.Good evening!,2、( )A.Nice to meet you,too. B.Thanks. C.Great.,3、( )A.Very well. B.Goodbye. C.My name is Chen Jie.,4、( )A.I see brown. B.Im fine,Thank you. C.OK.,5、( )A. Me too! B.Bye. C. My name is Zoom.,四、将下列句子进行排序,构成一段完整的对话。(5分),( )A.Good morning,Miss Chen.,( )B.How are you?,( )C.Very well,thanks!,( )D.Fine,Thank you.And you?,( )EGood morning,Miss Wu.,第一,PPT,模板网:,xio,m,bi,d,m,小,马,背,大,米,d,m,s,y,d,大,米,撒,一,地。,xio,t,po,sh,ng,li,小,兔,跑,上,来,,d,ji,o,tng,tng,tng,大,叫,停,停,停。,第一,PPT,模板网:,


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