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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,LOGO,Page,21,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,M4U1 My body,Cloris,1. Are you tall?,2. Touch your ears.,3. Open your mouth.,4. Touch your nose.,5. Are your eyes big?,6. Have you a round face?,7. What colour is your hair?,8. What can you do with your eyes?,9. What can you do with your hands?,Yes, I am. / No, I am not.,OK. / All right.,OK. / All right.,OK. / All right.,Yes, they are./No, they arent.,Yes, I have./ No, I havent.,Its black.,I can see with my eyes.,I can touch and feel with my hands.,Daily talk:,About me,Hello. My name is _ .,My hair is _ .,My eyes are _ .,My nose is _ .,My mouth is _ .,My face is _ .,Match,eyes,ears,nose,hair,mouth,head,hand,leg,_ _oulder,_ _m,finger,kn_ _,foot,toe,hair,b_dy,f,ee,t,bod,ies,a r,s h,e e,o,an,str_tch,伸展,r_ _se,举起,st_mp,跺脚,_ _ap,拍手,e,a,a i,c l,(r,ai,n),用 或 表示,( ) 1. st,a,mp n,a,me,( ) 2. r,ai,se r,ai,n,( ) 3. stret,ch,ch,air,( ) 4. t,ou,ch sh,ou,lder,( ) 5. cl,a,p bl,a,ck,( ) 6. t,oe,sh,oe,s,( ) 7. gr,ow,bl,ow,( ) 8. pl,a,nt ice-sk,a,te,Shoulders, shoulders. Touch your shoulders.,Knees, knees. Touch your knees.,Stretch, stretch. Stretch your arms.,Raise, raise. Raise your hand,s,.,Stamp, stamp. Stamp your feet.,Clap, clap. Clap your hands.,Chant:,Game!,Head, shoulders, knees and toes,Listen and write:,I have two _.,My _ are big.,I have two _.,I can hear.,I have two _ and two _.,I have two _ and two _.,eyes,eyes,ears,arms,hands,legs,feet,My eyes are big.,I have big eyes.,My ears are big.,I have big ears.,My mouth is small.,I have a small mouth.,Your legs are long.,You have long legs.,His face is round.,He has a round face.,换种说法,意思不变,I have a lovely face.,My face is lovely.,I have big and black eyes.,My eyes are big and black.,My nose is small.,I have a small nose.,She has a red skirt.,Her skirt is red.,His shoes are new.,He has new shoes.,I have _ _.,My _ is _.,I have _ _.,My _ is _.,I have _ _.,My _ are _.,Draw yourself,Introduction:,Hello. My name is Peter.,Im a boy.,I have a round face.,My hair is short and black.,My eyes are big.,My ears are small.,My nose is small.,My mouth is big.,I can play football well.,I like playing football.,Im a happy boy.,Hello. My name is _.,Im a _.,I have a _ face.,My hair is _ and _.,My eyes are _.,My ears are _.,My nose is _.,My mouth is _.,My _ is _.,My _ are _.,I can _.,I like _.,Im a happy _.,About you,把下列单词变为复数形式:,body _ foot _,eye _ bus _,child _ mouse _,mouth _ scarf _,family _ leaf _,bodies,mice,scarfs/sacrves,children,mouth,s,families,leaves,eyes,feet,buses,Thank,you,22,


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