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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Non-restrictive,attributive clauses,非限制性定语从句,-,赵老师,Who is he?,who/that,*The man _ is,sitting there is Brad,Pitt.,who/whom,*The man,/that/-,she,speaks to is Brad,Pitt.,to whom,The man _,she speaks is Brad,Pitt.,Who is she?,who,Cecilia, _ took,weight-loss,pills,now realizes that,health is important.,whose,Cecilia, _,body is thin, still,wants to lose,some weight,(减肥),.,限制性定语从句与先行词之间不用,逗号隔开;,非限制性定语从句与先行词之间一,般用逗号隔开。,My cousin,whose father is a,teacher,wants to be an actor.,My cousin ,whose father is a,teacher, wants to be an actor.,1.A.This is the place,where I lived ten years ago,.,B. The school,where,I once studied,was built thirty,years ago.,2.A.He is a man,who I can ask for help.,B.His father ,who works in Beijing, came back,yesterday,限制性定语从句和先行词关系密切,如果去,掉从句,剩余部分意义不完整;非限制性定,语从句只是先行词的附加说明,如果去掉从,句,意义仍然完整。,1.I have a sister,who works in a hospital,.,(不只一位姐姐),我有一位在医院工作的姐姐。,我有一位姐姐,她在医院工作。,(只有一位姐姐),有时同一个限制性从句变为非限制性从句会,改变全句的意思,2. I have a sister ,who works in a hospital.,3.All the magazines here,which have beautiful,pictures in them,were written by him.,里面有漂亮图画的那些杂志是他写的。,(杂志有带图画和不带图画两类),4.All the magazines here ,which have,beautiful pictures in them, were written by,him.,所有的杂志都是他写的,里面都有漂亮的图画。,(杂志只有一种),Fill in the blanks with proper relative words.,who,1.The,famous,basketball,star,_is,an,American,came to China yesterday.,2.In those days,she used to go to Mr black,with,whom,_she had a wonderful time.,which,3.I bought a car yesterday,_ cost me a lot.,which,4.,Xian,_I,visited,last,year,is,a,nice,old,city.,when,5.He,will,come,to,see,me,next,July,_,he,wont,be so busy.,where,6.The,school,_I,once,studied,was,built,thirty years ago.,7.John,said,hed,been,working,in,the,which,office for an hour,_ was true.,?,Are these sentences attributive clauses?,He told me a story,which,is already,known to all.,He came late,which,made the teacher,angry.,He missed the movie,which,was a great,pity.,“which”,can be used to refer to,_.,He is,such,a clever boy _ can solve all,the questions.,This is,such,an interesting book _,interests all students.,This is,so,difficult a question _ no,one can work out.,He is,so,popular a person _ we all like,to talk with.,I bought,the same,car _ he is driving,.,一,流,的,学,校,需,要一流,的后勤,,而一,流的后,勤需要,配备一,流素质,的人员,。下面,是,小,编,整,理,的,2017,年,中学,总务处,工作计,划,欢,迎大家,参考!,2017,年,中,学,总,务,处,工作计,划一:,一,、指导,思想,以党,的群众,路线教,育实践,活动精,神为指,导,,坚,持,后,勤,为,教育教,学服务,的思想,,以学,校教学,工作为,中心,,以为教,育教学,服务,,为,教,科,研,服,务,为,师生服,务为宗,旨,以,提高后,勤职工,队伍素,质为抓,手,强,化总务,后,勤,工,作,的,规范管,理,确,保后勤,工作保,障有力,,服务,到位,,努力提,高后勤,服务质,量,,,为,师,生,创造一,个良好,的工作,、学习,和生活,环境,,努力创,造一个,和谐校,园。,二,、,工,作,思,路与目,标,、,立,足,常,规优,化管理,机制,、,强,化,意,识,提高,服务质,量,、,开,源,节,流,提升保,障能力,三,、,主,要,工作及,措施,、,坚,持,“,以,人为,本,”,,,强,化,队伍建,设,加,强,学,习,,提,高后勤,人员的,自身素,质,增,强服务,意识。,鼓,励,他,们,以,自己的,作用换,地位,,用自己,良好的,言行,,优良的,服务质,量赢得,师生的,满,意,与,赞,誉,。,、,完,善,和,落实,规章制,度,强,化规范,管理,完,善,和,落实后勤管,理,的,各,项,规,章制度,,使后,勤工作,规范化,、制度,化、科,学化。,以制度,管理事,,以制,度,管,理,人,,,加强信,息反馈,,确保,后勤服,务质量,。,、,严,格,执,行财,务制度,,规,1. He is a hard working student, _,we all know.,2. He has won first prize, _ we all,expected.,3. _ we hoped, he came to help us.,4. _ was planned, the work was,finished on time.,“as”,can be used to refer to a,whole sentence.,六、,as,引导定语从句,多与,such,和,the,same,连用,在从句中作主语或宾语。,1.,Such,people,as,you describe,are rare,nowadays.,2.Lets discuss only,such,questions,as,concern,every one of us.,3.Would you please buy me,the same,novel,as,you bought for brother yesterday, Mum?,4.,As,we all know,John is an honest man.,比较:,She wore the same dress,that,she wore at,Marrys wedding.,Which,和,as,引导非限制性定从时的用法区别:,1.which,引导的非限制性定从不能置于句首,,而,as,非限定从可放在句首,句中或句末,。,2,.,由,as,构成的常见搭配如:,as we all,know,as is known to all,as is said above,等表,“,正如,”,之意,而,which,不能。,3.As,引导的从句在意义上一般不与主句意义,相背离。,as,引导的非限制性定语从句一些固定句型,:,1,as has been said before,如上所述,2,as may be imagined,正如可以想象出,来的那样,3,as is well known,众所周知,4,as was expected,正如预料的那样,5,as has been already pointed out,正如已经指出的那样,6,as we all can see,正如我们都会看到,的那样,Eg.As is known to everybody,the moon,travels around the earth once every,month.,Asis often the case(,情况通常如此),,we,have worked out the plan.,As is reported in the newspaper,talks,between two countries are making,progress.,Whats the difference between “which” and,“as” when they refer to a whole sentence?,Structure:,“as” can be used in front of the sentence,As,was expected, we won the game.,We won the game,as,was expected.,Meaning:,“as” always means:,正如,一样,More examples,He missed the show,which,was a great pity.,He invited me to dinner,which,made me,happy.,非限制性定语从句中关系代词,which/as,可指整个主句的,意思或一部分意思。,As,引导的定语从句既可以位于句末,,也可以位于句首或句中。,As,everyone knows,China is a country with a,long history.,正如大家所知,中国是一个有着悠久,历史的国家。,She is a teacher,as,is clear from her manner,.,她是位教师,这一点从她的举止可以清楚地看出。,3,。非限制性定从还能将整个主句作为先行,词,对其进行修饰,这是从句谓语动词用第,三人称单数。,eg.He seems not to have grasped what I,meant,which greatly upsets me.,eg.Liquid water changes to vapor,which,is called evaporation.,典型例题,Helen was much kinder to her,youngest son than to the others,D,_, of course, made the,others envy(,嫉妒,) him. (2004,天,津卷,),A,. who B. that,C,. what D. which,Carol said the work would be,D,done by October, _,personally(,就我个人而论,) I,doubt(,怀疑,) very much. (1999),A. it B. that,C. when,D. which,非限制性定语从句中通常使用下列关系,代词和副词,关系代词:,which / who / whom /,whose /as,关系副词:,when / where,(,非限制性定语从句中不用关系词,that,;,非限制性定语从句中关系词不能省略,),Other examples,1.I am doing different types of exercises,all of,_,which,are quite helpful to my health.,whom,are not overweight ,2.Many people ,some of _,are going on diets.,3.There are 54 students in my class,three of,_,whom,come from US.,在,of which/whom,之前可以使用表达数量,或定位的数词或代词。,典型例题,The factory produces half a,million pairs of shoes every,A,year, 80% _ are sold,abroad. (2004,辽宁卷,),A. of which B. which of,C. of them D. of that,Its the same in China,-many,people, some of whom are not,overweight at all, are always,going on diet or taking weight-,loss pills, which are often,dangerous,.,The book was written in 1946,_the education system,has witnessed great changes.,A when B during which,C since when D since when,高考回放,C,?,The English play _ my,students acted at the New,Years party was a great,success. (2004,全国卷,I),A. for which,B. at which,C. in which,D. on which,?,There were dirty marks on her,A,trousers _ she had,wiped her hands. (2004,,,全国,卷,II),A,. where B. which,C,. when D. that,1. I have many friends, some,D,_ are businessmen. (2005,,,全国,II,卷,),A. why B. from which,C. who of D. of whom,D,2,If a shop has chairs _,women can park their men,women will spend more time in,the shop. (2005,,,上海卷,),A. that,B. which,C. when,D,. where,3,I walked in our garden,_ Tom and Jim were,C,tying a big sign onto one of the,trees. (2005,辽宁卷,),A. which,B. when,C. where,D. that,4. Great changes have taken,place in that school. It is no,longer what it was 20 years ago,_ it was so poorly,A,equipped. (2005,,,安徽卷,),A. when B. which,C. what D. that,5. Jim passed the driving test,A,_ surprised everybody in,the office.,(,2005,,,浙江卷,),A. which B. that,C. this,D. it,Complete the following passages with,who,whose ,which,where,or,when,I have a good friend,(1)_,who,is really,thin.Twice a week he goes to the,gym,(2)_,he exercises and lifts,where,weights.But the fact is that hes still quite,thin,(3)_,which,makes him unhappy.,Now he is thinking about taking some,pills,(4)_,which,he thinks will make him,become stronger. Does anyone know if,its safe to take these pills?,I,think,going,to,a,gym,is,a,good,way,to,keep,healthy,and,strong.,If,your,friend,wants,to,be,stronger, he should try to go there more often.,Yes, there are some pills to make you look strong.,However,they have side effects,(5)_,will do,which,harm to your health.After taking this kind of pill,for,some,time,your,friends,hair,might,fall,out,or,he,might,have,health,problems,some,of,(6),_ may even do harm to his liver or heart.,which,Many,sportsmen,(7),_,whose,achievements,were,great,died,very,young,because,they,took,these,kinds,of,pills.,I,dont,think,your,friend,should,take the risk.,Tell,your,friend,not,to,take,the,pills,because,he,may,have,health,problems,in,the,future,(8)_,when,it is too late.,


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