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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Non-finite verbs In Reading,非谓语动词与阋读,REVISIO,x长难句的几个特点,1、句子信息量大,结构复杂,附加成分多,(名词性从句、定语从句、非谓语动词);,2.、分隔现象普遍(主谓分隔、同位语分隔、,定语分隔等);,3.、插入语、省略、倒装现象,方法:找主向,把握核心,找附加成分,分析信息。,EXAMPLE,1. But soon they tunmesadittdefterafter,706dogal objections reachedbteeas,because it would have meant hundreds,ofabnniges a day making loud nqisepulated,through heavily populated areas,针对从句和非谓语动词提问,1)When did they turn it down?,2)Why were there so many,3)Oeattiooald make loud,mis?was the area,like?,PRACTICE:找出非谓语动词结构,1. In 1800 a candle providing one,hour s light cost six hours work. In,the 1880s the same light from an oil,lamp took 15 minutes work to pay,for,In 1800 a candle providing one,hour s light cost six hours work. In,the 1880s the same light from an oil,lamp took 15 minutes work to pay,o后置定语;逻主语 candle宾补;逻铞主语,15 minutes,2. A child that dies from indoor,smoke in a village where the use of fossil-,fuel electricity is forbidden by well,meaning members of green political,movements trying to save the world is,just as great a tragedy(悲剧) as a child,gles ind thl odesaused by,climate,that di,r smoke,ana,in a village where the use of fossil-fue,electricity is forbidden by well-meaning,members of green political movements,地p刨 save thag同 is just as greats,tragedy(悲剧) as a child that dies in a flood,caused by climate change,3. If climate change proves to be mild,but cutting carbon causes real pain we,may well find that we have stopped a,nose-bleed by putting a tourniquet,(止血带) around our necks,If climate change proves to be mild,but cutting carbon causes real pain we,may well find that we have stopped a,nose-bleed by putting a tourniquet(It,血带) around our necks,4. This, combined with the length of time,spent in front of computers, has led to,an increase in the number of people with,nearsightedness in North america,This, combined with the length of time,spent in front of computers has led to,an increase in the number of people with,nearsightedness in North America,5. As the only girl in a family of seven children, she often,felt like she hadseven fathers, because her six brothers,as well as her father, tried to control her. Feeling shy and,unimportant, she retreated( Gg)into books. Despite her,love of reading, she did not do well in elementary school,because she was too shy to participate.(NMET2008天津卷,A篇),36. Which of the following iS true about cisneros in her,hildhood? B,A. She had seven brothers,B. She felt herself a nobod.,C. She was too shy to go to school,D. She did not have any good teachers,6.The mountainous 64-square-mile island,was settled around the 5th century,supposedly by people who were lost at sea,They had no connection with the outside world,for more than a thousand years, giving them,plenty of time to build more than 1,000 huge,stone figures, called Moai, for which the island,is most famous,On Easter Sunday, 1722, however, settlers from,Holland moved in and gave the island its,rahat. s the Easter Island well-known for?,A. the most distant island,B Moai,C one street,D. Easter,Sunday,7. The endless choice gives birth to anxiety in peoples,lives. Buying something as basic as a coffee pot is not exactly,simple Easy access to a wide range of everyday goods leads,to a sense of powerlessness in many people, ending in the,shopper giving up and walking away, or just buying an,unsuitable item that is not really wanted,Why do more choices of goods give rise to anxiety? C,A. Professionals find it hard to decide on a suitable,produ,B. People are likely to find themselves overcome by,business persuasion,C Shoppers may find themselves lost in the broad range,of items,D. Companies and advertisers are often misleading about,he range of choice,


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