How_do_you_study_for_a_test_ xf

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1,How do you study for a test?,抽认卡,词汇,大声地,发音(动),发音(名),明确的,语法,不同地,令人沮丧的,flashcard,vocabulary,aloud,pron,ou,nce,pron,u,nciation,specific,gramm,a,r,different,ly,frustrate,1.Do you have any _( 单词卡) ?,2.I learn English by making_(词汇)list,s,.,3.Please read _ (大声地),I cant hear you.,4.Your _(发音) sounds good.,5.Who has more _(特别的)suggestions?,6.May feels _. (不同地),7.English _ (语法)is very important.,8.He feels watching movies _(令人沮丧的),flashcards,vocabulary,aloud,pronunciation,specific,differently,grammar,frustrating,考一考,How do you study for a test,by making,vocabulary,lists,by listening to tapes,by making,flashcards,by asking the teacher for help,She learns English,by,listening to tapes.,They learn English,by,reading the textbook.,They learn English,by,working with friends.,She learns English,by,asking the teacher for help.,He learns English,by,making,vocabulary lists.,She learns English,by,making,flashcards,.,?,I study,by work,ing,with friends,by study,ing,with a group,by read,ing,the,textbook,s,by ask,ing,the teacher for help,by read,ing,aloud,by mak,ing,flashcards,by study,ing,grammar,by mak,ing,vocabulary,lists,by listen,ing,to,tape,s,How do you study for an English test,?,A,: How do you study for a test?,B,: I study by .,A,: What do you think of the way?,(How do you like the way?),B,: Very useful . / I think helps a lot/a,little.,I find not helpful at all,Pairwork,Try to think of,other ways,.,Ask your partner how he or she studies for a test.,1. 你怎样为考试学习? 我通过听磁带而学习。,_ do you _ _a _? I _ _ _ _ tapes.,2 你怎样学英语? 我通过大声朗读学习。,_do you _ English? I _ _ _ _.,3,做大量的听力练习是成为好的学习者的秘诀之一。,Doing lots of _ _ is one of the _ of _,a good language _.,4.,向老师请求帮助。,By _,the teacher _ help.,How,study for,test,study by listening to,How,learn,learn by reading aloud,listening practice,secrets,becoming,learner,asking,for,Exercise,Make the,dialogue,complete.,Try to recite.,Homework,A,: How do you study for a test?,B,: I study by .,A,: What do you think of the way?,(How do you like the way?),B,: Very useful . / I think helps a lot/a,little.,I find not helpful at all,Pairwork,Try to think of,other ways,.,Ask your partner how he or she studies for a test.,INTERVIEW,Ask three classmates about learning English.,Take notes. Then tell the class about their,answers,.,What isn,t easy about learning English?,What is your favorite way to learn,more English?,


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