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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,探究,学案导学,英语必修3,反馈,达标检测,预习,自主学习,Unit 3The Million Pound Bank Note,Period 3Using Language,.根据语境写出黑体单词的词性和词义,1.The singer earns a large,amount,of money.( ),2.It would be,rude,to remark upon her appearance. ( ),3.Mary let out a,scream,when she saw the snake.( ),4.His clothes were torn to,rags,.( ),5.I was,indeed,very glad to hear the news.( ),n,. 数量,adj,. 粗鲁的;无礼的,n,. 尖叫声,n,. 破布,adv,. 真正地,.根据汉语意思补全短语,1.a large _of money 一大笔钱,2.take a _冒险,3.in a rude _ 以粗鲁的方式,4.in _衣衫褴褛,5.as _ 关于;至于,amount,chance,manner,rags,for,.Read the passage quickly and decide whether the following sentences are True,(,T,),or False,(,F,),.,1.The owner looked down upon Henry when he noticed Henry,s appearance.( ),2.Henry asked for more of the same food because he is an American who likes to eat a lot.( ),3.When Henry saw the million pound bank note,he was happy and proud of it.( ),T,F,F,4.The owner didn,t believe that the bank note was real and he asked Henry to get out of the restaurant.( ),5.It can be inferred from the play that the waiter judged people by appearance.( ),F,T,.Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers.,1.The passage is mainly about _.,A.Henry lost the bank note,B.Henry,s bank note was stolen in a hotel,C.Henry,s experience after he got the bank note,D.Henry spent his money that he owned,答案:,C,2.Why did the waiter tell Henry the food that he ordered would cost a lot of money?,A.Because he was afraid Henry didn,t have enough money.,B.Because he always told customers about that.,C.Because the hostess was looking at him.,D.Because he thought Henry was very rich.,答案:,A,3.How did Henry feel when he found the million pound bank note in the envelope?,A.Surprised.B.Crazy.,C.Glad.D.Sad.,答案:,A,4.Why did the hostess scream?,A.Because she was very angry.,B.Because she was shocked.,C.Because she was pleased.,D.Because she was frightened.,答案:,B,5.When did the hostess and the waiter change their attitude to the customer?,A.At the beginning of the story.,B.Before they saw the large note.,C.At the end of the story.,D.After they saw the large note.,答案:,D,.Complete the following sentences with proper words and think about the reasons.,1._ a restaurant Henry looks at the envelope _opening it and decides to go _.,2.Well,_ is wellknown that Americans like to eat a lot.,3.Well,I _hear that the Bank of England had issued two notes in this amount.,4.Just having you sit here is _great honour!_for the bill,sir,please forget it.,5.Oh,it,s _us to thank you,sir and I do,sir,_the bottom of my heart.,Outside,without,in,it,did,a,As,for,from,.Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the passage or the given words.,Henry went into a restaurant and sat down at a table next to the front window,1._ the owner told him the table 2._ (reserve).Then he was put in 3._ back of the restaurant.Horace took 4._ order and Henry asked some ham and eggs,a nice big steak,a cup of coffee,a pineapple dessert and a large glass of beer.5._ the owner and the waiter served him 6._ a rude manner,Henry had a wonderful meal.,When he took out the bank note 7._ (pay) the bill,the owner and the waiter were 8._ (shock),and the hostess even screamed.They doubted 9._ the note was genuine,because Henry was in 10._(rag).At last,when Henry left the restaurant,the owner,the hostess and the waiter all bowed to him.,答案:,1.but2.was reserved3.the4.his5.Though6.in7.to pay8.shocked9.whether10.rags,amount,n,.,数量,A proper _ of exercise contributes to good health.,适度的运动有益健康。,词汇,1,I,m afraid it,ll cost a large,amount,of money.,我担心那会花很多钱。,amount,The total expenses in this trip have _ten thousand,yuan,.,这次旅行的花费总共达一万元。,a large amount of 许多,大量的,amount,vi,. 合计,共计,amount to 共计;等于;相当于,amounted to,名师点津,amount,作主语时的主谓一致,(1)a good/large amount of 修饰不可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词用单数。,(2)large/good amounts of 修饰不可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词用复数。,A large amount of money,has,been received.,Large amounts of money,have,been received.,一大笔款到了。,“,许多,”,有多少,take a chance,冒险,He is just,taking a chance,to walk on such a thin rope.,他在这么细的绳子上行走完全是在冒险。,词汇,2,Well,,,we,ll have to,take a chance,.,嗯,那我们不得不冒险试一试。,(1)take a chance/chances to do sth.冒险做某事,take one,s chance 碰运气,by chance 偶然;碰巧,(2)Chance/The chance is that. 可能,Chances/The chances are that. 可能,There is a chance that. 可能,I don,t want to,take a chance to do,that.,我不想冒险做那件事。,I met Tom at the station _yesterday.,昨天在车站,我偶然遇见了汤姆。,There is little chance that,the trapped miners will be rescued.,几乎没有可能营救出被困矿工。,by chance,名师点津,“,take a/an,n.,”,的短语还有:,take a look 看一看,take a rest 休息一下,take a breath 喘口气,take a seat 坐下,take a walk 散步,take a photo 拍照,manner,n,.,礼貌;举止;方式,Her,manner,and attitude towards him were quite the same as they had always been.,她对他的方式和态度完全与他们以往的一样。,词汇,3,(,in,a,rude,manner,),What,s there to wait for,?,(粗鲁地说)还等什么?,in a. manner,以,的方式,good/bad manners,有,/,没有礼貌,it is bad/good manners to do sth.,做某事没有,/,有礼貌,She was shocked to hear her boyfriend talking _.,她听到男友用这样粗鲁的态度说话,被惊呆了。,It is _to stare at a stranger in public.,在公共场合盯着一个陌生人看是不礼貌的。,名师点津,manner 作,“,方式;举止,”,讲时,常用单数;而作,“,礼貌;习俗,”,讲时,常用复数。,in such a rude manner,bad manners,as for,关于;至于,As for,the cause of the accident,I think the driver of the lorry should be to blame.,至于这起交通事故的原因,我认为卡车司机应该负主要责任。,词汇,4,As for,the bill,,,sir,,,please forget it.,至于账单嘛,先生,请把它忘了吧。,(1)as foras to至于;关于,(2)as usual 像往常一样,as to 关于;至于,as if/though 似乎;好像,The hotel is comfortable enough,but _the food,I,m not quite sure.,这家旅馆挺舒服的,但关于饮食我就不太确定了。,_,admission to British Universities depends on examination results.,像往常一样,英国大学入学以考试成绩为依据。,He acted _nothing had happened.,他的行动就好像什么也没有发生。,as for/to,As usual,as if/though,名师点津,表示,“,关于,”,的词语荟萃,with regard to,regarding,on the matter of,concerning,句型,1,Well,,,it is wellknown that,Americans like to eat a lot.,嗯,美国人喜欢吃很多,这是大家都知道的。,句式剖析,(1),“,It is wellknown that.(众所周知,),”,是常用句型。it是形式主语,that 引导的从句是真正的主语,其中wellknown可换成known或well known。,(2)该句型的同义句型有:,As is wellknown,.(as引导非限制性定语从句),What is wellknown is that.(what引导主语从句,that引导表语从句),It is wellknown that,Diaoyu Islands belong to China.,_,Diaoyu Islands belong to China.,_is that Diaoyu Islands belong to China.,众所周知,钓鱼岛属于中国。,As is well-known,What is well-known,(1)be known / famous as,“,作为,而出名,”,,as后接表示职业、身份等的名词。,(2)be known / famous for,“,因,而著名,”,,介词for后接出名的原因。,(3)be known to,“,为,所知/ 熟知,”,,介词to后接人,famous不用于该结构。,用适当的介词填空,He is known _ the police _ his previous criminal record.,He is known _a fair judge and respected by many people.,She is famous _her hard work,and we all admire her.,to,for,as,for,句式剖析,(1)此句为主从复合句。句中that引导宾语从句作动词hear的宾语。,(2)主句谓语中的助动词did用来强调动词,意为,“,的确,确实,”,。,句型,2,I,did,hear,that,the Bank of England had issued two notes in this amount.,我确实听说过英格兰银行发行了两张这样面值的钞票。,透析起强调作用的,do,(1)用于强调谓语动词的助动词为do,does,did;,(2)此三个词后面的动词都必须为动词原形;,(3)助动词形式的选择要根据人称和时态来确定。,Listening to some soft music _ relax your mood.,听一听轻音乐的确能使你心情放松。,I _ hope you can enjoy the wonderful music.,我的确希望你能享受这美妙的音乐。,He _ come yesterday.,他昨天的确来过。,does,do,did,Unit 3Exercise 3,谢谢观看!,


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