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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,A Postcard from New York,Module 6 Unit 1,调兵山市第九小学 孔君,你知道明信片的格式吗?,接收人的姓名,接收人,的地址,发送人的地址,Do you know?,1.,四会单,词:,chopsticks,someday,soon,2.,正确运用“,have,(,has,),got”,。,3.,学习以“,and” “but”,引导的,并列、转折句,并会应用。,Module6,Unit1,4.,理解课文并,模仿应用。,so,me,day(,将来)有一天,ch,o,pst,i,cks,筷子(复数),s,oo,n,不久,很快,difficult-easy,live in,居住在,-,a Chinese kite,中国的风筝,Read carefully and fill in the blanks.,(细读课文,完成表格。记得用课文中的完整句子。),What has,Daming,got?,What has Laura got?,Whats Lauras question?,Daming,has got a Chinese kite,and,we can fly it in the park.,Laura has got some chopsticks,but,they are difficult.,Have you got a book about America?,01,Miss Smart:,You a postcard from New York, its not from Daming.,Laura:,I some chopsticks, they are difficult.,Daming a Chinese kite we fly it in the park.,have got,but,have got,but,has got,and,02,Laura:,you a book about America? I can send you one.,Have,got,Laura:,Daming is my friend, I w,ant,you,to be my friend,s, too.,I live in New York, I am not American.,I am from London in England, we are all English.,Please write to me we can be pen friends.,and,but,so,and,Make sentences from the boxes,using “and” or “but”.,1) Ive got a violin,2) Sam has got a pet dog,3) I live in New York,4) Ive got a podtcard,5) Shes got an email in French,6) I want to go swimming,and,but,A. she cant read it.,B. I am not American.,C. he often plays with it.,D. Ive got a cold,.,E. I cant play it.,F. its from my pen friend.,选词填空:,have got has got,He a new bike.,I a postcard from Canada.,Daming,a Chinese kite.,We lots of friends.,Amy and,Daming,computers.,you a football ?,Yes, I have.,have got,have got,have got,has got,has got,Have,got,Dear Laura,We want you to be our,.We live in China, but we are not,.We like China very much.We have got some,and we can use them well.,We havent got a book about,. Please give us one.We,Daming very much.,From,Sam & Amy,认真读课文,完成,Sam,和,Amy,给,Laura,回复的明信片。,Dear Laura,We want you to be our,pen,friend,.We live in China, but we are not,Chinese,.We,likeChina,very much.We have got some,chopsticks,and we can use them well.,We havent got a book about,America,. Please give us one.We,miss,Daming very much.,From,Sam & Amy,认真读课文,完成,Sam,和,Amy,给,Laura,回复的明信片。,Homework,1,、,Read the text.,2,、,Finish the composition.,See you!,


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