how do you study for a test 第三课时

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,How do you study,for a test?,Unit 2,Section B,Before class,1.,make,mistakes _ 2.a lot of _,3.first of all _ begin with _,5.later on _ 6.laugh at _,7.make sentences _ afraid of _,9.take notes _,_, doesnt matter _,11.没关系 _ 12.害怕说英语 _,13.造完整的句子 _,14.不要取笑别人 _,15.做语法笔记 _,16.成为学语,言,的好手 _,你找到这些词组了吗?,犯错误,许多,大量,首先,起初,后来,随后,嘲笑,造句子,害怕,做笔记,没关系,it doesnt matter,be afraid to speak English,make complete sentences,dont laugh at others,take grammar notes,become a good language learner,Read Section B 1a2b,Talk about the difficulties in learning English,New words :,cant,pronounce,some of the words / spell some English words,Speaking:,be afraid to,speak,Listening:,cant understand,spoken,English,Writing:,cant make,complete,sentences,Reading:,read very,slowly,Grammar:,make,mistakes,2a Paul is learning English. Listen and check ()the learning challenges he talks about .,1._ cant get the pronunciation right.,2._ forget a lot of new words,3._ cant always understand when people talk to me,4._ cant understand the words in magazines,5._ dont get much writing practice,2b,Listen again . Match the challenges in 2a with the solutions.,a. _ You can always write the new words in your notebook and study them at home .,b. _ You should find a pen pal .,c. _ Listening can help .,d. _ Why dont you join an English language club to practice speaking English ?,2,5,1,3,Pairwork,A: I have problems in.,B: I think you can/may/ should study by,C: Why not ,D: Why dont you.,E: How about doing,Who can give me some advice?,Read 3a ,then read the statements about the article .Write TorF.,The writer found learning English difficult because .,1.the teachers pronunciation was poor .,2.people always laughed at her when she spoke .,3.she had trouble making complete sentences .,4.English grammar was difficult .,Her English improved when she started .,5.going out with English-speaking friends .,6.lots of listening practice .,7.using grammar in original sentences .,F,F,F,F,T,T,T,Last year my English class was difficult for me.,First,of all, it wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class.,To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldnt understand every word.,Later on, I realized that it doesnt matter if you dont understand every word.,Read 3a,again,How I learned to learn English,以后,;,随后,首先,;,第一,刚开始的时候,be +adj. + for sb.,it +be +adj. + for sb. to do sth.,意识到,认识到,knew,I,was,also,afraid to,speak in class, because I thought my classmate might,laugh at,me. I couldnt always,make,complete,sentence,s, either. Then I started to watch English language TV. It,help,ed,a lot,. I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the,secret,s,of becoming a good language,learner,.,笑话,;,取笑,(,某人,),害怕去做,造完整的句子,很大的帮助,秘密,;,机密,学习者,Another thing that I found very difficult was English Grammar. So I decided to,take,lots of grammar,notes,in every class. Then I started to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning. Its amazing how much this helped. Now I am,enjoy,ing,learning,English and I got an A this,term,. My teacher is very,impress,ed,.,impress,v.,使感动,;,给,深刻印象,impress sth on sb /impress sb with sth,使某人铭记某事,做笔记,;,做记录,喜欢做,乐于做,学期,interview,What isn,t easy about learning English ?,What do you do about this?,What is your favorite way to learn more English?,I think,I usually,My favorite way is,1.She was afraid of _(wake) him up , so she turned the TV down .,2.Its impolite _,_,_ _ (,嘲笑,) the disabled.,3.Pay attention to improving your_,_,_ (,发音,),Tom . Youd better practice _ (,发音,)the words again and again .,4.Ive _ (,认识到,) it is important to protect the wild animals .,5.We were very _ (impress) by the story,.,Exercises:,Exercises:,waking,to laugh at,pronunciation,pronouncing,realized,impressed,6.,每个人的一生都会犯错误,不要取笑他。,Everyone can _ _ in his life .,Dont _ _ him .,7.,起初他并没有认识到他的错误,随后他向老师道了歉。,_ _ _ , he didnt _ his mistakes ._,_ ,he said sorry to his teacher .,8.,你最好每堂课记些语法笔记。,Youd _,_,_,_,some _ _ in every class.,9.,那个女孩很怕黑,所以晚上她不敢一个人出门。,The girl is _ _ _ ,so she is _ _ _ out alone _ night .,10.,我没有同伴练习对话。,I have no partner to _ _ _.,make mistakes,laugh at,To begin with,realized,Later,on,better,take,grammar,notes,afraid of dark,afraid to go,afraid of going,at,practice,conversations,with,1.Recite the words and phrases .,Homework,2.Write an article in 3b .,Thank,you,


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