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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,语法专题,写作专题,Part Six,Grammar & Writing,2,表示时间之前用,before,,之后用,after,或,in,。例如:,Well have to finish the work before rain season.,雨季到来之前,我们得干完这些活。,(1),表示,“,在某段时间之后,”,,介词,in,短语常与将来时连用。,Please wait here.Ill come back in a few minutes.,请在这儿等一下。我几分钟后就回来。,(2)after,与表示,“,某段时间,”,的词语连用时,句子谓语动词常用过去时。,after,与表示,“,某一特定时间,”,的词语连用时,句子谓语动词也可用于将来时。例如:,He came back from abroad after two years.,两年后他从国外回来了。,Well come back after five oclock.,我们将在五点以后回来。,4,by,,,during,,,till,,,until,表时间,(1)by,表示时间点,表示,“,不迟于,到,时候为止,”,。,Your son will be all right by supper time.,到晚饭时你儿子就会好了。,(2)during,可以表示一段持续的时间,也可以表示这段持续时间中的某一点或一刻,视具体情况而定。,He called on me during my absence.,他来看我时我不在。,(3)till,与,until,也可以表示一段时间。一般来说,,till,在肯定句中与延续性动词连用,,until,则常用在否定句中,与瞬间动词连用。,He had stayed in Shanghai till last week.,他在上海一直呆到上星期。,Dont go away until I come back.,我回来你才能离开。,注意:,表示时间的介词的区别,1,at,,,in,和,on,at,表示片刻的时间,,at 8 oclock,,,at New Year,等。,in,表示一段时间,,in the morning,,,in the future,等。,on,总是跟日子有关,,on Monday,,,on Christmas morning,等。,2,since,和,from,since,表示从过去到现在的一段时间的过程,常与现在完成时连用。,from,表示从时间的某一点开始,不涉及与现在的关系,一般多与现在时、过去时、将来时连用。,We have not seen each other since 2005.,自从,2005,年以来我们彼此未见面。,I hope to do morning exercise from today.,我希望从今天开始晨练。,二、表示地点的介词,1,at,和,in,at,用,于表示比较狭小的地点,不强调空间范围;,in,用于表示比较宽敞的地点,强调空间和地域。,Ill wait for you at Xisi No.22 Bus Stop tomorrow.,我明天在西四的,22,路公共汽车站等你。,We are to assemble at the school gate tomorrow morning.,我们明天早晨在学校大门口集合。,Were you born in Shanghai?,你是在上海出生的吗?,They are all in the dining hall.,他们都在餐厅。,2,in,和,to,in,表示在某一区域以内;,to,表示在某一区域以外,相对于某一事物的位置。,Shanghai lies in the east of China.,上海坐落在中国的东边。,My house is in the north of the Beijing city.,我家在北京城的北面。,Japan lies to the east of China.,日本位于中国的东边。,3,on,,,above,,,over,和,below,,,under,(1)on,可以指,“,在,的上面,”,(,有接触面,),,也可以指,“,在靠近,的地方,”,。,There are many pictures on the wall.,墙上有许多画。,My seat is on the left of my mother.,我的座位在妈妈的左边。,(2)above,表示,“,在,上方,”,,但不一定是正上方。,She is now living in a flat above the post office.,她现在住在邮局上面的一套公寓里。,The plane was flying above Himalayas.,飞机那时正飞越喜马拉雅山。,(3)over,表示,“,在,的正上方,”,,即垂直的上方。,A crow just flew over his house.,一只乌鸦刚好从他家房上飞过。,The boys jumped over a stream one after another.,男孩儿们一个接一个地从小溪上方一跃而过。,(4)below,表示,“,在,的下方,”,,但不一定是正下方,是,above,的反义词。,Below the windows of her flat is a free market.,在她公寓的窗户下面是一个自由市场。,(5)under,表示,“,在,的正下方,”,,即垂直的下方,反义词是,over,。,Under the chair there is a cat sleeping.,椅子下面有一只猫在睡觉。,4,in the front of,和,in front of,in the front of,与,in front of,具有不同的含义。前者表示在某一范围之内的前部,后者表示某一范围之外的前面。,The teacher is standing in the front of the classroom.,老师正站在教室的前面。,(,在教室之内,),There is a tree in front of the classroom.,教室的前面有一棵树。,(,在教室之外,),5,除了上述介词外,表示地点的介词还有:表示,“,在,旁边,”,的,at,,,by,,,beside,,,next to,,,near,;表示,“,在,之间,”,的,between,和,among,;表示,“,在,四周,”,的,around,等。,三、表示动作的介词,1,into,和,out of,into,表,示,“,进入,”,,用于表示有特定终点的运动方向,经常与,come,,,go,,,run,,,rush,等连用。,out of,表示,“,从,里出来,”,,与,into,一样,也表示有一定的运动方向。,The child ran into his mothers arms.,那孩子跑入他母亲的怀抱。,He took the card out of his pocket and showed it to the guard.,他把证件从口袋里拿出来,并给警卫出示了一下。,2,to,,,for,和,from,to,表示,“,到,(,某地或方向,),”,;,for,表示,“,向,”,, 用于表示目的地;,from,表示,“,从,来,”,。,Come to my house,,,Susan.,苏姗,到我家来一趟。,Shell leave for England next Monday.,下周一她将动身去英国。,We come from China.,我们来自中国。,3,along,,,across,和,through,along,表示,“,顺着,沿着,”,;,across,表示,“,横过,横跨,”,;,through,表示,“,通过,贯穿,”,。,He walked along the street to the railway station.,他沿着那条街向火车站走去。,He saw me and came to me across the road.,他看见了我,便穿过马路向我走来。,Her son was too fat to go through the door.,她儿子太胖了,过不去这个门。,注意:,下列介词的区别,(1),表示,“,穿过,”,的,through,和,across,through,表示从内部通过,与,in,有关;,across,则表示从一端至另一端从表面上通过,与,on,有关。,Water flows through the pipe.,水从水管里流出。,The lake was frozen,,,so we walked across the ice.,湖水结冰了,所以我们从冰上走了过去。,(2)into,和,in,into,表示动向,不表示目的地或位置;,in,通常表示位置。,We walked into the park.,我们走进公园。,We walked in the park.,我们在公园里走着。,in,和,drop,,,fall,,,put,,,throw,,,break,等终止性动词连用时,也可以表示动向。,I have put the coin in(into) my pocket.,我把硬币放进口袋里。,.,用适当的介词填空,1,Tony saw a toy,a shop window.,2,waiting for half an hour,,,she was beginning to get,impatient.,3,Shirley,,,a real book reader,,,often brings home many books,to read,the library.,4,These toys are not suitable for children,four years,old,,,who are too young.,5,As you know,,,Taiwan is,the southeast of China.,in,After,from,under,in,6,The couple from Sweden traveled,Beijing last Tuesday.,7,You can see clearly from the map that Hubei lies,the north of,Hunan.,8,A new bridge will be built,the river.,9,There is a lamp,the desk.,10,Do you think the shirt is too tight,the shoulder?,11,We havent seen each other,three years ago.,12,It took us a couple of hours to walk,the forest.,13,That traffic accident happened,the morning of May the third.,14,the 19th century English people liked to go to the seaside.,15,Lets start out,7 am and 8 am.,in,on,over,on,across,since,through,on,In,between,.,单句改错,1,My cousin invited me to a dance after the show in Christmas,Eve.,in,on,2,They said all the buildings for the Olympic Games would be completed after three months.,after,in,3,There is nothing important to do in tomorrow afternoon,,,is there,?,去掉,in,4,I had a good talk over lunch with Tina at her home on yesterday morning.,去掉,on,5,My grandfather was born in October,10th,1935 in a small mountain village.,第一个,in,on,6,It happened to be very cold in the morning of our sports meeting.,in,on,7,She will fly in Beijing to Hongkong.,in,from,8,The train to Shanghai has been away.,to,for,9,The teacher came in the classroom with a smile.,in,into,10,Its dangerous to run through the busy road.,through,across,11,It took us ten minutes to drive over the tunnel.,over,through,12,The plane will arrive at Beijing at 13,:,00.,at,in,13,The new road will be open in May Day.,in,on,14,Come in the house! Its cold outside.,in,into,15,Lets climb on the mountain before its dark.,onover,观察下列句子,体会定语从句关系词的使用。,1,(2015,湖南卷,),It is a truly delightful place,,,which,looks the same as it must have done 100 years ago with its winding streets and pretty cottages.,2,(2015,北京卷,),Opposite is St.Pauls Church,,,where,you can hear some lovely music.,3,(2015,浙江卷,),Creating an atmosphere,in which,employees feel part of a team is a big challenge.,4,(2015,天津卷,),The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere,where,his employees enjoy their work.,5,(2015,四川卷,),The books on the desk,,,whose,covers are shiny,,,are prizes for us.,6,(2015,陕西卷,),As the smallest child of his family,,,Alex is always longing for the time,when,he should be able to be independent.,7,(2015,江苏卷,),The number of smokers,,,as,is reported,,,has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.,8,(2016,江苏卷,),Many young people,,,most,of whom,were well,educated,,,headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.,9,(2016,北京卷,),I live next door to a couple,whose,children often make a lot of noise.,10,(2016,浙江卷,),Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears,,,none of,which,has been proved.,11,(2016,天津卷,),We will put off the picnic in the park until next week,,,when,the weather may be better.,12,(2014,福建卷,),Students would involve themselves in community activities,where,they gain experience for growth.,13,(2014,天津卷,),English is a language shared by several diverse cultures,,,each of which,uses it differently.,14,(2013,辽宁卷,),He may win the competition,,,in which case,he is likely to get into the national team.,15,(2013,浙江卷,),The children,,,all of whom,had played the whole day long,,,were worn out.,用来说明句子中某一名词、词组或代词,(,有时也可说明整个句子中的一部分,),而起定语作用的句子叫做定语从句。被修饰的名词、词组或代词叫做先行词。定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词,(,关系代词或关系副词,),引出。,关系词通常有下列三个作用:,(1),引导定语从句;,(2),代替先行词;,(3),在定语从句中担当一个成分。,The man who is shaking hands with my father is a policeman.,与我父亲握手的那个人是一名警察。,该句中,,who is shaking hands with my father,是定语从句,修饰先行词,the man,,,who,是引导定语从句的关系词,代替先行词,the man,,在定语从句中作主语。,一、关系代词引导的定语从句,关系,代词是用来指代先行词是人或物的词,关系代词有,that,,,which,,,who,,,whom,,,whose,等。,1,that,既可指人又可指物,在句中可作主语或宾语,作宾语时可省略。,The noodles (that) I cooked were delicious.(,作宾语,),我煮的面条很好吃。,The girl (that) we saw yesterday was Jims sister.(,作宾语,),昨天我们见到的女孩是吉姆的姐姐。,The woman that spoke to me in the shop is my aunt.(,作主语,),在商店里和我说话的那个妇女是我的姨妈。,2,which,仅指物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时可以省略。,China is a country which has a long history.(,作主语,),中国是一个具有悠久历史的国家。,The fish (which) we bought this morning was not fresh.(,作宾语,),我们今天早晨买的鱼不新鲜。,3,who,指人,在定语从句中作主语,在口语中也可作宾语,作宾语时可省略。,The man who is talking happily with my teacher is my father.(,作主语,),正在和老师愉快交谈的那个人是我父亲。,The girl (who) I spoke to is a nurse.(,作宾语,),和我说话的那个女孩是一位护士。,4,whom,指人,是,who,的宾格形式,在定语从句中作宾语,可以省略。,She is the manager (whom) you want to know.(,作宾语,),她是你想认识的那个经理。,5,whose,指人或物,在定语从句中作定语。,I know a boy whose father is an engineer.(,作定语,),我认识一个男孩,他的父亲是位工程师。,She saw a film whose name she has forgotten.(,作定语,),她看了一部电影,名字她忘记了。,6,定语从句中,关系代词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于先行词的单复数。,Those who are in their forties are required to have a physical examination this afternoon.,要求那些四十多岁的人在今天下午进行体检。,二、关系代词,that,的特殊用法,定语从,句中关系代词只用,that,的情况:,1,先行词是,all,,,much,,,anything,,,something,,,nothing,,,everything,,,little,,,none,等不定代词时。,There is not much that ought to be done right now.,没有多少应该马上做的事情。,2,先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所修饰时。,Ill never forget the first lesson that I learned.,我永远不会忘记我学的第一课。,3,先行词被,all,,,any,,,every,,,each,,,few,,,little,,,no,,,some,等词修饰时。,I have read all the books (that) you gave me.,我读完了你给我的所有书。,4,先行词被,the only,,,the very,,,the same,,,the last,等修饰时。,He is the only person that I want to talk to.,他是我想与之交谈的唯一一个人。,5,先行词既有人又有物时。,They talked of things and persons that they remembered in the school.,他们谈到了他们在学校里记住的事情和人。,.,选用适当的关系代词完成下列定语从句,1,The girl,served in the store was the owners daughter.,2,Here are my neighbours,home was destroyed by the,earthquake.,3,Is that building,windows face the sea your office?,4,Here is a book,will give you a lot of useful,knowledge.,5,This is the painting,we like best.,6,Ill never forget the day on,I met him in Beijing.,who/that,whose,whose,which/that,that/which,which,7,The next day people put up shelters in the open air made with,anything,they could find.,8,All,I told you just now is true.,9,Do you know the things and persons,they are talking,about?,10,Susan didnt study hard,,,led to her failure in the final,exams.,that,that,that,which,.,把下列每小题的两个句子合并成一个句子,1,I have a friend.He enjoys listening to classical music.,I have a friend who/that enjoys listening to classical music.,2,Last week Mary wore the watch.I bought it for her.,Last week Mary wore the watch that/which I bought for her.,3,The boy comes from Australia.His father is a Chinese.,The boy comes from Australia whose father is a Chinese.,4,The millionaire wants to visit the town.He grew up in it.,The millionaire wants to visit the town which he grew up in.,5,The old man likes reading local newspaper every day.It contains useful information.,The old man likes reading local newspaper every day which/that,contains useful information.,常用句式,1,Im always dreaming of owning a house with.,2,My dream house lies in./is located in.,3,It covers.square meters,;,its very large with an area of.,4,It is.meters long/wide/high,;,.(with a length/width/height of.meters.),5,On its right are a sitting room and a study.On the left side.,6,In the.room,,,there is/are./On the first floor,,,theres a,.,7,Theres a beautiful garden at the back of.Theres also a large garage in front of.,8,It is made of stone/wood/brick/steel/materials which are environmentally friendly.,典型例题,学校,开展了一个研究性学习活动,要求学生设计一所自己未来要居住的房子。请你以“,My Dream House”,为题,写一篇,100,词左右的短文,向大家展示你的个性化设计。,审题谋篇,第,一步:总体介绍,梦想之屋是一篇说明文,开门见山,就要写该梦想之屋的布局。首先要明确以下要点:,1.,房屋的位置:在繁华的市中心,宁静的乡村还是在风景秀丽的山区,2.,房屋的特点:形状、颜色、风格以及给人的总体印象等。,第二步:描述细节,详细描述房子的结构、屋内陈设、配套设施以及周边环境等。,第三步:总括对梦想之屋的整体评价,描述你在这样的一所房子里居住的感受。,假如你叫李明,你的美国网友,Bruce,听说过中国的故宫,但知道的不多,于是给你发来了,e,mail,,请你根据下面的内容要点向他介绍一下有关故宫的情况。,1,故宫,(the Palace Museum),又叫紫禁城,(the Forbidden City),。它于,1407,年开始修建,,20,万人花费了,14,年的时间,于,1420,年建成。,2,它的宫殿一共有,9 999,个房间。在中国,,9,这个数字传统地被认为是吉祥的。,3,现在,每周三,故宫免费向中国学生开放。,4,故宫里有中国历史上,5,千年的珍宝,(precious treasure),。,


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