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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 3,A healthy life,Jiang,Lingwei,Sanmei,High School,Find some proverbs on health,An apple a day keeps the doctor away.,Find some proverbs about health,After dinner walk a mile, live to ninety-nine.,饭后百步走,,活到九十九。,Find some proverbs about health,A smile can make you ten years younger.,笑一笑,,十年少。,Find some proverbs about health,Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.,早睡早起使人健康,富有而且聪明。,Find some proverbs on health,1.,An apple a day keeps the doctor away.,2,.,After dinnertake a walk,live toninety-nine.,3,. A,smile can make you ten years younger,.,4,. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a,man healthy, wealthy and wise.,To keep a healthy life,Advice from Grandad,Para,. 1,Para,. 2,Para,. 3,Para,. 4,Para. 5,Grandads,life.,The for writing the letter.,Three one becomes addicted to cigarettes.,The harmful of smoking.,healthy,reason,ways,effects,hope,Scan the text and get the main idea of each paragraph,Grandads,and his advice,Paragraph 1&2 The reason for writing the letter,Does he live a long and active life?,And why ?,2. What is James life like now? How do you know?,Paragraph 1&2 The reason for writing the letter,Does he live a long and active life?,And why ?,It,seems amazing that he lives a long and active life,which,is,due to,the healthy life he lives.,It,作形式,主语,due to=because of,e.g. _(,据报道),70% of the high school students suffer from low marks _ playing online games.,It is reported that,due to,Paragraph 1&2 The reason for writing the letter,2. What is James life like now? How do you know?,James lives an unhealthy life because he started smoking some time ago and now he is finding,it,difficult to give it up.,Para3 Ways to become,addicted,WAYS,DETAIL,1,2,3,physically,habitually,mentally,be accustomed to,having nicotine,over and over again,automatically,feel happier, more relaxed ,Three ways to become,addicted,I think this is because you become addicted in three different ways. Firstly, you,are unable to stop,playing games physically.,This means that your body,is used to,it. If you dont play,games for one day, youll get headache, sweating and upset. If you do it, these,features,will soon disappear. Secondly, you,become addicted through habit. You know, if you do the same thing,repeatedly, you begin to do it,voluntarily,. Lastly,you can become addicted,in mind,. Nowadays, many young,people suffer from loneliness, boredom and stress. So you can only feel happier and more relaxed when you play games.,become addicted to,is accustomed to,symptoms,over and over again,automatically,mentally,symptom be accustomed to mentally automatically,become addicted to over and over again,Para 4 The harmful effects of smoking,Choose the effects caused by smoking and put “yes” or “no” before them.,do terrible damage to hearts and lungs,Yes,affect your eyesight,No,difficult to become pregnant,Yes,affect non-smokers health,It is easy to get a great pain in the neck,smell terrible,the ends of the fingers turn yellow,unable to enjoy sports,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,settle disagreements with violence,No,Para 4 The harmful effects of smoking,1.,It,was more difficult,for smoking couples,to,become pregnant.,2.,It was time to,quit smoking.,To get a great pain in your neck is easy.,It is easy to get a great pain in your neck.,Miss Jiang said, “ _,(,该是我们,的时候了),quit playing online games.”,It is high time for you to,Para5,Grandads,hope,He,does,hope James can quit smoking and live,as long and healthy a life as,he has.,e.g. Mary is _(,一样漂亮),Daisy.,Ding,Ning,is _(,同样优秀的运动员),Li,Xiaoxia,.,as beautiful a girl as,as good a player as,Discussion,Discussion,what harmful effects does it have on you?,do damage to your eyesight.,get a great pain in your neck.,affect your study and fall behind others.,4.Waste time and money.,4. break away from the society, live in his own world, have no friends, become lonely.,5. settle disagreements with violence.,Discussion,I have a nephew called Li,Yuqing, who is addicted to playing online games like many young people. His study is suffering greatly.,suppose you were his friends or relatives what would you say to him?,Writing,I also want to say something to my nephew in the form of a letter. Would you please help me,.,Writing structure,Dear,Qiqi,Love from,Aunt,the reason for writing the letter,t,he harmful effects (,3points,),my hope,A letter to my nephew,原因:,据报道,70%,的高中生学习成绩不好是,由于,迷上网络游戏。你妈妈告诉我说你不久前开始玩游戏,现在发现很难戒掉。,危害:,1.,伤害,视力,容易患上,颈椎病,。,沉溺于,玩游戏,不能集中注意力于学习。,3.,游戏充满暴力。,反复,玩,会,不由自主,以暴力来解决争端,希望:,我认为你,该,戒掉玩游戏了,,真的希望,你能,像其它同学一样,成为优秀学生。,A letter to my nephew,原因:,据报道,70%,的高中生学习成绩不好是由于迷上网络游戏。你妈妈告诉我说你不久前开始玩游戏,现在发现很难戒掉。,(,It is reported that,. due to,),危害:,1.,伤害视力,容易患上颈椎病。,(do damage to, It is easy to do, get a great pain in ones neck),沉溺于玩游戏,不能集中注意力于学习。,(,be addicted to),3.,游戏充满暴力。反复玩,会不由自主以暴力来解决争端,(,over and over again, automatically),希望:,希望戒掉玩游戏并像其它同学一样努力学习。,(It is time to doI do hope . as adj. a +n. as),Read,How can I stop smoking(Page19),and answer:,Suggestions for quitting smoking:,_,_,_,_,_,_,Prepare yourself,Be determined,Break the habit,Relax,Get help if you need it,Keep trying,Read,How can I stop smoking,(P19),again and fill in the blanks:,Choose a day that is not _ to quit smoking.,Make a list of all the _ you will get from,stopping smoking. _ all your cigarettes.,_ the list of benefits when you feel like,smoking. Develop some other habits to keep yourself,_. If you feel nervous or stressed, try some,_ exercises like deep breathing. You can,stop smoking with a _ or join a group. If,necessary, ask a doctor or _ for help. The,most important is to keep _. Dont feel _,if you smoke again. Just _ again.,stressful,benefits,Throw away,Reread,busy,relaxation,friend,chemist,trying,ashamed,try,A letter to my nephew,Dear,Qiqi,It is reported that,70% of the high school students suffer from low marks,due to,playing online games. Your mother tells me that you,started to,play games and now you are finding,it,difficult to give it up.,You may not know much about the harmful effects of playing games. In fact, it can,do terrible damage to,your eyesight,or,that,it is easier for you to,get a great pain in your neck.,Besides,addicted to,games, you cant,concentrate on,your lessons.,As a result, you quickly fall behind others.,Whats more, many games are filled with violence. If you play these games,over and over again, you may also settle disagreements with violence,automatically, which,may result in crime.,I think,it is time for you to,quit playing games. I,do hope,you can become,as hardworking a student as,your classmates.,Love from,Aunt,H,omework,Write the letter in your exercise books after class.,Discussion: What advice should I give to him?,What advice should I give to him?,Firstly, ,Secondly, ,Lastly, ,How to stop playing games,It is not easy to stop playing games, but millions have managed to quit and so can you.,Firstly, list the disadvantages of that bad habit. Then put the list to the place where you can see it easily.,Secondly, find something fun and good to do, but not gaming right away. Leave more time with your friends, more time to hang out at a bookstore, join a sport team or something else.,Lastly, make an effective schedule and find a supervisor. He or she will check your process of the timetable and also will give warning if you go to play games.,A letter to my nephew,写给我外甥的一封信,表现方面:,我认为上瘾表现在三个方面。首先,你会在身体上对玩游戏上瘾。这就意味着你的身体习惯了玩游戏,一旦你一天不玩,你就会感到头痛,、流汗或烦躁不安。如果玩了,这些症状就会消失。其次,你在习惯上上瘾。你知道,如果你反反复复地做同一件事,你就会不由自主地做它。最后,你可能心里上瘾。如今,很多年轻人觉得孤独、无聊、压力大。因此,你们就认为玩游戏才能感到更轻松愉快。,A letter to my nephew,I think this is because you become addicted in three different ways. Firstly, you can_ _.This means that_. If you dont play games for one day, youll get_, sweating and_. If you do it,_ will soon disappear. Secondly, you become addicted _. You know,_ _. Lastly, you can become _addicted. Nowadays, many young people suffer from_, _ and stress. So you can only feel _and_ when you play games.,physically addicted to playing games,become,your body becomes accustomed to it,headache,upset,these symptoms,through habit,if you do the same thing,over and over again, you begin to do it automatically.,mentally,loneliness,boredom,happier,more relaxed,A letter to my nephew,写给我外甥的一封信,危害:,你对玩游戏的危害可能知道的不多。事实上,它能严重伤害你的视力,也会使你更容易患上颈椎病,(get a great pain in your neck),。因为你沉溺于游戏,你就不能集中注意力于学习,因此你就会落后于他人。还有,很多游戏都充满了暴力。反复地玩游戏,你也可能会不由自主地使用暴力来解决争端,这就可能导致犯罪。,(do damage to, be addicted to,be filled with, over and over again, automatically, besides, what,s more),Para 4 The harmful effects of smoking,1. do terrible _to your heart and lungs or make pregnancy _.,2. affect the health of _.,3. _terrible.,4. The ends of the fingers turn_.,5. be _to enjoy sports.,damage,difficult,non-smokers,smell,yellow,unable,Read the summary of the letter to James,James,grandad,writes him a letter to advise him to _smoking. James,grandad,says that there are three different ways you can become_ to cigarettes. You can become _addicted to nicotine. This means that after a while your body becomes_ to having nicotine in it. You can also become addicted _habit. Lastly, you can become _ addicted. It is difficult to give up but if you try, you can _. Smoking does _to smokers and _. James grandfather also thinks it is _for James to stop smoking. He hopes James can live as _as he has.,quit,addicted,physically,accustomed,through,mentally,manage,damage,non-smokers,time,long and healthy a life,a letter,ways ?,habitually,mentally,smokers,others,sport,physically,Live as long and healthy a life as,Grandad,harmful,effects on,Summarize the structure of the letter,reason,to quit,smoking,Discussion,I find my nephew Li,Yuqi,has been addicted to online games recently. He just cant drag himself away from the screen. As a result, his study is suffering, which upsets his parents a great deal.,How can I offer help?,Paragraph 1&2 The reason for writing the letter,2. What is James life like now? How do you know?,James lives an unhealthy life because he started smoking some time ago and now he is finding,it,difficult to give it up.,Knowing the ways one becomes addicted to cigarettes, we can stop it from happening to others.,Para 4 The harmful effects of smoking,harmful,effects,do damage to heart & lungs,difficult to become pregnant,smell terrible,affect non-smokers health,the ends of fingers turn yellow,unable to enjoy sport,become breathless,


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