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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2019-8-2,谢谢欣赏,*,英语记叙文的写作的结构,Beginning,Topic sentence,主题句,Ending,Conclusion,结论句,Middle,Supporting sentence,支持句,(,举例说明、分层描写、解释原因等,),1,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,写作基本要求,仔细研读汉语及英文提示词,,千万不要漏项,列出可能用到的,句型,,注意,关联词,的使用,如:,and, but, so, although, because,等,语法方面:,时态,人称,的准确使用,形成整个文段,想好“,开头,中间,结尾”(,发表议论,谈感受,),可以适当,分段,写完后要通读,检查,2,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,每个人都需要朋友。你的朋友叫什么?来自哪里?你们是怎样认识的?谈谈你们之间的友谊以及你的看法。,everyone, friend ,come from, get to know, be sure.,3,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,Everyone needs friends.,But,different people have different ways to make friends.,My friend is an American girl. Her name is Linda. We got to know each other on the Internet. We talk about what we are interested in through the Internet.,Though,we live in different countries, I think we have known each other well. We only wish to see each other one day. People often say few friends can last long. But,if,we can really understand and help each other, we are sure that we can be friends all the time.,4,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,假设你是李平,已在初中学习大约三年。你的学习生活很紧张,但在课余时间你还是参加了许多体育运动,如足球、乒乓球、跑步、游泳、谈谈,你最喜爱的一项体育运动,为什么喜欢,运动的情况和感受等,、,name, Liping, study, busy, spare time, healthy, think.,5,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,My name is Li Ping. Im a student of Grade Three.,Although Im very busy with my study, in my spare time, I take part in several kinds of sports, such as, playing football, pingpong, running, swimming and so on. They can help me keep strong and healthy. Of all the sports, running is my favourite, because its very easy to do. Now Im in our school running team. I practise,very hard every day at any place when Im free. With my practice and the teachers help, I have made great progress.,I think Ill try my best to win some prizes for our great country like Liu Xiang in the future. Im sure I can make it.,6,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,学校要组织课外活动丰富同学们的业余生活,你想参加哪项体育活动呢,?,1),请你写出参加的活动,2),并说明你参加的理由,3),以及在活动中你都做了什么,4),同时谈谈你对课外活动的看法,.,7,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,There are many after-class activities in our school, such as running, playing tennis,playing basketball and so on. I like playing basketball very much, so I want to take part in the basketball activity. I think playing basketball can not only make us strong, but also help us keep healthy. I often play basketball with my friends after class.While Im playing basketball, I often practise,passing the ball, shooting at the basket and some other basketball skills,8,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,sometimes we have a basketball match. I have also made many new friends.,After-class activities can help us relax our body and mind. I hope everyone can take part in after-class activities, because its good for us.,9,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,你曾经去过长城,.,请你描述一下去长城的经历,如,:,1),你什么时间去的,2),怎样去的,3),和谁去的,4),做了什么及感受如何,the Great Wall, wonder, about 6700 kilometres, happy, proud,10,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,The Great Wall is one of the greatest wonders in the world. Its about 6,700 kilometres,long.,As far as I remember, I went to the Great Wall in 2002 for the first time and I went there with my parents by bus. Standing at the foot of the Great Wall, I found the Great Wall looked like a huge dragon on the mountains. It took us about two hours to get to the top. Then we took some photos and had a picnic.,11,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,We didnt come back until it was very late. Although I felt very tired, I was very happy. Im proud of being a Chinese because of the Great Wall . I hope that more and more people can visit the Great Wall and enjoy the beautiful scenery.,12,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,Dear Jack,Thank you for your letter.Im sorry to hear that you often get sick.Here Id like to give you some advice on how to stay healthy.First,have enough sleep every day.Secondly,eat a balanced diet.You can eat more fruit and vegetables.Thirdly,wash your hands before you have meals.Fourthly,take enough exercise every day.Finally,13,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,drink more water,and,you can drink a,glass of milk before you go to bed.I,hope my advice will be useful to you.,Best wishes!,Yours,Henry,14,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,Take picture,拍照片,to ones surprise,令某人感到惊讶的是,throw litter,仍垃圾,pourinto,把,倾倒入,produce harmful gases,产生有害的气体,as a result,结果,protect the environment,保护环境,范文,This term I take part in the research of our school geography study group.The topic is Environmental Pollution and Protection. We took many different kinds of pictures.They showed the present pollution conditions of our city.To our surprise,there are still many people doing harm to the environment.Some people throw litter everywhere,some cars produce harmful gases,and waste water is poured into rivers by some factories by some factories.As a result,the environment is polluted badly.How important it is to prtect the environment! I think everyboby must do something to save our world.If,we dont, our future will be hopeless.,15,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,6,、学校要组织课外活动,(after- class activities),丰富同学们的课余生活,既有体育类的又有英语角活动,你想参加,(take part in ),哪一项活动?庆任选其一,说明你先参加的理由,并谈谈你对课外活动的看法。,Sports activities,English corner,1.bascketball football,2.strong,3.keep healthy,4. relax,Interesting,practise,spoken,Like talking,good for,16,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,There are all kinds of after class activities in our school, such as sports activities, English corner and so on .I think after-class activities can make our life rich and interesting .At the same time ,we can learn a lot of knowledge that we cant learn in class. I want to take part in English corner , I like English very much .I think its very interesting and useful. As we all know ,the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008 .I want to be a member of serving the 2008 Olympics, I also want to help the foreign friends from all over the world . I will talk with them and show them around the places of interest in Beijing .So now I should try my best to practise,my spoken English so that I can talk with them .,17,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,7.,随着网络的发展,电子贺卡得到越来越多的人的青睐,请根据以下提示,阐述电子贺卡的优越性,,纸质贺卡,电子贺卡,(animations),1,传递速度慢,2,单调,3,浪费纸,1,、传递速度快,2,、网上提供很多贺卡供你使用,你不仅可获得图片,而且可以获得动画和声音,3,、电子贺卡的普及可以减少直至贺卡的使用,有助于保护森林,保护环境。,18,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,With the development of the Internet ,more and more people have begun to send electronic cards instead of paper ones Electronic cards have some advantages .First , its much faster to send an electronic card than to send a paper one. Secondly ,compared with paper cards ,electronic cards are more interesting .There are many kinds of electronic cards for you to choose on the Internet .You can get not only pictures but also sounds and animations .Thirdly .this can help protect forests and environment .,19,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,作文:随着阳光体育运动在全国开展“每天锻炼一小时,健康工作,50,年,幸福生活一辈子。”,的理念深入人心,校园里出现了可喜的变化:运动时间延长了,,运动项目增加了,学生体质增强了,,校园生活丰富了。清以为题给校刊写一份报道。,内容要点提示:,80,词左右,可适当发挥。,1,:,time for sports,2:kinds of sports,3:change of students health and study,4:change of school life,20,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,Sports in our school,Sports in our school have changed a lot ,now we have more than three P.E classes a week, and we have at least one hour to exercise every day .,Students get so excited at these changes . More and more students take an active part in the ball games , running ,and jumping on the playground .our school life is becoming more wonderful.,Doing sports is a good way to relax and keep fit .What more ,a healthy body can help us study better and live a happier life.,21,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,My mother,My mother is very kind and easygoing.She helps me a lot.She takes good care of my daily life.For example,every morning,she wakes me up and cooks breakfast for me.When Im in trouble,she always encourages me to face my difficulities and cheers me up.I still remember that once I argued with my best friend and was sad.My mother talked with me the whole night and finally helped me solve the problem.With her help,I became a top student in my class.Im very thankful for all that she has done for me.I,believe she will be proud of me in the near future.,22,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,My teacher,My English teacher Miss Li is very kind and easygoing. She helps me a lot. She takes good care of us.She often helps me with my English. When Im in trouble,she always encourages me to face my difficulities and gives me good advice.I still remember that once I failed in an important English exam and was sad.With her help,I,made great progress in English and became interested in it. Im very thankful for all what she has done for me,.Ill try my best to live up to her expectations,.,23,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,在你学习过程中,你的老师、同学或者朋友一定曾经给过你很多的帮助。请你以,“,My Best”,为题,写一篇,80,词左右的短文,来参加英语周报的征文比赛。内容应包括:,对你的老师或朋友的简单介绍;,谈谈他,/,她是怎样帮助你的以及你的感受及想法。 所给英文提示词语供选用。,注意:请不要写出真实校名和姓名。,best friend, kind, help,,,encourage,,,cheer up,24,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,My best friend is Liu Mei. She is very kind and easygoing. She helps me a lot. When Im in trouble, she always encourages me to face my difficulties and cheers me up. I still remember that once I failed in an important English exam and became upset, she cheered me up and told me some good ways to improve my English. With her help, I made great progress in English and became interested in it.,Im very thankful for all what she has done for me. Ill never forget her.,(91words),25,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,文段,你一定有不少美好的经历,.,请你把其中有意义的一天描述出来,.,谈谈那天的天气如何,?,发生了什么事,?,你有什么心情、感受或体会?,a good time , invite, enjoy, relaxation,26,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,That day I had a good time. It was sunny and hot, and you know sunny days always make me happy.,My friends invited me to go to the beach to have fun. There we did a lot of things. In the morning we all went out boating in the sea. In the afternoon ,some were playing beach volleyball joyfully, while others were swimming in the sea. As for me , I especially enjoyed the sunshine. So I lay on the beach and read my favourite,novel under my umbrella. It was so relaxing.,Study is important, and so is relaxation.,27,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,现在网络在人们的生活中越来越重要,人们可以在网上做很多事情。你经常上网吗?你是如何看待中学生上网的?请谈谈你的看法。(要求,80,100,个单词),Internet,,,important,,,make good use of,28,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,The Internet is becoming more and more important to us. Without it, we cant do work better . We can go shopping without going out of our houses. And we can listen to music or watch movies on the Internet. It can also help a lot with our study. We can learn much knowledge on different subjects, and get information as soon as possible.,29,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,But now, some of us study or play on the Internet for a long time. Its bad for our eyes and health. Some students spend too much time playing computer games. As a result, they cant get good marks although they are very clever. I think if we make good use of the Internet, it will be our best friend and help us a lot .,30,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,writing,31,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,作文练习,(Module 6),李明是北京一所绿色学校的学生,他非常关心保护环境每周六他都去他家附近的公园,街道捡拾垃圾,请你就李明的事迹,以,”,Learn from Liming”,为题,给学校投稿,内容包括,:,李明的事迹简介,你对这件事的感受,以及你对环保的一些想法,student, a green school, Beijing, care about, protect, go, rubbish, moved,(,受感动的), learn from, from now on, earth.,32,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,Liming is a student at a green school in Beijing. He,cares about protecting the environment.,Every Saturday he goes to the park and the streets near his home to pick up rubbish.,I,was deeply moved by,his story. I think he is a good student because,what he did,shows that he is always careful of the environmental problems.I,should,learn from,him. From now on, I will also,do something for,our environment,such as, using things for as long as possible, opening a window,33,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,instead of,turning on air conditioning, taking my own cloth bag when shopping instead of using plastic bags,and so on.,The earth is our home, so everyone should try to protect our environment. Now lets all do something for our Earth. Please remember :,a better environment lies in our hands.,34,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,汶川地震,(,Wenchuan,Earthquake,),发生后,,9,岁学生林浩救了两名同学,然后步行,7,个小时到达安全地点。,请你就林浩同学的事迹,以,“,Learn from the hero”,为题,给你校英语专刊投稿。内容包括林浩同学事迹简介,你对这件事的感受,以及你要想他学习什么。,提示词语:,a student, nine years old, happen, save, walk, to safety, be deeply moved, brave, give up,35,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,Lin Hao is a student. He is nine years old. After Wenchuan,Earthquake, he saved two of his classmates. Then he walked for seven hours to safety.,I was deeply moved by his story. I think he is a brave boy. He did his best when he faced great danger. I should learn from him. I will think of others first and help them as much as possible. I will never give up when I face difficulties.,36,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,假如你们班将举行一次以“,sports and,Health”,为主题的班会。请你根据自己的实际情况,写一篇介绍自己体育锻炼情况的文稿,说明喜欢体育锻炼的原因、感受和建议。,提示词语:,love, sports, because,good, play, enjoy, strong, keep,take part in,37,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,假设你是新华中学的学生,简要介绍一下你自己,包括个人情况、业余爱好以及今后在学习英语方面的打算。,提示词语:,I,,,student, XinHua,Middle,School, old, like, in my spare time,often, learn English, listen, speak, in,The future.,38,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,Im a student in XinHua,Middle school. Im fifteen years old. I like listening to music in my spare time, I often read English in the morning and try to talk with others in English,Im interested in English and Im good at it,too,. From now on, I will,learn English harder than before. I,plan to listen to English half an hour every day and speak English as much as possible.,39,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,In the future I will go abroad to study.So,its important for me to study English well.,40,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,保护我们的环境是十分重要的,它有利于我们的身体健康,.,世界上仅有一个地球,我们就生活在这个地球上,所以保护环境是我们的责任,.,在生活中,我们应该做些什么呢,?,我们该怎么做呢,?,important environment necessary,pick up dustbin(,垃圾箱,) plant should,shouldnt,41,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,学校英文校刊正在征集有关保护环境的文章。假如你是李华,请你为校刊写一篇文章,内容包括:介绍你的个人信息;你平时是如何保护环境的;你的感受以及建议。,name,LiHua,No. Middle School,care,about,save,rubbish,dustbin,be,good for,hope,earth,42,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,My name is Li Hua. I study at No.6 Middle School.Although,I am busy with my study, I always care about the environment. When I see some rubbish in the street, I pick it up and put it into the dustbin. I never throw the waste things everywhere.,I think everyone should protect the environment.We mustnt throw rubbish everywhere.and we can plant more trees and flowers.Its,good for our environment.,43,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,There is only one earth in the world.So,we should try our best to protect it and make it more and more beautiful.,44,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,Everyone wants to keep healthy. It,s important for us stay healthy. In order to make myself strong, I often take part in some kinds of sports, such as running, playing basketball, swimming and so on. I also play pingpang,with my friend in my spare time. On the other hand, I have more vegetables and less meat for my meals. I like eating fruit ,too. Now Im becoming healthier and stronger. Im not often ill.,45,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,I think if you want to keep healthy, you should take exercise a lot and eat healthy food. They,re,good for you.,46,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,All the schools in our country are having all kinds of sport activities now. Every morning there are many students taking exercise on the playground. Some play football. Some go running. Others jump or do morning exercises. The exciting time for me is Da Kejian,in the afternoon. All the students and teachers get together to run on the playground after two classes . It often takes us half an hour to run around the playground.,47,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,I like such sport activities. Every day after running I feel very comfortable. Though sometimes I feel a bit tired, I never give up and now I become stronger and healthier than before.,I think everyone should take more exercises because it can make you healthy and strong. Its very important for everyone to keep healthy.,48,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,1,、随着人们生活水平的不断提高,父母经常给自己的孩子一些零花钱,有的孩子将这些钱花在食品、饮料上,有的用来购买学习用具,还有的将这些钱一点点积攒起来,花在更有意义的事情上。你是怎样想和怎样做的呢?,提示词语:,parents, pocket money, different, food, drinks, save, future, help,49,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,Parents usually give their children some pocket money. Children spend the money on different things. Such as food, drinks or school things. I dont spend the money like they do. My parents are both workers. They dont have a lot of money. When I get some pocket money from them, I save the money for future use. I hear that some children in poor areas cant go to school because their families are very poor. I think if I save my pocket money and give it to the poor children , maybe I can help them study at school. I hope theyll have a nice future when they grow up.,50,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,2.,假设你是李平,已在初中学习大约三年。你的学习生活很紧张,但在课余时间你还是参加了许多体育运动,如足球、乒乓球、跑步、游泳、谈谈,你最喜爱的一项体育运动,为什么喜欢,运动的情况和感受等,、,name, Liping, study, busy, spare time, healthy, think.,51,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,My name is Li Ping. Im a student of Grade Three.,Although Im very busy with my study, in my spare time, I take part in several kinds of sports, such as, playing football, pingpong, running, swimming and so on. They can help me keep strong and healthy. Of all the sports, running is my favourite, because its very easy to do. Now Im in our school running team. I practise,very hard every day at any place when Im free. With my practice and the teachers help, I have made great progress.,I think Ill try my best to win some prizes for our great country like Liu Xiang in the future. Im sure I can make it.,52,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,3.,在我们小的时候,父母和老师们就告诉我们要对别人有礼貌,你是如何做的呢,?,请举出三个以上的例子,并谈谈你对有关将礼貌的看法和建议,.,young, tell, polite, for example, think,53,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,Our parents and teachers told us to be polite to others when we were very young. Now I am doing things as they tell me.,(,总,),For example, I always wait in line while doing shopping give my seat to the old on the bus. I never forget to greet teachers when I meet them in or out of school. I also say “Thank you”, “Sorry”, Youre welcome” to others whenever necessary.,(,举例子,支持中心,),54,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,In my opinion, its very important for us to be polite to others because it can help us not only get on very well with each other, but also make our society better and warmer, So I strongly suggest that we all should be polite to each other.,(,陈述对有礼貌的看法以及建议,),55,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,obey the school,rules,study hard,try to get good marks,listen to the teacher,finish my homework,on time,respect his parents,get on well with others,do some housework,Read and say out the Chinese meaning,遵守校规,努力学习,努力取得好成绩,听讲,按时完成我的作业,尊敬他的父母,与他人相处融洽,做家务,56,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,根据中英文提示写句子。,1.,妈妈告诉我要按时完成作业。,tell, homework,2.Tom,经常帮同学学英语。,Classmates, English,3.,你最好不要让父母为你的学习操心,.make, worry,4.,小明以前经常玩电脑游戏,但是现在不再玩了,.,My mother,told me to finish,my homework on time.,Tom often,helps his classmates with,their English.,Youd better not,make,your parents,worry about,your study.,Xiaoming,used to play,computer games, but he does,nt,play them,any more,.,57,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,5.,我认为学生不应吸烟。,think, smoke,6.,老师不仅教我们知识,还告诉我们如何做人,.knowledge,7.,请你帮我解答这个难题好吗,? difficult problem,8.,我妈妈在周末总是忙着做家务,. housework, at the weekends,I dont think,students should smoke.,Teachers,not only,teach us knowledge,but also,tell us how to be a good man.,Will you please help,me to work out the difficult,problem?,My mother,is,always,busy doing,housework at the weekends .,58,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,在我们很小的时候父母就告诉我们要做好孩子,好孩子不仅父母老师喜欢,也受同学欢迎。你认为做好孩子难吗?你是如何努力去做的?请写一写你的具体做法和想法来参加征文活动。要求,80,字左右。,child, welcome, think, try ones best, perfect,59,谢谢欣赏,2019-8-2,Our parents told us to be good children when we were very young. Good children can not only get on well with classmates, but also be liked by parents and teachers. If a child is very good ,he must be a nice man when he grows up.,I dont think its very hard to be a good child, but I must try my best to develop some nice interests and be well-behaved. For example, I respect my parents as well as my teachers very much. I always remember to help my mother do some housework at weekends and never be angry with my p


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