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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Chapter 6Product and Brand Decisions,产品与品牌战略,1,Basic Product Concepts,A product is a good, service, or idea,Tangible Attributes,Intangible Attributes,Product classification,Consumer goods,Industrial goods,2,Product Types,Buyer orientation,Amount of effort expended on purchase,Convenience,Preference,Shopping,Specialty,3,Brands,Bundle of images and experiences in the customers mind,A promise made by a particular company about a particular product,A quality certification,Differentiation between competing products,The sum of impressions about a brand is the,Brand Image,4,Brands,5,Brands,The added value that accrues to a product as a result of investments in the marketing of the brand,An asset that represents the value created by the relationship between the brand and customer over time,6,Brands,“,We have to shift to high value-added products, and to do that we need to improve our brand.”,- Noboru Fujimoto, President Sharp Electronics Corporation,7,Local Products and Brands,Brands that have achieved success in a single national market,Represent the lifeblood of domestic companies,Entrenched local products/brands can be a significant competitive hurdle to global companies,8,International Products and Brands,Offered in several markets in a particular region,Euro-brands,9,Global Products and Brands,Global products meet the wants and needs of a global market and is offered in all world regions,Global brands have the same name and similar image and positioning throughout the world,10,Global Products and Brands,A multinational has operations in different countries. A global company views the world as a single country. We know Argentina and France are different, but we treat them the same. We sell them the same products, we use the same production methods, we have the same corporate policies. We even use the same advertisingin a different language, of course.,-,Alfred Zeien Former Gillette CEO,11,Branding Strategies-品牌战略,Combination or tiered branding-,混合或层层上升品牌,: allows marketers to leverage a companys reputation while developing a distinctive identity for a line of products,Sony Walkman,Co-branding features two or more company or product brands,NutraSweet and Coca-Cola,Intel Inside,12,Branding Strategies,Brand acts as an umbrella for new products,Example: The Virgin Group-,维珍集团,Virgin Entertainment: Virgin Mega-stores and MGM Cinemas,Virgin Trading: Virgin Cola and Virgin Vodka,Virgin Radio,Virgin Media Group: Virgin Publishing, Virgin Television, Virgin Net,Virgin Hotels,Virgin Travel Group: Virgin Atlantic Airways, Virgin Holidays,13,Global Brand Development-,全球品牌发展,Questions to ask when management seeks to build a global brand:,Will anticipated scale economies materialize?,How difficult will it be to develop a global brand team?,Can a single brand be imposed on all markets successfully?,14,Global Brand Development,Global Brand Leadership-,全球品牌领导者,Using organizational structures, processes, and cultures to allocate brand-building resources globally, to create global synergies,(合作,配合), and to develop a global brand strategy that coordinates and leverages country brand strategies,15,Global Brand Development,Create a compelling,(强制的,引人注目的),value proposition,Think about all elements of brand identity and select names, marks, and symbols that have the potential for globalization,Research the alternatives of extending a national brand versus adopting a new brand identity globally,Develop a company-wide communication system,16,Global Brand Development,Develop a consistent planning process,Assign specific responsibility for managing branding issues,Execute brand-building strategies,Harmonize, unravel confusion, and eliminate complexity,17,Local versus Global Products and Brands: A Needs-Based Approach,Physiological,Safety,Social,External/Internal,Esteem,Self-actualization,18,Country of Origin as Brand Element,Perceptions about and attitudes toward particular countries often extend to products and brands known to originate in those countries,Japan,Germany,France,Italy,19,Packaging,Consumer Packaged Goods when the packaging is designed to protect or contain the product during shipping,Eco-Packaging because package designers must address environmental issues,Offers communication cues that provide consumers with a basis for making a purchase decision,20,Labeling,Provides consumers with various types of information,Regulations differ by country regarding various products,Health warnings on tobacco products,American Automobile Labeling Act clarifies the country of origin, and final assembly point,European Union requires labels on all food products that include ingredients from genetically modified crops,21,Aesthetics,Global marketers must understand the importance of visual aesthetics,Aesthetic Styles (degree of complexity found on a label) differ around the world,22,Product Warranties,Express Warranty is a written guarantee that assures the buyer is getting what they paid for or provides a remedy in case of a product failure,Warranties can be used as a competitive tool,23,Extend, Adapt, Create: Strategic Alternatives in Global Marketing,Extension offering product virtually unchanged in markets outside of home country,Adaptation changing elements of design, function, and packaging according to needs of different country markets,Creation developing new products for the world market,24,25,Global Product Planning: Strategic Alternatives,Product,Same Different,Communication,Different,Same,Strategy 1:,Dual Extension,Strategy 2:,Product Extension,Communication,Adaptation,Strategy 4:,Dual Adaptation,Strategy 3:,Product Adaptation,Communication,Extension,26,How to Choose a Strategy?,Two errors that management makes in choosing a strategy,NIH (Not invented here) syndrome means managers ignore the advancements of subsidiaries overseas,Managers impose policies upon subsidiaries because they assume what is right for customers in one market is right in every market,27,How to Choose a Strategy?,Cave Dweller new products launched internationally to dispose of excess production,Nave Nationalist company recognizes growth opportunities outside of home market,Globally sensitive company views world as competitive marketplace,28,How to Choose a Strategy?,The product itself, defined in terms of the function or need it serves,The market, defined in terms of the conditions under which the product is used, preferences of potential customers, and ability to buy the product,Adaptation and manufacturing costs the company will incur,29,New Products in Global Marketing,Pursue opportunities in competitive arenas of global marketplace,Focus on one or only a few businesses,Active involvement from senior management,Ability to recruit and retain best employees,Understand the importance of speed in bringing product to market,30,Identifying New Product Ideas,What is a new Product?,New to those who use it or buy it,New to the organization,New to a market,31,The International New Product Department,How big is the market for this product at various prices?,What are the likely competitive moves in response to our activity?,Can we market the product through existing structure?,Can we source the product at a cost that will yield an adequate profit?,Does product fit our strategic development plan,32,Testing New Products,When do you test a new product?,Whenever a product interacts with human, mechanical, or chemical elements because there is the potential for a surprising and unexpected incompatibility,Test could simply be observing the product being used within the market,33,Looking Ahead,Chapter 11 Pricing decisions,34,


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