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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,仁爱版七年级英语上册unit1_topic1_sectionB,Practice,1,T: Good morning, class!,Ss: Good morning, ,T: Nice to see you.,Ss: Nice to see you, too.,T: How are you today?,Ss: Fine, thanks. And,you?,T: Im OK.,2,Ss: Good morning, Miss.,Zhang!,T:,Ss: Nice to see you.,T:,Ss: How are you today?,T:,Ss: Im OK.,1a look, listen and say.,(,P3-1a,),How do you do?,How do you do?,Mom, this is my,teacher, Mr. Brown.,Mr. Brown, this is my,mom,.,3.,This is my,teacher,Mr,. Brown.,这是我的老师,布朗先生。,a. This is,句型通常在两种情境中使用:,1),向别人介绍第三方时,;,2),用来介绍、说明某种事物。,Mr,. +姓 先生 / 老师(称呼男士,不论婚姻状况),Miss,+姓 .小姐 / 老师 (用于称呼未婚女性),Mrs,. +姓 夫人 / 太太 (用于称呼已婚女性),Ms,. +姓,女士(婚姻状况不明),How do you do? 你好,。,-,How do you do? 你好,。,虽然带问号,却不是在提问,而是打招呼。,只用于初次见面时。,Listen to the conversations,and number the pictures.,1,2,3,(,P3-1b,),Listen again and choose.,A:,Mr. Brown, this is my mom.,Mom, _ my teacher,Mr. Brown.,B:,How do you do?,A:,_?,Nice to see you,This is,How do you do,(录音,P3-1b,),Listen again and choose.,A:,Mr. Brown, this is my mom.,Mom, _ my teacher,Mr. Brown.,B:,How do you do?,A:,_?,Nice to see you,This is,How do you do,B,C,(录音,P3-1b,),Listen again and fill in the blanks.,A:,Lily, _my teacher,Miss Wang.,B:,_,Miss Wang.,A:,Nice to meet you, too.,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,A:,Lily, _my teacher,Miss Wang.,B:,_,Miss Wang.,A:,Nice to meet you, too.,this,is,Nice to meet you,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,A:,Jane, this is my,dad,.,Dad, _Jane.,B:,Nice to see you.,A:,_.,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,A:,Jane, this is my,dad,.,Dad, _Jane.,B:,Nice to see you.,A:,_.,this is,Nice to see you, too,Listen again and choose.,A:,Mr. Brown, this is my mom.,Mom, _ my teacher,Mr. Brown.,B:,How do you do?,A:,_?,Nice to see you,This is,How do you do,B,C,(录音,P3-1b,),Listen again and fill in the blanks.,A:,Lily, _my teacher,Miss Wang.,B:,_,Miss Wang.,A:,Nice to meet you, too.,this,is,Nice to meet you,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,A:,Jane, this is my,dad,.,Dad, _Jane.,B:,Nice to see you.,A:,_.,this is,Nice to see you, too,Make new conversations,把你的朋友介绍给你的老师。,Mr. Brown,: Hi , Miss Wang! _,Miss Wang,: _,Mr. Brown!,Nice to see,you, too.,Mr. Brown,: Miss Wang, this is,Ms.,Jones.,Ms. Jones, _,Miss Wang,: How do you do?,Ms. Jones,:_,1d,Complete the conversation and then practice with your partner.,Nice to see you.,this is Miss Wang.,How do you do ?,Hi,Task 6. Match the following sentences(5mins,),Nice to meet you, too.,Are you Jane?,Good Morning.,Yes, I am,How do you do?,How do you do?,Nice to meet you.,Thank you.,Welcome to Beijing!,Good Morning.,Sum up,Nice to see you. 很高兴见到你。,2.,How are you? 你好吗?,Fine, thanks. And you? 我很好,谢谢。你呢?,Im OK. 我很好。,3. This is my,teacher,Mr,. Brown. 这是我的老师,布朗先生。,4. How do you do? 你好 。,Teacher mom-dad Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms,I. 单项选择。,( ) 1. Nice to see you. _,A. Nice to see you, too. B. Im fine. C. Hi!,( ) 2. Good morning. _,A. Thank you. B. Im Michael. C. Good morning.,( ) 3. How do you do? _,A. How do you do? B. Nice to meet you. C. Thanks.,( ) 4. Hi, Kangkang, this is Maria. _,A. Nice to meet you. B. Thanks. C. This is Mr. Lee.,( ) 5. Welcome to Haikou. _,A. How do you do? B. Thanks. C. Nice to meet you.,exercise,II. 根据汉语意思完成句子。每空一词。,1. 你好,你是吴老师吗?,是的。,_, _ you _ Wu?,_, I am.,2. 妈妈,这是我的老师,李先生。,很高兴认识你。,Mom, _ _ my _, _ Lee., _ to meet you.,3. 嗨,简!真高兴见到你!,_, Jane! _ _ _ _!,ei, b,i:, s,i:, d,i:, ,i:, ,e,f ,d,i:,元音 ,ei, ,i:, - ,i,e,*,辅音 b s d f ,d,* *,i:,ei,t, ,d,ei, k,ei,ei,* ,t, - ,d, * k - g,ei, ,i:, ,e,e,l ,e,m ,e,n,ef,f, l m n,ei, ,i:, ,i, ,e,ai,ai,ei, b,i:, s,i:, d,i:, ,i:, ,e,f ,d,i:,元音,ei, ,i:, - ,i, *,e,ai,辅音 b s d * f *,d,*,t, - *,d, k - g *l *m n *,ei,t, ,ai, ,d,ei, k,ei, ,e,l ,e,m ,e,n,A a G g H h Mm B b,L l D d J j I i K k,Work alone,(,录音1,),Listen and circle the letters you hear.,Be 动词的使用,:,am, is , are,Are you Jane? Yes, I am.,This is my teacher, Mr.Black.,I am Kangkang.,Be 动词的使用,:,am, is , are,口诀:,be动词真伟大,生出is, am, are。,我( I )用am, 你(you)用are,is 用于他(he),她(she), 它(it),单数is, 复数are,变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。,变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记。,疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。,练一练,He _ Jim.,She _ a girl.,They _ good friends.,I_ a student.,This _ my new teacher,Miss Han.,_ you Maria? Yes, I _,_ it a cat?,is,is,are,am,is,Are,am,Is,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢,


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