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Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Page,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,WELDING,PROCEDURES,AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,0,焊接工艺规程和维修,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,1,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,This presentation provides a brief introduction to Welding Procedures and Repairs performed by, or on behalf of,Qenos,.,本演示稿提供了一个由凯诺斯(或代表凯诺斯)进行的焊接工艺规程和维修的一个简要介绍。,2,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,HISTORY,历史,Prior to 1995, the majority of Pressure Vessels came under the control of the Regional Government Regulator,1995,年之前,绝大多数压力容器由地区政府监管机构控制,Regional Government employed Inspectors were appointed to oversee New Fabrication Welding and On-Site Welding Repairs,地区政府聘请的检查员被指派监督新设备焊接和现场焊接维修,3,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,4,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,Many Smaller Vessels together with most Piping were not covered by the Regional regulations.,许多较小容器含大多数管线并未被地区法规所涉及。,Any fabrication, modifications or repairs to Equipment Items had to be managed internally by Qenos personnel.,任何设备部件的制造、改动或维修必须由凯诺斯员工内部管理。,5,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,Qenos managed Welding work had to meet respective Standards and/or Code requirements,凯诺斯管理的焊接作业必须符合相应的标准和,/,或规范要求,This required the following:,有下列要求:,The appointment of a Welding Inspector or Welding Supervisor,任命一名焊接检查员或焊接主管。,Developing and Maintaining Qualified Welding Procedures.,制订和遵守合格焊接工艺规程。,6,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,Requirements (continued):,要求(续):,Qualification of and Routine Testing of Welding Operators,焊工资质和日常考核,Arranging for any required NDE and Hydrostatic Testing (as prescribed in the respective Standard and/or Code).,安排所有所需,NDE,和净水压试验(按相关标准和,/,或规范中的规定)。,Maintaining History Records of Welding projects.,保存焊接项目的历史记录。,7,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,DE-REGULATION,解除管制,In 1995, the Regional Government elected to make Industries accountable and responsible for all Welding Fabrication and Repair work.,1995,年,地方政府投票通过让行业负责全部的焊件制造和维修作业。,8,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,DE-REGULATION,解除管制,Qenos then had to self-manage,ALL,Welding work.,凯诺斯接下来必须自我管理,所有的,焊接作业。,9,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,Qenos Welding Responsibilities encompassed the following:,凯诺斯焊接责任包含以下内容:,Ensuring that we had appropriately experienced Welding Inspectors and Supervisors,确保我们有相应经验十分丰富的焊接检查员和主管,Ensuring that we had an experienced Welding Engineer,确保我们拥有一名经验丰富的焊接工程师,10,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,Qenos Welding Responsibilities encompassed the following:,凯诺斯焊接责任包含以下内容:,Determining the required scope of work.,确定所需作业范围。,Defining the applicable Engineering Standard or Code.,定义可执行的工程标准或规范。,11,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,Qenos Welding Responsibilities encompassed the following:,凯诺斯焊接责任包含以下内容:,Determining the most appropriate welding technique.,确定最合适的焊接技术。,12,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,Qenos Welding Responsibilities encompassed the following:,凯诺斯焊接责任包含以下内容:,Determining whether work best done either:,确定在以下情况下是否最好地完成作业:,In-Situ,现场,Removed from plant location but Repaired on Site,已从装置位置拆除但在现场维修,Removed from plant location and sent to Fabrication Contractors workshop for repair.,已从工厂位置拆除并送至制造承包商的车间进行维修。,13,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,Qenos Welding Responsibilities encompassed the following:,凯诺斯焊接责任包含以下内容:,Establishing whether pre-heat and post weld heat treatment is required.,确定是否需要预热或焊后热处理。,Specifying a particular welding process and/or consumables (if appropriate).,指定特定的焊接工艺和,/,或耗材(如适用)。,14,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,Qenos Welding Responsibilities encompassed the following:,凯诺斯焊接责任包含以下内容:,Developing a detailed repair/modification Specification,制订详细的维修,/,改动规范,Selecting suitably experienced Contract Engineering Fabrication company/s.,选择具有丰富适当经验的合约工程制造公司。,15,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,Qenos Welding Responsibilities encompassed the following:,凯诺斯焊接责任包含以下内容:,Discussing proposal with the Contract companies Welding Engineer (and modify Specification if appropriate).,与承包公司焊接工程师讨论提议(并在适用时修改规范)。,16,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,Qenos Welding Responsibilities encompassed the following:,凯诺斯焊接责任包含以下内容:,Ensuring that contractor has and Qualified Welding Procedure and Qualified Welding Operators.,确保承包商有合格的焊接工艺规程和有资质的焊接操作人员。,17,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,Qenos Welding Responsibilities encompassed the following:,凯诺斯焊接责任包含以下内容:,For complex work, ensuring that the Contractor assigns a Welding Supervisor.,复杂作业时,确保承包商任命了焊接主管。,18,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,Qenos Welding Responsibilities encompassed the following:,凯诺斯焊接责任包含以下内容:,Ensuring that the assigned Welding Supervisor is conversant with the job requirements.,确保任命的焊接主管熟悉作业的要求。,19,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,Qenos Welding Responsibilities encompassed the following:,凯诺斯焊接责任包含以下内容:,Contractor to organise for NATA NDE Inspection of welds (if this is stipulated in the Specification),承包商需安排焊缝的澳大利亚测试机构协会无损探伤检查(如果在技术规范中规定),Contractor to provide a,detailed Manufacturers Data Report,for the repair work.,承包商需提供维修作业详细的制造商数据报告。,20,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,Qenos Welding Responsibilities encompassed the following:,凯诺斯焊接责任包含以下内容:,Qenos Welding Inspector to witness Welding as required,凯诺斯焊接检查员应按要求在焊接时在场。,Qenos Welding Inspector to witness the Hydrostatic Testing (if applicable).,凯诺斯焊接检查员在水压测试(如适用)时应在场。,21,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,Qenos Welding Responsibilities encompassed the following:,凯诺斯焊接责任包含以下内容:,Qenos Welding Inspector to Sign-Off on Vessel Acceptance on the Work Permit (this allows Maintenance to prepare the vessel, and for the Operations group to put vessel back into service).,凯诺斯焊接检查员应在容器验收时在作业许可上签字(这允许维修部门准备容器,并由操作组将容器重新投入使用)。,22,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,Qenos Welding Responsibilities encompassed the following:,凯诺斯焊接责任包含以下内容:,Qenos Welding Inspector to update Vessel History in SAP following completion of all repair work (this included establishing the next Inspection interval).,凯诺斯焊接检查员须在所有维修作业完成后,在,SAP,中更新容器历史(,这还包含确定下次检查间隔)。,23,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,CURRENT ARRANGEMENTS FOR FIXED EQUIPMENT,固定设备的当前安排,The vast majority of Fixed Equipment on the various Qenos sites must be Registered with the respective Regional Government body.,在各个凯诺斯场所的绝大多数固定设备必须在相应的地方政府机构处注册。,Alterations and/or Repairs can be performed without additional approval subject to the following conditions being met:,满足下列条件时,更改和,/,或维修作业无须额外批准即可进行:,24,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,CURRENT ARRANGEMENTS FOR FIXED EQUIPMENT,固定设备的当前安排,Self Managed Repairs / Alterations,自主管理维修,/,更改,Like for Like Replacement/s,对等更换,Weld Repairs associated with corrosion loss,与腐蚀损失关联的焊件维修,Additions of same sized nozzles (subject to Code rules related to proximity to other existing nozzles),增加相等大小的管口(需遵循与其他现有管口靠近程度相关的规范法则),25,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,CURRENT ARRANGEMENTS FOR FIXED EQUIPMENT,固定设备的当前安排,Self Managed Repairs / Alterations,自主管理维修,/,变更,All New, or Repairs to, Existing Piping,全新或维修现有管道,Repairs and/or Modifications to Tanks and other Non-Registered equipment.,储罐和其他未登记设备的维修和,/,或改动。,26,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,CURRENT ARRANGEMENTS FOR FIXED EQUIPMENT,固定设备的当前安排,Major Alterations,重大改动,M,ajor Alterations often require that we obtain a New Design Approval from the Regional Government Regulator,重大改动往往需要从地方政府监管员得到新设计的批准。,Following approval, all Welding associated with the Approval must then be fully managed by Qenos.,批准后,所有与该批准相关的焊缝须由凯诺斯全面管理,。,27,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,MODIFICATION TO PIPING,管道改动,The majority of modification to Piping usually comprises:,大多数管道改动通常包括:,New Additions,新加,Alteration to Existing,对现有改造,Repairs to Existing,对现有维修,28,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,MODIFICATION TO PIPING,管道改动,All new Piping fabrication work is done either at the Contractors Workshop or in a Qenos Workshop.,所有新管道的制造工作应在承包商车间或凯诺斯车间完成。,There is often a number of,“tie-in” welds,that will need to be done in the field,经常有很多的“搭接”焊将需要在现场完成。,29,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,MODIFICATION TO PIPING,管道改动,Depending upon the Design Code and Service Conditions, either Full, Partial, or No Radiographic Inspection will be required.,哪些管道需要射线检查,那些不要?,根据设计规范和运行条件的不同,将需要完全、部分射线探伤或不需要射线探伤。,30,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,MODIFICATION TO PIPING,管道改动,All Piping,Spools,will be subjected to a Hydrostatic Test in accordance with Code requirements.,所有管节都需按照规范要求进行一次水压测试。,Tie-in welds may be ether,“plug hydrotested”,(if associated with a flange) or be deemed as a,“golden-weld”,and,only radiographed.,搭接焊缝可进行,“,堵管水压测试”(如果与法兰关联),或被视为“黄金焊缝”并仅进行射线探伤。,?,31,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,MODIFICATION TO PIPING,管道改动,Following Inspection and Testing, the completed pipe spools will be sent off to a Specialist Abrasive Blasting Contractor who will apply the required surface coating.,检查和测试后,完成的管段将被送到一家专业喷砂承包商,,其将涂装所需的表面涂层。,32,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,MODIFICATION TO PIPING,管道改动,Where Field Tie-In Welds are specified the Specialist Abrasive Blasting Contractor will initially abrasive blast the whole pipe spool, then apply a tape coating around the designated weld zone.,指定现场搭接焊缝时,专业喷砂承包商将在开始时对整个管段进行喷砂,然后将在指定的焊接区域周围缠上胶带层。,33,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,MODIFICATION TO PIPING,管道改动,This zone will be left un-coated to prevent weld contamination.,保持此区域无防腐层,以避免焊缝污染。,34,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,MODIFICATION TO PIPING,管道改动,Pipe Coatings specifically apply to:,管道防腐层专用于:,Those for,Nominal Ambient Operation.,用于标称环境操作的管道。,Those associated with Hot Operation.,与动火作业相关的管道。,35,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,MODIFICATION TO PIPING,管道改动,Pipe Coatings specifically apply to:,管道防腐层专用于:,Those associated with Cold Operation.,与冷作相关的管道。,Insulated Piping which operates in the Corrosion Under Insulation Temperature range.,“保温层下腐蚀”温度范围运行的保温管道。,36,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,MODIFICATION TO PIPING,管道改动,For Corrosion Under Insulation, Qenos incorporates all equipment operating in the Temperature Range of minus 4 deg C to plus 175 deg C.,对于“保温层下腐蚀”,凯诺斯采用的所有设备都能在零下,4,摄氏度到零上,175,摄氏度的温度范围内工作。,37,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,MODIFICATION TO PIPING,管道改动,Field Tie-In Welds will require a Field Applied Coating.,现场搭接焊缝作业需要现场施工的防腐层。,Depending upon the nature and the severity, these field coatings may, or may not, be identical to the shop applied coating.,根据性质和严重程度的不同,这些现场的防腐层可能与车间涂装的防腐层完全一样,也可能不一样。,38,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,WELDING,ON EQUIPMENT OTHER THAN VESSELS OR PIPING,容器或管道以外设备上的焊缝,Repairs to Ethylene Furnace Tubes is an Example of such work.,乙烯炉管的维修是此类工作的一个示例。,These repairs usually cover the following:,这些维修作业一般包含以下步骤:,Determining the extent of Carburisation and the need to repair / replace specific tubes.,确定渗碳的程度以及维修,/,替换特定管道的需要。,The need to undertake Solution Annealing prior to any Welding work.,在任何焊接作业前进行固溶退火的必要性。,39,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,WELDING ON EQUIPMENT OTHER THAN VESSELS OR PIPING,容器或管道以外设备上的焊缝,Repairs to Ethylene Furnace Tubes.,乙烯炉管的维修。,Repairs cover the following:,维修包括以下内容:,Ensuring suitable Welding Procedures are available and applicable.,确保合适的焊接工艺规程可用与适用。,Ensuring Qualified and Experienced Welding Operators are available and that they have recently performed similar repairs.,确保能找到有资质和经验的焊接工,并且他们在最近进行过类似的维修。,40,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,WELDING ON EQUIPMENT OTHER THAN VESSELS OR PIPING,容器或管道以外设备上的焊缝,Repairs to Ethylene Furnace Tubes.,乙烯炉管的维修。,Repairs cover the following:,维修包括以下内容:,If required, perform mock-up weld trials in workshop.,如需要,在车间进行“模拟”焊接试验。,Arrange for all NDE work (ensuring that NDE Technicians are both Qualified and Suitably Experienced in the required techniques).,安排所有无损探伤工作(确保无损探伤技工拥有所需技术的资质和适当领域的丰富经验)。,41,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,WELDING ON EQUIPMENT OTHER THAN VESSELS OR PIPING,容器或管道以外设备上的焊缝,Repairs to Ethylene Furnace Tubes.,乙烯裂解炉管的维修。,Repairs cover the following:,维修包括以下内容:,Specify the extent and sequence of NDE.,指定无损探伤的范围和次序。,Determine if required, and arrange for any Post Weld Heat Treatment.,确定是否需要并安排所有焊后热处理。,Fully document all proceedings related to the repair works and store these into SAP.,完整记录维修作业的所有相关步骤,并保存在,SAP,中。,42,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,STRUCTURAL STEEL WELDING?,结构钢焊接,Structural Steel Welding may be performed by either a Contact Welding Company or by In-House Qenos Welders.,结构钢的焊接作业可由接触焊公司或凯诺斯的内部焊工进行。,All welding is performed in accordance with Structural Welding Standards / Codes.,所有的焊接应按照结构焊的标准,/,规范执行。,Welding Operators who are Qualified for Pressure Vessel Welding are deemed to be qualified to perform Structural Steel Welding work.,具有压力容器焊接资质的焊工被视为具有结构钢焊接作业的资质。,43,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,STRUCTURAL STEEL WELDING,结构钢焊接,All required Weld Quality work shall be arranged by either the Contract Company or, for In-House fabrication work, by the Qenos Welding Inspector.,所有所需的焊缝质量工作应由承包公司安排,或对于内部制造作业由凯诺斯焊接检查员安排。,Structural Steel Welds may, or may not require Non Destructive Testing.,结构钢焊缝可能需要无损探伤,也可能不需要。,44,WELDING PROCEDURES AND REPAIRS,焊接工艺规程和维修,有问题吗?,45,


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