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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1 Dream homes,Welcome to the unit,&,Comic strip,How many countries do you know? Can you tell us the names of the countries?,Question:,a world map,China,America/ the USA,Australia,Japan,England/the UK,France,Russia,France,法国,Japan,日本,Russia,俄罗斯,Thailand,泰国,England/the UK,英国,America/the USA,美国,Australia,澳大利亚,Do you know the names of,these famous places?,Which countries are they in?,Countries and capitals:,Tian,An Men Square,Beijing is the capital(,首都,) of China.,the Great Wall,China,(Beijing),Mount Fuji (,富士山),Japan,(Tokyo),The Statue of Liberty (,自由女神,),the USA,(Washington DC),The Eiffel Tower(,埃菲尔铁塔,),France,(Paris),Phra,Pathom,Chedi,(,佛统佛塔,),Thailand,(Bangkok),Big Ben (,大本钟,),The UK,(London),Saint Basils Cathedral(,圣巴索大教堂),Russia,(Moscow),Countries(,国家,),capitals(,首都,),the USA Tokyo,the UK Bangkok,France Moscow,Japan Washington DC,Russia London,Thailand Paris,countries(,国家,) capitals(,首都,),Japan Tokyo,the USA Washington DC,France Paris,Thailand Bangkok,the UK London,Russia Moscow,China Beijing,Work in pairs:,A:,Whats the capital of?,B:,The capital of is,Whats the capital of?,A:,The capital of is ?,Make a conclusion:,Country,Capital,Languane,People,Chinese,Japan,Englishman/,woman,Paris,American,Moscow,China,Beijing,Chinese,Tokyo,Japanese,Japanese,the UK,London,English,France,French,Frenchman,/woman,the USA,Washington DC,.,American,Russia,Russian,Russian,palace,restaurant,A lazy dog,Listen and answer the questions:,1.Would Eddie like to live in a palace?,2.Where does he like to live?,3.Which restaurant does Eddie like best?,No.,He would like to live next to a restaurant.,The biggest one.,Work in pairs and act it out.(,表演对话,),Fill in the blanks.,Talk about Eddies dream home,Eddie doesnt like to live in a _.,He would like to live _ to a,restaurant. There are many _,in Beijing. His,favourite,restaurant is,the _ one. He is a _ dog.,palace,next,restaurants,biggest,lazy,Discussion(,小组讨论,四人一组,充分发挥创造性,),If you have enough money and time, which country,would you like to visit(,参观,) best?,A: Which country would you like to visit ?,B: Id like to visit,China,A: Do you know the capital of,China,?,B: Of course I know, its,Beijing,.,A: Why do you like to visit it?,B: Because it is a good place(beautiful),What about you?,A:,Homework,Fill in the blanks with the words.,1. There are many r_ in Beijing. You can have a nice meal there.,2.Jay Chou is my f_ because of his songs.,3.The c_ of Russia is Moscow.,4.This apple is the smallest while that one is the b_.,estaurant,avourite,apital,iggest,根据中文完成句子,:,1.,你想住在宫殿里吗,?,_ you _ to live in a _?,2.,那个老人想住在旅馆的隔壁,?,The old man _ to live _ _ a _.,3.,你最喜欢的城市是哪一个,?,Which is your _ _?,4.,最大的那个是我的,?,The _ one is _.,5.,巴黎是法国的首都,.,Paris is the _ of _.,Would,like,palace,wants,next,to,restaurant,favourite,city,biggest,mine,capital,France,Have a great time !,Thank you !,


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