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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 9 Insurance,2024/9/16,2,Lead-in,2024/9/16,3,Lead-in,在国际贸易中,货物在从出口商(卖方)运往进口商(买方)的运输途中可能会遭遇种种风险和损失。保险是一种风险转移机制。投保公司通过向保险公司投保并交纳保险费将风险转移给保险公司。,2024/9/16,6,Lead-in,2024/9/16,7,Writing Model,2024/9/16,8,Letters of Insurance,Step 1.,向对方提示合同、货物等,Referring to our Contract No. 79, we ordered 200 metric tons of boards.,根据第,79,号合同规定,我方订购了,200,公吨板材。,With reference to our Contract No.312, we placed the order on a CIF basis.,根据我方第,312,号合同,该批货物按,CIF,条件订购。,Please refer to our Order No. 263 for 3,000 pairs of galoshes, which is placed on a CFR basis.,参阅我方第,263,号订单订购,3 000,双雨靴,该批货物按,CFR,条件订购。,2024/9/16,9,Step 2.,提出具体的保险要求及理由,The above mentioned goods are insured against All Risks for 110% of the invoice value.,上述货物的保险按发票价格,110%,投保“综合险”。,We shall appreciate it if you cover the above shipment against All Risks.,贵方若能为这批货物运输投保一切险,我方将不胜感激。,We would appreciate it if you extend the insurance coverage to include leakage.,贵方若能将保险范围扩大,将渗漏险包含在内,我方将不胜感激。,Letters of Insurance,2024/9/16,10,Step 3.,表示希望对方同意并早日发货,We hope to receive your favorable reply.,望贵方给予肯定答复。,We wish you could accommodate us in this respect.,望贵方能在此方面给予照顾。,We hope that our request will meet with your approval.,衷心希望贵方能同意我方要求。,Letters of Insurance,2024/9/16,11,Step 1.,通知对方收到信函,Thank you for your letter of October 18.,感谢贵方,10,月,18,日的来信。,We have received your letter of insurance with thanks.,很高兴收到贵方的保险信函。,Your letter of June 23, concerning insurance has been received with thanks.,贵方,6,月,23,日有关保险的来函已收悉,不胜感谢。,Reply to Letters of Insurance,2024/9/16,12,Step 2.,表明己方意见,是否同意对方并给出理由,We agree to insure the goods only for the full invoice value.,我方只接受按发票金额投保。,We want to make it clear that the extra premium will be for your account.,我方想澄清一点,额外的保险费将由贵方承担。,We regret being unable to accept your request for renewal insurance.,很遗憾我方不能接受贵方保险续期的要求。,Reply to Letters of Insurance,2024/9/16,13,Step 3.,表明为双方交易所作的努力,说明会及时发货等,We will arrange insurance on your behalf.,我方会代表贵方安排保险事宜。,We have insured the goods against breakage.,我方已为货物投保破损险。,For your information, we are making arrangements to ship the goods.,顺告,我方现正安排装运这批货物。,Reply to Letters of Insurance,2024/9/16,14,Specimen Letters,2024/9/16,15,Letter 1 Buyers Insurance Request,2024/9/16,16,Letter 1 Buyers Insurance Request,2024/9/16,17,Letter 1 Buyers Insurance Request,Core Vocabulary,CFR,: cost and freight,成本加运费,insure,:,为,保险,on,behalf,:,代表,All Risks,:,综合险;全险,premium,:,保险费,debit note,:,借款通知单;收款单,Super-link,1.,见,Step 1,,向对方提示合同、货物等,2.,见,Step 2,,提出具体的保险要求及理由,3.,见,Step 3,,表示希望对方同意,2024/9/16,18,Enhance Your Grammar,1. Insurance is to be covered _ All Risks and War Risks.,A. forB. onC. againstD. at,2. Please let us know the premium at which breakage is _ by the insurers on your side.,A. coverableB. covering C. to cover D. covered,2024/9/16,19,Letter 2 Sellers Reply to Buyers Request,2024/9/16,20,Letter 2 Sellers Reply to Buyers Request,2024/9/16,21,Core Vocabulary,for,account,:,由,支付,policy,:,保单,forward,:,转寄;发送,Super-link,1.,见,Step 1,,通知对方收到信函,2.,见,Step 2,,表明己方意见,是否接受对方要求并给出理由,3.,见,Step 3,,表明为双方交易所做的努力,说明会及时发货,Letter 2 Sellers Reply to Buyers Request,2024/9/16,22,Enhance Your Grammar,1. We often insure shipment for the invoice value _ 10%.,A. adding B. plus C. over D. with,2. The extra premium _ by us.,A. will be born B. will be borne,C. will be taken D. will be undertaken,2024/9/16,23,Letter 3 Enquiry of Insurance,2024/9/16,24,Letter 3 Enquiry of Insurance,2024/9/16,25,Core Vocabulary,consignment,:,托运的货物,value,:,估价,terms and conditions,:,贸易条件和合同条款,Letter 3 Enquiry of Insurance,2024/9/16,26,Letter 4 Reply to Enquiry of Insurance,2024/9/16,27,Letter 4 Reply to Enquiry of Insurance,2024/9/16,28,Core Vocabulary,WPA,: =With Particular Average,担保单独海损,水渍险,in the absence of,:,不存在,不在场,declare,:,宣布,申报,for one,s reference,:,供,参考,timely,:,及时的,Letter 4 Reply to Enquiry of Insurance,2024/9/16,29,Enhance Your Grammar,1. The WPA covers _ risks than the FPA (=Free from Particular Average,平安险,).,A. more B. less C. wider D. fewer,2. We insure the goods _ your account.,A. on B. at C. for D. with,2024/9/16,30,Letter 5 Insurance Claim,2024/9/16,31,Letter 5 Insurance Claim,2024/9/16,32,Core Vocabulary,surveyor,:,调查员,C.I.F,: =cost, insurance and freight,成本加保险加运费,replacement,:,代替,Letter 5 Insurance Claim,2024/9/16,33,Enhance Your Grammar,1. The insurance company is responsible _ the claims.,A. to B. on C. for D. with,2. If you want to _ your goods against All Risks, we can provide such coverage at a slightly higher premium.,A. protect B. guarantee C. cover D. guard,2024/9/16,34,Mini Case,Please write a letter about your new request. You may use the ideas given below.,You are the importer. With reference to your order and contract, you requested the exporter to insure the goods against All Risks for 130% of the invoice value.,Now, your company wants it to be 150% of the invoice value.,You may add some other details that you think reasonable.,2024/9/16,35,Case Study,2024/9/16,36,Case Study,Business Background:,卖方公司:美国巧汁公司,Juicy Co. New York, USA,买方公司:上海尚康健进出口公司,Shanghai Health-Top I/E Corp.,2024/9/16,37,Case Study,Business Background:,美国巧汁公司(以下简称“巧汁公司”)是一家生产榨汁机(,juicer,)的公司,产品功能强大、性价比高,出口中国、韩国等亚洲市场。上海尚康健进出口公司(以下简称“尚康健公司”)从巧汁公司订购了一批产品,并收到信函,此中提及巧汁公司已安排了较早一班货轮装运所订购产品。然而,尚康健公司发现随函附上的文件里没有保险单副本。巧汁公司也意识到忘记将保险单副本随函寄给尚康健公司,将写另一封信函给尚康健公司,信中告知保险单的相关事项:已按双方以往合作惯例为货物投保,即在中国远见保险公司(,Foresight Insurance Company, China,)为货物投保综合险,投保金额为发票金额的,110%,(,110% of the invoice value,),即,45 000,美元。,2024/9/16,38,Case Study,Business Background:,请以巧汁公司市场营销部经理托马斯,库伯(,Thomas Cooper,)的语气及恰当的形式,给尚康健公司写这封信函。,Key Words,:保险单、投保、综合险,Writing Guidance:,1.,为未将保险单副本随函附上表示歉意;,2.,告知对方已按双方合作惯例为货物投保;,3.,再次致歉;,4.,表示今后不会再发生此类情况。,2024/9/16,39,Knowledge Salon,2024/9/16,40,Knowledge Salon,保险金额的确定与计算:,被保险人向保险公司办理进出口货物运输保险办法分逐笔投保和签订预约保险总合同两种。保险公司一般按到岸价格(,CIF,)加成,10%,计算(即发票金额的,110%,)。加成,10%,是作为国外买方的费用和预期的利润。出口货物保险金额和保险费可按以下公式计算:,保险金额,= CIF,价格,110%,(投保加成),保险费,= CIF,价格,110%,保险费率,2024/9/16,41,Knowledge Salon,保险金额的确定与计算:,进口货物保险金额和保险费一般按进口货物的,CIF,货值计算。保险金额和保险费的计算公式如下:,1.,以离岸价格(,FOB,)条款成交的进口货物:,保险金额,= FOB,价格,(,1 +,平均运费率,+,平均保险费率),保险费,=,保险金额,平均保险费率,2.,以成本加运费(,C&F,)价格条款成交的进口货物,:,保险金额,= C&F,价格,(,1 +,平均保险费率),保险费,=,保险金额,平均保险费率,2024/9/16,42,Knowledge Salon,附加险,Additional Risks,:,1.,一般附加险,General Additional Risks:,偷窃、提货不着险,Theft, Pilferage & Non-delivery (TPND),短量险,Risk of Shortage,混合玷污险,Risk of Intermixture & Contamination,渗漏险,Risk of Leakage,碰损破损险,Risk of Clash & Breakage,串味险,Risk of Odor,受热受潮险,Damage caused by Heating & Sweating,包装破损险,Breakage of Packing Risk,钩损险,Risk of Hook Damage,锈损险,Risk of Rust,2024/9/16,43,Knowledge Salon,附加险,Additional Risks,:,2.,特殊附加险,Special Additional Risks:,战争险,War Risk,罢工险,Strike Risk,舱面险,On Deck Risk,进口关税险,Import Duty Risk,拒收险,Rejection Risk,交货不到险,Failure to Deliver Risk,The End !,


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