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,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,书名,:,微电子专业英语,ISBN,:,978-7-111-31130-0,作者:张红,出版社:机械工业出版社,本书配有电子课件,Zhang HongChangzhou College of Information Technology,Micro-electronic Professional English,Chapter I History Unit 1,The first seven bench,diffusion furnaces,used in the corner of Fairchilds Palo Alto,facility,were very similar to furnaces used by Shockley Semiconductor.,The First Transistor in Fairchild,diffusion n.,扩散,传播,diffusion furnaces,扩散炉,facility n.,设施,容易,熟练,设备,Supplementary Words,:,diffusion capacitance,扩散电容,译文:,处于困境中的仙童,Palo Alto,工厂使用的的第一批七台扩散炉和肖克莱半导体公司使用的扩散炉非常相似。,Cecil A. Lasch, Jr., a technician who worked at Fairchild, did most of the work on the diffusion furnace hardware.,译文:,Cecil A. Lasch, Jr,,仙童公司的技术员,在扩散炉硬件上作出了大量工作。,The,quartz,tube,of Fairchilds diffusion furnace had an inner,diameter,of 2 and a quartz liner between the processing tube and heating element. A very simple “variac” adjustable variable,transformer,was used to control the temperature of the single zone.,quartz n.,石英,tube n.,管子,管,真空管,diameter n.,直径,transformer n.,变压器,Supplementary Words,:,quartz crystal,石英晶体,tube diode,真空二极管,译文:,仙童扩散炉的石英管内径,,加工管和加热元件中间有一个石英衬垫。用一个非常简单的自耦变压器来控制单区的温度。,The tube was equipped with a network of quartz,pipes, quartz,valves, and,flowmeters,. All systems,resembled,research laboratory equipment rather than industrial manufacturing equipment.,pipe n.,管子,笛子,烟斗,管乐器,valve n.,阀门,阀,瓣膜,瓣,闸阀,flowmeter n.,流量计,resemble v.,像,很像,比拟,译文:,石英管配备有石英管、石英阀门和流量计组成的网络。所有系统都类似于研究实验设备,而不是工业制造设备。,The,wafers,were pushed into and pulled out of the tubes manually. Cooling of wafers usually took place in a cool zone within the diffusion tube, which allowed the wafers to cool to a temperature suitable for handling.,wafers n.,晶圆,译文:,手动把晶圆送入和退出石英管。晶圆冷却通常在扩散管的阴凉区内进行,使晶圆冷却到适合处理的温度。,The programmed heating and cooling was not used because of the difficulty in maintaining good temperature,profiles,.,profile n.,规范概要,Supplementary Words,:,Program Overview and File,程序概要和文件,译文:,不使用程序加热和冷却是因为它难以保持良好的温度分布。,The used gases were just emitted into the atmosphere by,vents,placed just above diffusion tube,exhausts,.,Supplementary Words,:,exhaust valve,排气阀,exhaust algorithm,穷举算法,vent n.,通风口,开衩,通风孔,出口,排放,exhaust n.,排气,排气装置,译文:,通过扩散管排气孔上方的通风孔把使用的气体通入到特定空间中。,There was no “clean room,etiquette,”, and the,chain smoker,Robert Noyce frequently smoked in the Fairchild manufacturing facility.,etiquette n.,礼节,礼仪,道德规范,chain smoker n.,老烟枪,Supplementary Words,:,chain break,链中断,译文:,没有“洁净室规矩“,烟鬼,Robert Noyce,经常在仙童制造工厂内抽烟。,Jay Last, who had a background in,optics,from the time of his studies at,MIT, paired with Robert Noyce and designed contact masking equipment that,aligned masks,to the wafer flat.,optics n.,光学,MIT,(,Massachusettes Institute of Technology,),(,美国,),麻省理工学院,align vt.,排列,对准,Supplementary Words,:,optics design,光学设计,译文:,最后,在麻省理工学院学习过光学的,Jay,和,Robert Noyce,搭档,设计出了和晶圆表面匹配的接触式掩模设备。,The structure and dimension of the Fairchild,mesa transistor,was identical to the Bell Laboratories transistor 2N560. Shockley Laboratory was provided with all details of new Bell Labs devices and “The California Group” had full access to this information.,mesa transistor n.,台面型晶体管,Supplementary Words,:,mesa diffusion,台面扩散,译文:,仙童台式晶体管的结构和尺寸和贝尔实验室的晶体管,2N560,相同。肖克莱实验室提供了新的贝尔实验室的所有细节,“加州集团“已充分获得此信息。,The,geometry,of the 2N560 and the Fairchild transistor was huge. The diameter of the mesa ring was approximately 750 m. Alignment error was not better than 100150 m.,geometry n.,几何,几何学,几何学书,图形,Supplementary Words,:,Geometry Theorem Prover,几何学定理证明,译文:,2N560,和仙童晶体管的几何形状都很大。台式环的直径大约,750m,。对准误差不超过,100150 m,。,Three masks were necessary to complete the transistors:,1),Emitter,region,2),Base,and emitter contacts,3) Metal,emitter n.,发出者,发射体,base n.,基区,Supplementary Words,:,emitter follower,射极跟随器,Base Band,基带,译文:,完成晶体管需要三个掩模:,1,),发射区,2,),基区和辐射源的接触,3,),金属,The wafers were placed with their front side (resist) on the,emulsion,side of the,masking plate, and,exposed,for 60 sec by,mercury lamp,. The exposed wafers were developed and backed.,emulsion n.,感光剂,乳状液,masking plate n.,掩膜板,expose v.,使,.,曝光,使,.,处于,暴露,曝光,mercury lamp n.,汞灯,Supplementary Words,:,mercury tank,水银槽,译文:,晶圆的前端(抗蚀剂)放置在掩膜板有感光剂的一侧,用汞灯曝光,60,秒。曝光后的晶圆显影、烘烤。,There was a competition for six weeks between Gordon Moore and Jean Hoerni. Both transistor projects were successful, but the NPN transistor was easier to manufacture, mainly because of the contact to the base.,译文:,Gordon Moore,和,Jean Hoerni,有六个星期的竞争。两个晶体管方案都成功了,但是因为基极接触,,NPN,型晶体管更容易制造。,To form an,Aluminum,ohmic contact,to the,moderately,doped,Antimony,base of a PNP transistor is much more difficult than in the case of,Boron,doped base of an NPN transistor.,aluminum n. ohmic adj.,欧姆的,ohmic contact n.,欧姆接触,moderately adv.,相当,不过分地,dope v.,掺杂,antimony n.,锑,boron n.,硼,Supplementary Words,:,ohmic resistance,欧姆电阻,doped oxide diffusion,掺杂氧扩散,译文:,PNP,晶体管中形成铝欧姆接触的中度掺杂锑基极比相同情况下,NPN,晶体管的硼掺杂基极要困难的多。,The,yield,of the NPN transistors was higher and G. Moore, as head of group, had the power to choose the NPN transistor as the first Fairchild transistor. Jean A. Hoerni was clearly unhappy that his PNP transistor did not,prevail,. Significant differences between Moores and Hoernis personalities only increased tension between Hoerni and his boss.,yield n.,成品率,prevail v.,流行,优先,成功,获胜,Supplementary Words,:,yield criteria,合格率标准,译文:,NPN,晶体管的产量较高,,Gordon Moore,作为集团的领导,有能力选择,NPN,晶体管作为第一个仙童晶体管。,Jean Hoerni,显然很不高兴,因为他的,PNP,晶体管并不占上风。,Moore,和,Hoerni,的性格的重大分歧使,Hoerni,和他的老板之间的关系更加紧张。,The first 100 Fairchild transistors were mailed to IBM in July 1958. A,tentative,Specification for the 2N696 was issued in August 1958 and an,advertising campaign,started in September 1958. The Fairchild,silicon,mesa transistors significantly improved several transistor parameters and there was no competitor who could offer similar products.,tentative adj.,试验的,暂时,犹豫的,advertising campaign n.,广告宣传,silicon n.,硅,Supplementary Words,:,tentative table of equipment,试行设备表,silicon MESFET process,硅金属半导体场效应晶体管工艺,译文:,1958,年,7,月,第一批个仙童晶体管邮寄给,,1958,年月发行的规格暂定为,2N696,,,1958,年月开始广告宣传。仙童硅晶体管大大提高了几个晶体管参数,也没有竞争对手提供类似的产品。,In 1959, there were 26 companies manufacturing transistors and sales of transistors reached approximately $0.8 Billion.,译文:,1959,年,有个公司制造半导体,销售额约达亿美元。,In November 1959 there was no product on the market that could compete with,portfolio,of eight Fairchild transistors.,Despite,that the yield of mesa transistors was very low, Fairchild sales reached $65,000.00 in July and August 1958 because of the transistors high selling price.,portfolio n .,业务量,despite prep.,尽管,译文:,1959,年月,市场上没有任何产品可以和八仙童晶体管相竞争。尽管台式晶体管的产量很低,但是由于晶体管的售价很高,,1958,年月和月仙童的销售额高达,.,万美元。,Exercise,All systems resembled research laboratory,equipment rather than industrial manufacturing,equipment.,The wafers were pushed into and pulled out of,the tubes automatically.,The structure and dimension of the Fairchild,mesa transistor was the same as the Bell,Laboratories transistor 2N560.,Alignment error of the mesa ring was less,than 100150 m.,The PNP transistor was easier to manufacture,than the NPN transistor.,Unit 2,Fairchilds,epitaxial,Micrologic,product line was introduced in August 1963 at the,Western Electronic Show and Convention (WESCON),; Fairchild added new elements (4-input gate, half,shift register,without,inverter,) to their line which replaced completely the original Micrologic line.,The History of Logic Circuit,epitaxial adj.,(晶体)取向附生的,外延的,micrologic adj.,显微科学的,WESCON,:,Western Electronics Show and Convention,西部电子展览和会议,美,shift register n.,移位寄存器,inverter n.,反相器,Supplementary Words,:,shift register latch,移位寄存器锁存电路,译文:,仙童公司,1963,年,8,月在西部电子展览和会议(,WESCON,)上引入外延微逻辑生产线,仙童在他们的生产线上增加了新元件(,4,个输入门,不带反相器的半移位寄存器),完全取代了原来的微逻辑生产线。,The product manager for Micrologic, Mel H. Phelps announced at WESCON,“,an,order of magnitude,increase in deliveries of the new Micrologic.,”,The reduced time of,isolation diffusion, from 22 hours to 6 hours,resulted in,higher yield due to reduced wafer,warpage,and breakage.,order of magnitude n.,数量级,isolation n.,绝缘,隔离,分离,isolation diffusion n.,隔离扩散,result in v.,结果是,造成,warpage n.,热变形,扭曲,Supplementary Words,:,isolation barrier,隔离势垒,isolation region,隔离区,isolation masking,隔离掩蔽,isolation leakage,隔离漏流,译文:,微逻辑的产品经理,,Mel H. Phelps,在,WESCON,上宣布:“新的微逻辑传输增加了数量级。”绝缘扩散的时间从,22,小时减少到,6,小时,由于减少了晶圆的热变形和破损,使得产量提高了。,Bob Noyce announced that by January 1964 the Mountain View facility would be converted to production of,integrated circuits,mainly, moving transistor work to the Portland, ME., plant. The problem was that the Fairchild parts became,obsolete,.,integrated circuits,(,IC,)集成电路,obsolete adj.,废弃的,过时,废退的,过时的,Supplementary Words,:,discrete IC,分立集成电路,译文:,Bob Noyce,说,到,1964,年,1,月,山景城设备将转换为集成电路的生产,把晶体管的生产移到波特兰、缅因州。问题是仙童的零件已经过时。,In 1972 Bob Noyce said,“,we pushed,RTL,much longer than we should have.,”,The introduction of,DTL,by Signetics had an enormous impact on the industry, because designers were quickly accustomed to working with the concept behind DTL.,RTL,:,Resistor Transistor Logic,电阻晶体管逻辑(电路),DTL,:,Diode Transistor Logic,二极管晶体管逻辑(电路),译文:,1972,年,,Bob Noyce,说:“我们推动的,RTL,远远长于我们预想的。”西格尼蒂克公司引进的,DTL,对工业产生了很大冲击,因为设计师很快习惯概念落后于,DTL,的方式工作。,The original four founders of Signetics had no circuit expertise. They hired Orville Baker as the manager of circuit development, and he,unilaterally,decided to go into DTL.,unilaterally adv.,一方地,译文:,西格尼蒂克最初的四个创始人没有电路专业技术。他们聘请,Orville Baker,作为电路开发的经理,,Orville Baker,单方面决定从事,DTL,。,Signetics came to the 1962,IRE,show in New York with exactly one circuit, a,NAND gate,which sold for $125.00. Signetics never started in the,discrete component,business but quickly began a serious challenge to Fairchild in digital products.,IRE,:,Institute of Radio Engineers,无线电工程师学会(,美,已改名为,IEEE,),NAND gate n.,与非门,discrete adj.,分立的,不连续的,discrete component n.,分立元件,译文:,西格尼蒂克,1962,年在纽约无线电工程师学会(,IRE,)使用一个电路,一个与非门售价,125,美元。西格尼蒂克从来没有着手分离元件业务,但是很快在电子产品方面对仙童发起了有力挑战。,When there is no competition, almost anyone can run a company. From the start the Fairchild management had an advantage to be ahead of,the crowd,in a market at least by a year and a half.,the crowd n.,大众,译文:,没有竞争时,几乎任何一个人都可以经营一个公司。最初,仙童公司经营在市场上占有很大的优势,比其他对手超前至少一年半。,When Signetics began winning the digital customers, and Fairchild digital,revenue,started to decline, Bob Widlars analog products maintained Fairchild revenue. Fairchild reported total sales $109.7 in 1965; just over $40 million was generated by higher priced linear parts. The problem of mismanagement of Fairchild was for another year or two,hidden,by Widlars success.,revenue n.,收入,收入来源,岁入,hide v,躲藏,隐瞒,遮掩,痛打,隐匿,Supplementary Words,:,revenue bond,收益债券,revenue tax,财政关税,岁入税,hidden field,隐式字段,译文:,当西格尼蒂克开始赢得数字消费者时,仙童数字产品收入开始下降。,Bob Widlar,的模拟产品维持着仙童的收入。仙童公司,1965,年报导的总销售是,109.7,美元,刚刚高于高价线性零件产生的,4000,万美元。在,Widlar,成功的掩盖下,仙童的管理不善的问题又持续了一两年。,The required,reliability,testing involved putting each unit through 1000 hours of electric life test at high temperature,vibration test, etc. An,explosive,demand for integrated circuits which was,triggered,by a large quantity of Minuteman contracts caught the industry with demand in excess of,capacity,.,reliability n.,可靠性,vibration n.,振动,颤动,vibration test n.,振动测试,explosive adj.,爆炸的,爆炸性,暴躁的,trigger vt.,触发,发射,引起,capacity n.,容量,生产量,能力,地位,Supplementary Words,:,reliability statistics,可靠性统计,vibration noise,振动干扰,译文:,必须的可靠性测试包括在高温、震动等条件下测试每一个元件,1000,个小时的电气寿命。大量“民兵”合同触发了集成电路的爆炸性需求,引起了业界的超量需求。,Exact numbers were classified, but very reasonable,estimates,called for tens of thousand of parts every month. Everybody tried to,climb on the bandwagon,at once. The cost of manufacturing,cycle time, and,overall,manufacturing efficiency suddenly became a big issue.,estimate n.,估计,看法,climb on the bandwagon,赶时髦;追随潮流,cycle time n.,周期,overall adj.,从头到尾的,总,总的,Supplementary Words,:,reliability statistics,可靠性统计,vibration noise,振动干扰,译文:,确切的数字是机密的,但是非常合理的估计每个月有成千上万个零件。每个人都试图一次攀登上这个行列。制造费用、循环周期和全部制造效率突然变成了一个大的问题。,The circuits were used in the,inertial guidance, computer,flight control,and,ground,support for Minuteman II. In addition to the current four suppliers (,Texas Instruments,18 circuits,Westinghouse,18 circuits,RCA,one circuit,General Electric,one circuit) four other companies were considering to apply for,Autonetics qualification,.,inertial guidance n.,惯性制导,flight control n.,飞行控制,ground n.,地,土,场地,场院,底子,地方,Texas Instruments,德克萨斯(德州)仪器,Westinghouse,美国西屋公司,RCA,:美国无线电公司,General Electric,通用电气公司,Autonetics n.,自动控制学,qualification n.,资格,限制,执照,Supplementary Words,:,inertial mass,惯性质量,ground base,共基极接地,ground circuit,接地电路,qualification phase,限定相位,qualification test,合格性试验,qualification time,鉴定时间,译文:,电路用于惯性指导、计算机、导弹,II,的飞行控制和地面支持。此外,除了目前的四个供应商(德州仪器,-18,电路,,Westinghouse-18,电路,美国无线电公司(,RCA,)一个电路,通用电气公司的一个电路),其他的四个公司正考虑申请自动控制学资格。,Texas Instruments was the chief supplier at $9,875,649, Westinghouse Electronics Corporation $3,787,900; RCA $1,300,920; and the General Electric Co., $153,042. The four other companies were Pacific Semiconductors, Fairchild Semiconductor, Signetics and Melpar.,德州仪器是首席供应商,价格是,$9,875,649,,,Westinghouse,电气有限公司,$3,787,900,,,RCA$1,300,920,,通用电气公司,$153,042,。其他的四个公司是太平洋半导体公司、仙童半导体公司、西格尼蒂克公司和,Melpar,。,Exercise,Isolation diffusion saved 16 hours and reduced,wafer warpage and breakage.,None of the original four founders of Signetics,had circuit expertise.,The introduction of DTL by Signetics had an,enormous impact on the industry.,The required reliability testing involved putting,each unit through 100 hours of electric life test,at high temperature, vibration test, etc.,There are four companies to apply for Autonetics,qualification.,Texas Instruments was the chief supplier at $9,875,649, Westinghouse Electronics Corporation $3,787,900; RCA $1,300,920; and the General Electric Co., $153,042. The four other companies were Pacific Semiconductors, Fairchild Semiconductor, Signetics and Melpar.,Thank You !,


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