宁夏 高考 英语

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,宁夏,高考,英语,复习,概况,宁夏吴忠市教育局教研室,王月娥,宁夏英语教学与高考,07年高考准备的一些根本情况,-适应性高考 词量要求 答卷分析,平稳过渡 适应全体考生,07、08年宁夏高考英语成绩分析,专项技能训练课例,课程标准与教材的要求,课程标准规定八级词汇量到达3300个左右和近500个习惯用语或固定搭配,课改教材不仅在词汇量、语言知识上落实课标的要求,而且在内容、活动设计方面突出语言功能,听说读写同步开展,强调多元文化意识的渗透;关注不同领域的最新开展,加大了听说与写作教学的份量,注重根底性、系统性、真实性和实用性,07年宁夏高考?英语考试要求?及新增题型,宁夏考生在07年参加普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(课程标准实验版)。高考命题的词汇范围从“课程标准中精选2500个左右的单词, 试卷有听力、英语知识运用、阅读理解、写作四个局部。09年的命题词汇范围为3000个左右。,语言运用能力的要求有所提高。?考试要求?在语言运用方面侧重对听力、阅读理解、写作能力方面作了较为详细的说明。,英语知识运用,第一节单项填空共15道题,强调考查在适当语境中正确运用语言知识、语法知识的能力。考查点比较分散,有时态、语态、非谓语、介词、关系词、连词、固定搭配、情景问答、动词辨析等,需要考生有较好的上下文理解和判断能力及较扎实的语法根底知识。,第二节完形填空,重点考查考生对篇章的整体理解能力,强调从故事情节开展的需求选择答案。需要较丰富的词汇、短语和习语知识积累。要求考生具有较好的词语辨析、逻辑思维推理判断能力和信息利用能力。,07、08宁夏高考单项选择题比照:,NO,07,08,No,07,08,21,主谓一致,交际用语,29,省略句词序,动词时态语态,22,从句连词辨析,句义辨析,30,动词词义辨析,不定代词,23,介词辨析,动词词义辨析,31,连词辨析,连词辨析,24,功能 - 建议,介词辨析,32,动词时态,副词辨析,25,非谓语 不定式,从句连词,33,交际用语,代词,26,从句连词,非谓语 - 不定式,34,动词短语辨析,动词短语辨析,27,情态动词,动词时态,35,动词时态语态,交际用语,28,动词复合结构,副词顺序,关注说话者句里行间的语气态度,07年单项填空得分率较低的题,24. -,Its a long time,since I saw my sister. -_ her this weekend?,35.5% 建议,A. Why not visit B. why not to visit,C. Why not visiting D. Why dont visit,25. -The last one _,pays the meal.,-,Agreed!,22% 情景理解 不定式,A. arrived B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving,27. -Hows your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful?,-It _ be,but,it is now heavily polluted.,46.5%,A. will B. would C. should D. must,情景 转折,29. I smell something _ in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute?,36.7% 动词复合结构,A. burning B. burnt C. being burnt D. to be burnt,30. Does this meal cost $50? I _ something far better than this!,25.7% 词义辨析,A. prefer B. expect C. suggest D. suppose,31. Between the two generations, it is often not their age, _ their education that causes misunderstanding.,A. like B. as C. or D. but 40.3% 比照 转折,32. I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I _ there several years ago. 29.1% 过去时态,A. are going B. had been C. went D. have been,33. -Can you read the sign, sir? No smoking allowed in the lift! -_. 47.2% 交际用语,A. Never mind B. Dont mention it,C. Sure, I dont smoke D. Pardon me,34. “Goodbye, then, she said, without even _ from her book. 23.9% 词语辨析,A. looking down B. looking up,C. looking away D. looking on,35. The flowers were so lovely that they _ in no time.,sold B. had been sold C. were sold D. would sell,31.6% 过去时态 被动语态,第二节完形填空,重点考查考生对篇章的整体理解能力,强调从故事情节开展的需求选择答案。需要较丰富的词汇、短语和习语积累。要求考生具有较好的词语辨析、逻辑思维、推理判断能力和信息利用能力。,第二节 完形填空.doc,完形填空得分较低的题,39 A,46 D,48 C,50 C,55 A,34.7%,43.2 %,17.4 %,48.2 %,49.5 %,词性,动词,非谓语,形容词,名词,连词,副词,代词,07年,9个,0,2个,3个,1,2,1,08年,7个,2个,5个,4,0,2,0,不论是动词、名词、还是形容词副词都没有从词汇用法或语法使用规则的角度设置考查点,全部是以词义辨析的形式考查学生在上下文情景中对词汇的理解掌握。,07、08年完型填空考查工程,阅读理解,第一节共四篇短文,,包括答案在内有近,1700个单词的阅读量,,有记叙文、说明文、夹叙夹议等。话题有过去经历、动物食性、孩子教育和人物介绍。,第二节阅读从七个选项中选出五个答案使文章内容完整、情节合理,,需要考生有较好的篇章意识及对上下文进行推断的逻辑思维能力。,阅读理解得分较低的题,60,64,65,70,71,72,73,75,44.9,44.2,43.7,44.3,42.5,48,21.6,43.3,60.,We can infer from the text that humans and animals _.,A. depend on one sense in choosing food,B. are not satisfied with their food,C,. choose food in similar ways D. eat entirely different food,64.,What is the text mainly about?,A. The experience of the only child being with mother.,B.,The advantage of spending time with one child at a time.,C. The happy life of two families.,D. The basic needs of children.,65.,Right after McKenzie came back, the other children were,_.,A. happy,B,. curious C. regretful D. friendly,阅读技能考查比例,考查技能,07- 08年,理解,主旨和要义,1个,理解文中,具体信息,9个,根据上下文,推断,生词的,词义,1个,做出简单,判断,和,推理,3个,理解,文章,的基本,结构,5个,理解作者的,意图、观点和态度,1个,写作,第一节改错题,主要考查语感和语言知识积累,要求考生对每个句子进行判断,有错即改,短文难度不大,上下文有很好的参照与比照,错误比较明显突出,有所有格、动词时态、人称代词、单复数、连词、形容词。,第二节作文,书面表达为命题式应用文,要求考生就所提供的要点写一封信。提示要点清楚,有发挥想象、和拓展个性的空间。,I first met Li Ming at a,friend,birthday party five years ago. Then I,friends,invited Li Ming over,in,my place. We,listen,to my CDs together and,to listened,soon become best friends. Three years ago, Li Mings parents invited,I,to spend,two,wonderful,week,in Qingdao with them during the,me a 或 weeks,summer holiday. Li Ming and I loved walking along the,beautifully,beautiful,beaches there. Last year I was ill,but,had to stay in hospital for a week.,and,Li Ming came,see me every day. Then his father has changed jobs,to,and they moved to another city. Since then we havent,see,each other,seen,much. but weve kept writing to each other.,改错题出错率较高的题为:1,2,9,10,Dear Ms Smith,I am secretary of the City Student Union (CSU). We,were,organizing an art,are,exhibition for high school students in,city.,This,will be held on the 9,th,the It,of July in the Exhibition Hall of Beihai. More than 1000,painting,will be on,paintings,show,but,paintings high school students and teachers from all the eight,and,districts will come to the event. As you are very,popularly,with us,popular,Chinese high school students, wed like to invite,for,you to the exhibition.,We would be grateful,when,you could join,them,that day.,if,us,Looking forward to,hear,from you soon.,hearing,Yours,Li Ming,07、08年改错题命题比较,07年,08年,1、时态,listen改为listened,were改为are,2、介词,in改为to 属于固定搭配:invite to,invite后的介词for是多余的,应该去掉,3、人称代词,将主格I 改为宾格me,将them改为us,4、名词单 复数,将week改为weeks,将painting改为paintings,5、副词改为形容词,将beautifully改为beautiful,将popularly改为popular,6、连词,将but改为and,将but改为and,7、非谓语动词,在动词see之前加to,将动词hear改为hearing,8、限定词,friend后加s,city前加the,9、动词,形式,将see改为seen,10、从属连词,将when改为if,11、代词,将this改为it,【分析】(1)考查项目涉及动词2处,介词1处,代词2处,名词及冠词2处,形容词1处,连词2处。(2)主要想考查中国学生容易出错的地方:词性和词形的变化、冠词、介词、连词、代词等。,作文存在问题:,1).拼写错误多。,2).词类用法错误多。,4文章连贯性较差。考生句与句之间的过渡不够流畅自然,使得篇章结构层次松散,句与句的衔接不够紧凑。,5).大局部考生书写潦草,字迹浓度不够,造成阅卷困难。,6).局部考生审题能力差,自我介绍多,笔友条件介绍少;有的考生脱离试卷要点要求,内容空洞单一,结尾局部不够标准。,7).作文中也反映出了考生普遍存在的一些心理隐患:例如:考生感到lonely, parents busy, pressure, no one to talk to;,高考单项选择提示,聚焦难点,突出重点,试卷对考生的根底知识的综合应用能力有一定的要求。重点考查动词时态、语态以及非谓语形式,在15道单项选择题中,分别有8道和5道题是动词的理解运用。,重视语境,突出交际,单项选择15道题绝大局部是通过语境考查学生对动词的理解和使用,而且考查学生对句子里语气态度的敏感和判断。,高考完型填空提示,“考查考生在正确理解上下文内容、理顺上下文逻辑和情节的根底上对根底词汇的掌握情况。,1、绝大多数选项离不开上下文。,2、以表达文为主,表达作者的情感,逻辑性很强,对词语的正确选择一定要在理解故事情节的根底上进行。,3、所有选项以词义辨析为主。检测学生重点名词,动词,形容词、副词、连词掌握的面。,高考阅读提示,题材比较丰富,有日常生活、科普、事件、史地等;体裁较广,有记叙文、说明文、应用文等;材料来源广泛,节选自最新报刊、杂志。,考查考生对文章的整体和局部信息的理解和掌握情况。阅读技能侧重考查理解文中具体信息、做出简单判断和推理两项。而推断主旨大意、理解作者意图、根据上下文推断生词的词义所占比例较小。,篇章结构题篇幅较短,词汇量相对较小,以说明文为主,话题内容较为简单。强调上下文逻辑关系。,高考写作提示,熟悉与学生生活相关的人物刻画描写,熟悉写信、写邮件的常用表达方式,人称,熟悉对学校、社区、场馆位置的描述方法,了解课标话题内容及相应的词汇、文化常识。熟悉与之相关的习惯表达和根本句型,熟悉各种简单句的写法、学会几种从句及不同关联词的用法。,严格标准书写格式,禁止与主题无关的发挥,新增题型和答题方式,阅读理解第二局部,在一段约300词的短,文中留出5个空白,要求考生从所给的7个,选项中选出最正确选项,使补足后的短文意思,通顺、前后连贯。,写作第一节的改错题给出一篇约100个单,词的短文,文中有10处错误。要求考生对每,个句子进行判断,有错即将其改正。,年宁夏高考英语阅读理解关于篇章结构的考试说明,“英语文章讲究使用主题段和主题句主题段通常在文章开头;主题句可能在一段的开头、中间或结尾;各段通常由某些起连接作用的词、句连接。如果希望准确深刻地理解一篇文章,必须对文章的结构有所了解,把握全篇文脉,把握句与句、段与段之间的逻辑关系。也就是说,必须具备理解文章结构的宏观阅读理解能力和微观阅读技能。王东君 陈艳 课件,短文改错是检测语篇的处理能力和在特定语境中对语言的使用进行评价的能力。,因此,短文改错中的错误及涉及到的语法或词汇,需要根据短文的整体语境来进行判断。,高考短文改错的通常只有100个词左右,难度与考生的习作相当,内容来自学生身边或社会生活中的常见话题。短文改错的题型设置通常以多词、缺词和错词这三种形式出现 ,通过单句让学生发现和认识最常见的错误类型,选用有代表性的段落集中训练,,杨媛媛,复习建议,减少或防止教师统揽所有的归纳总结类任务,防止语法分析讲解比例过大,关注社会科学文化知识;建立以话题为主线的知识体系,开展相应的词汇与背景知识,侧重训练学生的表达能力和阅读概括能力,采用教材专项技能综合训练模式,重视积累强化写作,以话题为主线搜集、整理教材里的语言材料,以小组合作的方式整理出每个话题工程涉及的知识范围及其常用的词汇、经典句型、表达方式,为写作做好知识铺垫,话题有人物描述、介绍;学校、公共场所介绍和位置描述;健康生活、体育锻炼、现代技术、音乐、美术类活动介绍或说明;热点话题讨论等等。,用关键词连词成文和简述话题或扩写、改写故事,将讨论观点或个人见解写下来,开展归纳概括能力,积累写作经验,获得搜索信息、利用信息、提升思维的训练,通过小组或课堂检查进行交流,更正错误,拓展学习资源,让学生经历写作、修改、整理等过程。,1 按文章的体裁分类训练,使学生熟悉每种文体的结构、特征、阅读方法及试题设计侧重。尤其针对科普类文章信息量大、复合句多的特点,要求学生学会查找主要信息并利用信息解决问题。,2 限时阅读并要求学生关注故事的开展及人、物、事之间的逻辑关系;找出短文的主题、例证缘由、作者关注等。,3 合作学习;以同伴或小组活动形式共同对阅读短文主题进行讨论答题,培养阅读思维的主动性。,开展阅读技能的专项训练,推断主旨大意、理解作者意图、进行简单推断类题目,What can you,conclude,from the passage?,What,is implied,but not,mentioned,in ?,What is the writers,opinion,?,The,point,of the story is that _.,The,best title,of the passage is _.,What will be talked about,next,?,This passage,is mainly concerned with,_.,What is the,main idea,of the passage?,The writer,intends to,_ by writing the passage.,The last paragraph,suggests,that,It is now becoming increasingly apparent that our scientific and technological progress has outstripped our capacity to perform or absorb everything that is possible. This sentence means_.,Scientists do not make these decisions; people make them. The “decisions in this sentence indicate_.,The purpose of the author in writing the passage is _.,From the passage we can infer that the authors attitude to WIN-WIN is _,4 要求学生适当拓展词汇量,理解并熟悉阅读训练里的题目要求。,5 阅读中会忽略生词,通过了解短文大意,浏览题目要求,确定该词有无形成答题障碍,假设无,那么可以忽略。防止逐字逐句翻译后再答题的不良习惯。,6 根据上下文猜测词义,推断故事开展。为了使学生更好地应对这类题,可以补充一些选择最正确替换词、释义、翻译的单句、小短文作专项训练。例如:,Guess the meaning of the underlined words,1. Tom knows a thing or two about Japanese. He can talk with Japanese easily.,A. very little B quite a lot,C nothing D one or two things,2. Football is big in Italy. Everybody likes it.,A popular B larger C good D famous,3. People in the northwest eat beef and lamb because the farmers mainly raise cattle and sheep.,A. shrimp B. corn C. fruit D. mutton,4 I bought a computer for a song, only 2000 yuan.,A 作曲用的 B 多媒体的 C 廉价的 D 会唱歌的,高考复习课例,杨媛媛,短文改错,郑晓红,陈艳,篇章结构,一中,陈建华,阅读微技能,课堂实录,张隽武,阅读推断技能专练,张秀娟,如何写出好作文,庄爱霞,写作专练,张玉勋,完形填空讲练,赵竹绒 读写结合 以读促写,外研社教材从Book 5开始,教材内容就涉及到文学题材, Module 3: Adventure in Literature and the Cinema这一模块的题材内容为文学和电影作品中的冒险故事。阅读文章选自Mark Twain的名著The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn. Culture Corner介绍美国著名作家Mark Twain的生平。通过学习,要求学生熟悉英语文学,能读懂与本模块课文难度相当的冒险故事,能缩写课文,了解中外优秀文学作品和著名作家,培养英语文学兴趣,扩大文学视野,增强人文素养。,课内带动课外,以读促写,开展听说 吴忠中学 赵竹绒,通过学习,要求学生熟悉英语文学,能读懂与本模块课文难度相当的冒险故事,能缩写课文,了解中外优秀文学作品和著名作家,培养英语文学兴趣,扩大文学视野,增强人文素养。通过本单元的学习,学生应该掌握如何写A summary of a book or a film,让他们知道.,1.The summary begins with the name of the book or film.,2. It uses the present tense to describe the action.,3. It starts with information about when and where the action takes place.,4. It continues with a description of the action.,以课内带动课外,以阅读促进写作及听说的方式,到达了学习及运用英语交流的目的。,Book 6 Module 2课文节选自著名梦想小说His Dark Material,在继续培养学生表达故事梗概的技能的根底上,要求学生学会选择题材、风格、难易水平都适合自己的英文课外读物,并通过制定和实施课外阅读方案来不断提高自己的英语阅读水平,了解英美等国家较流行的梦想小说或电影,学会欣赏梦想文学,拓宽知识面,提高素养,愉悦自我。本单元的目的是简单描述自己所喜欢的一本书的主要内容。,After reading, write a book review,.,学习这个模块时,建议学生看电影The Lord of the Rings,许多学生已经读过中文版的Harry Potter,通过本模块的学习,他们会对英文版更感兴趣,老师要不失时机地向学生推荐简写本的英文小说。经过高中一年多的学习与老师有意识地阅读训练,学生已经养成良好的阅读习惯,必修课程包括英语1-5的学习已经结束,学生的英语水平到达7级要求,词汇量为2500,他们阅读简写本的英文小说的能力已经具备,成立英语阅读兴趣小组成为可能。,学有余力的学生自愿参加,制定了方案。自选书虫系列丛书并在老师的指导下进行阅读,从高二第二学期开始,每月一册,选取自己喜欢看的,容易看懂的文学作品,先自读,读完后在小组内进行讨论,交换书籍,要求在阅读过程中做好摘记。,记录阅读中碰到的好句子,经常诵读,并对课堂上没讲的文章中的重点词汇和词组辅以简单明了的例句,积累词汇。,鼓励学生用自己的语言为阅读作品写Book Review或读后感,稳固阅读成果,先在小组内交流,然后在全班同学面前演讲。极大地调动学生学习英语的积极性,树立了学生用英语进行交流的自信心。,先让学生阅读时模仿the passage on page 15,写A Book Review,给学生提供以下帮助,边读边完成表格,做笔记。最后成文。,title and kind of the book,the authors name,hero,heroine,Main plot,Why the book is good,Book Review: Three Men In A Boat 吴忠中学 高二1班 王爽,Jerome K Jermoe is a famous writer who had written many novels and operas. He liked the Thames and he also liked boating in it. He wrote this humorous book, Three Men In A Boat, according to the experience of his own. Its a story about Jays sailing with his two friends, George and Harris, and a dog named Montmorency. Its really a normal travel but its full of laughter and fun. The three young men all have great ambitions and theyre all enthusiastic. But none can get up early in the morning. They all want to be famous adventurers but they would rather sit around the warm fire than go out to take risks when it rains. They are lazy but optimistic. They often make stupid troubles but they soon turn them into happiness. During the travel they fall into the river, lose their important tools, and play jokes on each other. They quarrel with each other but make up immediately. They also tell funny jokes und stories in turn. In the end they finish their journey successfully.,This book can relax me and bring me into a wonderful world. I have learnt a lot from it, such as how to get along with my friends and how to face the difficulties. I really like this interesting book! It reserves reading.,本模块除了Oliver Twist?雾都孤儿?和Great Expectation?远大前程?,从课后阅读中,学生还读到狄更斯的另一部小说David Copperfield,?大卫科波菲尔?。在学习Cultural Corner: Charles Dickens时可以先从他的作品导入,让学生回忆学过Charles Dickens works,再说出他们所知道的但还没学过的作品,最后老师补充学生还不知道的作品。,After reading, analyze the characters in the novel,Book 7中的Module 6 内容为英国古典文学中的狄更斯作品及其生平。阅读材料Reading and vocabulary(1)是根据狄更斯所著长篇小说Oliver Twist?雾都孤儿?中的一个片断改写而成的一篇短文;阅读材料Reading and vocabulary(2)介绍了狄更斯另一篇小说Great Expectation?远大前程?的主人公。旨在通过这样的话题,使学生运用所学知识谈论小说中的人物及其情节,更多地了解作家的作品及其时代背景和其深刻的社会意义,培养学生的艺术鉴赏能力。,The poor hungry boys:,The poor boys each were allowed a bowl of soup and no more. They sit staring at the pot with eager eyes. They became wild with hunger. They were really poor.,The warden:,He was a fat, healthy man. He hit Oliver on the head with the soupspoon. He was a rude person.,The managers:,They were astonished when Oliver asked for more to eat. They agreed to hang him. They are cruel and have no sympathy to the poor.,The story:,The story is part of the novel, so it tells us in a narrative way with dialogues. From the story we can learn about the social background of the novel.,Characters in,Oliver Twist,Characters in Great Expectation,Characters,What,happened,relationship,your remarks,1,Pip,2,Estella,3,Miss Havisham,4,Abel Magwith,5,Bentley Drummle,通过阅读Cultural Corner学生知道他从30岁出头开始写小说一直写到58岁,因为读Oliver Twist时太冲动,引发心脏病而去世。Charles Dickens在有限的时间内,写了这么多做作品,学生会觉得He is really awesome. 此时学生肯定会对 Oliver Twist这部小说特别感兴趣,及时鼓励学生阅读这部小说和Charles Dickens的其它作品,要求学生阅读时,理清小说中的人物关系并对其中的人物进行分析。,高二(1)班 陈晓曦 Oliver Twist (?雾都孤儿?),Olive Twist is the hero in the novel Oliver Twist. I like him so much, not only because of his good luck and experiences, but also his very good characters.,Oliver Twist was born in a workhouse in a town near London. He was brought up by Mrs. Mann, a very experienced and vicious woman. At the age of nine, because of Mr. Bumble, a fat, badtempered and selfimportant beadle, Oliver began his adventure. This little boy had ever worked for the undertaker, and stayed in the dark room for days. He couldnt stand the frightening life, so he went to London on foot. Life is so hard, but because of his indomitable, he arrived in London Eventually. However, he met some bad persons, they formed a gang, in which there was a head, and others stole things from people for him. Oliver was so lucky, he got out some times, and made many friends. His friends were kind, with their help, The gang was finally arrested, and more importantly, Oliver got to know the secret of his life.,I was deeply moved by Olivers bravery and perseverance. To build a good character, we should learn from him. If so, we can succeed more easily.,教学实践证明,以课本为依托,以课内带课外,指导学生循序渐进地、适时地、有效地进行课外阅读不仅深化课内所学知识,扩大知识面,丰富课余生活,还能增强学生的心理优势,激发学生对英语名著的阅读兴趣,从而养成良好的阅读习惯,提高阅读和自学能力,大大促进写作能力。所写作文语言流畅,得体,词汇丰富,人物分析透彻,感悟较深。,


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