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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2014-7-16,#,Review,1.,方位,介词复习,:,和,在一起,be with,在,.,上方,over,在,上方,on,look at,看一看,在,下面,under,在,之间,between,沿着,along,穿过,across,beside,在,旁边,在右边,on the right,come out of,从,出来,走进,go into,walk along,sit under,walk over,go into,jump off,run across,fly over,There is a sofa,beside,the desk.,There is a picture,beside,the clock.,There is lamp,beside,the computer.,There are shoes,under,the bed.,There is a lamp,on,the bookcase.,There is a picture,on,the wall.,There is a cabinet,on the right,.,There are some books,on the table,.,There is a window,in,the wall,There is a guitar,beside,the window.,The fish is,in,the river.,She is swimming,across,the river.,There is a bridge,over,the river.,Some people are coming,out of(going into),the building.,He is walking,along,the banks of the river,There is a house,between,two hills.,Lesson 37,Making a bookcase,New words and text,work,w:k,v.,工作,hard,h:d,adv.,努力地,make,mek,v.,做,bookcase,bk- kes,n.,书橱,书架,hammer,hm,n.,锤子,paint,pent,v.,上漆,涂,pink,pk,n&adj.,粉红色,;,粉红色的,favourite,fevrt,adj.,最喜欢的,Text,Im making a bookcase.,Youre working hard, George. What are you doing?,Text,Give,me that hammer please,Dan.,Which hammer? This one?,No, not that one. The big one.,Text,Here you are.,Thanks, Dan.,What are you going to do now, George?,Im going to paint it.,Text,What colour are you going to paint it?,Im going to paint it pink.,Text,This bookcase isnt,for,me. Its for my daughter,Susan.,Pinks her favourite colour.,Pink!,1.Who is working hard?,2.What is George doing?,3.Is he making a bookcase?,4.Then what is he going to do?,5.What colour is he going to paint the bookcase?,Question,Give sb. sth. = Give sth. to sb.,make a bookcase,FOR,prep. 给。的(后面的代词用宾格),1. That book is for him.,2. The socks are not for her.,3.这些信是我的吗?,是的,它们是。,4.它是给我的儿子Peter的。,那本书是给他的。,那双袜子不是给她的。,Are these letters for me?,Yes, they are.,Its for my son, Peter.,语法,我打算看书。,他们打算步行上学。,I,am going to,read,.,They,are going to,walk to school.,一般将来时,?,一般将来时将要做的事,它的结构是:,主语,+be going to+,动原,be going to 是结构,表示“计划,打算”做某事,肯定句:,I am going to make the bed.,否定句:,I am not going to make the,bed.,一般疑问句,:,-Are you going to make the bed?,-Yes, I am. /No, I am not.,特殊疑问句,:,What,are you going to,do,?,1.,我今晚会给你电话。,(call),2.,她会在,8,点起床。,(get up),3.,他们将会煮晚餐。,(cook dinner),4.,他将会去银行。,(go to the bank),I,m going to,call you tonight.,She,is going to,get up at 8.,They,are going to,cook dinner.,He,is going to,the bank.,我不准备吃午餐了。,(have lunch),她们不打算去逛街了。,(go shopping),他们不打算去爬山了。,(climb the hill),她不准备去关灯了。,(turn off the light),I,m,not,going to,have lunch.,They,are,not,going to,go shopping.,They,are,not,going to,climb the hill.,She,is,not,going to,turn off the light.,1.I,m going to,call you tonight.2.She,is going to,get up at 8.3.They,are going to,cook dinner.4.He,is going to,the bank.,变成一般疑问句:,Practice,1. 我打算做一个书橱。,2.她要做一顿饭。,3.他们要去江里游泳。,4.你打算把书橱刷成粉色的吗?,肯定回答:,否定回答:,I am going to make a bookcase.,She is going to cook a meal.,They are going to swim in the river.,Are you going to paint the bookcase pink?,Yes, I am.,No, I am not.,一,.,按要求对下列句子进行句型转换,1.He is going to take computer lessons this afternoon.,(改为 否定句,),2.They are going to take a trip in this summer vacation.,(,变为一般疑问句,),3,.I,am going to do my homework,tomorrow?,(,对画线部分提问,),He is going to take computer lessons this afternoon.,Are they going to take computer lessons this afternoon?,What are you going to do tomorrow?,Lets try to recite.,make a bookcase,paint pink,work,hard,for,daughter,big hammer,Lesson 3,8,What are you going to do?,What are you doing now?,What is he doing?,He,is working,What is baby doing?,The baby,is sleeping,What is he doing?,He,is shaving,What is he doing?,He,is typing,What are they going to do?,They,are going to,go shopping,.,What is she going to do?,He,is going to,write,What is he doing?,He,is writing,What is girl going to do?,She,is going to,paint .,What is boy doing?,He,is painting,What are you going to do?,I,am going to,do our homework.,What are you doing now?,Now I,am,do,ing,our homework.,What are you going to do ?,I,am going to,shave.,What are you doing now?,Now I,am,shav,ing,.,Byebye!,


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