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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Lesson32: Shopping made easy,Department store,mall,Specialty shop,Lets talk about shopping,What do you think of shopping?,Is it fun? Interesting? Difficult?,What do you usually buy when you,go shopping?,It is one of Chevadys shopping mall, but,it made him worried recently.,Why?,Problem in the shopping mall:,Expensive articles lost every week.,How to solve the problem?,Hire a detective.,Main character:,Sherlock Holmes,detective ditektiv,侦探,侦探想知道谁杀死了比尔。,Chevady hired a,detective,to look into the incident.,Chevady,雇佣了一名侦探来 调查这次事件。,The detective wanted to know who killed Bill.,Conan,Time: Monday Morning,suspected person No1:,可疑人物,1,号,a well-dressed woman,article,商品,small article,personal article = item,This shop is famous for selling small items.,article,文章,passage/composition,This is an interesting article which is talking about love.,The most expensive dresses in the shop.,assistant,sistnt,:,售货员,;,店员,e.g. She works as an assistant in the clothing shop.,她在服装店当售货员。,998,Suspected person No. 2 :,可疑人物,2,号,a poorly-dressed man,He walked out of the shop,without buying,anything.,Guess:,Who is the thief?,How does she/he steal the goods?,Dont judge people just by appearance.,Welcome to todays story,Lesson 32 Shopping made easy,购物变得很方便,New words and expressions:,once adv.,曾经,以前,wrap V.,包裹,temptation n.,诱惑,simply,adv.,仅仅,article n.,物品,东西,arrest v.,逮捕,Fast reading,Go through the passage and find out the answers,Is stealing often happen in small shops or large ones?,Yes, it often happens.,2.Who watched the well-dressed woman? Why?,A detective arrested the well-dressed woman because she didnt pay for the dress.,Brief Reading,Are people as honest as they once were?,No, they are not so honest as they once were.,When and Where did the story happen?,It happened in a large store on a Monday morning.,Did the woman buy anything?,Yes, she bought a few small articles.,Did the woman pay for the expensive dress?,No, she walked out of the shop without paying.,Does she really a thief? If not, why?,The real thief were the woman and her daughter.,People are not so _ as they once were. The _to steal is _ than ever before-especially in large shops. A _ recently watched a _woman who always went into a large store on _mornings. One Monday, there were _ people in the shop than usual when the woman came in, so it was _ for the detective to watch her. The woman first bought a few small_. After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and _it to an _ who wrapped it up for her as quickly as_. Then the woman simply took the _ and walked out of the shop without _. When she was_, the detective found out that the shop assistant was her daughter. The girl gave her mother a free dress _ a week !,honest,temptation,greater,detective,well-dressed,Monday,fewer,easier,articles,handed,assistant,possible,parcel,paying,arrested,once,Language points,1,、,shopping made easy,made,为过去分词,有 “被” 的意思(标题不用句子,所以标题省略,be,),make v.,制造;使,怎么样,make a car/watch,make the room clean,make shopping easy = Shopping is made easy.(,句子,),People are not,so honest as,they,once,were.,人们不再像以前那样诚实了。,(,1,),“,not so +,形容词,+as,”是比较状语从句,可以译成“不如,那样,”,(,2,),once,表示,“,以前,”,、,“,曾经,”,时只能与动词的过去式连用:,He once worked at a large company.,他曾经在一家大公司工作过。,once a+,表示时间的名词,”,可以表示频率:,once a day,twice a week,three times a month,5 times a year,-How often do you go to the,HangZhou,library?,Twice a week.,-,Frank,writes to his mother once a month.,.,Key structures:,比较状语从句,so/as as,A:,比较以下两句:,He is as old as I am.,他和我年龄一样大。,She is not so intelligent as we think.,as as,用于肯定句,so as,通常用于否定句比较多,Eg: 1.,他和他哥哥考试考得一样好。,He did,as well as,his elder brother in exam.,2.,他并没有,Tank,那么聪明。,He is,not so smart as,Tank.,3. Running is not so interesting as swimming.,跑步不比游泳有意思。,B: There,isnt much,I can do to help him.,There,is little,I can do to help him.,He hasnt as many books as I have.,He hasnt as many books as I have.,He has fewer books than I have.,There arent many apples on the tree, but you can pick some if you want to.,There arent many apples on the tree, but you can pick a few if you want to.,3. The,temptation,to steal is greater than ever before.,temptation to do sth. ,的诱惑,temptation to steal,偷窃的诱惑,resist the temptation to do sth.,抵抗不了,的诱惑,(resist vt.,抵抗,反抗,抗,忍得住,),I cant resist the temptation to_.,Laugh, shout, buy expensive clothes,.,4,、,A detective recently,watched,a,well-dressed,woman who always went into a large store on Monday mornings.,watch v.,观察,监视,;,当心,(,口语中,),watch the enemy,watch sth.,当心,Watch your head! (,威胁,),“well+,动词的过去分词”组成复合形容词,做定语,well-designed,设计得不错,well-educated,有教养的,well- _,known, done, behaved, informed,.,5. One Monday, there were,fewer,people in the shop than usual when the woman came in,little,和,few,的用法,little,和,a little,与不可数名词一起使用。,little,表示否定,有“几乎一点儿也没有”的含义,在口语中常用,not much,;,a little,表示肯定,具有,some,的含义。,He has (very) little hope of winning this race.,=He hasnt much hope of winning this race.,Have we got any bread?,Yes, theres a little/some in the fridge,.,few,和,a few,与复数可数名词连用。,few,表示否定,与,little,相似,在口语中多用,not many,;,a few,表示肯定,有,some,的含义。,They had few guests last weekend.,They didnt have many guests last weekend.,little,的比较级为,less,,,few,的比较级为,fewer,。,During the holiday, there is less noise in the building.,There are fewer travelers than there usually are.,1.Be quick! There is very _ time left.,A. much B. a little C. few D. little,2.She has _ good friends in our school, so she is very happy.,A. few B. a few C. little D. a little,3.Could you give me _ ink, please?,a bit B. a little C. many D. few,4.There is _sheep over there.,A. a few B. few C. a little D. little,6,、,After a little time, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and,handed it to,an assistant who,wrapped,it up for her as quickly as possible.,after a little time,过了一会儿,handto,递给,(,比较有权威的人,),handed it to an assistant (,前一个以 “,o”,结尾,后一个以 “元音” 开头的,读时需再在它们之间加一个,w,音,又如:,my heart go on.,),pass sth. to sb.,一个一个的传递,(,更常用,),hand in,上交,wrap v.,包裹,wrap sth. up for sb.,为某人打包,Please wrap them (up) for me.,请替我把他们包好,pack v.,打包(指为了携带,运输的方便而打包),I will take/get/have it. Please wrap them for me. / Please pack them for me.,as as possible,尽可能,I have sent you as many books as possible.,He went home as soon as possible.,7. Then the woman,simply,took the parcel and walked out of the shop,without,paying.,simply,仅仅,= only,He killed himself simply because the money.,I only need knowledge.,我只知道他是我们的老师。,I only know that he is our teacher.,without doing sth,He left the room without saying anything.,Tank has kept working for 3 day without sleeping.,他不吃早餐就去上课了。,He went to school without eating breakfast.,John,不刷牙就睡觉了。,John went to bed without brushing his teeth.,8,. When he was,arrested, the detective,found out,that the shop assistant was her daughter.,arrest v.,逮捕,vt.,逮捕,扣留,When she was arrested, she refused to say anything.,The criminal was arrested.,(,criminal n.,罪犯,犯罪者;,adj.,犯罪的,犯法的,罪恶的,),n.,逮捕,扣留,sb. be under arrest,某人被逮捕,Tony is under arrest now.,control/under control,控制,/,被控制,find out,发现,(后跟的宾语一般是抽象的),find out the truth,发现真相,Find out the secret,发现秘密,find sth.,找到,(sth.,是看得见,模得着的,具体的,),I find the pen. (pen,是具体的,),9,、,The girl gave her mother a,free,dress once a week !,free adj.,免费的,Children under five years old travel free. 5,岁以下儿童免费旅行。,fee adj.,交费,fee parking,收费的停车场,“,once a +,表示时间的名词”可以表示频率,:,He comes to the office once a day.,【Special Difficulties】,A and One,不定冠词,a,通常用于表示不确定的人或事物以及第一次提到的人或事物,,a,强调的是后面的名词;,one,强调的是 “一个” 的意思:,It was one apple I ate, not two.,There is a book and a pen on the desk.,不表示强调时,,a,和,one,有时可以互换:,She will come home in,a/one,weeks time.,叙述故事时常将,one+,表示时间的名词用于句首,而不用,a,:,One Monday, he went to the office as usual.,Look,,,Simon,,( ),MP4 that I bought last year isnt working,A,,,a B,,,an C,,,the D,,不填,The US is hardly in _ position to criticize other countries for wasting energy supplies. A. / B. a C. the D. that,Besides Mary, _ Smiths have two other daughters, _ of whom are all interested in making clothes. A. / .two B. /. the two C. the . three D. the . the three,Tell the story:,people-not so honest-one,temptation-greater-large shops,detective-woman-store-Monday,fewer people-easier for-to watch,First-woman-a few-articles,After-chose-most expensive-assistant-wrapped-as quickly as,Then-took-walked out-without,arrested-found out-her daughter,“gave”-free-once a week,Topics for discussion,1. Why do you think the temptation to steal is greater in a large shore than a small shop?,2. What time of the day/days of the week are the shops most crowed in your town? Why?,3. Do you agree that people are not so honest as before? Why/ Why not?,Bye bye!,See you next time!,Bye,bye,!,See you next time!,


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