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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 14,Careers,单元基础检测,.,单词拼写,1.When Tina found a spelling,in her article,,,she corrected it immediately.,2.He often wears,clothes to go to work.,3.In his report,,,the president made a,(,总结,) of what we have done in the last few months.,4.The two parties managed to,their differences on the issue,.,5.Corn,,,wheat and rice all belong to,.,6.The,(,幼儿园,) teacher made the children sit up right,.,error,casual,summary,overcome,grains,nursery,7.The,Earth is only one of the many planets in the,.,8.You must,this opportunity to make yourself stand out.,9.Emma had to,(,弯腰,) over to pick up the coins.,10.He dreamt of future,(,荣誉,) as an Olympic champion,.,11.This was the first time that she had appeared on the,(,舞台,).,12.Our plan needs to be,(,灵活的,) enough to meet the needs of everyone.,13.It,s too soon to make a,about what the outcome will be.,14.During the 1980s,,,the computer industry was,(,迅速增长,).,15.He is always,(,精力充沛的,) and never feels tired,.,universe,grasp,bend,glory,stage,flexible,judgement,booming,dynamic,.,选词填空,stand out,,,work out,,,make out,,,make sure,,,speak up,,,sit up,,,turn up,,,turn over,,,pay off,,,take place,16.The Olympic Games,every four years.,17.Our staff will do their best to,you enjoy your visit.,18.You should,and let others know what you are thinking about the meeting.,19.Let,s,a plan to solve the problem.,20.He has so much work to do that he has to,until late into the night.,take place,make sure,speak up,work out,sit up,stand out,,,work out,,,make out,,,make sure,,,speak up,,,sit up,,,turn up,,,turn over,,,pay off,,,take place,21.This letter is so carelessly written that I can hardly,what is written.,22.The road signs,well against the dark background.,23.He promised to come,,,but I don,t know why he hasn,t,_,yet.,24.When his alarm went off,,,he just,and went to sleep again.,25.It took the couple three years to,the debt.,make out,stood out,turned up,turned over,pay off,.,单句语法填空,26.The man charged me 50 yuan,mending my old shoes.,27.The old man is so clever that we all admire him for his,(,wise).,28.He told two stories.The former was interesting,the latter was boring.,29.The company has five,(,branch) in this city.,30.After she,(,overcome) her shyness,,,she became very outgoing.,for,wisdom,while,branches,overcame,31.Previous teaching experience is a necessary,(,qualify) for the job.,32.I am an,(,adapt) student and will soon learn to live here.,33.He has enough money so that he can live,comfort.,34.Both sides committed themselves,settling the problem peacefully.,35.Lei Feng devoted his everything to the people,,,set an example for us.,36.Many students have decided to participate,the volunteer program in the summer holidays,.,qualification,adaptable,in,to,which,in,37.It was not until all the fish died,the farmers realized the truth.,38.I asked her,she liked most about teaching kids.,39.There are moments,I forget all about it.,40.We,ve been advised not to risk,(,travel) in these conditions.,that,what,when,travel(l)ing,.,单句改错,(,每小题仅有,1,处错误,),41.The boy,,,rather than his parents,,,were,invited to the ceremony.,42.,Under,the aid of our teacher,,,we finished the task on time.,43.You can,t imagine what difficulty I had,gone,through,those years.,44.The company is in,charge,of a young man from Greek,.,45.Activities took place under the,guide,of,an experienced teacher,.,46.The,appointing,hour,of the ceremony was drawing near,.,was,With,going,the,guidance,appointed,47.He ran to me,instant,he saw me in the street that day.,48.He knows French,,,not to speak,for,English.,49.He,described the process in,details,.,50.The old man thought,that,unnecessary,to spend much time with his children.,51.The girl is,look,committed,to after the homeless.,the,或,He ran to me,instant,he saw me in the street that day.,instantly,of,detail,it,looking,52.The Harry Potter books are quite popular,;,they are in,greatly,demand,in this city.,53.She may not be able to arrive on time,,,in,that,case,she will miss the train.,54.Some researchers believe that there is no doubt,whether,a,cure for AIDS will be found.,55.The people want a President they can,believe .,great,which,that,in,.,单元语法,把下列直接引语变为间接引语,56.The teacher said,,,“,The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west.,”,The teacher said,.,57.,“,I went to the Great Wall yesterday,,,”,Li Hua said.,Li Hua said,.,that the sun rises in the east and goes down in the west,that he had gone to the Great Wall the day before,58.He said,,,“,I want to leave today.,”,He said,.,59.,“,I,ll tell you tomorrow,,,”,she said to me.,She told me,.,60.She said,,,“,Do you often come here to read newspapers,?,”,She asked me,.,that he wanted to leave that day,that she would tell me the next day,if/whether I often went there to read newspapers,dsfdbsy384y982ythb3oibt4oy39y409705923y09y53b2lkboi2y58wy0ehtoibwoify98wy049ywh4b3oiut89u983yf9ivh98y98sv98hv98ys9f698y9v698yv98x98tb98fyd98gyd98h98ds98nt98d8genklgb4klebtlkb5k 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