六年级上册英语课件-Unit 6How do you feel?-人教(PEP)(2014秋) (9)(共30张PPT)

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六年级上册英语课件-Unit 6How do you feel?-人教(PEP)(2014秋) (9)(共30张PPT)_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 6 How do you feel?,Part A lets learn & write and say,和县功桥镇鲁堡小学,Two students to stand back to back, and each student has a word card in hand. When the teacher say:,one, two, three, turn around,the students should turn back and read the word in the other students hands, who reads first, who win.,(,两人一组,背靠背,每人手中一张单词卡片,,当老师数一二三,转身,。两人抢说对方手中单词,谁先说出,谁获胜。,),Game: Back to Back,Who is he?,What does he do?,Mr. Black,police officer,A story,about,Mr. Black,Mum is ill(,生病,). I am,worried,.,The mother panda is ill. The little panda is,worried,.,worried,o,A monster comes into the village.,(一只怪物闯入村庄),And he catches many,animals.,(并且抓住了许多动物),The little panda is,sad,.,The mother panda is,sad, too.,Help!Help!,Oh!No!My baby!,sad,a,The animals,are,afraid,.,afraid,ai,Mr. Black is,angry,.,He will catch the,monster,(怪物),.,angry,a,Who,is the monster?,Its a bad eagle(,老鹰,).,The bad eagle,fails,.,(,失败了,),All the animals,are,happy,. They can go home now.,happy,a,worried,afraid,happy,angry,sad,Say and act,Acting time,One student describes.,(一个同学描述),The other students,act it out.,(其他同学表演),The mother panda is ill.,The little panda is,worried,.,Mum is ill. I am worried.,The mother panda is,sad,.,The rabbits are,afraid,.,Mr. Black is,angry,.,All the animals are,happy,.,Oh, no! My baby!,Ah! We are afraid!,Mew ! I will catch you!,Yeah! We are win!,Do you remember the words,?,Ready,?,GO,!,Excellent,He is a,hero,(,英雄,).,He helps us to defeat the,bad people.,(,他帮助我们赶走坏人。,),But he also meets difficulties(,困难,).,What should he do,?,When you meet difficulties,每当你遇到困难时,and dont be afraid,不要害怕,never be worried,不要担心,in your life,在生活中,just smile and try your best,微笑面对,,尽你所能,I wish all of you be happy,我希望你们能一直很快乐,everyday,每一天,Homework,抄写四会单词五遍,并尝试用这几个词写几句话。,制作一组表情卡片,并相互表演各种情绪。,预习下一课内容。,Thank you for listening!,


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