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,Company Confidential,#,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master title style,Nokia PowerPoint 2008 Template, A4 Title font: Nokia Large bold 32 ptCopy font: Nokia Sans Wide 20 pt (regular, bold or italic),1st Level Bullet,2nd Level Bullet (size: 18 pt),3rd Level Bullet (size: 16 pt),4th Level Bullet (size: 14 pt),Footer (font: Nokia Sans Wide, 8 pt):“2008 Nokia V1 Filename .ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials” is set via “Insert” menu / “Slide number” NOT via SLIDE MASTER,Nokia PowerPoint presentations should always be marked with the appropriate level of confidentiality: Company Confidential (default), Confidential or Secret. More info from Corporate Security web.,Company Confidential,#,Secret,Click to edit Master title style,Nokia PowerPoint 2008 Template, A4 Title font: Nokia Large bold 32 ptCopy font: Nokia Sans Wide 20 pt (regular, bold or italic),1st Level Bullet,2nd Level Bullet (size: 18 pt),3rd Level Bullet (size: 16 pt),4th Level Bullet (size: 14 pt),Footer (font: Nokia Sans Wide, 8 pt):“2009 Nokia” is set via “Insert” menu / “Slide number” NOT via SLIDE MASTER,Nokia PowerPoint presentations should always be marked with the appropriate level of confidentiality: Company Confidential (default), Confidential or Secret. More info from Corporate Security web.,#,Company Confidential,Click to edit Master title style,Nokia PowerPoint 2008 Template, A4 Title font: Nokia Large bold 32 ptCopy font: Nokia Sans Wide 20 pt (regular, bold or italic),1st Level Bullet,2nd Level Bullet (size: 18 pt),3rd Level Bullet (size: 16 pt),4th Level Bullet (size: 14 pt),Footer (font: Nokia Sans Wide, 8 pt):“2008 Nokia V1 Filename .ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials” is set via “Insert” menu / “Slide number” NOT via SLIDE MASTER,Nokia PowerPoint presentations should always be marked with the appropriate level of confidentiality: Company Confidential (default), Confidential or Secret. More info from Corporate Security web.,#,Company Confidential,Company Confidential,Click to edit Master title style,Nokia PowerPoint 2008 Template, A4 Title font: Nokia Large bold 32 ptCopy font: Nokia Sans Wide 20 pt (regular, bold or italic),1st Level Bullet,2nd Level Bullet (size: 18 pt),3rd Level Bullet (size: 16 pt),4th Level Bullet (size: 14 pt),Footer (font: Nokia Sans Wide, 8 pt):“2008 Nokia V1 Filename .ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials” is set via “Insert” menu / “Slide number” NOT via SLIDE MASTER,Nokia PowerPoint presentations should always be marked with the appropriate level of confidentiality: Company Confidential (default), Confidential or Secret. More info from Corporate Security web.,#,Click to edit Master title style,Nokia PowerPoint 2006 Template, A4 Title font: Nokia Large bold 32 ptCopy font: Nokia Sans Wide 20 pt (regular, bold and italic),1st Level Bullet,2nd Level Bullet (size: 18 pt),3rd Level Bullet (size: 16 pt),4th Level Bullet (size: 14 pt),CHANGE THE CODE = File name (font: Nokia Sans Wide 8 pt) The filename and the code of a slide set must be the same for easy file search.,DATE: yyyy-mm-dd,Nokia PowerPoint presentations should always be marked with the appropriate level of confidentiality: Company Confidential (default), Confidential or Secret. More info from Corporate Security web,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,#, Nokia 2009,Company Confidential,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master title style,Nokia PowerPoint 2008 Template, A4 Title font: Nokia Large bold 32 ptCopy font: Nokia Sans Wide 20 pt (regular, bold or italic),1st Level Bullet,2nd Level Bullet (size: 18 pt),3rd Level Bullet (size: 16 pt),4th Level Bullet (size: 14 pt),Footer (font: Nokia Sans Wide, 8 pt):“2008 Nokia V1 Filename .ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials” is set via “Insert” menu / “Slide number” NOT via SLIDE MASTER,Nokia PowerPoint presentations should always be marked with the appropriate level of confidentiality: Company Confidential (default), Confidential or Secret. More info from Corporate Security web.,Company Confidential,#,Click to edit Master title style,Nokia PowerPoint 2008 Template, A4 Title font: Nokia Large bold 32 ptCopy font: Nokia Sans Wide 20 pt (regular, bold or italic),1st Level Bullet,2nd Level Bullet (size: 18 pt),3rd Level Bullet (size: 16 pt),4th Level Bullet (size: 14 pt),Footer (font: Nokia Sans Wide, 8 pt):“2008 Nokia V1 Filename .ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials” is set via “Insert” menu / “Slide number” NOT via SLIDE MASTER,Nokia PowerPoint presentations should always be marked with the appropriate level of confidentiality: Company Confidential (default), Confidential or Secret. More info from Corporate Security web.,Company Confidential,#,Click to edit Master title style,Nokia PowerPoint 2008 Template, A4 Title font: Nokia Large bold 32 ptCopy font: Nokia Sans Wide 20 pt (regular, bold or italic),1st Level Bullet,2nd Level Bullet (size: 18 pt),3rd Level Bullet (size: 16 pt),4th Level Bullet (size: 14 pt),Footer (font: Nokia Sans Wide, 8 pt):“2008 Nokia V1 Filename .ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials” is set via “Insert” menu / “Slide number” NOT via SLIDE MASTER,Nokia PowerPoint presentations should always be marked with the appropriate level of confidentiality: Company Confidential (default), Confidential or Secret. More info from Corporate Security web.,Company Confidential,#,舜和国际微信营销推广方案,一、前言,一、实现信息精准传播,帮助开发商更快速更经济的找到并汇聚客户。,二、实现高效客户服务,创新营销,关注客户需求,低成本运营提升业绩与利润率,。,1.,有效实现品牌建立和传播;,2.,树立楼盘影响力和号召力,传递企业价值观;,3.,公司及公司项目的宣传推广平台;,4.,累积客户资源,互动营销;,5.,增加公司及公司项目知名度和受关注度;,6.,最终达成,成交量,。,二、建立微信平台的意义,微信营销的意义,微信营销,的意义,1,随着,智能,手机用户增加,微信将来必然是,3G,、,4G,时代第一社交工具,2,微信正在不断升级,很多实用性功能的推出将会大大提高现有微信平台的实用性。,3,作为一个新兴互联网工具,作为腾讯优势的产品,我们用起来更据说服力。,4,微信可以提高市场对我们的认可度,因为我们拥有全新的更加快捷丰富的信息传递资源,5,新版本微信有了实质性的转型,我们要把握先机,将其做成一个王牌的工具和信息传播渠道,微信,改变游戏规则的移动互联网时代,推动行业传统媒体推广的变革。,让客户更认知您的企业品牌?,让推广模式的位置相关、社会关系相关?,让客户与企业产生更强而有效的粘性?,搭建一个管理客群及潜在客户的沟通平台?,为您打造微信定制功能体系,全新行业微信营销平台,领先进入全产业链,微信营销时代!,三、微营销的功能展示,2、360度展示楼盘街景,1、自定义菜单功能,3、多张楼盘效果图照片,4、全面的楼盘详情,5、及时的楼盘动态,6、人性准确地智能回复,8、便捷的看房预约,7、精准的户型展示,四、微信二维码的推广,线上,资源,推广,线下,活动,推广,渠道资源,推广,线上资源推广,网络媒体推广:,合作,网络,媒体推广,各大,微博,推广,知名,bbs论坛,推广,百度,推广,区域内,QQ群,推广,微信,群发助手,推广,微信,群聊,推广,微信,朋友圈,推广,平面媒体推广:,员工名片、印制宣传,DM单,展架、报纸、电梯广告,等。,平面媒体推广,二维码微信平台,收到宣传单的都,扫二维码随时了解项目信息,户外媒体推广上印制二维码,所有户外流动的市民都能看到提,高品牌推广,DM宣传杂志,来售楼处的顾,客看宣传手册和,户型图会扫一扫,楼盘的宣传手册和户型图,员工名片,员工的亲属,朋友和客户都,会扫一扫,线下推广,关注微信平台,(扫二维码),领取一份礼品(饮料、抽纸等),推荐,10,位朋友成功关注,赠送XX(电影票,手机充值卡等),微信客户购买房屋,额外优惠1%,微信粉丝介绍客户,并成交,奖金,1,000元,朋友圈转发,售楼处领取一份礼品,大型商超广场外展,关注领礼品(饮料、抽纸等),房展会、车展会,关注领礼品(饮料、抽纸等),朋友圈积赞达到,36,个,赠送海南五天四晚双人游,舜和国际微整合推广方案,微信营销,网络媒体,平面媒体,线下活动,新浪房产网,搜狐房产网,呼和浩特房地产网,户外广告,报纸,DM单,各种展销活动,商超、广场现场募集,整合现有微信平台,加大微信平台推广力度,维护现有微信粉丝,五、现有粉丝的维护,专人每日进行维护,,可通过线上线下的互动或推广进行维护。,线上互动:,1、大转盘抽奖,2、砸金蛋抽奖,3、每日签到积分,4、心情分享、搞笑文稿分享,线下活动:,1、为粉丝发起活动,2、粉丝互动(回复应答、建立粉丝圈),3,、工程进度说明(附带照片和文字说明),4,、会员系统(分组管理、定期激活、节日问候),THANKS FOR YOUR TIME,


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