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单击页面即可演示,My weekend plan,Part C,Unit 3,Part C,Read and write,Lets check,Lets wrap it up,Story time,Look at the pictures and guess.,What are these holidays?,What do people do on these holidays?,Read and write,Spring Festival,春节,详见附件,Lantern Festival,元宵节,详见附件,Dragon Boat Festival,龙舟节,详见附件,Mid-Autumn Festival,中秋节,详见附件,All the festivals have only one idea:people will get together on the festival.,Mid-Autumn Festival,What is family means about?,F is for family. We will all be together tonight.,A is for autumn. It is the autumn season.,M is for moon. We eat mooncakes and tell stories about the moon.,I is for I. I am so happy today.,L is for love. We love Mid-Autumn Festival.,Y is for you. You can be together with your family too!,Read the text and fill in the table.,Who,Be going to/Will,Wu Yifans family,His family will get together.,Wu Yifans aunt,Wu Yifans grandma,Wu Yifan and Robin,For Mid- Autumn Festival. Im going to_,_.,My partner is going to_,_.,Discuss with your partner. What are you going to do on the Mid-Autumn Festival? Write down your plan.,les,son lesn,din,ner d,I,n,to,night,tna,I,t,to,mor,row tm,r,Tips for pronunciation,Look at the text on page 28. Find and say more words like these.,Listen, clap and repeat.,Look at the picture on page 30.,Try to understand the pictures.,Listen and tick.,Try to imitate the conversation.,Try your best to repeat.,Lets check,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,1.John is going to _ _ _ tomorrow afternoon.,2.This evening the boy is going to_ _ _ _.,3.The boy is _ _ _ _.,4.The woman is going to _ _ _ .,do,am is are,I you,he /she we they,Lets wrap it up,How many sentences can you make?,What Where,When,going to,/going,Lets watch a video,Sing the song “,What are you going to do?”,for your family.,Tell the story for your partner.,Homework,Make Presentation much more fun,Thanks,春节,是农历的岁首,也是我国古老的传统节日。春节是我国最盛大、最热闹的传统节日。俗称,“,过年,”,。,按照我国农历,正月初一俗称年初一,意即正月初一是年、月、日三者的开始。,春节,顾名思义就是春天的节日。春天来临,万象更新,新一轮播种和收获季节又要开始。 人们有足够的理由载歌载舞来迎接这个节日。,返回,正月十五吃元宵,,“,元宵,”,作为食品,在我国也由来已久。元宵即,“,汤圆,”,以白糖、玫瑰、芝麻、豆沙、黄桂、核桃仁、果仁、枣泥等为馅,用糯米粉包成圆形,可荤可素,风味各异。可汤煮、油炸、蒸食,有团圆美满之意。陕西的汤圆不是包的,而是在糯米粉中,“,滚,”,成的,或煮司或油炸,热热火火,团团圆圆。,返回,端午节吃粽子,这是中国人民的又一传统习俗。,粽子,又叫,“,角黍,”“,筒粽,”,。其由来已久,花样繁多。据记载,早在春秋时期,用菰叶(茭白叶)包黍米成牛角状,称,“,角黍,”,;用竹筒装米密封烤熟,称,“,筒,粽,”,。东汉末年,以草木灰水浸泡黍米,因水中含,碱,用菰叶包黍米成四角形,煮熟,成为广东碱水,粽。晋代,粽子被正式定为端午节食品。这时,包粽子的原料除糯米外,还添加中药益智仁,煮熟的粽子称,“,益智粽,”,。,返回,在中秋节,我国自古就有赏月的习俗,摆上月饼、西瓜、苹果、李子、葡萄等时令水果,其中月饼和西瓜是绝对不能少的。西瓜还要切成莲花状。过中秋都有吃月饼的习俗,俗话说:,“,八月十五月正圆,中秋月饼香又甜。,”,人们逐渐把中秋赏月与品尝月饼结合在一起,寓意家人团圆的象征。,返回,人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,,明辨是非的能力。,所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读,,古人说“书中自有黄金屋。,”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识,,培养逻辑思维能力;,通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平,,培养文学情趣;,通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。,有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操,,给我们巨大的精神力量,,鼓舞我们前进,。,


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