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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,时间,一般时态,进行时态,完成时态,现在,过去,将来,过去将来,am/is/are/+done,was/were+done,will(shall)+be done,would(should)+be +done,am/is/are+ being +done,was/were+ being +done,has/have+,been+done,had been done,will(shall)+have been done,would(should)+ have been done,被动语态各种构成形式,1.不及物动词不用于被动语态,,(1)Great changes have been taken place in my hometown 。( ),(2)Great changes have taken place in my hometown。( ),错,对,2:,表示状态的动词不能用于被动语态,,lack,hold,cost,suit,contain,have。,The book costs 10 yuan。 The book is cost 10 yuan ,对,错,3在被动语态中不可省略to的情况。在主动语态中,如果感官动词,役使动词的宾语补足语常常有不带to的不定式,但在被动语态中要带tosee,hear,watch,observe,notice,look at,listen to,make ,have,help,1,The boy_ streets without pay in the old days.,A. was made to clean B. made clean C. made to clean D. was made clean,We saw him get on the bus,_,He was seen to get on the bus,4.复合结构的被动语态。,1) 逻辑主语变为被动语态的主语,,2) 宾语变为被动语态的主语,后用不定式的被动式。,The teacher asked us to discuss the question。,注 意 事 项,如,appear,rise,die,happen ,lie,belong,to, break out,take place。,3Great events_in our country during the past 20 years.,A. have happened B. happened C. have been happened D. were happened,?We are asked to discuss the question.,?The question is asked to be discussed.,5 被动语态中,要保持短语动词的完整性,动词后的介词或副词切不可遗漏,Good care_such things. A. should take of B. should be taken C. should be taking D. should be taken of,6,主动形式表示被动意义的词。如:,look,smell ,taste, feel, prove, wear,sound。等,The flower _sweet. .A is smelling B is smelled C.smells,.The desk_soft. A feel B .is felt C. feels D. is feeling,7某些及物动词后加副词也表示被动意义,,wash, write, sell, read, open, cut,.,(1) This type of recorder,sells well,. (2) The novel,reads well,.,(3)The cloth,washes easily,(4) The box,carries easily,8局部动词(lock, shut, open, act)与cant /wont连用,可用主动表被动,表示,主语因功能受损,(1)The door,wont lock,. (2) His car,cant move,9,表示重量,大小,数量,长度,程度的名词作宾语。,(1)The stone,weighs,a ton.,(2)The room _ (measure)10x20sm,measures,10. 一些固定结构表示被动含义。,1)be worth doing sth.,The film is well worth _ (see),seeing,2) deserve/need / want/ require doing=need /want /require to be done.,The room needs _(clean),The room needs to _(clean),cleaning,be cleaned,3)动词不定式前有表性质的形容词.且动词不定式中的动词与句子主语有动宾关系。The question is,easy,to answer,.,The book is _(读起来有趣),The box _(拿起来很沉),interesting to read.,is heavy to carry,.,11 被动意义和系表结构的比较:,be过去分词,被动语态表示动作,系表结构表示主语的特点,状态或性质,The novel is written by a young writter。 ,The novel is well written。 ,被动,系表,另外,1)过去分词前有too,very, so 等副词修饰,为系表结构;,2)过去分词前后有much,too much ,so much,very much。修饰为被动语态。,I am,very,surprised at your words。,He was so,much,shocked that he couldnt utter a word。,(be lost, be married to, be devoted to be seated ,be dressed in),12非谓语动词的被动结构,1:,Without_ (invite), he will not go to the party.,2:It is an honour _(choose),3:Most film stars dont enjoy_ (interviewe),4:I still remember_(take) to the Disneyland as a small child.,5:His film is said_(show) in many countries.,being invited,to be chosen,being interviewed,having been taken,to have been shown,6:I bought him a story-book_ (read.),7:I have a lot of things _ ( do.),8; I will go shopping,.Do you have anything_ (buy)?,to read,to do,to be bought,1,. Take care! Dont drop the ink on your shirt, for it _ easily.,A. wont wash out B. wont be washed out,C. isnt washed out D. isnt washing out,2. It is he who _, I have nothing to _ it.,A deserves being punished;do with,B deserves punishing;do with,C deserves punishment;deal with,D deserves to be punished;deal with,A,B,3,. This page needed _ again.,A. being checked B. checked,C. to check D. to be checked,4. Mr. Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one_ ,Ablamed Bblaming,Cto blame Dto be blamed,D,C,Inspect: (,inspection/ inspector,),1.to examine something carefully,e.g. 警察仔细勘查了现场,并询问了在场的所有人。,e.g.平安起见,保安认真检查了整个会场。,The police will inspect the venue for safety.,2.to make an official visit to a building, organization etc,e.g. 视察学校/ 阅兵,Inspect the school/ troops,1. to share things among a group of people, esp. in a planned way (give out),distribute something among/to somebody,e.g.,Clothes and blankets have been,distributed,among the refugees.,e.g.,一个人向路人分发小册子,Distributedistribution/ distributive,2.,be distributed,:,to exist in different parts of an area or group,be widely/evenly distributed,e.g.,The population is,distributed,in a very,uneven,pattern.,e.g.,这种海豚广泛的分布在世界各地。,促销之道,the,science,of shopping,待售,for,sale,超市的入口,the entrance,to,the shop,;,陈列,展示,display;,全体工作人员,staff;,一直,at all,times,;,超市成功的秘诀,the story,behind,supermarket success,说服我们买更多,persudae,us to buy more,而不是,rather than;,顺时针方向移动,move,clockwise,引导顾客逛遍整个商店,take,shoppers,around,the store,;,根本食物,basic foods;,促销的最正确位置,a best-selling/high-selling position;,齐眼,与眼睛平行,at eye level;,制造商,manufacturer;,收银台,the checkout,伸手去够糖果,r,each,for,the sweets,;,半空的,half-empty;,冷藏室,cold storage;,检查,视察,inspect;,分发,分布,distribute,This gives the,impression that,only healthy food is sold in the shop.,Sentences:,1. ,the manager knows better than you do,how you will behave,.,2. , they naturally,look to their left but move,clockwise, towards the right.,3. They are kept in different aisles so customers are,taken past,other attractive foods before they find what they want.,4. More is bought from,a fifteen-foot display,of one type of products than from,a ten-foot one.,


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