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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,.,*,Unit 5,International charities,Study skills & Main task,1,Pair work,How many charities do you know?,Which is your favorite charity?,Why?,2,Can you complete the chart flow?,_,a charity,helps people with eye problems in_ countries,cure _ problems,perform _ on the plane,give patients _,needs money from people in _ countries,invites _ doctors and nurses to the plane,teaches them new skills and _,teaches them about performing eye operations,ORBIS,rich,poor,local,eye,knowledge,operations,medicine,3,Can you find out any,advantages,of a chart flow?,We can use flow charts to organize our ideas before we write.,The chart flow can help us see and understand the ideas better.,We can use chart flows to make notes about a piece of writing.,4,Talk about the work of Mary an ORBIS nurse with the key words., used to work /paper work,/travel by car ,5,watched TV program ,learnt /train as,help /,6,loves helping / teaching,enjoys visiting / telling,works for,is used to,is not afraid of,7,Mary used to,work,in the office of,a big company. She used to travel by,car because she was afraid of flying.,8,One day,Mary saw a TV programme,about ORBIS. She learned about the,flying eye hospital. She wanted to help,poor people too. She decided to go back,to school and train as a nurse.,9,Now,Mary works for ORBIS.,She is used to working on a plane,and is not afraid of flying any more.,10,Mary says that,she loves helping,people see again and teaching other,nurses. She says she also enjoys,visiting schools and telling students,about her work.,11,I think,Mary really,cares about,other people and wants to help them.,She does an important job and many,people are grateful to her. I hope to,have a job like Marys when I finish,school.,12,Talk about the pictures of Mandeep, then put them in right orders.,13,14,Write a report on Mandeeps life.,Mandeep used to ,One day, ,Now, ,Mandeep hopes,I think,15,Mandeep used to,get up at 5 a.m. every morning. She worked on the farm all day, planting rice in the hot sun. Her family was very poor. Mandeep did not go to school so she was unable to read and write.,One day, a UNICEF worker came to her village. He said it was important for children to get an education. He wanted all children in the village to learn to read. He gave Mandeep some school books and she was very happy.,Sample writing,16,Now, Mandeep goes to school every day. She can read and write. She enjoys school and is grateful to UNICEF for helping her.,Mandeep says,that she hopes to be a teacher.,I think,that it is sad that some children are too poor to go to school. If children learn to read and write, they will have a better future. Mandeep is lucky that she was helped by UNICEF. We are so lucky that we can come to school every day.,I hope to work for UNICEF when I grow up.,Sample writing,17,Write a composition about a charity.,Homework,18,


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