Jane Eyre PPT

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Jane Eyre,-,-,Charlotte Bronte,Something about the novel,An autobiographical novel,Written in the first tone,Most plots are based on,the womans life,Full of her inner feelings,her pursuit of future,It has came to the public for more than150 yearsIt sill enjoysgreat popularity,never be ignored,Why,The social background,Nearly 150 Years Ago, In Victorian Britain,Nobilities are in the pride of their hearts,Missionaries are so loyal to the God,Form a strict hierarchy,Women are set against the male-dominant Britain city,The mainstream of literature,Full of gentlemen and ladies,Dance party to make merry,Jane comes out as a boom,A girl whose coming on the stage seems very abrupt as an ugly nobody without any money in the handsome and beauties.,Shes unique, strong-willed as well, she even dares to criticize the religious affairs, to tease at the social customs,to put a slight upon social stage and treasures, to claim equal rights to men,Feelings are sincere, natural and frank.,Positive view,: unique,、,new form,、,sincere and moving.,Optimistic view,: ineffective,、,rough,、,go against Christian,Answer to its popularity,The book tells us: a person, even hes nobody, can overcome the hardships and drawbacks he encounters to achieve his own goals by his mature and intelligence, on condition that he can persist in heading for his future.,Whats more, the character “Jane” is set in a believable situation, she has inner feelings, mortals shortcomings and strengths. The contents of the book are anchored in a ordinary life including individual life, works, romantic relationship, marriages and so on. But just these ordinary feelings strike a sympathetic chord among the same group.,A simple novel,Meanwhile, its complicated,A confluence of artistry,Writing skills,A Dual Character,One aspect,Romantic artistry,Plots are abundant in authors subjective dreams, express the heated thoughts and feelings, and in the construction of its incidents, the portray of the characters, the hint of the mood or the description of the views, imagination plays a vital role.,Realistic spirit,The book rewrites Janes 30-years-long experience and her brave pursuits, describes heroines hard living conditions and complicated mood. She objects oppressing and ruining humanity, speaks highly of womens independence and self-esteem.,Another aspect,Jane Eyre,has many twists and turns, but it favors the heroines complicated adventures of the mind more. She uses different writing skills to indicate her inner world, trace of her mind, and psychological conflicts.,Example:,Call of,Rochester “Jane! Jane! Jane!”,Dreaming of,Thornfield,completely in ruins,Horrible illusion and nightmares,Aiming at showing her inner desires, anxieties, worries and fears, then indicates her inner reality. Meanwhile this writing skill both anchors in psychological consciousness and social reality.,A third aspect,portray of the characters,Seeing from her character,:,romantic temperament & prudent style,self development & self limitation,protest & to comply,fire & ice,No wonder,In the Victorian age, years of traditional education made her moral standards, values and code of conduct in the center of conflict.,The description of the views,No matter the marsh, thunder storms, clouds, birds, old trees, furniture and other things, they stand for her psychological consciousness. They are emotions, moods, happiness and sorrows, pursuits, desires. They become a,unseparated,components of the works,connotation,conclusion,Unique Innovation,In 150 years ago, Charlotte made blends at her ease:,Romantic artistry Realistic spirit,Psychological consciousness Social reality,popularity,Thats all.,Thank you for listening.,


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