Emotional intelligence (Coaching for Change)情绪智力(教练的变化)

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Emotional intelligence (Coaching for Change)情绪智力(教练的变化)_第1页
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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Emotional and Social Intelligence,Emotional Intelligence,Emotion = to move,Plan for the afternoon,Only an overview!,Definitions,Why does it matter?,Digging below the surface.,Explore through exercises,Definitions of Emotional and Social Intelligence,Definitions of E & S.I.,The Mayer-Salovey model:,The ability to perceive, understand, manage and use emotions to,facilitate thinking,Definitions of E & S.I.,The Goleman model,An array of emotional and social competencies that contribute to,managerial performance,Definitions of E & S.I.,The capacity for recognising,our own,feelings and the feelings of,others,for motivating ourselves,for managing emotions well,in,ourselves,and in our,relationships.,Definitions of E & S.I.,The Bar-On model,A cross-section of interrelated emotional and social competencies, skills and facilitators that,impact,intelligent,behaviour,.,So Corrigans Summary.,Emotional awareness,Self,Others,Impact on our relationship dynamics,Inform our thinking,Improve our Management Ability,Improve our ability to Motivate others,Improve our Behaviour!,Enables us to handle change/adapt,Intrapersonal,(,self-awareness and self-expression,),Interpersonal,(,social awareness and interaction,),Stress Mx,(,emotional management and control,),Adaptability,(,change management,),General Mood,(,self-motivation,),Why does it Matter?,Do you want,to be,a Leader?,Why does it Matter?,Impacts on Leadership capability & effectiveness,Informs us in every aspect of our job:,Consultations,Partners meetings,Motivating our team,Home life!,Better able in managing:,Conflict,Influence & inspiration,It can be learned.otherwise no point!,Emotional Intelligence,1998 Goleman - IQ and EQ,Emotional intelligence predicts success,Emotional competencies can be developed,It takes time to acquire new competencies,First Exercise,Think of the best leader you have ever known,What was it about their behaviour that made them so good?,Second Exercise,Think of the worst leader you have ever known,What was it about their behaviour that made them so bad?,What are the best emotions to generate to increase team effectiveness?,Emotions,Glad,Sad,Mad,Scared,Learned fearfulness,results in fear conditioning,What are the best emotions to generate to increase team effectiveness?,What is your experience?,Leading a Team,In your life, Team =,Patient-Doctor,Practice staff,Partnership,Home!,Others?,Leadership Styles,Handout,Look at the arrows,Leadership Grid,Handout,SELF COMPETENCIES,SELF AWARENESS,knowing what we are feeling ,using this in decision making,being realistic about our abilities and self confident in a grounded way,adapted from,DANIEL GOLEMAN 1998,SELF MANAGEMENT,managing our emotions to help us get things done, recovering well from upset, being prepared to wait for results,using our values to guide us towards challenge goals, persevering in the face of setbacks, taking the initiative and being flexible to achieve results,SOCIAL COMPETENCIES,EMPATHY,sensing others feelings, needs and concerns and understanding different perspectives,SOCIAL SKILLS,influencing others, building relationships, managing conflict, persuading and leading,enabling co-operation and teamwork,adapted from,DANIEL GOLEMAN 1998,E&S.I. In Leadership,Self Awareness,Social Awareness,Self Management,Relationship Management,Positive Impact on Others,Emotional Intelligence,Film Clip,For Business Promotion read,Better Partnership & Team effectiveness,:/youtube/watch?v=Obd-h278BZY,Exercise 3,Place stickies onto charts,What drives behaviour/ styles?,Johari Window,Blind Self,Undiscovered Potential,Public Self,Private Self,I cant see, but others can,Neither I nor others can see,Others can see,I can see,I can see but others cant,Intellect?,Emotional Intelligence,:/youtube/watch?v=fXY1rxQEcCo,So what DRIVES us?,Underlying Personality Traits,Handout,Exercise 4,Look at the Traits.,Can you identify with the descriptions?,The Iceberg,Skills,Knowledge,Values/Social Role,Self image,Trait,Peel down to the core!,The final layer!,What really drives us?,Our TRAITS?,But what drives our Traits?,The Iceberg,Skills,Knowledge,Values/Social Role,Self image,Trait,Motivators,Basic Motivators,Handout,Reflections on the last week.,The best work experience you had during that week.,The worst work experience you had.,What it was about these two experiences that made each of them your best and your worst?,Then think again,why,did those factors make them feel the best and worst.really,why,?,Does that tell you anything about you, what makes you tick?,Outcomes from the afternoon,Taster to find out more!,Be more aware of own feelings,Know why these feelings occur,Think about implications of our emotions,Aware of our strengths and limits,Open to (self) feedback,American Cheesy to Finish with!,:/youtube/watch?v=5_ZLVtk2HUM,


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